Another Chapter for you to enjoy!

(I don't own the characters...except one...)

Chapter 7

Kagome lay in her bed staring at the ceiling as her son rolled within her belly. She couldn't believe how quickly weeks had passed and how rapidly her son had grown. She had now been pregnant for nineteen weeks and her son would reach thirty eight weeks gestation in another day. Glancing at her clock she frowned at the time. What in all creation was she doing awake at two in the morning? The pup within her turned and delivered a sharp kick and Kagome paled as hot liquid seeped out of her at an alarming rate. Her muscles cramped instantly and she cried out in surprise till the pain ended.

Yuusuke who had been sleeping on the couch for the past few weeks jumped up and promptly tripped over his blanket landing face first on the floor. In the room to the right he heard Yukina moving around quickly before the door opened and she ran without pause up the stairs yelling for Yuusuke to get Hiei. They didn't need to yell. Hiei had been in the room next door and heard her first gasp.

Hiei stood in shock at the foot of Kagome's bed having arrived only a moment after she began screaming. Her bedding had been kicked aside and she was panting as another pain seized her. Shaking himself Hiei moved to her side and put his arm around her shoulders and slid behind her so that she could sit up a bit. "Kagome take energy from me, I will help you." Kagome reached back and seized a handful of his shirt and he heard the threads give a little on the next pain.

Yukina took just a second to breathe before walking to the end of the bed and lifting the sheet. The fluid was clear and Yukina sighed this was going to be an ordeal. Kagome had spread her legs to ease the discomfort, she moaned as she contracted again. Hiei's arms wound around her and he used some of his jyaki to soothe her pains. She screamed out again and Hiei looked in panic at his sister even as his voice was calm. "Breathe Kagome, shall I call Kurama?"

"Not yet Hiei-san, her pain is just starting. We will need Kurama later though. Just keep giving her energy and talking to her. Kagome you need to walk around. Hiei help her up. Support her; good now just keep your arms around her. Keep breathing just do what feels natural Kagome."

Kagome took a deep breath focusing on Hiei's eyes as she breathed through the next contraction and he watched her intently. She swayed side to side and cringed her nails biting into Hiei's arms as she clutched him in pain.


Yukina wiped her brow and glanced at Hiei, the night had fallen again. Yusuke and Kurama dozed near the wall as each had taken their turn in helping to support her one at a time. Hiei had needed to use the Jagan to help them sleep for a time. He had tried doing the same for Kagome but in his attempt, he had put her out completely she slept deeply in his arms while her body continued to labor. Worriedly he nudged at her mentally and found he could keep an eye on the progress that way.

They were coming closer together and Kagome was beginning to feel pressure but the heaviness of sleep would not release her and she moaned softly. She was aware and not aware at the same time like she had been drugged but worse. A sharp pain and burning pressure cut through the dulling sleep like a knife and she arched up out of Hiei's arms with a scream of agony. Yukina took just a second to breathe deeply to calm herself before walking to the end of the bed and lifting the sheet again. Her eyes widened and she gasped. There was no time for more. The baby was crowning and would be born with the next push.

"Breathe and push Kagome! When the next pain hits push with all you have. Ready? Go!"

At her scream Yuusuke jumped up stumbled over his feet in his haste. Kurama leaped up only slightly more graceful his hand going automatically to his hair. Instead of a weapon he pulled out a seed of a different type and looked accusingly at Hiei as he put it in his mouth and swallowed handing a second one to Yuusuke. He took it with a shrug and moved swiftly to the bed and took Kagome's hand. Kurama pressed a hand to her sweaty forehead. She was hot but not feverish. "You are almost done Kagome. Just a few moments more and you will have the reward of your efforts." With a push and a cry of effort the pup slipped from his mother's body with a soft whimper.

The smell of blood and tears was nauseating but the joy and relief that radiated from Kagome soothed the sharpness of the smells. Yukina placed the pup on Kagome's chest and sighed tiredly. Hiei moved off the bed and propped her up with all the pillows he could find. He was a little drained but not bad. Kagome had indeed pulled energy from him but not nearly as much as she could have. His energy was working to heal her and soothe away the pain of labor. Yukina checked her over while she held her pup.

Intelligent teal eyes looked up into her own and Kagome smiled tiredly as she said, "Hello, my little Keiichi." as she wrapped the towel Yukina handed her around him. Carefully and yet thoroughly Yukina rubbed the small form to clean him and to get the blood flowing so he would remain warm. Finally she took him from Kagome and finished cleaning him and placed a diaper on him and swaddled him in a blanket before handing him back to his mother. She would look him over more when she bathed him.

Hiei warmed the room so that the chill of early spring would not be a bother and looked down at the newly birthed babe. He felt strange warmth in his belly and watched her silently as she cuddled and cooed as the pup squirmed his way to her breast and whimpered until Kagome moved her night gown out of the way and he latched on. Yukina sighed happily as she whispered to Kurama to help her remake the bed while Yuusuke lifted her up so they could clean her up.

Once mother and baby were clean dry and warm the three males sat beside her on the large bed and Kagome watched as they each held her son. Kurama was the first as he gently took the tiny pup and looked him over. The slightly too big silver ears, poking out of the scruff of equally silver hair on the top of his little head, swiveled as he took in the sounds of his mother's breathing and the new scents in the room. His little clawed fingers latched strongly around Kurama's finger as his other hand reached towards Yuusuke sitting beside him.

"He is amazing." Yuusuke breathed as he let the little hand grip his finger with a strong grip. "Keiichi, I'm Yuusuke, that there is Kurama and the guy sitting with you mother is Hiei." The bright teal eyes glanced at the ones he pointed to and his little ears twitched before he gave a little yelp that sounded suspiciously like a bark.

Kurama blinked and yipped back. "Incredible, I have never seen a hanyou this aware, "he said quietly. Keiichi yipped and gave a little growl. Kurama handed him to Yuusuke. "He wants you."

#demanding little monster, # Yoko huffed within their mind.

*Indeed. A very clever and alert little monster for a hanyou,* Kurama replied.

