Hey I'm back with another story because I'm having trouble coming up with new material for GOBB, probably because I've had this story rolling around in my head taking up to much space and playing some of the games I have on the computer. So I'm going to put GOBB on Hiatus until I can come up with something for that. Any way on with the story. This comes from the challenge by Fanwriter10101

I don't own Naruto or Arpeggio of Blue Steel.




Chapter 1

Betrayal and reborn.

Standing over the bodies of Zabuza and Haku, Naruto stared down at the two with tears in his eyes. He was crying because in the short amount of time that he knew Haku they had become friends. Hearing footsteps behind him he quickly wiped the tears away and turned around. As soon as he did he felt sharp jolts of pain coming from his shoulders and knees. Looking down in shock he saw four kunai looking back up Naruto looked in shock at Kakashi and the rest of team seven, standing there with kunai drawn and hand signs formed, while Kakashi was holding his wrist.

"Well look at this, now is a great time to complete our mission. The council has seen fit that we exterminate you while not under the protection of the third. Good Bye Demon." Kakashi then rushed forward with a chidori and hit Naruto in the lower abdomen. Sasuke then burned of his left arm with a fire jutsu. Sakura then ran over and slit his throat not much but enough to make him suffer before bleeding out. Kakashi then walked over to Naruto and placed a tag on his chest.

"This is a new type of tag created by Danzo. It will create a black hole and get rid of your remains in ten minutes. The third will break because of your death, and then be overthrown." He then pulled off the mutilated boys head band. "This will be the proof we need." He then turned and started walking away. He then turned and spoke to Sasuke and Sakura. "Dump the body into the sea. Let the fish have him." He then turned back to walk away. Sasuke then grabbed Naruto's legs and started dragging the screaming boy to the end of the unfinished bridge.

When he stopped pulling Naruto he looked down at him and smiled wickedly. "Now I can get more powerful without you around." He then kicked Naruto in the ribs and sent him flying off.

As he fell he thought back on his life. What he did wrong, what he did right, and what he could have changed. When he hit the water he lost his breath and started to suffocate. Then bright flash and he was floating on top of and ocean. He then blacked out.

/P.o.v the Admiralty Code holder/

Observing the world as she does so often a while haired woman in and American Apollo Space suit sighted something floating in the water. Floating down to the thing, she found out that it was the body of a young teen whose body had been horribly mutilated. Placing her hand on his head to see his memories. After a few minutes she took her hand off his head with a sharp gasp. All of the horrible thing that he had gone through his life. One as young as him should not have to live like that. She then had an idea pop into her head. Glowing white hexagonal panels popped up in front of her. The panels had images of large armored ships on them.

Scrolling through the images she stopped on one that would do very nicely. Tapping the image and touching the boys shoulder she started to transfer nanomaterials over to him. While transferring the materials needed she started levitating his body while rising up higher in the air. Below them a cloud of nanomaterials created a mass of fog. After an hour the cloud started fading and flying back to the boy. Below lay a massive ship with four large turrets for the main armaments and other kinds of secondary armaments. The ship had burnt orange markings of the fog. She then floated down and laid the boy on the deck of the ship. The nanomaterials then formed a cloud around his body.

Minutes later the cloud dissipated and showed the boy was wearing a black Condor quick release plate carrier with four triple mag holsters with a triple double stack mag holster on the left side, it also has a Glock 21 in a holster on the right side. On the back there is a double frag grenade pouch, a canteen pouch and gun cleaning kit. Under that was an urban camo tank top. He was also wearing urban camo cargo pants along with black interceptor combat boots. On his hands were a pair of black fingerless hard knuckle gloves. He was also wearing a black patrol cap.

The nanomaterial also reconstructed his arm and healed the hole in his abdomen. He then started to wake up after everything was done.

