"Dean! Are you even listening to me?" An angry Castiel boomed, but Dean couldn't hear him. He had to fix up Baby's engine and until that job was complete, no one and nothing was important.
Dean rolled out from under the Impala, an annoyed, disgruntled expression on his face.
"What, Cas? I'm kind of busy here!"
Dean continued to work on his beloved car. Cas sighed. This was typical of Dean. Whenever the Impala was around he could never be heard, like a giant set of noise cancelling head phones had been placed over Dean's ears. Sam seemed to think that Dean would get over his car obsession, but for a couple of months now anything Cas had said to his friend had gone in one ear and out the other.
"Hey, listen to me! All you ever do is work on that thing, are you even hearing me?! This is important, Dean!"
Dean once again rolled out from under the car. He put his tools down next to him and sat up looking intently at Cas.
"I'm all ears Angel," Dean said, smirking sarcastically.
Cas rolled his eyes. To be honest, he was quite sick of Dean's behaviour - sure, it was a very nice car, but Cas just didn't understand how he could have such a close relationship with a non-living object.
"As I was saying, I need to go away for a while, and I wanted to make sure you were aware of this before I left."
Finally, Cas thought to himself, he is finally paying attention.
"That's all you had to say to me? Dude, you could have just told Sam, then I wouldn't have had to stop working on Baby," Dean said, stroking the car softly.
That was the moment that Castiel saw red. Blood boiling and with a rage of fury, Cas decided it was time to teach Dean a lesson.
"I'm so sorry Dean, please forgive me," he said, smiling to himself - not that Dean could see him anyway.
"I forgive you, but now you need to apologise to Baby."
Oh, this is perfect, Cas thought to himself. Gabriel would be so proud of me.
"I'm so sorry, Baby. Here, let me fix you."
Castiel stood over the 67 Chevy Impala and placed his hands on the bonnet. It took all of his strength to summon the amount of grace needed, but after a couple of seconds, the entire room flashed with light and the last thing Cas sensed before he fled from the scene was a rather loud curse word expelling itself from Dean's mouth.
"Fucking hell Cas!" Dean yelled at the flash of light. Son of a bitch, why was Cas always so dramatic?
Unsettled by the sudden overdrive of light, Dean stumbled through the brightness until he managed to find the door, and was welcomed by the pleasant darkness of the motel room.
"Dean, are you okay?!" Dean heard what he assumed to be his younger brother, but because he was still squinting from the light he couldn't be quite so sure.
"I'm fine. Sammy, is that you?" Dean replied.
"Yeah, it's me. What the hell happened?"
"Goddamn Cas and his stupid dramatics." Dean walked over to the sink to hopefully cool the burning of his retinas. "Speaking of the bastard, did he tell you he was going away for a bit?"
The look of surprise plastered across Sam's face said it all. He had as much of an idea as Dean did.
Sam's look quickly went from surprised to a slight frown, his hazel eyes creasing in the corners.
"Hey, have you noticed recently that Cas has gotten really secretive and just plain shady?" Sam said
"It'll probably pass," Dean responded, reaching for a can of coke from the small white fridge. "He's an angel for Christ's sake, we can't be the only ones that pray to him."
Dean strode over to the cheap plasticy sofa and collapsed onto it as though all of the air had been released from his lungs.
"True. I'm going to the grocery store, do you need anything Dean?"
"Yeah, pie."
Sam rolled his eyes at his brother. Of course that's what his mind was on - food. It's not like one of his only and best friends had just disappeared without him telling them or anything.
Dean heard the click of the lock on the door and decided he would take a nap...
A loud noise scared the shit out of Dean and woke him from his almost sleep.
Quickly, Dean raced to the garage to make sure Baby was okay, but instead of finding his most prized possession, he found a girl in her late 20s violently coughing on the ground.
Dean stormed towards her, picked her up and pushed her against the wall.
"Put me down, I can explain everything, I swear."
Slowly, Dean relaxed the grip on the poor girl and gently placed her on the ground, but as soon as she was released, her legs collapsed upon themselves and she landed in a crumpled heap on the cold cement floor.
Dean rolled his eyes and picked up the girl "Here princess, you can sit in the sofa- it might be easier."
A few moments later Dean was sitting across from the scared girl and it was the first time he could really look at her without any anger clouding over his eyes. She was gorgeous- she had crystal clear blue eyes that glowed on her pale white completion. Her jet black hair cascading into loose curls that reached about halfway down her back. She was average height and slim but also had toned muscles. She was dressed in black jeans, biker boots and a black leather jacket- and her silver necklace stood out amongst the abyss of black. On her fingers she had black painted nails and a simple band on her right hand ring finger. Dean's eyes trailed back up to her face and he noticed that she had multiple piercings dotting the edges of both ears. But now he had to stay focused.
"So; who are you, what are you doing here, and where is Baby?" Dean cut to the chase - expecting the girl to be somewhat intimidated.
But she wasn't, she calmed herself and began to speak, "The last thing I remember was Castiel touching me and saying something through his thoughts. I then found myself in a big pool of light. It was overwhelming for a moment, but then everything went black. I woke up coughing, you came, and here we are."
Dean stared at her incredulously but made no comment.
"Dean, my name is 1967 Chevrolet Impala."