
Chapter 1: End of a Search

Captain Sam Richards had just come back in from the shooting range when William Johnson caught him.

"Sam, the major wants to see you."

Sam nodded and put his OICW away but kept his pistol with him. He had used the same pistol to get his freedom before, and always kept it loaded no matter what. He then quickly walked to the major's office. Major Henry Gordon was not a person to take much crap, but he protected his men well. A veteran of Delta Force, Henry was the oldest active member of the team. Sam was his best student and would most likely inherit his command.

"Well Sam, it seems some old friends have finally caught up with you."

"And who would they be?" Sam asked.


Henry was pleased that Sam showed no reaction. If anyone had any real right to hate NERV, it would be Sam. It was also nice to know that Sam had good self-control.

"And what do they want?"

"They've asked us to transfer custody of you over to them," said Henry, "The State Department informed them that the decision is not theirs, but the Pentagon's. The Pentagon said it was my decision. I say it's yours."

"Thank you," said Sam, "My decision is to remain here."

"Sam, may I call you be your real name?"

Sam was silent for a few seconds before nodding.

"Shinji. I know it's been hard, and I understand why you don't want to go back. I just want to make sure you realize who exactly you're saying no to."

"Commander Katsuragi."

"Your mother."

"My adopted mother, major. I am grateful to her, but I'm a grown man and I don't need her looking over my shoulder. I also don't intend on letting NERV use me. The only reason they would want me back is because of Unit 01."

"Very well Captain Richards."

"Is there anything else major?"

"No. Dismissed captain."

Shinji saluted and left the room. After five years, NERV had finally caught up with him. Well, they were too late to change anything providing he played his cards right. In the end, he would be the one that got what he wanted.

Rei Ayanami and Toji Suzuhara waited patiently as the plane landed. Actually, Rei was waiting patiently while Toji kept twitching. Rei's hair had grown longer and fell to her waist while Toji looked much the same. He was larger and stronger, but that was about the only difference. That and he no longer used a prosthetic arm. The plane taxied down the runway and finally stopped. A few seconds later the two got up and disembarked. Toji groaned. If this assignment takes him away from Hikari again he was going to give Shinji a piece of his mind. After chasing half the planet for Shinji, they finally figured out he was on the other half. He had gotten married to Hikari two years ago and so far he had been forced to leave her a total of fifteen times. It was starting to strain their relationship, but he hoped that this was the last time he would have to leave. Who would have thought the head of Section 2 would need to go globe hopping? He touched the stump where his arm used to be, the arm he lost when Unit 01 destroyed his entry plug. He knew that Shinji hadn't done it, and he had forgiven his friend. However, right now he didn't know if Shinji was still his friend.

Rei was tired at having to go all through Europe and Africa. While Toji had searched through Asia, she had been busy as well. She had been promoted to the operations director, Misato's old job. She had been adopted with Shinji by Misato. Right now, that was the only family she had. Shinji had done his best to get her to open up, and he had succeeded to a very large degree, more so than anyone else at least. In the end, he had still left her and Asuka. He had left everything behind and disappeared from the face of the earth. She led the way as them met two officers. They escorted the pair to some humvees that drove them to Fort Bragg. After ten minutes, they had entered the fort and were again led through the halls to a major's office. He stood and shook both their hands.

"I assume you're here for Captain Richards," Henry said once they were all seated.

"His name is Shinji Ikari, "Rei replied.

"That may be how you know him, but to us he is Sam Richards. I am afraid that you came for nothing, as Captain Richards has informed me he does not wish to return to NERV."

"I am afraid that is not his choice," said Rei, "I have with me an order for Shinji Ikari to return with us without resistance. He is listed as a deserter in the NERV files."

"He may be a deserter in your eyes, but to us he is one of the best Delta Force operatives we've ever had. He is also a political refuge, or else he would not have asked for asylum."

"If we are allowed to speak with Shinji, I am sure he will agree to come back with us."

"Knock yourself out," said Henry, "I don't know how far you'll get."

Rei nodded and left the room with Toji behind her. A soldier showed them to their rooms and left them to some privacy.

"Well, we have our reply," said Toji, "We can leave tomorrow then."

"Our orders were to retrieve Shinji," Rei said adamantly, "I intend to carry out our orders."

