Aye! This is my first Fanfiction. I appreciate reviews, even criticism (as long as it's constructive).

APOLOGIES: I'm sorry if I accidentally make the characters seem OOC. Please inform me if I do, and I WILL fix it. Or I will try. But it should be good, seeing as I have a very good idea of how they should be acting (I re-watched Merlin four times).

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Merlin, nor any of the characters you recognize.


- Spoiler Alert! Just to be safe, you should only read this story if you watched every episode and season of Merlin at least once.

- Includes magic reveal.

This takes place before the death and public betrayal of Agravaine, but after the death of Uther.



The Arrival

Wulion was a kingdom all too far away from the famous Camelot. Unlike that grand kingdom, this tiny one was quite very unknown. It was led by none other than King Indulf the Fifth, who ruled alongside his Queen, Amelia. Indulf was power-hungry, which was part of the reason why he didn't thrive like Camelot.

"Any word from Frederick?" asked the King, sitting down in his throne and looking at Sir Edmund – a Knight of his, who wore a cloak bearing the colour teal – with a slightly bored expression.

"I'm afraid not, Sire," the Knight replied. "But it gladdens me to inform you that, even with him gone, we shall not be alone."

"Oh? Guests?" said Indulf, perking up and sitting straighter on his throne.

"Yes, your Majesty," Sir Edmund answered, smiling. "It appears Arthur seeks peace with Wulion, to 'unite the Kingdoms'."

"King Arthur?" a shocked Indulf echoed. "Camelot and Wulion are way too far apart. Leaving his Kingdom defenseless – now, of all times, with Morgana on the run! Why, it must be a trick!"

"Even if it is a mere trick, Sire," said the young Knight, "this is a chance in a million!"

"How so, Sir Knight?" questioned the King of Wulion.

"With him, as always, Arthur brings someone who could bring us all the power and glory we desire, your Highness," Edmund responded.

"And who is that?" inquired a now impatient King.


"Hurry up, Merlin," said Arthur in his scolding tone, glaring at his manservant.

Merlin didn't respond, nor did he hurry up, taking his time to saddle his Horse. Once his mounted the Horse, King Arthur turned around to look at his Knights. Seeing as they were all prepared, he looked at Agravaine, who stood and watched him prepare.

"Agravaine," the King began in a kingly tone. "I entrust you to lead the kingdom while I'm away."

"Of course," Arthur's Uncle replied with one of his wide smiles.

Arthur nodded, and they all rode away, toward the faraway kingdom Arthur felt necessary to a make peace with.

"What was this place we were going to again?" questioned Merlin.

"Wulion," Arthur said, frowning slightly at the kind of ridiculous name. "May not sound like it, but it's a fierce kingdom."

"I thought you didn't like women," joked Merlin, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Whatever gives you that idea," said Arthur, less like a question, more like statement. "And what does Wulion have to do with women?"

"They knight girls," Merlin replied simply, his smile turning into a smirk.

Arthur didn't reply at first, just frowned in thought. But after a little bit, he asked,

"And how do you know this, Merlin?"

The Warlock almost chuckled, remembering himself as eighty years old… I know more than you could possibly comprehend! He almost gave that clever remark again, but thought better of it.

"As I said, I am smarter than you," he said, knowing it wasn't that funny, but better than the probability of revealing his true self in front of Arthur and the Knights. And better than saying nothing at all.

They rode past the outlying villages of Wulion, finally in Indulf's lands. In no time, they entered Wulion itself. Towering above them, was a huge castle, almost like Camelot, but… different (it was smaller, for instance).

"Ah! King Arthur," said the deep voice of King Indulf.

Arthur turned his attention away from the castle, and smiled to the other royal. He dismounted his Horse, and after him, his Knights and servant did the same. Some Wulion servants took their Horses as they were dismounted.

"Indulf," Arthur greeted, nodding shortly.

"Come on inside," Indulf said, gesturing to the castle entrance, before turning and leading his guests inside.

It was quite a pleasant place, actually. The soothing teal banners which decorated the corridors were highly unfitting for a fierce kingdom like Wulion, but it did make them feel more welcomed.

"A feast has been prepared in honour your arrival," said the King of Wulion.

"It is my pleasure," Arthur replied, smiling. Fierce kingdom? Not as much as he would have thought, if at all.

Merlin bit his bottom lip as they were led into the Great Hall, and looked around. Servants were positioned at the edges of the room, and he stood amongst them.

"No, no," King Indulf said, pulling Merlin away and redirecting him to a chair. "Join us for the feast."

"Thank you," the Warlock said, and Arthur raised an amused eyebrow – as did a couple of servants and Knights.

Emrys…, said a voice telepathically, and Merlin frowned.

Stop it, Edmund, another said (this one was female), but Merlin didn't dare.

Emrys is here, Erin, the fist voice said.

That was how their conversation ended, for Indulf and Amelia rose from their seats to give an announcement, holding hands.

"This feast is to welcome our royal guest, King Arthur, to Wulion!" called out the King.

"And, of course, Emrys!" added Amelia with great enthusiasm.

There was silence. Merlin widened his eyes, but tried not to seem suspicious.

"Emrys?" inquired Arthur, eyebrow raised.

"Why, your Warlock friend, of course! Your protector!" said Amelia, smiling nervously.

"Warlock… friend…?" Arthur asked, not following.

Amelia and her King shared confused glances, though neither were nearly as confused as Arthur.

"I do not support magic. It is outlawed in Camelot," said Arthur.

"Ah, forgive me, my mistake," said the Queen, and they all sat down. Merlin exhaled in relief – and that exhale did not go unnoticed by the Knightess beside him.

Arthur let the entire matter out of his mind, and the feast began. Merlin just sat and ate, listening to the royals' conversation in worry and fear.

'Do they know it's me?' he pondered. By "they," he meant King Indulf and Queen Amelia. He hoped not, and just resumed his meal in silence.

Merlin was given his own chamber, because, as Indulf had said, 'servant or not, you are a guest of Wulion and are to be treated as such.'

Merlin was grateful for the kindness shown to him. But he confirmed that they had no idea that Emrys was him, for they definitely had not recognized him for the first day of their stay.

After refusing to have a servant of his own for the duration of their visit, Merlin plopped down onto his fluffy bed, and sighed of contentment. The airy room made it very easy to think.

But perhaps, it didn't make it easy enough to think, because Merlin, who was that lazy at the moment, held his hand out so it was only a short distance from the goblet of water (1) on his bedside table.

He chanted a very short spell, and the cup moved itself into his hand. He sat up and drank the water, before placing the goblet back, sighing in contentment yet again.

"Aha! I knew it!" yelled an accusing, female voice, and suddenly, out of his wardrobe, dashed the Knightess he had been sitting beside at the feast.

"Wha-" Merlin began, but was interrupted.

"So it's you! You're Emrys," said the Knightess.

"Who are you?" Merlin asked.

"I am Lady Hendra," the Knightess replied, smiling.

"Don't tell Arthur," pleaded Merlin, and was relieved to see Hendra's nod.

"Your secret is safe with me," she reassured him, before turning and leaving the room.

(1) - Refrence to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

There! Hope you liked it! I'd love to know what you think, so feel free to review (I allow guest reviews, of course!).

Until next time, friends!