/P.o.v Naruto/

Covering his eyes as he woke up Naruto looked around. He then slowly stood up trying to get his balance. When he got his balance he started to look around. He saw that he was on a massive ship with extremely large cannons. He then turned to look up in the air and saw a floating girl standing there. "Where am I?" he asked looking at the girl. She just smiled. "You are on your ship." This confused him. His ship? That can't be right. "What do you mean my ship?" she giggled at this. "This ship is yours. I turned you into a hybrid of Fog and human. This ship is literally apart of you." She then went to explain what the fog was. "Now any questions left?" he nodded. "Yeah. What is the admiralty code?" She looked confused for a minute. "Oh! I forgot to explain that. The admiralty code is a code the fleet of fog is trying to find to give them order or something, and before I forget…" she pressed her hand to his head. "I have just given you an exact copy of the Admiralty code. Anymore?" "Just one more. What is this ship?" "This is a Montana class battleship. It's has twelve heavy Photon cannons along with various sized photon cannons, there are missile launchers lining the deck there is a total of three hundred and eighty four on board. There are also four hundred torpedo/missile launchers, two hundred a side. And finally for armaments you have a hyper graviton cannon this could cut anything in half. Now for armor, instead of wave force armor you have tsunami force armor it is about eight times stronger than wave force. Unless they drop a planet on you theoretically you should be good. Well I have to leave now so good bye Naruto and good luck." And with that she vanished. Naruto turned back to the ship. "Now where should I hide you for now?"

/five month's later/

Walking on top of the water looking for entertainment, Naruto waited. After months of learning how to use his weapons and learning how to use his chakra from Kurama, he started to explore. While exploring he found a huge power source coming from the north. He was walking/ running up there because Kurama taught him how to summon objects that he tagged with a special seal. In the distance he saw explosions bursting in the air and rippling the water at his feet. He then started running to the explosions.

When he arrived at the battle he saw two ships about the same size and shape duking it out. What he found odd though was that they were both of the FOG. He then listened in on their conversation to see what was going on. "Yamato you have chosen wrong in this fight with humanity, we must kill them like they killed Father. Therefore I am going to kill you and make decisions for everyone. You will no longer be able to disregard my ideas… Now sink!" he started to run faster. "Musashi… nooo!" Booom! Naruto was in the air and falling when the explosion launched Yamato's mental model flying off of the ship. Soon after she hit the water Naruto dove in after her. Swimming deeper and deeper he saw her reach out her hand. But he grabbed her before she could start doing whatever she was going to do.

He started to swim to the surface when a submarine started heading towards him. He then shot out of the water and started running to his secret harbor he created. After a while he noticed that the sub was still following him so he turned to it and stopped on the surface. When it rose from the water he jumped towards the conning tower. He set his hand flat against the metal. A few minutes later a union core rose from the metal under his hand. He then sealed the sub in a scroll he had on him and continued on his way.

After hours of running and dodging other Fog ships he made it to his base. Walking up the beach and into the tree line, he made his way to the large rock outcropping at the base of a small cliff. Placing his hand on a small rock, a large boulder started to grow and pull to the side. He then removed his hand and walked in with the door closing right behind him. Walking down a long white corridor he took a left at the end of the hall. He then came up to the dining hall. He set the unconscious mental model in a chair at the large dining table. He then set the union core on the table and walked over to the fridge. Pulling out some food and ingredients he started to cook some food.

/About an hour later/

Smelling the aroma of food that filled the air Yamato woke up groggily. Looking at her surrounding she saw that she was not on her ship and somewhere foreign. Suddenly the sound of something closing made her look over. What she saw shocked her. A man about seventeen with spikey blond hair and a metal arm stood drinking a beer while looking at her. She then shot up and brought up her hexagonal hard light walls. (I couldn't find what they were called.) "Who are you and where am I?" she shouted at him. He just raised his hands in a mock surrender and took a sip of his beer. "To answer your questions, I am Naruto and you are in my base/harbor." He then turned the cabinet by the fridge and pulled out two plates and a glass. "Why did you bring me here?" he then walked over to the table and set the dishes at two seats. "I saved you from dying when your sister sunk you." He then walked over to a drawer and pulled out some silverware. He then stared back to the table.