"How? Go kidnap him? Shinji's surrounded by Special Forces operatives. Did you forget what happened to NERV when the Japanese Special Forces attack? And right now we don't have all of NERV standing behind us!"

"I am not suicidal, Toji. However, I do intend to see my brother home."

"Fine. I'll go with you to talk to him, but I doubt he even recognizes me."

"Thank you Toji."

The two then walked to Rei's room and starting discussing ways to get Shinji back. Rei looked out the window of her room. It provided a good view of the shooting range, which she wasn't too thrilled about. However, she easily spotted Shinji with a pistol firing at one of the wooden targets. He emptied the entire clip, firing twelve rounds. All of them had hit the head or the heart. He had obviously become a far better shot. Toji noticed her looking outside and followed her gaze. He was just in time to see Shinji pick up an OICW and open fire. The bullets again found the heart of a second wooden target. Toji swallowed nervously. Right now, he wasn't sure he wanted to confront Shinji. Shinji then aimed for the head and blasted it off completely with a HEAT round. This time, neither of them could help but stare nervously at Shinji. Fear was starting to seep into Rei's mind while it was merely growing in Toji's.

"If I don't get a bloody promotion for this I am going to quit," Toji said.

"The major still owes us a meeting with Shinji," said Rei, "I believe I'll have to use it now."

"Do you actually expect me to talk to him?"

"You are his friend," Rei pointed out.

"I'm Shinji's friend," Toji countered, "I have no idea who the hell that man outside is."

"You will accompany me. Or do you want to face Commander Katsuragi when we return to NERV?"

Toji sighed. "Can I at least bring a gun?"

Rei nodded. She then took out her own gun from one of her bags and clipped it onto her belt. She wasn't exactly sure what Shinji would do, but it paid to be cautious.

"This is a waste of time," Toji said to Rei, "No way Shinji will be willing to come back with us."


"Look, I know that you want your brother back, and I want my friend back too. But it's getting ridiculous. We've given him the chance to come back and he doesn't want it. Why are we even trying?"

"It's Unit 01."

"Well that's pretty obvious. Why the hell do we need Unit 01?"

"We don't need it," said Rei, "Something is wrong with it. When you were in France it suddenly went berserk and tore apart that area. That was why that area was closed off when you came back. Commander Katsuragi classified it and that's why you don't know about it."

"Oh dear god. Okay, we need Shinji. How do we get him back?"

"You won't."

The two had been concentrating so hard on their current dilemma that they hadn't noticed Shinji's entrance. He was currently standing at the door, arms crossed. He had a deadly look in his eye, making both of them very nervous. "I hope you have a good reason for calling me away from my duties," he said, "I still have to finish drafting the training simulation for my team."

"I am here to request that you return to NERV," Rei said promptly.

"I thought the major already delivered my reply," Shinji answered, "Now if this is going the way I think it's going, I might as well leave. This is nothing more than a waste of my time."

"Then why don't you?" Toji asked.

Shinji shrugged and walked out the room. Toji didn't know whether to cry out in frustration or surprise that Shinji had actually walked out. The Shinji Ikari he knew would never have done that.

"This will be more difficult than I had been made to believe."

Toji looked at Rei awkwardly, considering she had just made the biggest understatement possible for their current situation.

"I'm going to try and find him again," said Toji, "That idiot doesn't even care if everyone in NERV dies."

But I do, he thought to himself, considering his wife was also a member of NERV now. He walked down the hallways and found Shinji in a briefing room. That man could move very fast if he wanted to. He was also briefing five other soldiers on some kind of operation. Well, Shinji had said he needed to finish planning his team's training simulation. Toji listened from outside and nearly jumped when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"It isn't polite to eavesdrop," the major said.

"I wasn't eavesdropping. I was just waiting for a chance to talk with Shinji."

"You mean Sam? I doubt he wants to talk to you. Come this way."

Toji followed him into a large room. There was a flat holographic projector in the center of the room and eight other officers were gathered around it.

"What is this place?" Toji asked.

"This is where we can watch our teams train. I'm sure you saw the small city we built outside of Fort Bragg. There our teams can fight against each other. All of them are armed with stun weapons so there's no harm in them shooting each other. Sergeant, activate the projector.

"Yes sir," one of the officers standing facing the wall said. He pressed a few keys on the wall itself and a hologram of the city appeared.

