Author's note: Thanks for checking out my story! For those who follow my other works, this is just a way to help me throw around some creative ideas while I try to continue my main stories.

On top of that, I should say that this story is heavily inspired by The Extended Unova Pokémon Guide by The Gentleman Xerneas and by Z-nogyroP's Absolutely Absurd Obsidian Alphabetlocke over on the Nuzlocke Forums. I thank both of you for insirpation!

I will also try to keep this as original as possible, so if you think one of my entries appears to mimic someone else to closely, please let me know so I can fix the issue.

With that said, let's begin!

Greetings, fellow Pokémon enthusiasts! My name is Professor Pine, and I hope this source of information will come to help you as you explore this marvelous world!

We all know how wonderful Pokémon are, but many people don't think about how dangerous Pokémon can be or how they interact with their environment. It is my goal to help more and more people see how wondrous our companions in this world truly are!

Even with that being the case, not all the information I hope to give to you is readily available. As such, some of the information will be from my personal observations.

One other thing I must stress is this: some of the Pokémon I will discuss are not, and should not, be considered for capture. Pokeball technology has come far in these past few years, but some Pokémon should still not be captured. These Pokémon will be noted, with most of the information regarding Pokémon in the Danger! section.

Next, these are the various things I will be listing for each Pokémon:

Name: the commonly used name of the Pokémon in question.

Type: the elemental attribute the Pokémon reflects.

Background: a (usually) brief introduction to a Pokémon, usually giving the history of a species.

Habitat: were the Pokémon tends to live in the wild.

Ecosystem: how the Pokémon fits into its environment, including what it is preyed upon by and what it hunts.

Community: how the Pokémon interacts with Pokémon of the same species, including the others in its evolution tree.

Lifespan: How long the Pokémon is expected to live, both in the wild and as a trained Pokémon.

Danger!: how dangerous a Pokémon normally is, ranging from 1 to 5. Behavior that commonly leads to violent action will also be listed here.

Battle: how the Pokémon is commonly seen in combat, including strategies of how to fight one in the wild.

Human factor: how the Pokémon is seen by the masses as a whole, and how the Pokémon tends to view humans.

With that said, we shall begin!

Author's Note: As you can tell, this first chapter just lists out how I will be writing each following chapter. I plan to focus on my personal favorite Pokémon or Pokémon that I can come up with creative ideas for! As such, their will be no real order to how the Pokémon will be listed.

However, I would like to say that I will take requests! If you would like to see a certain Pokémon or evolutionary line, just leave it in a review or PM me!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapter!