A/n: This was going to be a oneshot, but the idea turned out a little longer. It'll still be short, probably about three chapters or so. Enjoy and please review! :)

Guy bunched up his pink-clad fists. "You're going down, Mocktopus!" He flew at the monster and powered up a super heavy handed she slap. Mocktopus threw up his tentacles to block the attack, but it did little good. He screeched as he sailed across the road and crashed against a building.

Guy landed in front of his enemy and put his hands on his hips. "Had enough, fish-face?" His cheeks were burning from the massive grin he wore. He felt awesome. He was pretty sure he'd grown about two inches in the last month, and SheZow's powers seemed to have taken a bit of a boost as well. Mocktopus had gone down quicker than usual; SheZow's punches and slaps seemed to do more damage.

Mocktopus stuck out his tongue. "You're nothing but a big bully."

"Pfft. So don't go flipping cars in main street and I won't have to stop you, you…" Guy cut off his insult and flushed, as his voice decided now was a good time to crack. Goddess. That had to stop soon, right? SheZow's voice was hard enough to put on without his own still trying to decide which octave to settle on.

Mocktopus frowned at him, but before he could question the superhero's acoustics, the wail of sirens sliced through the air and a police cruiser slewed around the corner.

"Sheriffic." Guy groaned.

The cruiser screeched to a halt and Officer Wackerman and Boxter piled out into the street. They surveyed the flipped cars around about them, and Boxter let out a theatrical groan. "Oh, come on, Shezow. Why do you have to break everything?!"

"That wasn't me, it was Mocktopus!"

"Officers, help me, she's beating me up," said Mocktopus, waving a few tentacles in the air.

Boxter rolled his eyes. "We'll arrest you, how does that sound?"

Mocktopus' eyes widened, then he just let out a little 'aw' noise, and hung his head.

"Wait, hang on," said Guy. "This is my fight. I stopped Mocktopus, not you."

"Yeah, and now the cops are here. So we're going to arrest him." Boxter folded his arms across his chest. "You got a problem with that?"

"Yeah, I do." Guy squared his shoulders. "You can't even get here in time to stop him, and now you're just going to take over? Why don't you go and hand out some parking tickets or something?"

Boxter gritted his teeth. "Well, what do you want do with him?"

"Well, um, I was just going to kick him, then toss him back in the ocean…"

Boxter snorted. "And then he'll be back causing trouble in a week. But then I suppose you'd have an excuse to trash more of Megadale, wouldn't you?"

Guy bunched up his fists. Seriously? Did his father think SheZow just did this for kicks? That was, like, half of it, tops. "I'm trying to help you guys, you know that, right?"

"Yeah, and you subdued Mocktopus for us, and you actually managed to do it whilst only trashing a few cars, congratulations," Boxter drawled. "But we're the law, not you. And we're going to arrest him. Argument over. Come on, Wackerman. Lets, er… figure out how to do this." The two cops moved over to Mocktopus. Wackerman pulled out a pair of handcuffs and then paused and scratched at his head.

Guy gritted his teeth. "You have got to be kidding me." Sure, his father could tell him what to do at home. But not SheZow. SheZow didn't have to listen to anybody. Guy stomped up, grabbed Mocktopus by a tentacle, then flung him around his head and hurled him towards the bay. Mocktopus' squeal rapidly faded.

"Hey!" Wackerman said.


"There," Guy dusted imaginary dust from his palms, "problem solved."

"You want to play it like that?" Boxter growled. "All right. Fine. You've interfered with a police operation. So I guess we'll just arrest have to arrest you."

Guy's jaw hung open. "Are you kidding me?"


"This is shediculous! All right," he flung his arms wide. "Arrest me!"

Boxter frowned, and then just shrugged. "Okay." He pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

Wackerman sighed. "That won't work you know. She'll just snap them."

"Yeah, but at least she'll know we're serious."

"You are not putting those on me."

Boxter reached out to put the handcuffs on SheZow's wrists. He was serious! Guy felt his muscles shaking, hands tense. He slapped the handcuffs away. "No!"

Boxter dropped the handcuffs and drew back his hand with a hiss, grabbing at his wrist. His eyes narrowed.

"Alright, no more mr nice girl." Guy took a step forward. "I help you, so you don't get to arrest me. You couldn't if you wanted to!"

Boxter backed up a few steps, until he bumped up against the police cruiser behind him.

Guy followed him, until he was inches from his father's face. "How do you think I like it when you pull down everything I do?!"

Boxter flattened himself against the car's body, and swallowed hard. "I'm just trying to do my job."

"Yeah, well so am I."

"What you do is not a job."

Guy slammed a fist into the bonnet of the cruiser beside Boxter. "It's not up to you!"

Boxter flinched and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Whoa, let's not get too carried away…" Wackerman stepped up beside them, hands raised in front of him. "We can work this out, no one needs to get hurt."

Guy drew in deep breaths, and then stepped back. "Stay out of my way. How does that sound?" He took to the air and flew away.

Guy sat slumped in his chair at the dinner table, poking his mashed potatoes around his plate. His shoulders were tense, waiting for the inevitable rant. What would his father have to say about SheZow this time?