Toji raised an eyebrow, impressed. He had thought that only NERV had been able to afford this kind of equipment. He could see two teams, both very large, moving in from the two sides of the city.

"Captain Richards is leading the Delta Force team here," Henry said, pointing at the blue dots, "He has forty-eight soldiers under his command. His opposition is ninety-two Navy SEAL and Army Rangers. He's managed to beat them before with such heavy odds. Ought to be interesting to see how he does it again."

"I'll bet you twenty bucks that your captain loses," an officer in blue said.

"You're on Commander Ames."

Toji looked at the two men. They were betting on which team kills the other? Americans were far too strange for him to understand. Henry pressed something on the projector's side and a small window appeared and zoomed in on Shinji. He was carrying what looked like a Humvee's M60 machinegun. However, the rifle end had a groove that rested on top of Shinji's shoulder and he seemed to be aiming it by using a black rectangular box that extended out the left side of the rifle. He opened fire and suddenly five enemy soldiers were dropped instantaneously.

"What the hell is that thing?" Toji said.

"That's an electromagnetic railgun," said Henry, "A US weapon. They finally perfected it for battlefield use so we'll be using it very often. Of course, a shipment is being sent to our forces in Japan."

Toji looked on nervously as Shinji opened fire again, taking down a dozen other opposing soldiers. This was ridiculous. If the US forces in Japan were equipped with weapons like that, they could easily tear NERV apart. That was one of the primary reasons the UN allowed the US to set up a base and station so many troops in Japan. The UN feared losing control over NERV again, and therefore asked the only nation strong enough to destroy NERV to step in. Japan itself did not have that power, and neither did China or Russia. The only one that did was the United States.

Toji turned his attention back to the unfolding battle. Shinji's team had already wiped out half of the opposition's team for the lose of two soldiers. Toji wasn't sure how he had done it, but Shinji was beating a superior enemy with extreme ease. This was most definitely not the Shinji Ikari he knew back at Tokyo 3. Well, it was called Tokyo 4 now because of the rebuilding of the entire city.

"Your captain is very effective," the commander commented.

"Indeed. However, notice that at least twenty percent of the troops you've lost have been taken prisoner. They've been tied up and Shinji's placed five soldiers to guard them."

"That isn't a very wise strategic decision," said Ames, "If my team leader knew about this, that would be where he'd strike."

"Looks like he just found out," said Henry, "Your men are fast approaching that location."

That was indeed true. Red dots were all converging to the location where Shinji had his prisoners. Suddenly, one by one, the red dots turned black and stopped.

"It seems that my protégé set a trap for your forces," Henry noted, "A very good one. Now your forces are down to twelve men."

"I think I'll concede defeat now," said Ames, "Here's the twenty bucks."

He took out a twenty dollar bill and handed it to Henry. Henry took it and smiled.

"You never should have made that bet Ames. Maybe you'll learn better next time."

"Next time my men will win," Ames said confidently.

Normally Henry would have said 'yeah right,' but the truth was Ames actually might. Shinji had been making up trick after trick for twenty exercises now. Henry wasn't sure how long he could keep it up. Toji continued to watch as the remaining SEAL and Rangers get picked off by Shinji's troops. Now he was really scared.

Shinji was playing a game of cards with his squad. Sitting around the table, a total of five men and one woman looked at each other and the money on the table carefully. Thirty bucks was currently on the table and none was willing to concede.

"That was a hell of a gamble you did today," Andrew said to Shinji.

"Tell me about it," William agreed.

"Can't keep coming up with these tricks," said Shinji, "Right now, what I need is a week of rest. What time is it?"

"Five," Sarah answered.

"Hmm. One more hand. Gotta go home and make dinner."

"How's Jessica?" Bart asked.

"She's fine. Have to take her to therapy again this week. They think the new treatment is working, but they can't be sure."

Suddenly a man with one arm appeared in the room. He pulled up a seat and sat down.

"Mind if I join?" he asked.

"What's it worth to you?" William asked.

Toji threw five bucks onto the table. Zachary raised an eyebrow but at a nod from Shinji dealt the newcomer five cards. Toji looked at his cards and kept an impassive face. It was a decent hand and might win him back his money.

"So where did you transfer from?" Bart asked.