#That pup is no hanyou. Close your eyes and feel that aura, # Yoko suggested. #I'm not even certain he is youkai #

*What?! How can that be? Kagome is human and Inuyasha was a hanyou -*

#wrong, Kagome was a human but she is the sacred jewel now. What the father was makes no difference. That pup is neither human nor youkai he's something else entirely.#

*So you are saying that her children because she is not human but is the jewel will be –*

#A new race of beings who will likely have immunity to holy power and the strengths of their youkai father as well as the power to grow exponentially. If I have my levels measured correctly this pup is already an "A" class.#

"Sweet Inari!" Kurama gasped quietly.

*makes you kind of want to father a kit on her after all doesn't it? *

# I have to agree a kitsune with that kind of power does intrigue me. But I still have no intention of settling down, we couldn't very well take Kagome home to meet mother. We will wait till she is no longer fertile and claim our prize#

Yuusuke looked in to the teal eyes of the pup and the little thing yipped as he nuzzled his hand. Kurama looked over in surprise. "He likes you, Yuusuke." He said by way of translation.

#that is putting it mildly, he claimed him as pack. The little beast #

Hiei noticed the look in Kurama's eyes and frowned as he opened his Jagan a little. Curiously the pup's ears turned his direction and his eyes followed. Hiei mentally touched the pup's thoughts and he chuckled. He thought so.

"Kurama that was a very poor interpretation, claiming pack is hardly a simple I like you." His eyes widened as he reached out a hand to the pup. The little bright eyed male yipped and licked his finger.

Kagome laughed tiredly as she reached out her arms for her son. Yuusuke handed him to her arms and smiled as she tucked him close in her arms and both mother and pup fell asleep. Yuusuke and Kurama left shortly after as did Yukina as they needed sleep but Hiei remained sitting in a chair he'd pulled close to the bed and watched the young mother and her son sleep.

He still could not get his mind around the pup's acceptance of himself and Yuusuke and not Kurama. Hiei liked the pup even more now than he had before, since it was clear that Keiichi was highly intelligent and aware not only of his surroundings but of those surrounding him and his mother. He must have sensed Kurama's deceit and also that he and Yuusuke were his mother's protectors. After a time watching them Hiei got up and moved his hand to the pup and was surprised when the pup moved his direction but he gently picked up the tiny male and held him in a very rare moment of tenderness before he carried him into the nursery and laid him in the crib. Leaving the door open he returned to his chair at Kagome's side and kept vigil till the pup woke several hours later.

When he heard the first whimper he went in and picked up the pup and carried him back into Kagome. Kagome didn't stir until Keiichi latched on to her breast and began to nurse. Now that Kagome was awake she looked at him over the eagerly eating infant. "I didn't thank you for helping me last night Hiei." She said softly.

"There is no need."

"Yes there is, Hiei. So thank you. It meant the world that you were with me through the whole thing."

Hiei shrugged as he stood and paused at the door. "Kurama wants to come help you do you want me to tell him no?"

"No, Kurama is my friend too even if he is a little pushy. Will you stay though Hiei?" Hiei shrugged again as he moved to the window and sat down beside it. Kagome awkwardly pulled the sheet up to cover her bare breast and the pup suckling.

When Kurama came in bearing flowers and other gifts Kagome sighed. It didn't take a genius to figure out that he wanted her and was doing everything in his power to succeed but Kagome just didn't like him that way. He was gorgeous and sweet in his way but the shallowness was a major turn off. After Hiei's warning that night Kagome had seen everything he did in another light and realized his gifts had purpose. He wanted her in his bed but though the prospect at one time made her giddy now it just made her sad. Because of his actions no real friendship had been built and he didn't appear that he was going to change that anytime soon. Well, she had put up with Hojo's advances for years she was sure she could do the same with Kurama.

"How are you feeling this morning, Kagome?" Kurama asked as he set the flowers in a vase at the side of her bed.

"Fine thank you, the flowers are lovely. You grew them yourself right?" she asked being polite.

"Yes, just for you. I selected only the lightest and sweetest scents for you as I knew the pup could be sensitive to the smells." Kurama said as he sat down in the chair Hiei had used the night before.

Yukina tapped at the door and carried a tray in and set it on the table. "You must be starving Kagome," she stated by way of a greeting.

"Famished." Kagome replied as she shifted the pup to the other side and sat up while Yukina held up the sheet for decency. Once Kagome was situated Yukina sat on the bed and held up the plate so Kagome could reach the food on it. Eating slowly Kagome savored every bite. The pup sniffed and batted the sheet away so he could see. Kagome giggled. "Curious already? Well don't you worry you will taste it soon enough." His teal eyes rose to look at her from where he nursed. "Already you have started to grow a little bigger haven't you Kei?" she asked as she gently rubbed his ear as he slowly fell asleep in his mother's arms.

After the little one fell asleep again Kurama took him from his mother so that she could eat but he whimpered in his sleep and only calmed once Hiei took him and held him. Kurama frowned and watched the apparition covertly. He was feeling quite jealous of the apparition and the Mazoku whom the pup liked. Ah, well even if the pup didn't like him that didn't mean his mother felt the same. It would however make things difficult when the pup grew up a little more and was able to speak. That would be very soon as he could already communicate in the native inu language. Honestly he had never seen a pup so alert the day of his birth.

Keichii was a curiosity in a tiny form. Even in his tiny body he was already a very powerful being and it was only his second day since birth. Not only was the pup a curiosity but the connection between Kagome and the hiyoukai was as well. To coin a phrase they were "thick as thieves". Every time Hiei looked at the woman his eyes burned with desire like nothing Kurama had ever seen from him. It was a wonder that the dark youkai hadn't taken the woman as his lover yet but it was highly possible that he had been waiting for the pregnancy to be finished. The idea made Kurama burn with jealousy but there was nothing he could do except sit back and see what would happen for he was nothing if not patient.

After Kagome had eaten her fill and Yukina had returned for the tray she had shooed the men out for Kagome to get a shower and a nap before Keichii would be awake and hungry again.

Hiei of course simply made himself scarce by being in the nursery with the pup though he made certain that none of them knew he was there. For reasons he didn't want to understand himself he didn't like to be away from Kagome or her pup.

