"Would You Let Me Kiss You?"

Warning: Some harsh language

Dorian let out a long breath as he watched the gathered in mild interest, a half empty drink in his hand. It was about two in the morning and the music was pumping almost annoyingly high from the center of the large apartment he was in. It wasn't that the reluctant Havilliard didn't like parties or fraternizing in general, it was just that he was tired and he didn't know most people there. It was Aelin's party after all, and she was too busy entertaining guests to pay him much mind. It didn't help that Chaol felt he needed to be responsible that night and had stayed behind at their shared flat back at the university.


The young man turned to his right and had to pretend to take a drink from his cup to hide his shocked cough. It was a young woman, one that took about two classes with him and was a step away from being runaway model material.

He knew her name.

Manon Blackbeak.

But let's be honest here. Everyone knew her name. She was a straight-A student who was studying two mayors at once, and co-owned a member's only club called 'The Thirteen' a few blocks from the nearby university football field. As far as he knew most of the popular kids hung out in the ground floor, but only certain female students could go up to the 'exclusive' second and third floors.

He wasn't sure what she was doing at Aelin's party, but it's not like he was going to question her about it.

Dorian tried to appear as calm as possible, especially as she stared up at him with those pretty hazel eyes, so yellow they looked gold. "Hey."

"Listen," she said and because of the music he couldn't hear her well and she seemed to expect that so she leaned into him, so close he could smell her and wow, it was heavenly. "I know this is weird, but you see that blonde guy with the wavy hair?"

Discreetly, Dorian looked over and spotted the man she was talking about. Big guy, probably from the university's football team from how tall and buff he was. "Uh, yeah?"

"Well, he's my ex and I really don't want to talk to him." As she was saying this, Dorian noticed how the guy stole glances at them, like he was waiting for her to finish talking only to go after the blue-eyed sophomore and hang him by his underwear in the college campus field while his gorilla friends watched.

"Hey, you alright?"

Dorian blinked as he openly stared at her perfect face. "Yeah, peachy." Who the fuck used 'peachy' as a way to say they were okay? She must think him an idiot.

She smiled at him a little. "Would you let me kiss you?"

Or not…

"I'm sorry?" He asked, he couldn't have possibly heard her right.

"I just need you to pretend to be my boyfriend for a few minutes, so he thinks I'm taken."

Holy shit?

When Dorian merely stared at her, she actually backed off. "It's cool, you have a girlfriend?"


"Boyfriend? My cousin told me she thought you were with Westfall-" Her cousin said what?! Why were they even talking about him and Chaol in the first place?

The mentioned one lifted his hands "Uh, no, listen-I'm just…surprised is all…" He paused. "You know who I am?"

She narrowed her eyes a little and he pictured kissing her and wondered if he had a little too much to drink. "Dorian, right? We take two classes together, right?" He couldn't believe she had actually noticed him. "So, yes or no?"

Perhaps it was the time, or the drink in his hand, or just plain boredom that made him do it, but fuck it, he was going for it. He leaned in with a soft smirk, his hand on the wall next to her. "So from zero to ten how much do you want him to think we're together?" He asked.

She mimicked his tone as she got closer, her hand on his hip. "Ten."

Glancing at the guy and making sure he was watching, Dorian placed his arm on Manon's waist and leaned in. "Laugh a little," he whispered in her ear and she actually did, toying with his cup as she gave him a little access to her neck. Her skin was softer than he imagined, and the perfume she wore was literally going to drive him mad.

He stroked her hair a bit, figuring this was the one and only time he was going to be able to have access to those tantalizing silken locks. Manon raised an eyebrow, but let him do as he pleased as she took a sip from his drink while he was still holding it. "How long have you had that in your hand?" She asked quietly, humor in her voice.

"It's so people won't offer me more."

Manon nodded a bit and he caught her looking before she turned to him and touched the side of his chin, urging him to lean down. He smirked a bit before doing so and met her lips hotly, making sure it looked natural and wondering if she had too much to drink.

It was full-fledged and long, their tongues tasting each other out, noses brushing as they tilted their heads. She tasted like a sea breeze, like the mountains he used to love visiting while his family stayed in their winter home. As they separated quicker than he would have wanted to, Dorian discreetly looked over blondie and watched as the guy huffed before moving away from sight, hopefully back to whatever steroid-induced frat house he called home.

Manon sighed in apparent relief. "Thanks for that," she told him as she fixed up his shirt, her fingers drawing chills wherever they touched.

"No problem," he bit out, still a little lightheaded from the kiss. But another thought caught his mind. "Does he bother you a lot?"

Hesitation as she blinked. "I can handle him. You were just…a nice surprise." Before he could wonder what the heck she meant by that, she gave him a heart-stopping smile. "See you in class, princeling."

As she turned to go, he went for her arm. "Don't think I'll forget this, witchling."

A chuckle was his answer, and after flashing him with another predatory grin, she was gone.

I know it's been a while. A lot has happened, the likes of which include starting a new semester in uni, adopting a new kitten, getting a full-time job, and then being hit square in the face by a Catergory 5 hurricane. All in the span of two months :]

Still, took some time today and went to a relative's house to get some internet. This has all been…quite an experience to be sure. Feels like I've aged ten years at least.

Btw, the 'ex-boyfriend' in the story is an allusion to the Fae male Manon mentioned back in Queen of Shadows. I feel like he'd be a douche-bag.

MarijaV – Great to see you again! What can I say, I'm a sucker for OTP cuddles ;]

RubyAngelFire – I missed you, too! You may not think it, but I go back to read past reviews whenever I feel like I can't write well enough to post.

HighbornCrab – I hope this one will brighten your spirits and get you even closer to forgiving me for ripping your heart out.

wavingthroughawindow – It's great to hear you like my writing! Sorry for making you wait so long for a new chapter!

KawaiiPotatoArmy – First of all, what an awesome name! Second, I'm honored you took the time out of your day to read through my fics! Your words made me melt inside.

I hope you enjoyed~

PS: I'm not sure if I mentioned it here before, but I live in southern Puerto Rico. My family and I are safe, but we still have no power, and just got our water a few days ago after a full two weeks without it. Hope everyone stays safe and takes threats like this one seriously in the future! Natural disasters are no joke!