Disclaimer: I do not own anything except for any spelling and grammatical errors.

As much as I would love to write the hot and sexy French accent for Fleur… well suffice to say I suck at it and I am being very kind in my description. I apologize in advance but I think we all have the power of imagination to rectify this inherent flaw of mine.

Please review. Reviews make me happy. Happiness makes me want to write even when I am busy with school :D

To make this less confusing for my readers, I have used italics to denote thoughts and bold to denote French. I hope this isn't too confusing to follow. Message me if it does or if you have a better idea on how to handle this multilingualism.

Fleur and her flock walked towards Hogwarts for their morning meal. Her cousins were curious how the "tour" went.

Fleur, how did it go yesterday? Was it everything you imagined it would be like?

It didn't go that well but it didn't go as horribly as I dreaded

Did you tell her she's your mate?

No, I didn't want to scare her and ruin any chance of her reciprocating

Just as they entered the great hall, all eyes turned towards them. Fleur and her flock are used to this sort of unwanted attention but ignored the looks and took their seats at the Ravenclaw table.

"Bonjour Luna, how are you?", Fleur asked.

"I am wonderful Fleur, how are you and your schoolmates adjusting to this Scottish weather?", Luna asked.

Tell her it's horrendous and that we want to go home, one of her cousins said.

Tell her we'd rather fall off our brooms than stay another minute here in this cold and dreary place, another cousin spoke up

Just then, Hermione entered the great hall with her friends and Fleur smiled. She turned to Luna and said, "We find it very beautiful and we look forward to spending the year here".

The flock looked at each other with confused looks on their faces.

That's not what we said, was it? My English isn't so great. Did Fleur translate correctly?, a flock member questioned.

By now the flock are all chatting amongst each other, each taking turns complaining about how much they would rather be in France or anywhere but at Hogwarts.

Hermione made her way over to Fleur and greeted her with a hug.

"Good morning Fleur, are you ready for class?"

"Good morning cherie, yes, I am very excited to attend today's lessons. Would you like to join us for breakfast?"

"I don't know if that's permitted since I'm in Gry…" Hermione was cut off by Luna

"Don't be silly. You are more than welcomed to sit here. You can take a seat next to Fleur."

Hermione did not have a chance to speak as Fleur was pulling her towards the seat next to her.

"Good morning ladies, how are all of you?", Hermione greeted Fleur's cousins.

As the flock were so engaged in their conversation, Hermione's question went ignored.

Fleur slammed her fist on the table and that received the attention of the entire flock.

"Ladies, Hermione was asking how you all are", Fleur firmly spoke with strength.

Hermione recalled that Fleur said she was next in line to be leader of their clan. This display of power shows their hierarchy.

"It's ok Fleur, I really shouldn't have interrupted their conversation"

"No cherie, it is not ok, not to me"

Celine stood up and said, "Hermione, our sincerest apologies. I don't know where our manners went. We are all doing very well and look forward to our first lessons at Hogwarts"

With a nod of apology to Fleur, Celine sat down and her mate Veronica placed oatmeal in her bowl. The rest of the flock silently ate their breakfast.

Wanting to diffuse the tension at the table, Hermione started to rub Fleur's arm.

Hermione was on her way back to the common room but her mind was still on the conversation she just had with Dumbledore. As it turns out, Hermione will be placed in some 7th year classes as she was well above her classmates.

"Mione, what did Dumbledore want to talk to you about?", Harry asked the moment she entered the common room.

"He said I will be taking some 7th year classes, starting tomorrow", Hermione replied.

Harry looked horrified. The thought of not having his best friend in class helping him frightened him.

"How can he do that? What about us? How will Harry and I pass without your help?", Ron interrupted.

"You guys need to start taking these classes seriously if you want to make it out there in the real world", Hermione scolded.

At least Harry had the decency to look embarrassed. Ron, on the other hand, just looked smug.

"We don't need to work hard, that's what you're here for; you must help us, right Harry?", Ron said.

"Argh! Ronald, you lazy creature, you better start working for your grades. I need to focus on my own studies now that I have advanced level classes to deal with", and with that, Hermione spun on her heels and headed towards the dorms.

"She'll calm down and come to her senses, she always does", Ron said to Harry.

"Maybe we should just start working harder in class. I better start reading these books", Harry said in hope that Ron would leave him alone. It boiled his blood when Ron was so self-righteous and took any help Hermione gave them as his birthright.

When Hermione pushed open the door to her advanced potions class, she was immediately hit with the different languages spoken. She heard French and what she believe to be Bulgarian.

"Hermione, are you here to see me?", Fleur said as she walked up her.

"Urm… no, n nn nno, I am in this class. I have been bumped up to 7th year courses. This is one of my classes?", it came out almost like a question but Fleur understood her meaning.

Fleur took Hermione by the hand and led her to the table with her flock.

"Well, then you shall sit here with us", Fleur smiled charmingly at her.

"Okay. How are all of you this morning?", Hermione asked the girls.

"We are all very happy to be having class with you", one of Fleur's cousin spoke up.

Just then, Snape walked in, his robe billowing behind him.

"There will be no funny business in my class. If there is a language problem, I suggest you take that up with your headmistress, is that clear?", Snape ordered.

"No problem at all professor", Fleur replied.

"None at all professor", Victor Krum spoke for the Bulgarian delegates.

"Very well, and you Ms. Granger, don't expect any leniency. If you are in my class, I expect you to know the material."

"Of course professor", Hermione replied all the while resisting an eye roll.

The rest of the class passed without much incident. She learned that the exchange students had a lot to offer and Fleur even showed her a few tips on how to improve her potion brewing skills.

While Hermione was packing her things away she looked over to see Fleur standing with her flock near the exit. She wondered why they didn't proceed to their next class.

"Are you all waiting for me?" Hermione hazarded a guess.

"But of course" Fleur said as she opened the door for the brunette.

"Oh, you didn't have to. What class do you all have next?", Hermione asked

"Defense against the dark arts, what about you?", Fleur said.

"Same", Hermione replied.

"Then we shall all go together", Fleur sing-songed and Hermione couldn't help but smile at the rare moments when Fleur was so childlike.

As they were walking to their next class, their hands brushed each other. Fleur felt the electric current running through her veins causing the gold flecks to return to her eyes. Hermione felt the fluttering of butterflies in her tummy.

Both girls smiled at the contact and the emotions it elicited.

"We just touched her hand and she didn't flinch", Fleur said

"I noticed that too. Maybe she even enjoyed it?", Fleur's veela asked in return.

"I don't know but she didn't show any signs of annoyance or irritation"

"Maybe you should try it again"

"Isn't that pushing it a bit?"

"Of course not, it's just repeating the experiment to see if it yields the same response"

"I don't know, maybe we should take our small victory and call it a day"


I'll show you who's chicken Fleur muttered.

Fleur took one slight step towards Hermione just as Hermione took one large step towards Fleur to avoid bumping into another student. The result: both girls collided into each other. This caused Fleur to reach out and place her arms around Hermione to stabilize them.

"Oh my gosh, Fleur, I'm so sorry, are you ok? Did I hurt you?", Hermione rambled.

"I'm fine cherie, are you ok?", Fleur asked all the while keeping her arms around Hermione.

"I'm fine too. We should head to class otherwise we'll be late", Hermione said. And so the two girls walked to their next class with the flock behind them. The smaller girl walking in the arms of the taller girl. All had smiles on their faces.