"How did you save me?" he then paused by the stove. "Well… you see… I kind of ran and dove in after you." He then pulled a pan out of the oven, he also grabbed a plate from beside the grill that was next to the stove. He then placed those on the table then went back to the fridge and pulled out a bowl of salad. He set the bowl down as he sat down. He just looked up at her.

"Well are you going to sit down? There is plenty of food to eat and I won't eat it by myself." She then looked confused. "Why would I eat with you?" He then smiled, "Because I heard your stomach rumble while you were asleep and I will show you something that is of great importance to you." She looked at him for a minute then nodded. "Fine. What are we eating?" Naruto liked her question. "Well we are having my special recipe steak and baked potatoes with salad, and for desert I made some banana cream pie." She just nods.

After eating the main course Naruto walked to the fridge and pulled out the pie. He then scooped up some and put it in some bowls. He then put it back into the fridge and walked over to Yamato and handed her a bowl. "Try some I think you might like it." She answered by taking a bite. She then put her hand to her mouth and enjoyed the flavor. "Wow what is in this?" was all she asked when she ate some. "Let's see, there are vanilla wafers, banana slices, banana cream pudding, and whipped cream. That's about it I guess." Naruto said as he told her what was in it. "This is really good. I might stay here for you to make me that." Naruto just chuckled and stood up.

"Follow me I have something to show you." He then walked out of the kitchen. She then got up and followed him up to a large dock. When he stopped and turned to her he snapped his fingers. Then she heard something cutting through the ocean. Then a huge ship steamed past a mountain and into view then to the large lagoon where the dock was. "What is that?" was all she asked. Naruto then turned to the ship. "That my dear is my other half. This is the important news I had for you. I… am… that ship!" She was floored by what he just told her. 'That can't be possible. It can't FOG ships are Female.' Was all she could think. He turned back to her. "I brought you here to see if you would join me... So will you?"

/two years later/

Sitting on the pier by his base, Naruto sat talking to two females. One was five foot four with dark blue hair, she was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with high heels, and a white blouse. The other was five foot flat, she had very light blue hair. She was also wearing a type of navel dress. Naruto turned to them both. "Iona, I have a mission for you. It will take some time so we may not meet for a while. I will stay here with your mother, and keep her company. And if you get into trouble… just signal me and I will flash to you." She looked up and nodded. "What is the mission and what must I do?" Naruto just looked at her. "You are to go to Yokosuka port and find Chihaya Gunzou. When you meet up with him, help him and complete your mission on gathering us a fleet. That is all… go complete your mission my daughter. I will meet you in about ten years from now in the port." And with that said Naruto walked away towards the ship dry docks.

After he left Iona summoned her ship and hopped on it. She then crawled inside and started making her way towards Yokosuka port. Standing on the docks Yamato watched as her daughter left their home and went on a mission for her father. After seeing Iona submerge she turned and walked over to the dry docks as well.

Hours later Iona was alone in the ocean just cruising and dodging random FOG patrols. She looked at her HUDs map and saw she was about an hour's journey from the port so she just sat back and laid in the captain's chair that was in her command bridge. She was sitting in the chair thinking of how she would miss her father's food and mothers conversations… but what could she do she has a mission.

When she arrived at the giant gates of Yokosuka she shut off her power and went into stasis as the gates opened and multiple warships pulled her inside the thriving port. She stayed somewhat active to see what was going on around her though. Just to keep herself safe. For the next few years she would just wait and see if Chihaya Gunzou would come to her or she go to him.

Then suddenly after seven years she suddenly awoke. She could feel her target touching her starboard side. She then started getting excited. Her hull started to flicker and glow. The roof of the warehouse then started to close because they thought she would escape. She then felt the hand leave her side and his presence leave the building. She then formed her clothes to that of the academy he was attending. She then started walking in the direction of the academy.

