What do ya'll think should happen next...?


Snuggling further into the warmth I grumble, I have not been this comfortable in years! A soothing pattern being drawn on my arm makes me smile as the weight holding down my waist pulls me closer.

"Sorry luv but Flag's gonna be here soon," Digger's fingers clutch me a little tighter as I open one eye to peek up at the Aussie. As he smirks down at me as I can't help but blush a little as his fingers slide under the white t-shirt; caressing my waist. "Ther' she is, mornin'" opening both eyes to look at him properly I see his eyes are looking more bruised than before. Gently tracing under his right eye his smirk changes into a smile.

"Did you not sleep at all Digs?" Shaking his head as he pulls me more onto his chest, so it is easier to look up at him.

"Nah, I'll sleep once we get outta thi' shit hole". If possible, I feel my heart swell a little more for the man holding me, he really kept watch all night? For me? Running my fingers through his mutton chops I smile up at the tired Aussie, so much for him not playing well with others.

I ask: "where do you think they're gonna put us now?" while fiddling with the chain around his neck, shrugging his big shoulders he lets his hands slide down my body till they rest on the small of my back. Distracted by the nails digging into my skin I gasp and miss the way his eyes darken slightly until he leans forward and his lips hover just above mine: "All I know is Amara, me and yeh betta have a room to 'urselves as we've go' some unfinished business".

Holing in the moan that wanted to escape I bite my bottom lip as he presses a very awake part of him against my hip. His replying groan makes my eyes switch back up to his instead of staring at his lips. "what 'ave I said 'bout biting tha' lip!" Slowly releasing it I coyly smile at him.

"Oops?" He closes his eyes and breathes deeply, holding back a chuckle I chastely kiss his bottom lip, but before I can pull away he wraps one hand around the back of my neck and tugs me back down to his lips. Expecting a harsh kiss off him I'm surprised by the softness of his lips on mine, his lightly kissing the corner of mine up to my cheeks then making a path down my jaw to my neck biting little marks down it, clenching my fists in his tank top I let little gasps escape my mouth and close my eyes.

Feeling the rush of heat reach my cheeks as he follows the neckline of my t-shirt I feel his growl rumble in his chest when he could go no further and instead changes his direction back up my neck to my bottom lip giving it a small nip before pulling away. Blinking my eyes open I see a very smug Digger under me, trying to hide the redness in my cheeks I quickly nuzzle into his neck placing small kisses there as his hand on my neck rubs soothing circles into it.

"Not goin' shy on me now ar' yeh luv?" Feeling his rumble through his chest into mine I sigh, it's too early in the morning to try and figure out these weird feelings I'm having for the man holding me so closely. Propping my chin on his chest I look back up into the blue eyes as he stares back down at me, eyebrows high with confusion.

"Would I ever?" I grin as he shakes his head while murmuring 'women' under his breath. Giggling I kiss his cheek while hearing footsteps outside in the hallway. Digger looks up after he sees where my attention is directed to. Gently picking me up and placing me against the wall he stands in front of me, all six foot and muscled like hell. It's enough to make any woman's knees weak. Standing behind him carefully I place my hand on his back letting him know I was there, glancing back at me he smirks. Smug bastard.

"Stay behin' me suga', let ole Digger deal with the riff-raff". Laughing at his cocky tone, I nod and take a small step back against the wall, totally not checking out his gorgeous ass at the same time. Watching his shoulders broaden as we hear keys start to unlock his door I make sure to stand a little to the side, let's see whose gonna enter and if Dig's would need help with the so called 'riff-raff'.

As the door opens I see Flag surrounded with some army goons and good old Floyd stood beside him with a smirk on his face. I couldn't stop the grin spreading across my face at the men as I stand beside Digger while his shoulders relax slightly.

"And you said we'd have to pry them apart man," Floyd starts to snigger at an annoyed Flag as he shrugs his shoulders at my less than amused face. Rolling my eyes, I look up at my Aussie to see a small leer tug at the corner of his lips, frowning I can't help but shake my head. What's a girl to do?

"We aren't animals, we can restrain ourselves thank you." As one of the army bloke's steps forwards with arm and ankle cuffs, I let him cuff me but not before I send a glare to Digger hearing his quick mutter; "wait till she's healed up". Floyd snorts than pretends to cough when my glare turns on him, men! Checking that Dig's was alright when the army guys chain him up as well we start to follow Flag through the doorway and down the corridor.

"So, where we heading boys?" I ask, Floyd just shrugs his shoulders at me and Flag just flat out ignores me, rude. Huffing, I pout over my shoulder to Digger who just grins and sends me a wink. Helpful, aren't they. Following through twists and turns we are joined by Croc and then a bubbly Harley Quinn who squealed and launched herself at me wrapping her arms around me so our chains ended up getting tangled. Laughing I hug the blonde back as much as I was able letting her crush me to her, flinching slightly at the pressure on my sore ribs I murmur a soft 'ow'. Those blue eyes bore into my own as she frowns.

"Ow? Why you owing sweetie pie?" Glaring at the guys around us she looks suspiciously down at my t-shirt.

"I'll tell ya all about it Harls when we get to wherever we're going, promise." I try my best at a reassuring smile, looking over my shoulder she stares at Digger before nodding and letting me go. Standing beside me she snarls as one of the guards go to move her.

"I can walk just fine right here!" Backing away they just watch her closely as we all start to walk again. Well, all this fuss over little old me. Don't I feel special.

Letting Harley link our arms as much as she could I relax a little, having Harley one side and Digger behind me makes me feel a little safer in this place. A quick glance to the blonde beside me I grin: "how's the expresso machine?" Her giggling makes all the men groan softly as she natters on for the best part of ten minutes of how amazing this machine of hers is, after the first five minutes I kinda guessed she must have had a few cups of it before joining us.


