(Forgive me for a short chapter.)

Yami smirked as she watched April fly across rooftops, smirk widening wherm she spotted her friends.

"Hey, mom." Yami turned her head to her daughter. Her thick crimson red hair fell to her waist. Her pale skin had a hint of grey, like her mother. Her eyes glowed a bright, saturated red. Grey eyeliner was messily smudged under her eyes, making them look creepier. "What's goin' on over there?" Valkyrie asked, her voice low and filled with venom.

"Oh nothing, some found something fun you'd like to play with," Yami smirked, turning to her daughter completely.

"Another host?" Val hissed.

"Well, that depends on you," Yami replied, stepping aside and gesturing to the red crystal she was once standing in front of.

The image made Val smirk, "Maybe another wouldn't be so bad after all..."


"April, wait!" Donnie called.

"Fly away slower!" Jel exclaimed.

"Better yet, stop flying!" Pop exclaimed.

"Why don't you start running?" Ellie panted angrily, glaring at her sister.

"But I'm so tired!" Pop whined, making Ellie roll her eyes.

Vikie turned her head and saw a shadow jumping from building to building. She squinted her eyes to get a closer look, then the figure became clearer: Valkyrie.

"Guys, hate to break it to you, but Val's on our tail," Vikie called.

"Where?" Tasha asked.

"There!" Vikie exclaimed, pointing at the building where she saw the demon's daughter still jumping after April, this time ahead of them.

"There's nothing, Vic," Vi, having hitched a ride on Leo's back, said.

"But she's there!" Vikie retorted, "I can see her! She's going after April!"

"You do?" Donnie asked.

"She must be delusional," Raph growled.

"No!" Trixie called all of a sudden, "I can see her too!"

"Wha—" Raph started.

"Let's hurry!" Leo ordered.


Val growled as Trixie alerted the others about her presence.

"So you're not the only one who can see me," she murmured, "I thought that they'd think that you're delusional," —she jumped and planted her hands on the water tower as she flipped— "but turns out that that failed experiment can see me too. I'll just have to make sure that Victoria is the only one who sees me."

As she passed by another water tower, a toothy frown appeared in the darkness of the water tower.

"She's going to kill her," he murmured. "Let's just see about that..."


"Hey, Nicole. Hey, Diana," Rili greeted as the other two of Mira's 'sisters' came down the stairs, and boy did they look tired.

"Hey," Dina, a girl with choppy chin length hair with dark denim blue ends, skin at the beginning brink of tan, and brown eyes wearing a black short sleeve with a strawberry with big sparkling eyes printed on it, white shorts and socks, sloppily greeted.

"Have you been sleeping or what?" Rili asked.

"Shut up," Nicole, a girl with black back length hair with the ends of the eartails and the hair in general in purple and dark blue, fair skin, and dark brown eyes wearing a pair of dark brown hipster glasses wearing a brown jacket with 'LOVE PINK' printed in silver on the back and outer sleeves over a lilac top and white sweatpants, groaned, slumping on the couch alongside Haven.

"Looks like we gotta go, Hav," Mira yawned.

"Go where?" Rili asked.

"Job," Haven replied, groaning. "Can we stop by a coffee shop or somethin'? I don't feel like going."

Miracle sighed. "I'll go alone, again."


"Again?" Rili repeated.

"Yup," Miracle replied, "There is not one time I've gone with anyone before. I always plan who goes with who when but when it comes to me, no one ever goes."

"It's your fault you always get the midnight shift," Nicole grumbled.

"And have you ever gone on a midnight shift?" Miracle retorted.

"I can go with you, if you want," Rili volunteered.

"Can you jump across rooftops?"


"No," Mira replied bluntly, walking up the stairs.

"What does jumping across rooftops have to do with your job?" Rili asked, only being answered by a shrug.


April stumbled as she landed on the Channel 6 building. She groaned as she got up.

'Why are you running, April? I need you to help me cleanse this world.'

April gasped as she held her head.

"Leave...me...alone," she gasped.

'But why? You want to save everyone, don't you?'

"Something goin' on in your head, sister?"

April's eyes widened. She turned her head and came face-to-face with the princess of darkness.

"You," she gasped, scooting backwards.

"Yeah, me," Val smirked as she opened her eyes. "Boy, have I got plans for you."


"There she is!" Vi exclaimed, pointing to the top of the commercial building as Leo and the team came to a stop.

"Who she?" Ellie asked, "Valkyrie or April?"

"Both!" Vikie exclaimed.

"But I only see April," Donnie said.

"Of course you do," Jel commented, rolling her eyes.

"C'mon, no time to waste," Leo ordered.


The team made it up to the Channel Six rooftop in ways of their own, and although Vikie and Trixie let them know about Val, they were still surprised to find her hand on April's back with a smirk as she turned to them, then she disappeared in a form of red, black, and gold dust, the last of her was her hand on April's back, then she was gone.

"April!" Donnie exclaimed, running to April.

Suddenly, she pushed lifted him into the air with a strong force from her hand. Then they noticed, her hair started to turn red, and it wasn't the red form a normal red head, it was turning blood red.

"What's going on?!" Mikey exclaimed.

April slowly lifted off the ground, til she was higher up than Donnie.

Vikie gulped. "I think I know what is..."

April then opened her eyes. Saturated red.

Pop gulped, "...is that...?"

Vikie' eyes widened in fear. "Valkyrie."