"Didn't transfer," said Toji, "I'm from NERV and you might say I'm recruiting."

"Humph. NERV is overrated. Save the world once and you people expect us to give you everything you want."

"I guess you don't realize that the Third Impact can still occur," said Toji, "Well, that's a pity for you if you aren't interested."

"And what is the point of joining NERV?" William asked.

"I suggest you stay away from NERV," Shinji suddenly said, "That organization is nothing but bad news and you should stay at least a thousand miles away."

"How do you know that?" Sarah asked, "Don't tell us you worked for NERV."

"Indeed he did," said Toji, "In fact, he's the leg-"

"Put a lid on it Suzuhara!" Shinji snapped.

The outburst made the others around the table jump. They all looked at Shinji in surprise but went back to the game quickly. Toji wasn't able to concentrate very well the rest of the game, but he managed to win back his five bucks and keep it. After a little while Shinji threw down his cards and left the game. The other soldiers all looked at Toji.

"What?" he asked, "You aren't going to beat up a cripple are you?"

"What exactly were you going to say that got the captain mad?" Lucas asked.

"I was going to tell you what his former job was," said Toji, "He's rather famous, but he's stayed low for five years."

"And what was this job?" said Sarah, "I mean, working on NERV does make a résumé seem more impressive. I've never even heard that the captain worked for NERV."

"He's the Third Child."

The room was silent for a few seconds before plunging into mayhem.

"That's impossible!" said Zach, "Sam's never been to Japan!"

"Yeah!" William agreed, "You're insane! Besides, why would the legendary Third Child be here in the US?"

"He ran away!" Toji shouted over them, "He left when he was eighteen and disappeared!"

"Even if what you're saying is true," said Bart, "why would Shinji Ikari want to be in Delta Force? All he needs to do is prove he's Shinji Ikari and everyone will do whatever he wants. I mean, that guy saved the world."

"I know," said Toji, "I lost my arm because of a battle when he lost control of his EVA. Not exactly common knowledge, but it's the truth."

"So what the bloody hell does NERV want with Sam?" said Zach, "The Angels have been defeated and NERV no longer needs the EVAs. They're a bloody drain on funding anyways."

"The EVA Units are the most powerful weapons humanity possesses," said Toji, "I really don't think the UN will be willing to discard them."

"Then fuck the UN," said William, "Why the hell does NERV want Sam? From my impression, he would destroy NERV if he could."

"I'm afraid that's classified," said Toji.

"I doubt you'll get him back," said Bart, "not when his daughter is in such bad shape right now."


The other soldiers all looked at Toji. He had an astonished look on his face.

"Shinji has a bloody daughter!"

"Adopted," said Sarah, "She's ten and has a muscle deficiency. She'll live an almost normal life, but she can't run very well or anything like that."

"Oh just great! How come there are no records of Shinji ever adopting a daughter!"

"Because she's someone we rescued in an operation," said Bart, "Now if you're finished trying to convince us to help you, which we won't, either up the bet or fold."

Toji looked back at his cards. He was not going to win this one. He threw his cards down on the table and rushed out of the room. He only hoped that Rei was in her room.

Shinji walked into his apartment and found Jessica reading a book in the living room. He hung his jacket on the hook and went into the kitchen to get a snack. He then returned to the living room and sat down next to her.

"Are NERV agents really here?" Jessica asked her father.

Shinji looked at her daughter, her azure eyes looking frightened and her blond hair a slight mess.

"They're here," said Shinji, "and they want me back."

"Are you going to go back?"

"Not if I can help it."

Jessica snuggled up close to her father.

"I'll be with you wherever you go, right?"

"I don't know Jessie. I don't want you to go through what I did when I was at NERV."

"You'll keep me safe. I know you will."

Shinji smiled and stroked his daughter's hair. He held her close to him and sighed.

"Whatever it takes, I'll keep you safe."

Shinji kissed his daughter on the forehead before going back to the kitchen to start dinner. It had been a long day and he was getting hungry.

Rei had finished reading the rest of the message Misato had sent them. Unfortunately, it complicated things even more. Someone started pounding on the door.

"Come in."

Toji walked in, panting heavily.

"Shinji, has, a, daughter."

Rei took the news calmly and told Toji her own.

"Shinji isn't a deserter. He's a free man."

