Soon it will all be over, and buried with our past

We used to play outside when we were young

And full of life and full of love

Some days I don't know if I am wrong or right.

-Little Talks Of Monsters and Men

"Tristan de Bois was the brother of Ygraine, Uther's Wife."

Merlin tilted his head, "Arthur's mother?"

"Ygraine died in childbirth. He blamed Uther and came to the gates of Camelot and challanged him."

"To single combat."

Gaius nodded, "Uther won. But in his dying breath, Tristan cursed Camelot to one day suffer his return. I thought it was the ramblings of a dying man."

"Men don't just rise up from the dead, though, no matter how angry they are," Merlin said frowning.

Gaius hummed in agreement before finding and opening one of his many books, after a few seconds looking through it he pointed to a skeleton-like creature, "It's my guess we're dealing with a wraith."

The raven haired boy looked down at the book, "A wraith?"

"The spirit of a dead man conjured from the grave."

Merlin looked up from the book, "So this is the work of a sorcerer?"

"Powerful magic can harness the grief and rage of a tormented soul and make it live again."

"So how do we stop it?"

Gaius gave Merlin a grim look, "We can't. Because it's not alive, no mortal weapon can kill it."

"Surely there must be something."

"Nothing can stop it until it has achieved what it came for."

"And what's that?"



Another knight fell. Another gauntlet thrown.

The words of the Prince echoed throughout the arena, "I, Arthur Pendragon, challenge you."

The Wraith nodded, "So be it."

"Single combat. Noon. Tomorrow."


The King of Camelot paced in the Council Chamber with clenched fists, Gaius bows as he enters.

"Good evening, Sire."

Uther stills, "Gaius."

"There is a matter of great urgency that I must discuss with you."

A gloved hand was waved, "Then spit it out."

"Tristan's tomb is empty. I believe he's been conjured from the dead."

"How is this possible?"

"I believe he's a wraith."

"A spirit?

Gaius nodded, then paused for a short moment, "He has come to take vengeance for Ygraine's death."

"It was magic that killed her, not I."

The Physician moved forward, "Nevertheless, it was you he blamed. You cannot allow Arthur to fight. No weapon forged by man can kill a wraith. It will stop at nothing till it has acomplished what it came for. Arthur cannot win, he will die."

"Then you must tell him who the knight is."

Uther turned away from Gaius, "No."

"You cannot hide the truth forever."

"I am the King! You will not tell me what I can and cannot do."

"That is your choice, Sire. You tell him, or let him go to his death."

"No one but you or I will ever know the secret of Arthur's birth," he turned towards Gaius, "You made an oath. I warn you not to break it."

Gaius bowed, "Very well Sire."


"Please, Arthur, listen to me! This is no ordinary knight. Look at him. He doesn't eat, he doesn't sleep. He just stands there, in complete silence. Doesn't that tell you something?"

"No one is unbeatable."

"If you fight him, you will die."

Arthur looked at the Black Knight, "I'm not listening to this."

"I'm trying to warn you, Arthur."

"And I'm trying to warn YOU, Merlin!"


Elin sighed into her soup.

"Well, after all this time I finally caught the misery you feel. Who would have thought it possible? The grand Court Sorceress of Camelot. Broken."

Elin smirked, "I'd hardly call it broken Nimueh. Melancholy perhaps. I was thinking of my family."

Nimueh raised a confused brow, "Why them? They abandoned you two lifetimes ago."

"No, not that family. Silly. I was thinking about the honorable King and his kind Court Sorceress who gave me something to look up to. I was thinking about the youngest Prince of Camelot and how he respected my opinion, even if our relationship was… complicated, at best. I was thinking about the Dragonlord to be and the Physician's Apprentice and what wonderful brothers they made. I was thinking about the people who gave me hope, and joy, and… I was thinking about what we've turned into."

Elin looked at Nimueh, "We're all monsters. All of us. We've all turned into these awful unrecognizable things. Have you ever thought of that? Did you ever think before, that someday you would be raising the dead, to kill someone that you watched grow into a man?" she looked back at her soup, "If you're here to gloat, go to Uther. I don't want to hear it."

The next time Elin looked up, Nimueh was gone.


"I don't want you to fight tomorrow."

Arthur snorted, "You're worried about me?"

"I don't know what it is. Please, I'm begging you."

"It's my duty. I have to do this."

Morgana nodded, lips thin and face pale, "I understand."


Merlin's footsteps echoed in the empty dungeon, Geoffrey's words echoing in his mind, The great sword begotten in the dragon's breath.

The Knight guarding, usually awake and alert, was in a deep slumber. Merlin quietly entered Elin's cell.

"I need a sword."

She looked up, "Yes."

Merlin sighed, "I need a sword 'begotten in dragon's breath.'"

"Ah. For the wraith."


She sighed, "Only if you promise me no one but Arthur will touch it."

"I promise."

"I mean it Merlin."

"I promise."

Elin nodded, "Very well."


Merlin walked through the corridor, at the end he saw the door that Elin described. With an anxious look over his shoulders he went inside and was met with stairs. He ascended noting the heavy layer of dust that coated even the walls. A minute passed and he reached the top, with another door blocking his way.

He squinted at the small label on it, 'Court Sorceress' Office'.

Another minute before he goes in and the moment he walks in the room lights up.

The sight that greeted him was… disturbing. There wasn't a single book in the many bookshelves. The table in the center of the room was completely destroyed. There were several blood stains at different points in the room. Elin's parting words came to his mind, 'Ignore the mess.' she gave an almost apologetic smile, 'It was made by some very dangerous monsters before the Purge really started.' He puts his eyes where she told him to; the stone wall farthest from the door.

His feet walk numbly to it and then his eyes flash gold. The stone moved forward, and the hilt of the sword was visible.

He took it to the armory for Arthur's fight.

Merlin fidgeted under the King's gaze, or rather the King's gaze at the sword.

"You would be better off with a sword you trusted."

Uther shook his head, "No. It has almost perfect balance. Tom's not the Royal Swordsmith. I'm surprised Arthur went to him."

"Oh that was me. I felt he needed a better sword."

Uther then fixed his gaze on Merlin, "You show him the most extraordinary loyalty."

"That is my job, Sire."

"But beyond the line of duty."

"Well… you could say that there is a bond between us."

Uther nodded, "I'm glad. Look after him."


Elin felt the exact moment the wraith was destroyed.

A sharp breath in. A slow breath out.

She relaxed.


Merlin would have wanted anger. He can deal with anger. Arthur and Gaius are angry at him for doing or not doing stuff all the time.

He couldn't deal with her disappointment, "I'm sorry. Really. I- I'll get it back and-"

"Put it somewhere no one can find it."

He nodded, "Right. I promise this won't happen again."

Elin simply gave a nod in reply.


Merlin feels a sense of relief as the sword sinks to the bottom of the lake.