Disclaimer: I don't own the Smallville or Fearless characters I'm just borrowing them for awhile!

Authors note: I'm not sure when this is set for fearless, before Ed regained the use of his legs I guess
hmm I'm bad at this, I'll try to get the next chpt up soon, that is if ppl like this!


"So when is she getting here?" Clark asked his mom.
"well your father should be picking her up at the bus station right now ....so pretty soon" she
" oh ok , and who is she exactly ?" He asked, he still had no idea who the girl that would
be living with them for the next year or longer was.
"Her name is Gaia Moore and I knew here father when I lived in Metropolis, he aske us to
take care of her for awhile."
" Why isn't she living with him?" Clark asked.
" From what I understand he's trying to protect her."She replied
" from what?"he asked
"I'm not sure."she answered then the door opened and Jonothan walked in followed by
a blond girl with a scowl on her face carrying a green messenger bag.
"Martha, Clark This is Gaia. Gaia this is My wife Martha and my son Clark." Jonothan
"It's nice to meet you Gaia." Martha said extending her hand so Gaia could shake it. Gaia
took her hand.
"Nice to meet you too." she said then Jonothan turned to Clark.
"Would you show Gaia to her room please." he told him and Clark turned to Gaia.
"Do you have any bags that you need carried in or anything?" He asked.
"No everything I need is in here." She replied patting the messenger bag. Clark nodded and
lead the way to Gaia's room. It was very simply furnished with a bed a dresser and a nightstand with
a lamp on top of it. The bed was covered in a blue quilt and there were green curtains hanging in the
window. Gaia dropped her bag on top of the dresser and began unpacking. She took two pairs of pants
a few t-shirts and a grey sweater out of her bag and put them in a dresser drawer. It seemed odd to
Clark that she didn't have that many clothes. She also took a brush and a book that looked like some
sort of photo album.
"What's that ? if you don't mind me asking that is?" Clark asked her, curous about the book.
"It's uh...." she hesitated " my baby book."
"Oh, cool. May I see it?" He asked her.
"No, I, uh, don't feel comfortable showing it to someone I don't know that well." she replied.
"Ok, I understand. So, do you want the grand tour of Smallville?" He asked her. She looked
around the room then shrugged.
"sure why not." she told him and they headed off to see the town.

Clark had shown Gaia the main street of Smallville, which was really the only street with
anything of intrest on it. He had told her what all the stores were and now they were headed to the
Talon to get coffee. Clark pushed open the door to the coffee shop and they walked in. Chloe and Pete
were sitting in their usual spots and they waved to Clark.
" Hey Clark man, who is this?" Pete asked.
"Hey Pete, this is Gaia Moore. She staying with me for awhile. Gaia these are my friends,
Pete and Chloe." Clark replied.
"Nice to meet you Gaia." Chloe said. Gaia and Clark took a seat and Lana Came over.
"Hi Lana." Clark said smiling.
"Hey Clark. Are you going to introduce me to your new friend?" She replied.
"Ya, sorry, This is Gaia moore, Gaia this is Lana Lang." Clark told her.
"Gaia, interesting name." Came a voice from behind them. They turned and Lex was standing
" Hey. Gaia, this is Lex Luthor." Clark told Her and Lex walked over and extended his hand
for her to shake.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." He said when she took his hand. Gaia's jaw dropped, at first
Lex thought that she had just realized who he was when she stood up and walked past him. There
was a boy with spiked brown hair in a wheelchair.
"Ed!" Gaia said obviously surprised.
"Gaia! What are you doing here?!'' the boy asked her.
"My dad sent me here to stay with friends of his. What about you why are you here?" she
" My parents dragged me along to visit my aunt, but since your here I guess it won't be
so bad. I missed you." Ed replied. Gaia shrugged and looked sceptical." I did."
"uh huh, sure you did."She replied. " So who's your aunt?" Gaia asked but before Ed could
answer Lana came over.
"Oh Gaia I see you've met my cousin Ed." She said enthusiastically.
"Uh you could say that." Gaia replied with a smirk.
"Me 'n Gaia here are bestest friends!" Ed said in a mock-perky voice.
"So you know eachother? That's great!"