He was happy which was strange on its own but he was happy to watch over them. It was more than he could have ever hoped for and he was fine with that. He wouldn't lie and say he hadn't wished for more. All alone at times, he could let his guard down a little and enjoy the sweet simplicity of what life might be like with her, if he wasn't himself. He would never have his dreams and fantasies, but he couldn't help himself for the longing that he could have her.

Since the last time he had kissed her hotly and deep he couldn't shake the heat that coiled in his belly and the desire stirring thickly in his veins. He closed his eyes, and remembered the feeling of hearing her say the child had moved and the sight of her eyes filled with tears of joy. He had wanted in that moment to draw her into his arms and kiss her senseless. He had wanted it so badly that he hadn't noticed Yuusuke till she called out to him. That had pulled him out of his head and into reality. He had said he didn't love her (A lie, he had lied to her) He said she could call on him for a night of passion, knowing she never would. Knowing that if she sought passion or love it wouldn't be from him. But he couldn't bring himself to be further away from her than necessary. At night when she slept he sat at her side daring to run his fingers through the ends of her hair where she wouldn't feel it. Settling back in the rocking chair he held Keiichi just watching him sleep. In his sleep he reached out for Hiei and with a tender smile Hiei gathered him up and laid him on his chest.

Kagome and Hiei had quickly fallen into an easy routine. He was quiet and unobtrusive as he watched over the new mother and her pup. Kagome slept when Keiichi did while Hiei watched over them both. When Keiichi woke Hiei would change him and bring him to his mother to be fed or hold him till he calmed. He was quickly becoming attached to this new routine and dreaded that something might change everything. He loved them both more than he could ever remember loving any other being save Yuusuke, but things between then were strained and awkward.

After Yuusuke had kissed him he avoided the hiyoukai. Making up reasons no to be in the same room unless they were with Kagome. The glances Yuusuke would cast his direction were sad and longing. With a sigh he sat heavily at the foot of Kagome's bed. He held Kei and looked distantly around the room. "I am unsure of what to do, little one." he said softly. Kagome walked over and sat beside him resting her head on his shoulder.

"Hiei, whats the matter? Do you want to talk about it?" she paused, "You should just tell him." she advised softly.

"I cannot." Hiei said with a frown. No, he could not just tell Yuusuke that he loved him and that he wanted to be with him, not after he had not kissed him back.

"of course you can. Look Hiei you've seen it right? The way he looks at you? He wants you just as badly. You just have to tell him that it is mutual."

"It is more complicated than you make it out to be Kagome. Yuusuke loves another too."

"Oh, well you have been friends for a very long time so it should work out for you all to be together." Kagome said thinking it was Kurama that Yuusuke loved too.

"What?" he asked turning to her.

"You and Yuusuke and Kurama." she said with a smile. Hiei just shook his head and went to lay Kei in his crib.


Kagome was amazed at how quickly she had healed having heard so many horror stories from other women. She had expected to be sore for a few weeks but she was perfectly normal in a matter of days. Her appetite was the only thing that got worse by growing even bigger because Keiichi was eating every couple of hours draining her dry every time. It seemed as though she could not produce the milk fast enough but the pup never complained from being hungry. It seemed as though he knew his mom was doing her best and he never cried unless the red-haired male was in the room for longer than 20 minutes which Kagome was fine with.

Kagome finished her shower and wrapped a towel around her before walking into her room and to the closet as she did every day. Hiei was there somewhere in the house, but she didn't mind knowing he was likely watching Kei sleep and waiting for her to finish her shower so that they could talk. She enjoyed spending time with Hiei and she knew well enough that her feelings for the quiet and protective male had deepened. She was falling in love with him and had no clue what she thought she was doing. Sometimes she thought she saw little things about Hiei that told her he cared too, but she always reminded herself, that he had already said he only desired her body. He was also in love with Yuusuke. That stung to know she was nothing to him even now after everything they had built and how he took care of her and Kei. With a sigh she walked in to the closet and froze.

Hiei looked up from where he was looking at the inside of the closet with a confused frown. He had heard the shower turn off and made a leap for the door of the nursery. It was such a stupid mistake one he would never admit to but now he was caught with nowhere to go. He had been sitting in her room just breathing her in. He had been lost in the happy fantasy his mind was weaving of waiting for her to finish her shower so he could cloak her once more in his scent. He had been happily kissing her in his mind when he heard the door begin to open and panicked. Her scent spiked and he could do nothing more than stare at her as the tension between them rose to tangible depths.

His eyes met hers and the towel slipped slightly baring more of her full breasts to his hungry gaze. He took a step towards her giving her time to retreat if she wanted but she was in no mood to retreat The tension between them crackled with the desire running thick and hot in their veins and in the air between them and then she was in his arms. At that moment she didn't care that he didn't love her nor that this was probably going to change everything between them, all she cared about was the feel of him and the way he whispered her name.

Her lips were warm and soft beneath his and their breaths were as one. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that he should stop this and step back- before it was too late, before they reached a point of no return, but he didn't want to. She was there nearly naked in his arms and she was kissing him with a hunger that made his mind blank save one all consuming thought, her. His hands mapped her form pushing the towel out of his way as he carefully lowered her to the floor and covered her with his body. Her hands eagerly pushed his shirt up and over his head as he pulled back for her to remove it. Her hands were everywhere, but never pushing him away always drawing him closer.

Picking her up from the floor he moved them to the bed before he began again sliding inside her and setting a nearly bruising pace. His mouth swallowed Kagome's cries of pleasure as they sought their completion together repeatedly throughout the night. Until utterly spent Kagome fell asleep in his arms and he allowed himself to hold her in wonder. As dawn crept through the sky lightening the darkness to a pale pink Hiei slipped from her bed and silently pulled on his pants before he went into the nursery to get Kei.

"You are still here." Kagome breathed a smile on her lips as she sat up and looked for him. Seeing him holding her son made her heart swell.

