Hi everyone and welcome to the next full journey in my Warriors series! I kicked off Everlasting Miracles II off with the prologue bringing Lelouch back to ThunderClan, but I wanted the adventure to truly begin with the addition of Sword Art Online to the series. I hope that you all enjoy. Also, I should warn you all that since this story basically is my crossover twist on the A Vision of Shadows series, starting with the Apprentice's Quest. There will be spoilers, and if you've read it already, you'll notice that I change little details, but nothing really major, such as making canon cats die.

Warriors Everlasting Miracles II Turn 1: Link Start


The sun glowed brightly outside of the streets of Japan. As usual, Kazuto Kirigaya, known better by his friends as Kirito, was in his room using his computer. He was woken up by his phone's text notification, which was from his girlfriend, Asuna Yuuki, who told him to get online to chat. She said that it was something important, but what could it be? He wondered. He heard a knock on his door and walked over to open it and see his cousin, Suguha.

"Suguha, good morning." He greeted her.

"Morning. Did you just wake up?" He nodded. "Well, you should go check your e-mail. Apparently you, Asuna, and I are all a part of some group message."

"Really? From who?" She shook her head.

"The sender was unknown. I was reading a bit into it and…" She stopped and looked over at his computer once she heard Asuna's voice.

"Kirito, are you there?" He walked over to his desk, and she followed. He tweaked his webcam a bit so that she could see him clearly. "There you are, oh and Suguha's here too. Hi!" She waved at his cousin, and she did the same.

"Suguha was telling me about some strange e-mail sent to us three." She nodded her head. "What did it say?"

"Well, maybe you should go see it for yourself." Asuna told him.

"How strange is the e-mail anyway you two?"

"Strange enough that us three are the only ones that received it." Suguha responded. "See, right there Kirito. Click on it." Kirito moved his cursor over to the e-mail and clicked on it. He saw that there was a starry background behind the text.

"Let's see here…'Embrace what you find in the shadows, for only they can clear the sky. The clans have lived in peace, but that time is soon approaching its end. We need you to come and help during their time of need. We've had saviors to the clans before much like yourselves so we only ask that it's in your hearts to aid the clans.'" Kirito placed a hand under his chin. "Well it sure sounds like a plea for help, but the sender is unknown…so who's to say this isn't just a piece of spam mail?"

"There's an easy solution to that." Asuna told her. "Kirito, can you ask Yui to try and find out who sent us the message?"

"Already on it, mommy." They heard Yui's voice from Kirito's screen. They saw another screen added to their chat and saw that it was Yui, Kirito and Asuna's adopted daughter from SAO. "Did you three see the attachment file on it? It's called TC."

"Yeah, it was like a game file or something." Suguha said.

"Leafa…oh, I mean Suguha, is right." Yui responded. "It is a game file, but I'm looking through it now and that isn't completely factual. There are components of it that I'm not even familiar with at all." The others began to worry.

"So, do we trust it, or not?" Kirito asked. "Yui, were you able to decipher who the unknown sender was?"

"Yes, apparently the sender goes by the name 'Spottedleaf'." She answered. Kirito opened up a new tab and typed the name. "No need, daddy, I can do it."

"Right, sorry Yui." He told her. The three waited for a bit until Yui finally spoke again.

"I can't find anything on the name other than pictures of spotted leaves and what a spotted leaf could mean."

"So it must just be a screen name or something."

"I think we should check it out." Asuna stated. "I mean, if it's a game, then it's a game and we simply log out."

"But what if it isn't?" Suguha countered. "Yui did say that it's partially a game file after all."

"Wait! I've found something!" Yui exclaimed. "Deeper into the file I found that it's emulated as a game file only so you three can access it via AmuSphere. It's apparently normally called a portal file, but like I said before, this is a file type I'm seeing for the first time."

"A portal file, huh? Putting that and the fact that it's a plea for help together must mean that this all is important." Kirito told them. "I'm convinced. I agree with Asuna and say that we dive into this game, or whatever it actually is."

"I think it's a good idea. I guess we're going on an all-new adventure you guys." Suguha stated with excitement in her voice. "This is awesome! I'm going to go set my AmuSphere up. See you two wherever this thing takes us." Suguha waved at the two other girls on her cousin's screen before leaving his room.

"She seems really hyped about this all." Asuna stated, and Kirito let out a small laugh.

"Yeah. It's great to see her like that. Besides, it does seem like an epic way to start our summer break." He told his girlfriend. "Alright, I have everything set up. I'll see you there." Kirito hung up on his side of the video call. "Yui, will you be able to be there with us?"

"I hope so. I need to make sure that you, mommy, and Suguha are safe." She told him with a smile.

"Okay then. Hope to see you there." Kirito unplugged his AmuSphere from his computer and brought it over with him to his bed. Ironically I just got out of bed only to get back in. He thought. Let's hope that this file's safe. It has to be. Why would someone just send us three specifically a portal file, whatever that is. He placed the visor-like device over his eyes and selected the new TC file. Well…here goes nothing. Link Start!

So, what did you think? Okay, so Warriors hasn't fully been implemented yet, but I'm sure you all know what's going to happen next. Just a heads up for some, or most of you: Kirito and Asuna know who Lelouch is and have met him. They met him back in my MLP series, and as much as I'd like to forget about it since I no longer am affiliated with the MLP fandom, I want to keep the relation those three have. As for Suguha, she and Lelouch are going to meet for the first time. I just wanted to clear that out before there's any confusion as to how they know each other. I'm sorry that that's the case, but I hope that you can understand. Anyway, I hope to see you in the next chapter when Kirito, Suguha, and Asuna set paw in the Warriors world. ~Geasswolf Out.