After being piled in an army van and then blindfolded and basically dragged around for ten minutes we are finally standing altogether, or I assume all together as I can hear Croc growling, Harley giggling under her breath and Digs swearing. The blindfold was eventually taken off and a sharp blinding light cut into my eyes making them water, bloody hell are they trying to blind us all. Blinking back the tears I look to my left and right seeing all the guys and Harley with us. Thank God for that.

Flag clears his throat before glaring at us all, "Right, Rules! No pissing me off, no pissing each other off," he glares particularly at Harley and Digs, "you've each got a room, no escaping and no killing any one unless instructed! Got it? Good now fuck off". Storming off to what I can assume is a kitchen I chuckle.

"He's really getting better with this pep talk thing!" Floyd laughs as all our restraints are removed and the army blokes start to disperse. Looking around there are sofas, a small TV, a bookcase and a coffee table. Peaking around Diggers body I spy a corridor with doorways; must be the bedrooms.

"So Am you gonna tell me what happened?" Harls starts tugging at my t-shirt as Digger places his warm hands on my hips, leaning back into him I nod.

"Grigg's happened Harls, I gave him a bit of lip and he didn't like it. Instead of being a smart guy and just using a punch bag instead he used my body as one," I tugged my t-shirt up slightly so she could see the bruising.

Her eyes were seething, gulping I step back further into Digs embrace. Can honestly see why this woman is the Queen of Gotham and can deal with the Joker. "I'll kill him! No one touches my friends!" Smiling at the blonde I reach out a hand and squeeze hers.

"Harkness beat ya too it Dollface," Floyd smirks at Digger as he passes us all to follow Flag into the kitchen. Her glare goes up to my Aussies face which was getting smugger and smugger by the second.

"He ain't gonna be botherin' nobody for a lon' time craziness don't yeh worry". His warm hands slide around my waist to my stomach as he pulls me firmly against his body.

"Good. Now boys if ya'll excuse me I'm gonna check out this shindig. OOOH I hope we have a pool!" She prances around the room before disappearing down the hallway. Croc smirks at us as he follows her down the hall possibly looking for his room.

"We're finally alone luv," smiling up at the tired Aussie I take his large hand in mine feeling small sparks tingle through my fingers at the contact.

"We'll let's get you in bed," his smirk grows as I roll my eyes, "to get you some sleep you horn dog". Chuckling he lets me pull him down the corridor, seeing certain symbols on the doors I see one that was similar to one that was on Digger's bag when we first saw him off the plane. Was that only a week or two ago? God it feels like months ago …

"Luv?" blinking I look and see Digs already in the room tilting his head at me, smiling at the Aussie I follow him in and shut the door behind me. A large bed was against a wall with a wardrobe on the opposite side of the room. Seeing him stroke a leather jacket I hold back a smirk when I see his blue Captain jacket next to it, I will so be stealing that at some point. "Yeh think they've got any beer in this place?" Cocking an eyebrow at the Aussie I snort, course we are given a bit of freedom and the nutter wants a beer.

"Want me to go check Digs?" Shaking his head he rummages through the pockets of his leather jacket, bending over I remove my gross white shoes and leave them by the door. Hearing a hiss I whip around seeing a very happy Digger chugging down a can of beer. Laughing as I walk towards the bed, he sends me a wink as he drains the last bit of the can before groaning in delight.

"Come on big guy time for bed," I tell him as I pat the thick dark blue quilt. Throwing the can in a small bin he stalks over to where I'm sat, placing his hands either side of my waist I allow him to get into my personal space. His blue eyes stare into my own as I reach up and run my fingers through his mutton chops. "Bed Digs, you need sleep. Then we can play as much as you want." Winking at the man who has managed to box me in, I shriek his name as he playfully collapses onto me being wary about putting no weight on my ribs and stomach.

"Digger!" Laughing he kisses down my neck leaving little bites before pulling away, smirking down at me.

"Yeh are stayin' here!" Amused I tilt my head at him as he gets up and strips off the orange pants and white wife beater shirt. Oooh. Pretty. Wait. No. Don't get distracted!

"Oh am I now?" I tease seeing his challenging gaze at me. Pulling back one side of the duvet he sits down groaning at the softness of the mattress.

"I tol' yeh again and again luv, yeh are mine now. So geh tha' sweet ass in here before I throw it in" he growls out. Smirking at the now grumpy Aussie I get an idea. Possibly may back fire but only in the best way.

"Well what my Aussie wants I suppose he gets" I wink as I pull off my orange tracksuit bottoms and then slide my white t-shirt off leaving me in just my plain bra and underwear. Looking up I see Diggers eyes glued to my breasts. Typical man. Turning the light off I slip under the quilt, groaning at the give of the mattress. I honestly feel like I could sink straight through it, it is that soft.

"Yeh are a tease luv, just yeh wait till those ribs heal!" His arms wrap around me and drag me into his warm embrace. Snuggling into his chest I close my eyes as I feel his lips touch my forehead.

"Don't make promises you can't keep big boy". A sharp tap to my ass made my eyes lurch open, looking up at the amused Aussie he presses a firm kiss to my lips. Melting into it I chuckle as his hand rubs the now probably red spot on my ass.

"Sleep before I change me mind luv".

Cuddling back down into his embrace I can't help the small smile tugging at the corner of lips as I let sleep take me away to dreams of that small house with the blue bundle of blonde curls in my arms with my Aussies embrace holding us both safe.

did you like it?
the next chapter I will go into more depth about the house that they are now in, but poor ol' Boomer needed sleep! This chapter is more about developing Amara's and Dig's relationship
Did you think it was okay?