"Hn; feed the child, Kagome." Hiei said slipping back into the bed with her. Her confession rang in his ears. She had whispered she loved him. He had nothing to give her. Nothing to promise her but himself and he had thought he would never be enough for a being like her. Kagome smiled curling up to his side as she nursed the pup and Hiei couldn't help but to smile back. Now that he had touched her, tasted her and held her he would never be able to hold another. He didn't want another except Yuusuke, he still wanted them both. But Kagome was in his arms and he was content.

"I love you, Hiei."

"I-I know." He replied softly. He wanted to tell her that last night was amazing and that he wanted to make her his own but the words wouldn't form he couldn't stay with her yet. She wasn't safe and he was never going to let anything happen to her or her pup. But he couldn't bring himself to lie again to her either so he just accepted her feelings with gratitude for the gift. Her eyes softened and he hoped she had read the truth there in his eyes. Kei whined and Hiei's eyes softened as he looked at the pup. "I'll go get breakfast." Hiei said as he kissed her lightly. Kagome surprised him by gripping the back of his neck and kissing him deeper.

"Don't take too long." Her voice was soft but held promises that made his head swim with a million ways to make her call out his name in bliss. He was getting in deeper by the moment and he both loved and hated it. He loved the feeling of contentment washing over him and hated that he would have to leave her. Last night would be his last under the blue sky of the human world until Sesshomaru was defeated at the tournament a couple months from now. He wanted to stay here, but he knew if he did he would talk himself out of going and he had to win. That was his first and last sleeping beside her, the woman he loved despite the odds, till he could make her his. By the time she woke in the morning he would be somewhere far away, deep in Mukuro's territory to train. But he would deal with that then, for now he would enjoy the time he had there at her side. Yuusuke was off on a case and Kurama was out of business. They were alone and he liked it that way.

They spent the day just as he hoped, in her room. Taking breaks for meals and to care for Kei. After the sun set and Kei was put to bed. He spent a long time making love to her, memorizing every dip and curve of her form as he engraved everything about her to memory. He knew as he left that he would never regret this chance, but that it would be a pleasant memory for a time, come the daylight. As she snuggled into his arms and began to sleep with the help of the Jagan, Hiei slipped from her bed and dressed. He paused at her side to kiss her before he whispered into the darkness of her dreams "Wait for me, Koishii."


"Hiei?" Kagome's voice was a choked whisper but she called out for him despite knowing before her eyes opened that he was gone. Her hand reached for the spot he had lay in her bed. She could no longer feel his warmth in the sheets beside her and knew he had been gone at least for several hours. Closing her eyes she sighed heavily. She had known that he was going to leave when she had uttered those words in her pleasure fogged mind over and over. "I love you" seemed the bane of her life. Inuyasha had heard her as she said them once before he died and now those words had driven off Hiei. She rolled over and buried her face into the pillow inhaling his smell. He had left behind a small touch of his presence, but he was gone.

Hadn't he told her that he didn't feel that way for her? It was mutual attraction nothing more. He had said so. He wanted no attachments to her save for a physical release and nothing more she had known that so why in the seven hells had she murmured those words to him? It wasn't a lie. She did love him more than she should but…now he was gone leaving her the knowledge in her heart that he would never be returning. The look in his eyes as he had kissed her after she had confessed told her clearly that this was going to happen. She had no one to blame but herself this time. Last night had been incredible and intense and everything she had fantasized about in her secret heart. Then the day they had spent together after was perfect. Now he was gone, it was difficult to cling to the idea that he had given her everything he could, and she would long for what would never be. That seemed wrong though, she wrinkled her brow with confusion. She could almost remember him saying to wait for him and his voice tenderly calling her koishii. Maybe it had been just a dream? She suddenly didn't think so.

Climbing from the bed she silently pulled on a robe and opened the window to let fresh air in and to dampen the scent of passion from the night for the sensitive noses in the house who no doubt knew already. Walking into the nursery her thoughts spun in a constant circle. As she picked up her son and changed him, her eyes widened as her thoughts suddenly derailed.

She had taken no precautions to avoid pregnancy and neither had Hiei. According to the book she had read on pregnancy a woman was more fertile just after giving birth. Damn. She hadn't been thinking of anything but of Hiei and that he was making love to her. If nothing else she had an incredible couple of nights and a day of passion with a man she loved. But there was a chance she was now pregnant with the child of the man she loved and didn't know if she could have again. Kagome held her hand to her heart as she thought of the repercussions of the night. Another child to raise alone? The fates truly did hate her if Hiei didn't come back, if she had dreamed his promise to return. What would Kurama or Yuusuke think of her now? She gathered Kei to her and carried him into the other room. Setting him on the bad she had hastily thrown together she sat down and began to nurse her son as tears she wanted to hide spilled from her eyes.


Had her soft sobs caught his attention? She took a shaky breath trying to make her voice sound normal. "Yuusuke, I am up would you send Yukina up please?" She inwardly cursed that her voice quivered and she could hear the sob in her voice as she spoke there was no way Yuusuke did not catch it.

"Sure thing!" Yuusuke called through the door. His nose twitched at the scents he could smell through the door but he shrugged and went down stairs. If Hiei was sleeping with Kagome, then that was good for him. He tamped down on his jealousy over the hiyoukai. It didn't change his feelings for her nor his desire to help her raise her son. The one thing he had issue with was that he could not detect Hiei anywhere around anymore and he should have been nearby if his lover was awake.

Unless, he was wrong and they were not lovers and Hiei had taken advantage of the woman. Although he did not want to think that of Hiei, so perhaps the two of them had succumbed to passion. Who was he to accuse either of them of anything? However he would need to know if he would need to hunt Hiei down for any reason. He hoped not but one never knew what went through Hiei's head. There were also the tears he had heard in her voice. Why was she crying? He wanted to go back and demand answers but knew that this was not a time for rash action but consideration, Kagome would tell him in her own time.


Kagome was sitting on her bed when Yukina entered and looked at the figure of the young mother who was weeping brokenly but silently. Keichii whined from his blanket not far from where she sat with the door open. The scents in the room had told Yukina what had occurred but she had no idea as to the reason for Kagome's tears. "Kagome, what has happened? Where is Hiei?"

