Ayano Aishi

The True End

Her words are like daggers.

Her tone matches her stance before me.

She's cold, heartless, and firm.

Unlike anybody I've met.

It drives me crazy,

How she speaks to me.

As if I'm beneath her.

The worst of it all,

Is that she's right.


Has consumed me to no end.

I've given up everything.

My reputation,

My sanity,

Multiple lives,

All for him.

And I'm so far gone,

That she can't change me.

She can't.

I won't listen,

I refuse to.

I just charge at her,

She jumps sideways.

My knife misses her neck but slices off a piece of beautiful silver hair.

It falls gently to the school floor as her eyes widen in shock.

I don't have time to react before she pins me against the wall.

Her gloved dainty fingers wrap themselves around my throat.

Her other hand holds my wrist steady.

The knife is on the verge of falling out of my sweaty grasp.

"I won't let you continue,"

She hisses as her expression refuses to change.

"It is a small sacrifice,

But I have no choice but to end you here.

I won't let you tear this school to the ground over a stupid boy."

Shivers are sent down my spine.

How dare she,

How dare she treat him like a nobody.

Her fingers squeeze together and I gasp harshly,

Little dots are swimming before my eyes.

"Any last words?"

Her voice has a horrible edge to it.

She must think she's won,

But I've fought tougher battles,

And never once did I let them win.

I simply let the letters fall off my tongue.

"Say hi to my rivals for me."

And I knee her in the stomach.

Her grasp loosens,

And I bring the knife down into her skull.

In a mess of silver and red,

She is no more.


He stands in front of me,

With wide eyes.

"What did...w-what have you done!?"

"N-no...you don't understand...I had to!"

He stares at me as if I am crazy.

I don't blame him.

"I didn't want to believe it...but it really was you..."

What is he saying?

"You're the one...the killer..."

As his accusations come spilling out,

I feel a pang of dread.

"L-look, I'm sorry...I only did it for you...for our love..."

His eyes widen.


And then my heart breaks,

It shatter into millions of pieces.

Hearing this,

Coming from the love of my life,

I know no worse pain.

I want to apologize,

But now he's running down the hall.

The anger begins to boil up.

And it's too late.

I throw the knife at him.

He turns around,

And the blade pierces his heart.

I just watch as blood trickles down his chest,

And I don't make a single move to save him.

The sadness and the heartbreak have proven to be too much.


The torment doesn't end here.

Once he stops breathing,

His blood turns from red to grey.

Everything is grey.

The color,

The beauty,

The love,

Has all drained from my life.

I have nothing left to exist for,

Not a purpose to fulfill.

It was all my fault.

I became distracted,

And I let my Senpai slip away.

She was wrong,

I'm not an Aishi.

An Aishi woman knows how to find and keep her man.

I showed him who I really was,

And he turned me away.

Now I stand in front of his corpse,


I clutch the knife,

I pull it free.

The blade is much duller than before,

Just like everything else.

I don't hesitate before slitting my own throat,

Surprisingly I can't feel the pain.

Perhaps there is no truer pain than rejection.

Bones will heal eventually,

Bruises fade over time,

Blood clots.

A heart is a more valuable organ,

It's an essential for life.

We only have one, after all.

Break someone's heart,

You can never fully repair it.

I'm staring at his punctured heart as I slip away.

The perfect example of how I feel.

And with my last burst of energy,

I grab his cold hand in mine.

When we wake together in the afterlife,

I want him to know that I'm truly sorry,

And how much Senpai truly meant to me.

And...that's a wrap!

This is clearly the longest chapter, clocking in at a little over 750 words (minus the AN). And for good reason too. As the last chapter in the story, I wanted to truly make it count.

Thank you to everybody who read, reviewed, followed and favorited the Ballads of Akademi High. Whether you've been with me since Day 1, or have just gotten into the fandom now, it really means something to me. This story is over a year old and is the most popular story on my account,

When I first started this, The Ballads of Akademi High was just a side project as I wrote for multiple different fandoms. Gradually, as more characters and content was added to the game, the story grew and grew. I never really did plan to add Club Presidents, rivals, and the like.

It's a bit scary, how these Ballads were also a way of showing Yandere Dev's progress on the game. When I first started, Matchmaking had yet to be implemented. Now, pretty much all of Osana's events are roughly added.

It's gonna feel awkward finally letting the series go. After one year and two months of progress, it's meant a lot to me. However, I will be focusing more time on my current Yandere Simulator fanfic, Mission Accomplished, with perhaps other projects looming in the future. I hope you are all excited to check out those.

For the last time, I will tell you all to stay tuned for more.
