Searching for a New Heart

By : Sissi

A/N : I know I should be working on Angel's Tears, but I felt I needed a break. Besides, my muse wouldn't let me in peace until I worked on a certain idea, and that's how this story came out. I'm still uncertain about the main plot of this story - I don't even know if there is a plot - but it will certainly be a challenge to me, for this is going to be told in the first person, from a male character's point of view. I don't know if he will be in character or not, I don't know what a man thinks, so please give me a chance, neh? So, enjoy and tell me how I did in this first chapter. ( by the way, this is a new text format I am trying out. I think it is prettier, what you think?)


Disclaimer : As much as I wish, Magic Knight Rayearth doesn't belong to me.

Chapter One

I don't know what made Emerauld do that. How could she have forgotten to take her medicine when she has been diabetic her entire life? Well, maybe I know the reason...She was at Zagato's house, alone...Argh, I don't want to think about this. It's not that I feel bad talking about this but she is my sister, and everybody knows how strange it is talking about your sister's lovelife.She has never interfered mine, so why should I do that to her? Better not.

But, at this moment, she is at the hospital. Doing some check-ups and hopefully, being scolded by a doctor. Yes, she needs to know that being diabetic, she must pay a lot of attention to her health twenty-four hours per week. She is no longer a little girl, and she has to be responsable from now on.

What am I rambling about? She is older than me and I am scolding her for being irresponsable when she is by far more adult than me?! I must be crazy. Yeah, I think I am still in shock.

School is taking so long...I am not a brilliant student, I don't ace every test, but I am intelligent enough to pass with good grades. One of the reasons why I am not paying attention to my teacher. She is not boring, don't get me wrong, but do you know when your head is so full of worries that you can't pay attention to anything else around you? Well, this is exactly what is happening to me today.

No, I am not a caring and loving brother. I love Emerauld, that is for sure. But, I don't like to show it to the whole world. I just act the indifferent one.

Oh, finally the bell rang. I couldn't stand it anymore. As I say farewell to my friends and classmates, my best friend Ascot approached me. He is a decent guy, maybe too naive at times but nonetheless, a good friend who would do anything for you. We met when I entered my actual school. All the boys would tease me for my different hair colour. What is the problem with green hair?! Anyway, he was the first one to greet me and let me have lunch with him. He was very nice to me that day, and since then, we became best friends. We've been trough so many things lately, and he has been always there for me. Well, lately, I've been the one to give him a shoulder to cry on. His girlfriend dumped him. Yeah, sad, but what can we do? Move with your life and go on, enjoy it.

"Hey Ferio, what are you going to do today?" Ascot asked me, whilst we walked down the road to my apartment. Well, my and my sister's.

I ponder over his question. Well, I had nothing to do. Ooops, I almost forgot it, I need to visit Emerauld. Zagato called me last night that she wanted to see me. If you guys are curious, Zagato is my sister's boyfriend. They have been together for two years now. He is agreat guy and all, but too mature to me.

"I need to visit Emerauld at the hospital."

"I thought she had been released and was at home right now."

"I don't know, the doctors said that she'd better stay there for a week."

"What?!" Ascot screamed in my ears. I think they are bleeding, maybe I should really go to the hospital and tell them to give me a check-up.

"I know, and I am the one receiving all her class notes from her friends."

"She must be in Heaven." I chuckled at his statement. Yeah, a week withought school, there is only one definition for it : Heaven. Man, now I am jealous of my sister.

"Wanna come with me?" I proposed, but he shook his head. "Nah, I need to study. My sister is going to kill me if my grades start to drop." Sisters, they are so annoying sometimes...

"Tell Caldina I said hello."

"Sure". I watched his form disappear as he crossed the avenue. Ok, first I am going home, take a shower and then go to the hospital. Should I buy something for her? Flowers maybe? Well, if I haven't spent all my money, then I could buy her some daisies. Oh, I remember now : I've got some money in the pocket of my blue jeans that I left on my bed. I will wear those to visit her then. She likes daisies, right?

I walked quickly through the roads, paying no heed to my surrounding. Maybe that was because I have walked on these streets for so long that I've already memorized every that was possible. Except for some new advertisements that are glued on walls, that is.

Ah, there it is, the building where I live. The painting is getting faint as the time past, but still, the light blue paint colouring the building is still there. I wave at Yamada-san's direction and he opens the main doors quickly. Yamada-san is a very nice man, but sometimes, I think he is way too nice to me.

I wait patiently for the lift to arrive. Twenty floors and only two elevators. Okay, most buildings have only two lifts, so I shouldn't be complaining. Ah, finally. I was already getting suspiscious that some boy had pressed all the buttons to see some fellow lose his patience and start cursing.

I enter swiftly and press the thirteeth floor. I started whistling as I had nothing else to do. Thirteen floors till I reach my apartment. Long journey till there. Hospitals, I hate hospitals. The smell of medicine and the white walls give me nauseas. The place is also so boring that I can't understand how the doctors and nurses can stay awake the whole day. I would have fallen asleep as soon as I had stepped inside the place.

I think the only time I have ever entered a hospital was when I was born. Thankfully. I can't imagine myself going there every week to do check-ups or even living there. I read some articles about children who were born weak in the lungs and can't live without a special machine that push oxygen into their lungs.

Okay, enough of thinking about sad things. I am not really in the mood to ponder over the tragedies of life. All I want to do is take a hot and soothing shower, visit my sister and then go home, and probably sleep for for at least all the rest of the evening. Hmm, nice schedule, don't you think?