"He was gone when I woke, Yukina. Hiei left, but I think he asked me to wait for him." Yukina's eyes widened at the words but she remained silent and by the time Kagome lifted her eyes Yukina had a gentle sad smile. "Can you take Kei down to Yuusuke while I clean up? If he needs you can feed him a little of the milk I pumped yesterday. I'll be down in a bit I just need some time to think." Kagome continued as she tried to smile through her tears.

Yukina smiled down at the wiggling pup before picking him up and soothing him with her soft voice. She did not know how to soothe the young mother but perhaps Botan would. "Of course I would be happy to help Kagome. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to invite Botan to a girls evening like she suggested several months ago?"

"Yeah, I think I could use some girl talk." Kagome sighed unhappily as she looked out her window and tried not to think of how much she missed the sight of the eyes so like and not like Yukina's own. Yukina sighed quietly as she carried the pup out of the room and closed the door behind her.

"Oh Hiei, what have you done brother? You better return soon."

Yuusuke was barely able to restrain himself from pacing as he looked up at the ceiling he wanted nothing more than to question the Koorime when she came down but she held the pup and he reached out for him with a whine. Yuusuke plucked the wiggly little one out of Yukina's arms. His teal eyes brightened and he tugged at a strand of dark hair that fell over Yuusuke's shoulder. He yipped and glanced around sniffing. He yipped again and Yuusuke sighed carrying the little one to the couch. He was conflicted between wanting to respect her privacy and asking.

"Hiei is gone to the Makai again. Kagome is crying Yuusuke. I am so upset it feels like there is fire in my heart when I think of her weeping."

"That feeling is anger Yukina. I feel it too. I'm going to go check on Kagome. Here take Kei."

Walking up the stairs Yuusuke did not hesitate to knock as he walked into her bedroom and inhaled he was looking for any sign that last night had been forced he was looking for fear or tears but all he could smell was spent passion and the soft sound of running water hiding, (not from his youkai hearing,) the sound of her soft sobs. She could not have missed the feel of his jyaki and as he heard the sound of fabric he turned his back the bathroom door.

Slowly it opened and Kagome walked out, she moved to the closet and took out her robe from where she had hung it back up earlier. Sliding it on, tied it and faced him. Apparently she would have to wait to take her bath. She could not face him but could not avoid him either. "Yuusuke I-"

"It's alright Kagome. You don't have to explain anything." As much as he was dying for answers he knew that forcing them would only hurt her.

"Oh, but I do Yuusuke you are the one being that I do owe an explanation. Last night was-"she drew a breath. "It was a mistake Yuusuke. Hiei told me he didn't love me and yet I told him I loved him and I shouldn't have. Hiei told me that I could come to him for just passion and that's what happened here." The lies spilled from her lips and she closed her eyes so she would not see the effect her words were having. 'I'm sorry Yuusuke, I messed up. I don't expect you to –' her thoughts pleaded for his understanding even as she waited his judgment.

His battle roughened but gentle finger rested upon her delicate lips to stop her. Her eyes flew open and she could not look away from the sable eyes searching hers. "I know that you are lying, I don't care about you lying to me, that don't really matter. But don't lie to yourself. I know you love Hiei." Yuusuke's look seemed to gaze into her very soul and fresh tears spilled from her wide eyes. "He told you to wait right?"

"I don't know. I thought maybe he did, but now I don't know."

He moved his finger to wipe a tear from her cheek. The words he spoke, whether reasonable or not spilled from his lips as he held her face carefully in his hands. "So wait. In two months the tournament will be held and he will come back. If he doesn't- Kagome, let me love you. Let me stand beside you and be your strength you know I won't run. I want to help you raise Keiichi, as his dad. I want to adopt him if you will let me and if there is another child from last night I will do the same for them."

He lightly kissed her lips tasting the bitter tears on them and sighed leaning his forehead against hers. "Marry me Kagome. I know that I'm not being fair with my timing after everything that's happened today already. I'll give you all the time you need to decide. If Hiei does come back I won't get in the way. It doesn't matter if you-"

"It is more complicated than you make it out to be Kagome. Yuusuke loves another too." Hiei's words came back to her and she blinked realizing everything. Hiei loved Yuusuke and Yuusuke loved her and Hiei and she...

"I love you both!" she exclaimed tearfully interrupting him. She knew he was going to say that it didn't matter if she loved him but he had to know. "You and Hiei; Yuusuke, I don't know how it happened but I fell for him and you…"

"You love me? You love him more, but that's fine, you love me!" Yusuke didn't give her a chance to finish her statement as he picked her up and hugged her to himself. She loved him. Even if this was not how he had pictured this scene even if the joy in her eyes was dimmed by the sorrow of losing one she loved again there was a small smile on her lips just for him. He cradled her close and nuzzled her head with his cheek. A soft growl and a hushed ouch met his ears and he grinned. "Kei is hungry and beginning to chew on the Koorime downstairs. Go ahead and take your bath Kagome. I will make you some breakfast and we can talk more okay?"

"Yuusuke, I am sorry, but thank you." She whispered. He was giving her the time to think and she was grateful but she needed to show him her feelings as aching as her heart was and as torn she still held a place that was just his.

"For-" he didn't get a chance to finish as she kissed him tenderly. It was just a short press of her lips to his but she tried to convey a small portion with her feelings with it before she slipped out of his arms and walked back into the bathroom. He heard the water begin to run and he stepped out of her room and right into Kurama. Who had come to see for himself why the subtle teases of scent were on the breeze. Yuusuke did not stop walking and pulled the avatar down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Where is Hiei? I'd like to congratulate him on his new mate." He had easily smelled the spent passion and the very distinct scent of their hiyoukai friend and tears while he had been close to her room.

"He didn't mate her." Yusuke's admission had the green eyes of the avatar widening. Surely he had heard incorrectly.

"He didn't force himself on her did he?" Kurama asked because it was Kagome and even if he had no plans to settle down with her, her honor was still important. Yuusuke was far too calm for their friend to have done such a thing and so Kurama relaxed a little. He would not have to kill Hiei after all. He only asked because it was inconceivable that Hiei would bed her and run other wise.