Toji looked at her, not sure whether to ask why the hell they were here then or ask how they were going to get past the latest obstacle with Shinji's daughter.

"Shinji was sent to take care of three members of Seele," Rei went on, "He succeeded in his mission and his agreement with NERV was that once he did, he was a free man and we could no longer control him."

"Ah fuck. So how are we going to get him back now? There's no way Shinji will let NERV order him around now!"

"Shinji having a daughter will be even more troublesome. He will of course not allow NERV to approach her in any way."

"Won't matter. She has a muscle deficiency and she's adopted."

Rei nodded. The scenario was getting more and more complicated, not to the advantage of NERV or her. She was determined to see Shinji return to Japan but now she doubted she could convince him to do so.

"So what the hell do we do now?" Toji asked, "Shinji won't come with us, no matter what. And why the hell does NERV need him? There are no Angels and Shinji is only needed if we were to use Unit 01!"

"That is none of our concern," Rei replied, "Our objective is to return Shinji to NERV and we will fulfill it."

Shinji was sitting in the major's office again. However, this time it was for a far more interesting matter.

"Congratulations, Sam. It seems you're being promoted. Brigadier General Sam Richards."

"Any particular reason?" Shinji asked, "And why am I jumping past two ranks?"

"To give you more political protection," said Henry, "and also because you've earned it. The president also has a request that comes along with the promotion."

"And what would that be?"

"He wants you to assume command of our forces in Japan."

Shinji studied the major and realized that it was true. From what he knew, the US had a full armored corp. stationed in Japan, most of it based two miles outside of Tokyo 4, the rebuilt Tokyo 3. There was also a Navy SEAL battalion stationed at the base. With that much power, he could very well destroy NERV.

"Any particular reason the president wants me in Japan?" Shinji asked.

"The president knows that you do not want to return to NERV," said Henry, "However, NERV has been applying great political pressure to get you back. The president is trying to maneuver to a situation that would be in your favor. You return to Japan, but at the head of an US army. That way, you are returning to Japan of your free will, but you'll have enough power to keep NERV away."

"Unless they use the Evangelions."

"There is something else. The base outside of Tokyo 4 also has a large air force facility. Stored there are four N2 mines, powerful enough to destroy all of Tokyo 4 and seriously damage NERV's facilities. NERV knows this and won't risk aggravating us or holding you against your will."

"You'd be threatening war against an UN organization," said Shinji.

"Not exactly threatening war. NERV knows that we won't let them have you willingly, and the president has already sent a message to NERV that if they attempt to kidnap you or force you to remain with them, that would be a declaration of war against the United States. I don't think Commander Katsuragi is that foolish."

"And to think I saved her life," said Shinji, "Well, I accept this position. When do I leave?"

"Now. Your team will go with you and serve as your personal bodyguards. Trust me Sam, we aren't going to let NERV have you no matter what."

Rei picked up the phone and listened to the man on the other end. Toji waited for her to hang up before speaking.

"So what did they have to say?"

"Shinji is returning to Japan on an air force transport," said Rei.

"So what exactly convinced him?" Toji asked.

"I do not know. All they said was that he was returning. We are to be on the same plane as him."

Toji nodded. He went off to pack.

Rei and Toji boarded the plane and found Shinji reading something on the plane.

"Hello Shinji."

"Rei. So how's my sister?"

"If you had not left, you would know."

Shinji shrugged and turned his attention back to the piece of paper. Two of his teammates snickered behind his back.

"Why did you not inform me I had a niece?" Rei said.

Shinji froze and put the paper down on the table after a few seconds.

"Because I know that NERV will try to use her," he replied.

"Maybe under your father, but Commander Katsuragi isn't like that," Toji said.

"NERV is NERV. No matter who is at the head, it's still one of the most evil organizations that ever existed. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to attend to my daughter."

Shinji walked past them and appeared a few seconds later pushing a wheelchair. Jessica looked at the two NERV officials carefully. She knew that Rei was her aunt, but wasn't sure who exactly the other man was. He was supposed to be her father's friend, but would a friend force her father back to NERV? Shinji took her to another section of the plane and helped her into a seat. After buckling her in, he locked the wheelchair to a side and sat down next to her. He wasn't surprised when Rei appeared and took a seat next to him. It would be an interesting flight.

End of Chapter 1
