Chapter 3 – We Belong in Two Different Worlds

Author's note:

Was checking out any new MM comics on Tumblr and I came across one with the MC giving a huge heart aegyo in front of the CCTV camera. It's not my idea but it was just so cute that I wanted to at least include it in my fanfic for more fluff for a change.

I will explain more about the dream at the start of Chapter 2 in later chapters ^^

Just want to say that I appreciate the likes, follows and reviews for my MM fanfics (:

SPOILERS from 707 route – Day 7!

Note: Aegyo = performing a cute action in korean (sometimes I like to add some korean expressions in because it sounded better~ after all, MM is made in Korea :D)


Although your appearance in the RFA chatroom was abrupt, I was glad that you joined. V had suggested you to take over Rika's previous job as the party coordinator, and convincing potential guests to attend the fundraising party. Following V, the others also welcomed you on board. Not all of them were readily accepting your presence in RFA, but you gradually gained their trust and respect as you started to converse with the others in the chatrooms.

You appeared to be undeterred by the fact that your life was at a considerable risk and that the hacker that led you to the RFA was still at large. You managed to stay calm and positive almost if like nothing had happened. I admired your courage to accept Rika's previous job and felt that it was up to me to ensure your safety. I watched you on the CCTV every 2.35 seconds, rotating with Vanderwood. That was how much I had worried for you.

You were the same fun person as I had remembered you to be. You complemented along with my funny antique jokes and went along with my usual cheeky attempts to tease the other members. You also showed me a lot of care and concern of my safety and well-being. I liked having your attention for a change. I looked forward to calling you every day. You also called me back from time to time to listen to my nonsensical theories and rants. Hearing your voice gradually became my source of strength and motivation for me to keep working hard.

I'll have to let you in on my little secret. When I saw you giving me that lovely aegyo after one of our phone calls, I was so surprised that I almost fell off my seat. Haha. I even played back that CCTV image and secretly set the image as my phone wallpaper. You were staring cheekily in front of the CCTV and gave me a "big heart" with your sweetest smile. It was so sudden that I accidentally wasted my pack of honey Buddha chips that I was snacking. It all fell to the floor and made a huge mess. My poor Honey Buddha chips…you've died an honourable death… T.T

My heart was squealing at your sudden attempt of showing affection. I did not know if you had really liked me at that time or not or was just joking with me as usual, but I had never felt that way with anyone before. You were so adorable and I was glad that I was the only one who could see you like that. I just wished I could be on the other side of the screen so I can just give you a hug. It felt so near, yet so far.

However, it was never going to become a reality.

We were just people from two different worlds - You belong in the light, and the dark was the only place where I could reside.

I could not possibly abandon my job as a secret intelligence agent as it was the only choice I could take to hide my true identity. Working as an agent, it was forbidden to have close relationships with others as we were constantly putting our lives on the line. As much as I wanted our feelings to be mutual, I did not want to you to suffer the same fate as I did.

Recently during the late nights I've spent, I was feeling rather emotional. It was most probably due to the stress from overworking too much. I managed to relieve some of that uncomfortable feeling I had, on the RFA messenger chatroom. After all the typing, I immediately regretted my actions. I shouldn't have done that in the first place and let you and the members see my vulnerable side. I felt that, perhaps, my fingers had just unconsciously wanted to tell someone about my true emotions that I have tried to suppress for so long. Although I apologized to the members the next morning, it just was out of character for me to actually act that way. I just wanted to remain the funny and cheerful persona known as 707 in the chatroom. My true emotions would not matter as I did not want anyone to worry for me.

I had two priorities which I judged one as important as another - your personal safety and my agency work. It was extremely difficult for me juggle both tasks, and my growing feelings for you had distracted me to put your personal safety at first place. It didn't matter what would happen to me as long as I could protect you. How I wished I had clones to help me finish my work. Three of me would be good – One meant for protecting you in Rika's apartment, the second to trace and chase the hacker targeting the RFA, and the third to handle my agency work. Vanderwood was constantly reminding me not to neglect my agency work, and even told me the severity of being late for a project. Both Vanderwood and I would lose our lives, and the agency would be destroyed in the worst possible scenario. I really wanted to quit working for the agency but there was just simply no way out for me.

On another note, the other RFA members had received a strange and suspicious email. The sender was from "Mint Eye" and I did not receive the email. I was initially thinking that it was a spam mail as it did not include harmful links, but my suspicions proved otherwise later on.

After the fuss with the suspicious email, I had an ill-feeling and went to check the special security system installed at Rika's apartment. To my dismay, the algorithms for the system had changed. I quickly glanced through the access log and discovered that the system had been hacked. Someone had broke into the system two days ago and changed it. I was alarmed that someone was capable of hacking through my complicated system. I deduced that it was the same person who had sent the mysterious email.

Upon the sudden discovery, my mind was in a total blank. You were in grave danger and protecting you was all that I could think of.

I gathered all my hacking equipment and loaded them into my car. Vanderwood tried to stop me and I used my fire-spitting dog that I had invented the other day to distract her while I made my getaway. I was glad it proved to be useful eventually, even if it was too dangerous as a present for you.

While driving, I was solely focused on getting to you fast. I could only feel uneasiness enveloping me, and muttered prayers to keep myself calm.

"God…Please let her be safe and sound".