When she arrived she started to walk towards the library. When she arrived she was met with a boy that wore orange tinted goggles, and three upswept ponytails. She looked at him as he was talking to her. "No, I have no business with you." then continued to walk towards Gunzou. Approaching the table she saw a girl with orange hair, and a boy with some sort of helmet. Sitting with the two was Chihaya Gunzou. The girl looked up from the table and looked at Iona. "Whoa, you're a pretty one. Need something?" Iona just ignored her. She then spoke to Gunzou. "You are Chihaya Gunzou." He then responded. "Yeah, so?" "Son of Chihaya Shouzou."

He paused for a second. "What about my dad?" "I have been ordered to meet the son of Chihaya Shouzou." "Ordered?" he asked "Is this a new prank? This crap is all you guys ever think." She then answered. "No, this is not a prank." Then why mention my dead father's name?" "Because it is the truth." "Who are you?" "Iona… that is the name I was given." "Iona?" "We can't talk here." She then put a location on his tablet. "What'd you just do?" "Come tonight. Alone." She then started to walk away. "Hey…" she just ignored it and walked away. When she got down to where she was going to meet him, she saw a starfish and started to poke it. "This is going to take a while." She then tossed the starfish back in.

Later that night she had starfish surrounding her as Gunzou approached. She looked behind her then stood up. "I'm here. Let's hear why you dragged me out here." She answered back. "To be precise, I am the one who has been waiting." "I'm going back. "No." "I don't have time to play games with strangers."

"You have eleven hours until wake-up call." She fired back at one of his attempts to leave. "That's not what I meant. I just don't want to waste my time on anything meaningless." She placed her hands on her chest. "Am I meaningless?" he paused for a few seconds. "Just tell me what you want." "To meet Gunzou, the son of Chihaya Shouzou, and obey him. That is the only order that remains in my memory. I have been isolated from the outside world for seven years." "Seven years? Who are you?" "I obey the orders I have been given… I am a tool." She then created a giant data sphere. "What are you?"

"Chihaya Gunzou. I have been ordered to obey you." She then thought to herself. 'For now anyways.' "I know nothing else. Confirm: What is your purpose." "My purpose? I… I want the strength… to break the stagnant status quo. Even if we stay here, our time will only go to waste while we do nothing. That's not what I'm living for!" She got the point. "Understood. At last, I can activate." She then took control of her ship and started breaking out of the secret dock warehouse. Her deck guns started cutting through the bracers and scaring all of the scientist and work personnel out of the warehouse.

She then launched a corrosive warhead torpedo at the dock doors and let the water flow in. she then shot off into the bay. Sirens were hear all over the area when her Sub surfaced behind her. Hard light panels then started making steps up to the conning tower. She then held out her hand. "Will you come with me?" he then held her hand. "Where to?" she just nodded and started leading him up the steps. "Let's get out of here first." (The rest is how they leave in the anime)

/three years later Yokosuka port/

Heading towards the giant gates of Yokosuka port the crew of the I-401 stared on as the gates started to open. Powering through the open gates Iona started maneuvering towards the ship lifts to the underground docks. When the sub was in the vehicle bay the crew looked around and saw men lining the walk ways above with rifles pointed at them. Then ship bracers came up and braced the bottom of the ship and started draining the water.

When all of the water drained out the platform started to lower down towards the docks. On the ride down Iona was thinking to herself. 'I wonder when father will arrive. He would like to meet my crew. I also wonder if mother will come along.' She then was snapped out of her thoughts when Iori asked her to open up her belly. She just raised her shirt up to show her belly and the sub started to open up. When it started to open people on the docks backed up a bit. As Iori was checking out the super graviton cannon Iona's thoughts went back to her father.

He told her that he would be coming here in ten years to see her, and meet Gunzou. She then started to wonder when he would be there as it has been ten years to the date. Doing a quick scan of the area she found no trace of his energy signature so… was he late? She had no clue. The then noticed Gunzou walk up to her. "Would you like to go with me somewhere?" she just looked at him then nodded. She then started to follow him out of the dry docks. When they got to the surface Gunzou started to walk up a hill to a monument. When they arrived Gunzou kneeled down next to the monument.