"No, it was consensual. Kurama he left her. After all that he walked away because she admitted she loved him." Yuusuke's voice was soft and filled with pain. "She thinks he might have said to wait for him but wouldn't he have made sure she knew to wait? Wouldn't he have made his intentions perfectly clear?"

"He what-" Kurama could not believe what he was hearing. Hiei who had never loved a soul in his life except Yukina before Kagome, who had on multiple occasions defended her like a possessive mate, had walked away? All because she had spoken her feelings- Hiei was no fool but this was a very stupid thing indeed. "Yes, Hiei would have voiced his intentions clearly to both of us; to her to calm her worries- and to us to back off his onna."

# No matter kit, now we can step in and he won't be here to stop us. #

Kurama felt sick,*Yoko just stop. Do you even hear yourself? Kagome was just hurt by one she trusted again. I refuse to hurt her more. She loves Hiei. Did you miss that? I want Kagome, but I want her heart! That I can never have. Look, these games mean nothing if we can't have all of her.*

# You have fallen in love with her. I don't believe it. # The incredulous sound of his other half 's voice made him want to growl.

*So what?* Kurama defended mentally.

# I've never been in love…# Yoko said wistfully drifting off as he thought over his own feelings.

Kurama sighed quietly. "Yuusuke I need to talk to you as a friend." It was something he rarely ever did, confiding in his friends. But after how badly he had acted Yuusuke deserved an apology.

"Kagome is going to be hungry, we can talk and cook right?"

"Yes." Kurama began throwing this and that into a mixing bowl. "Yuusuke I have been a terrible friend to both you and Hiei. I have manipulated and hurt both of you. I will not lie I did it because I wanted Kagome physically. I have hurt her and damaged the budding friendship perhaps irreparably but I have to say this. I love Kagome too. I know you said you wanted to mate her and as penance I will bow out gracefully. She would never be happy with me even if she could forgive me for my shallow behavior. Besides that I really should make things right with Shizuru. Even though Yoko was in control that is no excuse for our behavior, I care for Shizuru even if it is not yet love. I am going to ask her to marry me. She will likely deny me after the pain I put her through but-"

"Yeah good luck with that, I will say this Kurama, Shizuru really does love you." He fished out his cell phone and snapped it open. Digital beeping followed before Yuusuke paused reading a text message aloud. ""Hey, I know this is really stupid after everything that happened but I miss him. Why Yuusuke do I fall in love with jerks? Tell him –never mind he probably doesn't care." This was last week Kurama. So call her."

"No, this is something I must do in person." He tried to smile as he ladled batter on to the hot griddle. "What about you Yuusuke are you going to speak with Kagome about your feelings?"

"I did. She told me she loved us both, me and Hiei. Just because Hiei didn't know what to do with what she offered is no reason I'll do the same. I love her, the same as before completely it doesn't matter to me that she was with him first. I asked her if I could formally adopt her pup she hasn't answered yet. I hope she will accept but even if she doesn't I will stay with her either way. The pup need's a father figure and I figure even if I am not the best guy for it in experience I can make up for it in effort. I saw what hell my Ma went through and I never want to see that kind of pain again. I will be there for her and him and maybe the kid will turn out alright even better maybe than me."

Kurama smiled and clapped Yuusuke on the back, "You will make a better father than either of us had, Yuusuke. My human father died and my youkai father was more interested in banditry than settling down. I hope that Kagome will accept you my friend. I will even do the flowers for your wedding. Yuusuke, I know I am probably sticking my nose where it doesn't belong, but what of your feelings for Hiei?" Yuusuke frowned...

While the two youkai spoke in the kitchen and Keichii kicked and squirmed on a blanket on the floor, Yukina found the communicator that Koenma had given her to report on Kagome's condition and called Botan.

"Well, hello Yukina what's up," the grim reaper with sky blue hair said cheerfully. Her bright pink eyes alight with joy. At seeing the petite Koorime on the screen her smile brightened more.

"Kagome would like us to do that girls evening you talked about. Perhaps you could bring Shizuru-san too, I am sure she could use some girl speech too."

"A girl's night sounds fun! I'll grab Shizuru and we will be right over. Tell the boys to scram alright Yukina?"

"I can't do something like that this is Kagome's home!" Yukina argued softly.

"Yukina dear how can we have a girl's night with men there-" Botan asked playfully.

"I see. I will tell them to go then. See you later?"

"Sure thing," she waved as the screen went blank.


Kagome sat in her bath tub and leaned her head back. The hot water felt soothing upon her sore and tender muscles. The heat also reminded her of his touches upon her body. His hands had been so hot on her skin. It was only expected though that a hiyoukai would be so warm. Hiei had been passion and tenderness all at once but all that was a memory now. He was gone and with him part of her heart. She sighed as she ducked under the water to wet her hair knowing that she couldn't take much longer away from her son. Her son, she was a mother. She was a single mother, but she didn't have to be. Yuusuke still wanted her, no he wanted them. He wanted to marry her and adopt her son as his own. Could she really reject such an offer? She loved Yuusuke so that was not an issue. But was it fair for her to jump in without hesitation? Could she really afford to wait? If she was pregnant with Hiei's child she would know soon and if she were married then no one would speak badly of her child or children.

"I'll do it then." She decided aloud before she pulled the plug and let the water drain as she climbed out and dried herself off. If Hiei returned before they mated then hopefully she could convince them all to be together. She walked to her closet and fighting back tears she grabbed her clothes and quickly dressed in a casual light sweater and some jeans. She might as well enjoy them while she could. Kagome took a deep breath and smiled faintly, 'smells like pancakes.' Putting a smile on her lips she opened her door and walked down the hall to her stairs. "Good morning!" she greeted as she entered the living room.

Kurama turn and smiled at her genuinely as he used to when they had first met. His eyes were different too they were not nearly so cold or calculating. "Kagome, good morning to you," he replied in return. Her eyes glanced around and Kurama pointed to the living room. She walked to the door and Kurama watched.

"Come on Kei take the bottle. That's a good boy. You grow up big and strong and I'll teach you how to protect your mom." He sniffed and smiled "Your mommy smells really good. I know huh, you can smell her too. She smells closer than…" He jumped a little seeing her standing in the doorway. Yuusuke blushed at getting caught being so soft and shyly met Kagome's eyes.

