Chapter 5: The Sorting of the Wolves

Isabella and Anabel spoke softly to Harry about things that were to come that year as the other two listened in, in silence. "The Triwizard Tournament will be this year, if I'm not mistaken." Ana said in a fleeting voice.

"Yes, I do believe you are right." Isabella responded in the same voice.

"Will you be able to handle this year's course work Harry?" Ana asked as Harry turned to look at her. He was so happy to have actually blood relatives next to him. It warmed him to know that these two ladies were his family and strong enough to help him get stronger.

"I think I will, but I think I'll skip out of divinations this year." Harry said as he turned to look at Isabella as she picked up his hand to hold onto it.

"Divinations, if used correctly, can come as an advantage, just like using runes to tell the future." Isabella said as she pulled out a bag of runes. "Take these and learn to use them correctly. Study hard and practice as often as you can. We'll show you how to incorporate the spells we give you."

"We'll be there every step of the way, Little Cousin." Ana said as she grabbed his other hand.

"Come this summer, little cousin, you'll be coming home with us to America." Isabella said as Harry turned to her in shock.

"I'll have to ask my guardian if it'll be okay." He said as he looked to the girls.

"Sirius is welcome to come, Harry. I'm sure being out of this dreadful place for a little while will help him." Isabella said before Ana finished. "Being out of here will help him clear his mind and I'm sure our Uncle will be going with us. They'll have to learn to get along."

"You know Snape hates me right?" Harry asked tentatively.

"He doesn't hate you, it's just hard for him to look at you. He loved your mother deeply." Ana said sadly. Isabella looked over to him. "You look and think like your mother, but you act like your father, so it's just hard for him."

"I didn't know that." Harry said quietly in thought.

"So on to a lighter topic, Sam, what house do you think you'll get?" Ana asked as Sam shrugged.

"Who knows? I think it just depends on my character." Sam said as he looked to Paul who shrugged.

They sat still and spoke idly about other things as they waited for the carriage to come to a halt.

Time skip

Jared looked to Sam and Paul with a smirk. "Where do you think we'll go?"

Paul looked and listened as McGonagall looked them over. "You three will go first, before the first years. Then we'll sort the first years." She said as the three in question nodded in acceptance.

The huge doors to the great hall opened and the three had on their stoic faces. The looked around and saw the girls as they sat at the last table on the right under the Slytherin banners. Their faces were bored and yet contemplating. Their attention however were moved to the front of the hall, where an old and decrepit looking man shuffled to the podium.

"Before we begins sorting the first years, I have an announcement to make. The three young men in front of us are transfer students from Illvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We Wil welcome them with open arms. And we welcome back our former students Miss Isabella and Anabel Gaunt. Now you may proceed Professor."

"Jared Cameron." McGonagall called as Jared raised an eyebrow to this 'brothers' and moved himself along.

"Damn…" Jared mutter ed d under his breath as he sat on the ancient stool. McGonagall placed the hat atop his head and he heard the hat speak in his mind.

You strive to prove yourself to your 'pack' but also to yourself. You show great promise to be a great wizard, Mr. Cameron. That is my question. The hat drifted as it searched his memories and then spoke once more but this time outloud. "Gryffindor!"

Jared looked up to see Hermione smile his way as he moved to go to the table. His eyes moved to the girls and saw their stoic faces, but he also saw their soft, warm eyes give him a wink.

"Paul Lahote" She called out as Paul shrugged and sat down on the stool. The moment the hat sat down it rummaged through his mind and found what it was looking for almost immediately. "Gryffindor!"

Paul smirked to the girls as they rolled their eyes and gave him a wink.

"Samuel Uley" Sam cringed at the use of his full name and looked nervously to the girls. At their nods he moved to the stage to sit. Interesting. A lot of style and class you have. And a sharp mind, you do not conform to normality and yet you had Ben accepted into all houses in Illvermorny. Your smarts rival Rowenas, yet you're loyal to a fault, then your braver than most Gryffindors. But you are cunning and now I know. The hat had finally shut up in his head and he looked to the girls. "Slytherin!"

The girls' eyes lit up with happiness as he took off to the Slytherin table. He moved to sit in between the girls and wrapped an arm around them both. "Now this will be fun." He whispered as the girls smirked at him.

Across the tables sat two twins with identical icy glares. Fred scowled as he watched the guy Sam whisper something to Isabella that made her laugh. George held in his growl as Sam played with Anabel hair.

A few seats away two boys smirked to each other. They knew what Sam was doing and that meant, so did the girls.

"How those two like the two of you, I'll never understand." Paul said as Fed and George looked to him confused.

"What are you talking about?" Fred asked.

"I don't get it either." Jared said. " They could gave any men they wanted and yet, they settled on the two of you."

George and Fred looked back to see the girls looking their way. They girls gave them a warm smile and a wink before they turned back to conversations they had been engaged in. Harry smiled at all of this. He couldn't wait to see what the girls brought to the table.

Sorry so short...had to update for you.