Hi everyone who decided to give this story a chance. I hope at least some of you will like it. In advance apologize for mistakes you might find, because English is not my first language. Your reviews are always welcome, just please don't judge too hard this is my first story. And of course I don't own any of the shows or characters. Enjoy!
Chapter 1
"Hey guys. I just..."
Elliot Spencer walked in the back room of Portland's Bridgeport Brew Pub, headquarters of Leverage Inc. And was slightly surprised to see Nate Ford and Sophie Deveraux, his old colleagues, sitting with Parker and Hardison in living area. Parker was catching up with their ex-teammates while Hardison was crouching to his laptop - most likely gathering information for their latest case.
"Nate, Sophie good to see you. I didn't see you come in."
"Oh we saw you with a client so we just come in through the back." Sophie explained motioning to the back door.
"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on your honeymoon?"
"Erg Elliot I see you didn't miss us. We were in Tahiti for two months." Nate chuckled. "So what is your next job? Maybe you need some help?"
"Nate, you give me the reigns so you and Sophie could have a normal, domestic and very boring life."
Nate squirmed felling a bit uncomfortable, not wanting to undermine Parker's authority. Fortunately for him Sophie found an answer before he had the choice to think.
"Parker, I would really like in. It was... What - year and a half? I'm going crazy. I really need a good con. You know I really thought once we retire we will be done with all of this but habits die hard."
Three remaining leverage team members looked at each other communicating silently. Elliot gave Parker barely perceivable nod, Hardison just shrugged showing he not opposed for Sophie and Nate join them one more time. Once decision was confirmed, Parker looked at couple with a smirk.
"We missed you guys. Once more job, for old times' sake?" She holds her hands out towards Sophie for a hug which she readily returned. "And I think this one might be a doosie."
They all looked at Hardison and Parker gave him a go.
"Yes, Hardison, run it." Nate said from the habit.
Parker gave him dirty look.
"Okay, okay. Your con."
"Joshua Turner. CEO of Turner's Technical Solutions. He swooped in after Merlyn Global crash and now his company is the leading experts in navigations systems. Last year alone he earned two hundred millions dollars. This summer Star City had a lot a problems and after latest terrorist treat Mayor Queen asked local businesses to help revive poorest city's neighborhood. As his part in this project Turner donated one of his "smart" buses to Glade's Community Centre. Five months ago that bus crashed during field trip to Star City's aquarium. At the time bus was full with children. Most of them escaped with mostly minor injuries, but two of volunteers died and our client's son Ian Forester suffered major spinal injury." On the screen he pulled up photos of mentioned people.
"So what caused the crash?"
"Everyone is blaming the driver, but there was no real investigation. And from drivers accounts I guess navigation system crashed taking others systems with it. Turner just issued his regrets and sympathy for families in media, promised to help, but once spotlight shone light elsewhere all of this was forgotten. Yes, new mayor maybe is trying to root out corruption in higher positions, but money rule the world, baby. And Turner is very generous friend of police commissionaire Spoulder."
"So we go after commissionaire and Turner?" Sophie clarified.
"No actually Spoulder got sacked last month by vigilante for police funds embezzlement. How cool is that! Like real life comic book." Hacker's eyes shone with excitement.
Elliot didn't share Hardison's opinion and glared at him unimpressed.
"Dammit, Hardison. I was keeping tabs on that vigilante. He is no laughing matter. He took out the most notorious terrorists in the world such as China White, Guillermo Barrera, Deadshot, and Dodger. Not to mention Triad and Bartinelli family."
"Okay, so maybe it complicates our job, but he targets people who prey on weaker. And we don't. We just need to stay out of Green Arrow's way."
"Green Arrow?" Parker scoffs "its sounds like something from Hardison's picture books."
"Graphic Novels, Parker. Graphic Novels."
Since nobody paid any attention to him, so computer specialist continued his briefing.
"So back to Turner. In public eye he looks decent, respectable businessman with MBA from Harvard. But after I took a better look at him, I noticed some things didn't check. Apparently our guy never even been near Cambridge, and he definitely has no background in software development. So I looked even deeper. And I found that he find smart, but usually poor, people to intern in his company, give them scholarship and difficult problem to solve. After job is done Turner finds a way to fire those people, almost always ruining their reputation."
"That a bastard." Sophie exclaimed.
"Does he even check his interns work before launching software?" Nate inquired.
"At the pace he is operating I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't."
"We need to take him down. Not only because he probably responsible for that bus crash, but and for those young minds he crushed." Sophie stated emotionally and Nate took her hand in his to calm her at least a little, before appointing his next question to new leader of their group.
"What kind of play you think of running on this guy?"
"Something simple… Oh, I know! We should go with the classics..." Parker grinned mischievously enjoying the suspense. "Pig in a poke."
"Yes, simple and it coincides with his MO." Praised former groups mastermind.
"And we may have an opportunity next weekend. Palmer Tech will hold Tech Expo in Star City. Newest inventions just waiting to be discovered and unknown inventors looking for investments or jobs at best country's Tech companies. And now…" Hardison clicked few keyboard's keys. "I booked us a booth and some high level passes."
"Now Nate, say the thing." Blonde girl asked rubbing her hands in excited manner.
"The thing?"
"Yes. You know… Your thing!"
Nate looked around the room to his friends. Their faces gave away only amusement. Hardison nodded eagerly, Sophie pat her husband's leg encouragingly, even on Elliot's lips played small smirk and raised his eyebrows looking back at older man.
"Okay. Let's go steal a Tech Expo!"