"You will be a good father Yuusuke. Just as I am sure you will be a good husband." Her words were softly spoken but his eyes widened and he smiled broadly. Behind her Kurama smiled as he turned back to the breakfast he was preparing. In his mind he was going over all of the preparations that would need to be done for a wedding.

"Does that mean yes?" Yuusuke asked slowly afraid he had misunderstood. She moved to the couch where he sat and sat beside him ruffling her son's hair softly.

"It does Yuusuke. I think Kei agrees." She said with a soft smile looking at how her pup was holding his finger and nuzzling it before his little tongue flicked out. Yuusuke tucked Keichii to his side and used his free arm to pull her in close he bent his head to kiss her and she met his lips willingly. Yukina smiled before she walked over and took the little Inu from Yuusuke. He glanced at her and winked before he wrapped his other arm around Kagome holding her gently. It was a mild kiss as he did not want to push her into anything.

Kagome sighed as he pulled back from her and gave her a tender crooked grin. She tugged lightly on his long hair and smirked. "I noticed you wear your hair longer now and that your youkai traits are just below the surface" she traced a marking with her finger tip, "is that because of me?"

He blushed, "not entirely. I feel comfortable like this and you said you liked this better so-I decided there was no reason to change human completely. "

"I do like you like this Yuusuke but if you had said that you had done it just for me I would have to tell you that I love you as you are no matter how you look." He hugged her tighter for a moment.

Yuusuke looked at her with glossy eyes, "you are so amazing Kagome. Are you really going to be mine?"

"You are the amazing one. You really want me?" he softly tapped her nose in reprimand.

"I love you Kagome. You really need to quit putting yourself down and see yourself as I see you."

"Maybe you should take off the rose colored glasses, Yuusuke." She teased.

"Okay you leave me no choice Kagome. Come on." Yuusuke stood up and helped Kagome to her feet pulling her out the door. "Be right back." He called over his shoulder. Yuusuke led her into the city and up to the first person he saw. "'scuse me, but would you please tell me what you think of this woman?"

"Yuusuke! What are you doing?"

The gentleman smiled as he looked at her. "I'd say she is gorgeous!"


"A goddess made flesh"

"Absolutely a knockout"

"She's perfect I'm so jealous"

"Can I get her number?"

The list of compliments from complete strangers went on and on till Kagome said "ok I get it. Inuyasha was blind or the city is full of liars."

"You are not only beautiful and amazing Kagome but you are sweet, loving, kind and that you love me-I feel like I should climb to the top of Tokyo tower and shout it to the world!" Yuusuke said loudly

"She can't be that great choosing a beast." A sour voice said behind Kagome. Kagome bristled as she turned to face the speaker. The girl was average and her brown hair was pulled back to the nape of her neck. She wore a simple suit ensemble and she had cold brown eyes that were filled with revulsion.

"Keiko!" Yuusuke snapped.

"Excuse me?" Kagome asked coolly. Now recognizing her as Yuusuke's ex girlfriend. Yuusuke put his arm around her shoulder and began to lead her away.

"I should say! There is no excusing a human who would love a monster, but you must not know that he is a inhuman creature. I didn't know you liked fat girls, you demonic scum bag."

Kagome froze turning swiftly in his arms. Yuusuke snapped back at the girl first. "Fat?! She just had a baby."

"So you had her bare your evil spawn-"

Yuusuke watched with his eye brow raised as Kagome's energy became erratic and her eyes blazed with fury. With a sharp crack Kagome slapped the other woman. "Don't you ever speak about my child that way! Even if you don't understand I will tell you that the child I had, was from my late husband who is deceased and Yuusuke is adopting him. That proves he is more human then you will ever be! After we are married I plan to have many more of Yuusuke's babies. You are the one who is inhuman if you pass judgment that coldly. Yuusuke is better man than even I deserve and he was much too good for you, you ungrateful wretch. If you ever speak of my family in that manner again you will have more to worry about then me slapping you. Yuusuke let's go."

Keiko felt the rage boiling inside her and she lashed out seizing that long shiny black hair and yanking it hard. While the other woman was off balance she balled up her fist and punched Kagome's jaw knocking her to the ground.

Yuusuke looked at Kagome in shock before his eyes flashed red. He tried to stop the next hit but he met a barrier of Kagome's making. "Aw poor thing can't fight and needs a man to fight for her?" Keiko taunted as she grabbed another handful of hair and dragged her up by it only to hit her again. From her hands and knees Kagome spat out the blood from her split lip and stood up she had tried to be the bigger one and walk away but now this had gone too far. Crack! The slap she was dealt made her ears ring and a red mark appeared on her cheek.

Yuusuke beat on her barrier "Kagome let me in! I'll deal with this."

"No, this is my fight Yuusuke. She made it personal and I'm going to finish it." Kagome seethed, in her hand were her beads, she had removed her power limiter! Kagome's eyes narrowed and she growled far too wickedly for her human appearance before she pounced attacking the other woman. Keiko had no chance now that Kagome was furious. Keiko paled now realizing her mistake in thinking the woman was human but the fury that Yuusuke had found another woman drove her on. She was miserable and damn it Yuusuke should be too!

Keiko had never had the kind of life or death fights that Kagome had survived through and so had none of her fighting instincts. True she could throw a mean punch but Kagome had her beat there too with the adrenaline pumping through her veins. But lucky for Keiko Kagome was not using all of her abilities and she was pulling her punches fighting back only because Keiko wouldn't stop. She hit Keiko a final time after blocking her punch with her arm and glared at the girl who had started the fight. "You better hope I never see you again!" Kagome warned as she slipped back on her power limiter and sighed she hated losing her temper but that fight had felt pretty good.

Yuusuke shook his head. "You fight dirty, like me." He chuckled as he turned away from Keiko only glancing at her to make certain Kagome hadn't killed her. Kagome had roughed her up but had not done any serious damage. Keiko on the other hand had not pulled any punches. Kagome was a mess. He scooped her up and carried her to the alleyway and using his youkai speed and agility he returned to her house.

