Amy walks out of the bedroom in her bathrobe and sees Sheldon staring at their whiteboards. It's almost bedtime and he hasn't budged since she left to go take a shower. As much as she loves working with him she doesn't want him killing himself with stress.

"Sheldon come on it's bedtime." she tells him.

"Aww! But I'm so close on this one equation."

"You'd be even closer if you would stop and get some rest."

"Or maybe you should just stop nagging me and let me be." he gripes.

"I have to nag you or you forget to take care of yourself like a toddler." she quips back and his face lights up and he moves closer to the board and erases something and then fills it back in again.

"Yes! That's it now let me have it again. May I suggest something in the area of my mother this time?"

"Sheldon this isn't healthy." Amy tells him and he turns around.

"Unhealthy like your choice of dinner tonight." he says then he turns around and stares at his board again. Amy glares at him. Ever since they started this project she has never been more annoyed by him or more turned on. There had been a heavy tension in the air that was reaching a breaking point. Amy stands behind him and examines the board.

"It looks good, but I think we need to change this." She says grabbing the marker from his hand and leaning over his shoulder to make a mark. Her mouth accidently brushing by his neck. She feels him shiver against her. Ifs she asks she knows he will say it's because of cold, or her breath being to close. She knows its for a different reason. Sheldon is just as turned on as she is.

"Good, now if you could have ideas like this before you're ready to retire for the night we would really be cooking with gas." he tells her. A retort is on the edge of her lips but something stops her. They could go on like this forever. Fighting and working the air between them growing heavier and thicker until she exploded. Or she could do something about it. She lets her lips brush his neck purposely now. Then she lets them rest by his ear.

"I have plenty of good ideas." she whispers then she kisses his neck. She expects him to rebuff her. To push her away. Instead he moves his head so that she has better access.

"Oh really." breathes as her tongue sweeps along his jaw. She has him now and she knows it. She wraps her arms around him and lets them travel the length of his body.

"You know I've also done work on the stimulation of the minds pleasure centers and the correlation to mental acuity." she tells him as her hands travel lower. He can only manage a grunt before her hands wrap around him through his pants and she strokes him.

"What did your research find?" he says huskily.

"Oh, it's very interesting actually. I can show you better than I could tell you." she says moving to his front and kissing his lips.

He kisses her back hungrily still clutching the marker in his hand. Amy takes it from him before he marks her face with it. She sets the marker down and then moves to the fly of his khakis freeing him. She sinks to her knees and looks up at him questioning. He nods his head giving her permission and she takes him into her mouth. He has never let her do this before and it turns her on to hear his moans of pleasure. She hopes he is doing it right.

"Stop!" he says suddenly and she backs away. 'I've got it!" he says picking the marker back up and scribbling furiously on the board. Hurt and annoyed she gets up and moves to leave the room and leave him be. It seems nothing can distract him from his work right now. Then she feels a tug on her arm and he pulls her back into his arms. "Where are you going?"

"You look pretty busy." she quips irked.

"I'm not done with you yet." he tells her pulling her into his arms and kissing her. He backs her up against the couch until her knees buckle and she falls."You're a genius." he murmurs into her mouth.

"So are you." she moans as he opens her rope and begins to kiss her all over. Her head falls over the edge of the small teal couch as his head moves between her legs to return the favor. The numbers swim in front of her eyes looking at a whiteboard as she rides waves of intense pleasure. "Oh my god… OH MY GOD!" she moans suddenly the equation makes sense to her and she wiggles away from him to go to the board.

"No wonder you were cross with me that is kind of rude." he says walking over to her but when he sees what she has his ire evaporates. "We've got it this is brilliant!"

"I know." she says proudly tapping the marker against her chin.

"This could win us the Nobel." he says awed.

"I know!" she squeals.

"There is only one thing to do know." he says looking down at her.

"Write up a paper and publish our findings!" she says excited.

"No, finish what we started." he says grabbing her and lifting her onto the kitchen counter. Fitting his body between his legs.