Knocking On Heaven's Door

Chapter Seven) I Can't Use Them Anymore

A/N: I told a few people I'd finish this story. Well this chapter is me finishing it. It's a horrible ending in my eyes, it's not at all what I was planning for this fic and to be honest I wanted it to be a hell of a lot longer.
The problem is my Star Trek obsession. I love everything just as much as I did months ago, but with no new material, no new movies with Chris or the others and simply nothing new to watch online; I began searching for new fandoms and I found quite a few. I got back into Glee, started Brooklyn Nine Nine and 13 Reasons Why... I even got into my very first fandom Big Time Rush and Heffron Drive.
I'm really sorry for this shitty ending and the way it turned out, but it was either ending it this way or keeping it on unfinished, maybe even take it down and I wouldn't do that to the JaylahxKirk fans. Once again; sorry. I hope you still enjoy it or have a good laugh out of it.

Leonard awoke with a scream, sitting upright. Glass clattered to the ground waking up the people surrounding him.
Jim groaned as he raised his head from the table they'd been laying on.

"Bones, why the screaming?" He said annoyed glaring at his best friend.

The Doctor was panting, eyes looking around the familiar room. His gaze ended on the ensign laying on the couch. "She tried to kill me!"
Jim's eyebrow cocked up as he took in the passed out Neve Watson.

"I don't know how much you've had from that alien juice but seriously? Neve tried to kill you?" Leonard lost all his nerve as he turned towards the captain.

"You were dying and Spock and I were on our way to come and get you! Jaylah was there as well."

A chuckle came from Jim; "Jaylah's been at the Academy since we went on that date to the movies in San Francisco. And I- well I'm hungover as fuck but certainly not dying."

Leonard went with a hand through his hair. He must have had a bad dream.

"I'm going nuts." He grumbled.

"Actually Doctor, Naboian Scotch causes severe hallucination and nightmares. You must have suffered the most of us all." Spock's voiced annoyed McCoy even more who slammed his head against the table waiting for the dream-version of Spock to return.

The End