Kurama looked up from his tea and gasped. "Kagome what on earth- Yuusuke what happened?"

"Keiko." His eyes quickly assessed the damage and did a calculation of the hits. Kagome was covered in bruises and bumps she had a bruised jaw and a black eye several scratches were red and angry.

"I have been silent till now but I will be stepping in she has gone too far." Kurama growled standing up and walking towards them. Yuusuke chuckled quietly and Kurama paused in confusion. Keiko beat up his fiancé and he was laughing? Had he missed something?

"Oh, Kagome held her own fine after taking three hits. She is just too nice and pulled her punches. Keiko started it but Kagome definitely finished it."

"That little twit was saying cruel things about Yuusuke and then about my Kei and I got mad. I won't let anyone get away with that!"

"You mean you fought with Keiko?" Kurama chuckled softly.

# quite a hell cat isn't she? # Yoko said, with a deep chuckle of his own. # Good thing the firefly left or there wouldn't be anything left of that girl.#

*I hadn't thought of that, Hiei would slaughter me and Yuusuke for allowing it to happen. Before that though I believe Keiko Yukimura has been allowed to spread her hate and envy far enough. Shall we punish her Yoko?*

# Yes, she needs to learn that you never mess with a kitsune and their family. We defend our own. #

*But Kagome is Yuusuke's fiancé-*

# and our friend. Close enough to be family since you love her we may as well think of her as a sister since we are asking Shizuru to be our mate. I approve by the way. #

*You do? I was under the impression you didn't care.*

# So shoot me for being a fox. Shizuru will make a fine mate and I like her sense of humor.#

Kurama shook his head before he shifted into his true form and vanished. Finding Keiko was as simple as following the scent and once he found her sitting in a secluded area of a park fuming, he shifted back stealthily he crept up behind her and pressed a flower to her nose. She gasped and inhaled a large dose of the flower's pollen before she passed out. When she woke she would not remember any of them not even Yuusuke. She would never remember even meeting him.

The pollen of the forgetfulness flower was potent and he smiled coldly as he retracted the flower and tucked it in his hair. He picked up her purse and dumped the contents on the ground scattering them a bit for effect. "Keiko Yukimura you have just been mugged," he murmured quietly. A picture peeking out of her wallet caught his eye and he pulled it out with narrowed eyes. Yuusuke;s face had been scribbled out but she had drawn a heart around his. # Unbelievable! # He like Yoko, was disgusted at the idea that Keiko had betrayed Yuusuke's trust because she wanted him.

He tucked the picture in his pocket before searching for any other items that might have them on them. Finding none he picked up her keys and found her address. Stealthily he went to the place and searched it looking for pictures and other such things. He found a large collection of pictures of himself and of Hiei as well as her journal and a few other things. He didn't bother to search her computer he just destroyed it. He made the whole apartment look like there had been a robbery and even took back the promise ring Yuusuke had given her.

Satisfied that he had left no trace of himself or of the other members of the team Kurama hopped out the widow leaving the door open. He had left his mark and the police detective who was a youkai in disguise would recognize right away that this was his doing and nothing would be heard on the news or publicly. He knew that no one crossed the spirit fox and got away with it. Kurama was known here and it was after all his territory.


By the time he returned having gone the long way home Kagome had been healed of her injuries and Yuusuke was sitting on his front porch with a pillow and blanket. Kurama raised an eyebrow, "Got kicked out already?"

"Yup but not by Kagome; Botan and Shizuru showed up after you left and Yukina asked me to leave for the night. Kagome complained a little but Botan was squealing over Keichii. I guess they are having a girls night and we weren't invited."

"Naturally. Come inside I am certain that we can find something to occupy ourselves so that we are close by in case."

"Actually I wanted to ask you some questions anyway." Yuusuke said quietly following the avatar inside. "I don't know anything about youkai mating or adoptions so what do I need to know, Kurama?" The Mazoku's blush was telling of his discomfort and Kurama smiled at his awkward friend and walked into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of sake and two small cups. He also grabbed a few beers for choice and headed back to the living room.

Yuusuke was pacing mumbling nervously to himself and Kurama sighed. "Sit down Yuusuke and have a drink there is no need for you to be so nervous."

"Yeah I know but I just realized that I asked her to marry me and I have no clue what I just did!"

"Ah you have jitters. Do you regret asking her?"

"Hell no! I just regret not asking my old man what I needed to know. How can I be a father Kurama?" Yuusuke took the offered beer and downed it. "I don't know nothing about handling kids! I love him and Kagome but is that enough?"

"I think so. Yuusuke you doubt yourself and give little to no credit to the fact that you are doing a very honorable thing raising her child with her. In fact I believe Raizen would be very pleased with you. Yuusuke why don't you take a short trip to the Makai and consult with Hokushin? He would know more of the Mazoku ways than I."

"Yeah but then He would know."

"Good point I hadn't thought of that, Will you be entering the tournament this year Yuusuke?"

"Nope I thought I would back out this time and let Hiei conquer as you know he will."

Kurama chuckled as he took a sip of his fine sake. "I would dare say that the tournament will never happen again once Hiei takes the crown."

"Maybe so but I can't really think of a better king. At least he won't be ruthlessly hunting down and slaughtering hanyou." Yuusuke threw back another can of beer and made a face. He needed to give up this vice of his, he was going to be a father and he would need to be a role model too. It did not matter that he was unable to get drunk on this human alcohol he was done drinking it. His eyes drifted to the glass doors and beyond to the little house. Kagome had the curtains open and he could see her sitting there laughing while she held Keichii. He smiled and set down the can still half full. "Kurama do you have any soda?"

"Giving up liquor? Good for you. I have been meaning to do the same. Yoko however enjoys the flavor and thus quitting won't happen. But there should be some sodas in the pantry. I had them on hand for Kagome to drink while she was pregnant. Speaking of which what should be done if Hiei has fathered a child?"

"I thought about that and I will adopt them too."

"That is very noble of you Yuusuke. Did you tell Kagome that?"

"Yeah, I thought she should know my plan."