The lift stopped and opened its doors. I am finally home. Okay, where are my keys? I know I put them inside my bag, but where exactly? Maybe in this pocket? No, they aren't in there. After some time, I managed to find them - inside my pencilcase - don't ask me, I have no idea what made me put them there, but I did find them, didn't I?

The place is eerily silent. What did I suppose I would find anyway? Emerauld dancing on the table? Yeah, right, and I would find the woman of my life today. Sure.

Anyway, I went to my bedroom and took from my wardrobe a grean T-shirt and white underpants and from my bed, I got my blue jeans with money inside. Also, I cannot forget about the towel. As I walk to the bathroom, I can already feel myself relaxing. When I was small, I remember that I hated baths. Why should we clean ourselves if we are going to get dirty again? My mom, smart and all, replied : "Then why should we eat everyday if we are going to feel hungry again?". That was enough to shut me up. Yup, this is my mom. It's been a long time since Emerauld and I saw her and dad, but they are out of Japan right now. They deserve this little break. Raising two kids, working like Hell to maintain us...They really deserve this break from us.

Anyway, back to the bath. water soaking my skin till it got a slight tinge of pink...hmm, this is so good. I changed my idea of baths in the last years, as you can see. They are great when one's feeling down. Believe me, I know what I am talking about. Unless one try killing one self by drowning, bathing is just as good medicine as a pill can be. And, it is natural.

Ok, enough of water. I am clean and my skin is already wrinking. Well, just a little. Okay, where did I put the towel? Oh, there it is. I dry myself as quickly as I can. I hate wasting time, I am not a very patient person and many friends of mine have already complained about it. My sister is the opposite. She is very kind, gentle and patient. Maybe that's why she has so many guys hanging around her, though they all know she already has a boyfriend.

I am not saying I don't have girls swooning around me. I do. I just don't pay heed to this. I am not interested in them and I am no leech to go out with all of them. Hey, I am straight!! Do not get things mixed up.

Anyway, now that I am fully dressed, it is time to pay Emerauld a visit.

There is no traffic jam right now; it is quite quiet, after all, it is only five in the afternoon. Cars and people will start crowding the streets by six and seven. Better hurry up. I've still got homework to do, and if Kiyoaki-sensei start scolding me again, I swear I will punch that old man till he becomes a red pulp of blood and I mean it. He doesn't teach well and we are supposed to go well in his tests. Go figure.

Hey, there it is, Cephiro Hospital. Nice building I must say. It is quite modern but still, I shiver at the mere idea of it being a hospital. Have I told you that I hate hospitals?

I asked a nurse who was sitting behind a balcony in which room my sister was. She asked me her name and after giving her this information, she smiled at me and replied that she was in the room 256. Nice number.

Oh no! I forgot about the flowers!

Is there any flower shop near here? There must be!

I ran out the building and looked to my right and then to my left. Relief slowly spread through my body as I saw a shop with a huge board beside it written with huge blue letters "flowers". I guess it was my lucky day.

I entered the shop and an old woman smiled in my direction. Somehow, seeing her smile made me feel calmer. She seems to be a nice old woman...just like grandma.

"May I help you my boy?"

"Yes, I would like some...err...daisies."

She looks at me thoughfully, pondering over some hidden idea.

"Are you giving them to someone special?"

Special? Well, I guess she is special.

"Yeah, my sister."

This time, she grinned in my direction and went to my left, grabbing a bunch of white and yellow daisies all at once. She placed them on the counter and added some extra leaves, then wrapped them with a pink paper.

"Here it is, my boy."

"Thanks. How much?"

She told me the price and I gave her the money. Before I left, she told me something very strange.

"When you finally meet the one, buy red roses, not daisies."

Who is she talking about???

Anyway, better start going back to the hospital.

What number was the room? Oh yeah, 256. I almost forgot it. Hmm, now, where is it?

125...189...203...215...oh, here it is, 256. I found it pretty fast.

I knocked on the door a few times till I heard my sister's melodious voice to come in. There she was, sitting on the bed, the remote control in one hand and a glass of water in the other. Man, now I was jealous...she was all comfortable there and she didn't have to deal with Kiyoaki-sensei!

"Ferio, what a surprise! Are these flowers for me?"

I looked at my hands and blushed. I am not used to giving flowers to women, even to my sister.

"Yeah...where do I put them?" I asked her sheepishly. I must have sounded like a dumb at that moment, but fortunately, she is my sister, not some girl I have a crush on.

"Oh, you can put in this vase beside my bed. Thank you, Ferio. That was very sweet."

I didn't reply directly to her, but I nodded in her direction. I put the daisies in the vase and then I grabbed it and went to the bathroom to fill it with some water. When I return, Emerauld is watching some anime on the television. What was it again? Z? Oh, yeah, X, one of Clamp's creation. Those girls are superb artist, I daresay this.

"So, how's school?"

"Pretty much the same." I answer automatically.

"No suspension?"

"Hey-"I was about to tell her some truths when the door was opened and entered a red-headed girl, a huge smile plastered on her face and flowers escaping from her arms as she bounced inside the room. Who was this girl??

"Fuu-chan!! How are-" she stopped in midsentence when she saw us, better saying, when she disn't see this *Fuu-chan*, whoever she was. The red- headed girl stared at us for some moments and then she fell on her knees. Large pools of tears started to gather around her eyes. Her lips trembled for a moment and finally, she started crying.

"No! Fuu-chan! You can't be gone! Fuu-chan!"

Her body trembles as she sobs uncontrollably. Emerauld started to move on her bed, uncertain of what to do. I was not sure myself, and we both watched this strange girl crying as if someone had died.

Someone, help me!!