A whistle sounded in the air due to the slight wind blowing. Flurries of snow clouded my vision as I walked along, my feet crunching on the snow that laid across the ground for as far as my eyes could see. Winter was definitely upon us, not that I minded.

All around me, people bustled about the city I was currently in, not at all minding the weather. I pulled my jacket tighter around me, & brought my scarf up to cover my mouth & nose, sighing at the warmness it brought to my face.

As I continued forward, I let my mind wander. For the past two years, I traveled the world with my younger sister, Alluka. Up until recently. Two months ago, she suddenly told me it was time for her to return home, back to our family. I had disagreed, but wanting to avoid a fight, I followed her wishes. Was I ever surprised when my father took her back with open arms, telling me they'd treat her like family. Finally. I had scoffed at his words. Alluka of course, told me that she would be alright. If anything, she'd try sending me a letter if things went bad. I didn't have a choice, but to believe in her.

So for the past two months, I traveled alone, trying to find out what to do with myself now. My heart ached for a certain someone & my thoughts traveled to him. Gon. My best friend. We had separated two years ago, because he wanted to spend time with his father & I wanted to spend time with Alluka. Before departing, we promised to see each other again & that we would always be friends, no matter where our travels took us.

That had been two years ago, & though I tried to write to him for the past two months, letters aren't my thing. I'm terrible at them. I lost count of how many letters I had ripped up & throw away in frustration. Even if I didn't know his current whereabouts, I could always send the letter to Whale Island, to his Aunt Mito & she could pass it on. But I never got the courage to actually finish one measly letter. It made me ashamed at myself. That I couldn't even find the proper words for my best friend.

A sob would catch in my throat & I had to wipe at my eyes as tears begin to sting the back of them, threatening to come out. Oh Gon, if you saw me right now, you'd see what a baby I've become. So pathetic. You'd be disappointed. This isn't the Killua Zoldyck you once knew.

I continued to push on through the throngs of people. With the holidays fast approaching, of course everyone would be out shopping for gifts. I myself, had bought gifts for Alluka...and Gon. I couldn't help myself. I hoped to see him again. If I ever manage to get a letter out to him.

Christmas music played in the background as I moved through the central part of the city, not realizing my feet brought had brought me to the plaza, one of my favorite places here. I had been too consumed in my thoughts, that I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going.

I then willed myself to bring my head upwards, to face forward & that's when my eyes saw him. The one my heart has been aching for, for so long now.


We stared at each other silently, in utter shock & surprise, snow falling down on us, & people bustling all around us. It was him who was the first to speak.

"Killua." Gon's voice sounded strained, as those brown eyes looked across at me, full of emotion. "It's been awhile."

A tuff of white escaped my half-parted lips as I breathed out. I shivered, though I wasn't sure if it was just from the cold.

"Yeah." I croaked out, my voice hoarse as I gazed in wonder at the boy in front of me, the presence I long since longed for. "It sure has."