The next few days I spent most of my time getting to know my neighbors, it turns out my house is within walking distance of the Wayne Manor. The cute little future heartbreaker, if I could get him to believe in me it would be cakewalk to get others to follow behind him. For some reason, people think following rich people will bring success their way, it's partial true you just have to know when to strike and take the opportunity.

Today I was at Wayne Manor, Alfred had just dropped Bruce off at school and now we just enjoying each other's company. Well, he was enjoying my company more than I was enjoying his by his many compliments. "So Miss. Thompson, what made you want to move to this side? Master Bruce told me you moved here from within the city. That's a big move, considering the state of our city at the moment." He said handing me a cup of tea.

"Well, I recently lost my... twins to an accident, after their passing I thought it would be best for a change of scenery. I have the money and resources to move here and that is what I did. It was very hard for me but I tell myself they're in a better place." I said frowning. Alfred put his hand on my shoulder and gave him a small smile. "I am so sorry, I can't even begin to imagine what it is like to lose a child and you lost two." I wiped the stray tear that escaped from my eye and nodded to him.

"It's all because of this mini-war brewing in Gotham, I should've taken them out and left when I had the chance but I thought things would blow over. Theo Galavan, Oswald Copplepot, all the random violent criminals running around doing whatever they want without consequence. It's ridiculous and I think someone needs to do something about it." Alfred made a face and looked me over before nodded. "You are absolutely correct Miss. Thompson." I waved my hand and smiled at him. "Please call me Penelope, when you say, Miss. Thompson, it makes me feel old." Alfred laughed as he picked up my empty teacup. "Well, I still have some unpacking to do so I should be heading out. Thank you for the nice talk Alfred you really know how to make a girl feel welcome."

Alfred cleared his throat and walked me the door. "Here you are, please you are welcome anytime Penelope. Perhaps for dinner this weekend if you are not too busy unpacking." And he's hooked. "Thank you so much, you are so kind. I will see you around Alfred." I said waving and walking out of the large yard of the manor.

When I got back to the house a few of the men I paid to keep an eye on things were waiting for me inside. "So, what did you find?" One of the held out a manila folder for me and I gladly took it. "That's all of Don Falcone and Sal Maroni properties and who is running them now. Don Falcone has put in a good word for you with a couple of his men so you should be able to gain their trust easily. As for Maroni's men they're going to be a little harder since they're trying to rebel against everyone. I worked for Falcone for a long time and I trust any decision he is willing to make and if he trusts you enough with this information I'm ready to follow you."

I smiled and thanked him. "Thank you so much, Joe, I promise when I get this place under control so I can bring my kids home. If your hungry be sure to raid my fridge, I am taking care of you and your men now so my house is your house. Oh, and I pulled Oswald's name of the deed for the warehouse by the canal as well as purchased a few more if you want to set up shop there." I pulled a couple keys off my keychain and handed it to him.

"This is it, they are all yours. If you need weapons let me know because I keep them at another location just in case one you or your men decide to turn on me and I have to kill all of you." Joe chuckled before leaving the room. "You know, you are a scary little lady." I smiled at the two men behind Joe as they followed him into the kitchen.

I walked into the second living room that I turned into a large conference room and put the folder down before sitting at my desk. I opened the book and looked through everything. There was a light knock on the open door and I smiled when I saw my cousin walk into the room. "Hey Lee, how are you doing?" I said closing the folder and pushing it to the side.

"I'm fine, who are the strange men eating in the kitchen?" I shrugged and got up pulling her into a tight embrace. "They're friends keeping me safe for a while." She nodded hugging me back. "How are you holding up? I can't imagine what it's like to lose your babies. Trust me I would go crazy, I haven't even met mine yet and I love him so much." I smiled at her and looked down at her swollen abdomen.

"Have you picked out a name for him yet?" Lee shook her head as I smiled at her. "It's ok, I didn't pick a name for the twins until they born." Lee laughed and looked over the papers on my desk before looking back at me. "What's going on? Are you looking into your father?" I shook my head and picked up all the papers before putting them in the drawer. "It's nothing serious just a little studying. I'm thinking about picking up politics." Lee made a face at me and sighed.

Of course, she knew I was lying but she seems conflicted. "Lee, my sweet cousin. I promise everything is ok so don't worry about me. You have more important things to worry about, like what you're going to name the handsome little man in your stomach." She smiled and rubbed her belly before shaking her head. "Make sure you stay out of trouble, I don't want anything bad happening to you," Lee said as I walked her to the front door. "I'll try but I won't make any promises. I love you, Leslie." She hugged me and sighed once more. "I love you too Penelope, please be careful."

I walked her to the door and saw her out before going back into my office. Ok back to what I was doing, Theo Galavan. The one person that's standing in my way. If I could get rid of him life is going to be a lot easier or I could wait this out and see if Theo and Oswald kill each other and make my life easy. I have both Tabitha and Barbra on my side so I know they have my back. Falcone's and Fish's men know me and trust me a hell of a lot more than Oswald.

Speaking of Oswald, I wonder how the little creep is doing. The last time I spoke to Ed, he said Oswald is going through depression due to his mother's death which he blames on me. It wasn't even my fault she died. That was on him and his nonsense and if Tabitha wasn't on my side me and my children would probably be dead because of him. Yet he blames me because I didn't go back for his mother.

Not going to lie, the old lady was helpful and believe it or not I'm going to miss her creepy ways, and the twins loved her. But that's the price you pay when you live in Gotham. She likes taking everything good and wonderful from you because she's a bitch with an attitude. "Hey, Penny someone is here to see you." I waved and Ed walked into the room.

"Hey what are you doing here?" He smiled and walked over to me. "Guess who's back?" I raised an eyebrow as Ed stepped to the side and Oswald walked into the room. "I'm home my lovely Penelope."