"... does anyone object to the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Walker-Gordon?"

Silence. Then suddenly, Cole stood up. Jay slapped his hand onto his face.

"Cole! I thought we talked about this!" he said, clearly embarrassed.

"No, it's not about that."

Cole took out his phone and started waving it around ridiculously.

"There's a Pikachu somewhere around here."

All the wedding guests gasped as they started opening their Pokemon Go apps. A rather annoyed Jay sighed.

"What? Pokemon Go? Oh, never mind that. This is a wedding, not a Pokemoner meeting! Can everybody please put away your phones?"

All of a sudden, the brunette heard an "I caught it!". He turned around to see his bride Nya excitedly grasping her iPhone.

"Nya? Not you too!" Jay groaned.

"What? Oh, um... I meant to say that I caught our marriage vows. In my heart. Forever."

The preacher, who had been patiently waiting all this time, cleared his throat.

"We need to get on with the marriage vows, Mr. Walker."

"Yes sir."

"Ahem. Do you, Nya Smith, take Jay Walker-Gordon to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, in prosperity, and in poverty, in sickness and in health till death do you part?"

"Yes, I do."

"And do you take Nya Smith to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, etc.?"


Immediately, a guy from the audience jumps up.

"Guys! I can't keep it in any longer. There is a Bulbasaur near the wedding cake!"

All the people gasped.

"I once married a guy to a Bulbasaur once," the preacher said flatly.

"Again with the Pokemon! Can't you all wait for at least a few more minutes?" pleaded Jay.

The guests reluctantly agreed.

"Ok, that sounds so much better," the blue-eyed man smiled. "Now, where was I? Um, I do take Nya to be my wife."

"Then I announce you man and Bulbasaur. Now let's get that Pokemon!"

Everyone disappeared in a flash, leaving Jay in the dust. He stood there, blinking, then he chuckled.

"It probably won't hurt to catch it," he said, opening Pokemon Go. "Hey, wait for me!"

A/N: Yay! My first fanfiction! If you were wondering where I got the idea, there is a channel on Youtube called Studio C. They did a hilarious video called "How Pokemon Go Ruined My Wedding." You should check it out. Oh, and I don't actually play Pokemon Go. I just happen to know friends who play it.

J. Walker-Gordon out!