"What are you doing Gunzou?" he then looked up at her. "I was saying a prayer for all of those who died during the great battle against the fog. This is a graveyard for those who have died in the fight against the fog." She then looked around at all of the graves. "So this is where you morn the dead?" she asked him. "Yes, it is also where we sometimes come to prayer for the souls of the dead." He then got up and turned around. "What could I do for you gentlemen?" he asked the men that had surrounded them during their conversation. A man then stepped up. "Chihaya Gunzou, you are to come with us. The general would like to have a word with you." Iona then brought up her HUD. Gunzou then put his hand on her shoulder. "That's enough Iona. We will go with them. Only to see what they want with us." Gunzou then motioned to the men who spoke with him. "Lead the way."

The man led them up to a car that then drove them to a large estate that was situated on a hillside looking over the port. They were then led through the house to the back patio. They saw their crew and an old man sitting at the table with guards all over the place. Gunzou sat down opposite the old man, Iona just stood next to him just in case anything were to happen. The old man just stared at him. He then spoke to Gunzou. "Chihaya Gunzou, you relies I could have you arrested right now for treason?" Gunzou just stared at him. "What do you mean treason?" "You have taken a fog ship from our docks, joined said ship, and have refused to return it." Iona just stood there saying nothing. "Well she is her own person so I let her choose." The old man the stood up with his hands pressed onto the table. "YOU ARE TO RETURN THAT WEAPON TO ITS DOCK AND SURRENDER YOURSELVES TO THE POLICE. THAT THING IS…" he never got to finish what he was going to say because a knife was lodged into the table below him.

Iona then recognized the knife. She soon got a joyful look on her face. Then a voice spoke from the veranda behind them. "I would not talk about my daughter like that if I were you." The voice said with a hint of anger in his voice. Iona then turned around. "Father!" the person then jumped down. He then spread his arms as Iona ran to him. "Yes pumpkin, I'm here." He then laughed as she hugged him. "How have you been?" he then heard her mumble. "What was that?" he held his hand to his ear. "I said I have been good. Also is mother here?" Naruto shook his head. "No she had some stuff to do. Also you have a little sister now." He then pointed up to the roof where he was. There plain as day stood a small child that was holding a teddy bear. "Kushina come down here and meet your big sister." The little girl then jumped down and walked over to the two. "Hello big sister." The family moment was then ruined by the clicking of safeties being switched. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, AND WHAT THE FUC…" "You finish that sentence you won't like the outcome." Then as he was tuning back to his daughters explosions started to go off on the wall. Iona then turned to Gunzou. "Get the sub over here Iona, they are after us." Iona nodded then looked at her father. "Go I'll be fine. But I will want to have a chat with your crew after this." She nodded then jumped up onto the sub as it emerged.

The crew then quickly climbed inside and set off. In the distance Naruto could she two Kongou class battle ships enter through where the wall used to be. He then saw Iona and her crew start to attack the ships. After a short while he saw the ships start to merge. After they were done he saw a giant super graviton cannon. He then saw it fire and hit Iona. "Kushina stay here I'm going to help your sister." He then ran and jump high into the air summoning his ship. When the ship hit it plowed forward and came near the two ship. He then pointed his guns at them. "You have ten seconds to lower your weapons or I will kill you." The two ships looked over and saw the giant ship. They then started to shut down their weapons when and explosion hit them from underneath. The ships then started to explode. The last thing Naruto saw of the mental models was an explosion and something flying out of the cloud of some it made.

AN: So I am trying to do the challenge Fanwriter10101 put up a while ago. I told him I would post in like two weeks but I'm posting it today because I literally had nothing to do for like 9 hours except play World of Warships and write this. I literally had like two hundred words when I start this afternoon. And since I withheld that chapter of GOBB I feel like I should do something. And this time I'm not going to promise when the next chapter is coming because every time I do it's late. Also since they have ARP ships in WOWS it make things cooler.

Duces people