"Otacon, what are the chances that someone could have Vamp's abilities?"

"Well! First off, It'd be a far cry to call them 'abilities'. That'd imply they were innate, which we proved later they weren't when we were back at Shadow Moses. It was all thanks to his brand of nanomachines."

"Same problem. Then what if someone got ahold of those same nanomachines?"

"That shouldn't be possible. The original blueprint for Vamp's nanomachines were made by Naomi herself. The Patriots were probably responsible for perfecting it. But if someone else got ahold of those blueprints…"

"Someone else made their own nanomachines. This one man in the black trenchcoat is able to de-materialize his body, Bullets just go right through him!"

"You must be going against who my reports are calling Reaper. It's an alias for a mercenary that's been around since the Omnic Wars, but in recent years they've allied himself with the terrorist group called Talon."

"Reaper's able to hold two semi-automatic shotguns in each hand, and can handle the recoil. If I tried doing that it'd break my wrist. He doesn't even bother to reload, he materializes more out of his coat.""

"Sorry to say, Snake, but that's probably thanks to nanomachines too. They can enhance physical traits when paired with gene mods."

"And all that still doesn't explain half the things Vamp was able to do. You were there with me and Raiden on the Big Shell mission. I saw him climb up the rig like it was nothing. I saw him run across water!"

"Or! It's possible Reaper received modifications, maybe!"

"No. Wait, yeah. That should make more sense… Reaper can't be a vampire…"


"They're just a stupid, made-up legend, even if they do seem real sometimes…"

"You can't be serious! Do you actually believe in vampires?"

"No. I just get weird dreams about vampires whenever something brings them up."

"Do you wanna hear something you'd say? Reaper, Vamp, and any vampire are still just people, crazy enhancement mods or not. Let's find out more about them! That's how we defeated Vamp, after all; Naomi appealed to his humanity, as a victim to the Patriots' experiments."

"…Right. Thanks. For answering my questions. I better get moving."