But Boxter was uncharacteristically quiet, so much so that Droosha was the one who eventually had to ask: "So how was work today, sweetheart?"

"All right…" Boxter said, poking at his own food with a clear lack of enthusiasm.

Droosha smiled faintly. "SheZow?"

Boxter huffed. "Yeah, SheZow. Just being a little b… brat. Like usual. She…" he trailed off and fumbled with his food. "She… ah… you know. Left a mess downtown." He offered no more, and the clink of cutlery filled the silence.

Guy was fairly sure Kelly was shooting him death glares, but he refused to look at her.

"Hey, Kelly," Boxter spoke again, after a brief fight with his piece of steak. At least, Mom had told them it was steak.


"When you're doing SheZow stuff… do you have much to do with her?"

"Well, it's online stuff most of the time. Why?"

"She's never tried to boss you around? Or got mad when things don't go her way or… threatened you or anything?"

"Well, she's got an ego…"

Guy choked over his drink.

"… but no." Kelly snatched a look at Guy, eyes narrowed. "Why?"

Boxter smiled faintly and shrugged. "Just checking. And you know you can tell us if you're having any problems with anything, you know that, right?"

Kelly was frowning at her father now. "Yeah, Dad."

Droosha was staring at her husband as well. "Boxter, you want to help me wash up the dishes after dinner?" she finally said.

"Huh?" Boxter blinked. "But it's the kids' turn to… oh. Yeah. Yeah, I think we should do that."

Mom and Dad took off to the kitchen pretty quick once dinner was finished. So it wasn't difficult to slip down to the she-lair. And as soon as they did, Kelly cornered him. "So what was that all about?" she asked, arms folded, tapping her foot.

"I don't know!" Guy threw his hands in the air. His voice decided to crack again. He flushed. "You know how Dad feels about SheZow."

"It was more than that."

Sheila's screen flickered to life. "Ah. There you are. You've been busy today, haven't you?"

Guy groaned. "Yes, Sheila, I know. I broke some stuff downtown and dented a cop car. But that's what SheZow does sometimes."

"Yes. Perfectly normal behaviour," Sheila said tersely. "Do me a favour: turn into SheZow and do a lap of the she-lair for me."

"Huh?" Guy frowned. "What is this? Punishment?"

"Humor me."

Guy shrugged. Then flung out his fist. "You go girl!" He jumped into the air - Sheila hadn't told him he had to run, so he wasn't going to - and then promptly fell flat on his face. "Ow! Sheila!" he squeaked.

Kelly snorted. "Oh goddess, nice one, Sheila."

"I never told him to fly. And he's lucky that didn't happen when he was flying home."

Guy sat up and rubbed at his head. He held his arms out in front of him, only to find they were still clad in his blue sweatshirt. "Hey, what gives?" He flung out his fist again. "You go girl!" Nothing happened.

Kelly cleared her throat. "Okay. So that's shelarious, but probably bad. What's going on?" She grinned. "It's not puberty, is it? Like, has SheZow realised he's actually a dude and it's confused his powers? Does this mean I get to be SheZow?"

"No," Sheila sighed. "This is serious."

"Yeah, Kelly." Guy stood to his feet and brushed himself off. "You try having your voice go all wacko on you."

"Oh yeah, that's so tough. At least your internal organs don't spontaneously decide to tear down the wallpaper and redecorate!"

"Try having to deal with two teenagers all at once," Sheila huffed. "At least you come down here and give your parents a break once in awhile. Lucky me."

Both kids shut mouths and shuffled their feet.

"So what happened to my powers?" Guy asked.

"If I had to guess, I'd say it had something to do with your behaviour today."

Guy raised an eyebrow. "Behaviour? Excuse me?"

"Yes." Sheila said. She moved to the side of her screen, and a pop-up video appeared. Video of SheZow's fight with Mocktopus. More specifically, the bit where the argument between SheZow and Boxter started to get heated, and SheZow backed the cop up against his cruiser. "Collateral damage is one thing. You're SheZow - it happens. But you intentionally used her powers to intimidate someone who was trying to help you. SheZow doesn't do that. She uses her power to help people weaker than her. Not to push them around so she can get her own way."

Kelly stared at the screen, open mouthed. "Guy!"


"You can't treat Dad like that!"

"I wasn't going to hurt him. I'd never hurt Dad. I don't know why everyone is getting so worked up!"

"Yeah, but…" Kelly gestured at the screen. "You scared him. Does it look like he thought you weren't going to hurt him? And you heard him at dinner…"

Guy glanced at the screen, swallowed and then looked away quickly. "It's not my fault; they made me mad. And I wasn't going to do anything, I was just venting!"

"How's he supposed to know that?"

"No one can 'make' you feel anything, sweetheart," said Sheila. "But I think it's a pretty good bet your powers glitching has something to do with what happened today."

"Well, my powers are overreacting," Guy huffed, rubbing at his arm. "So… how do I get them back?"

"I don't know. SheZow's powers are notoriously inventive when they decide they have to pull their bearer into line. You'll just have to figure it out. But, I would suggest that you seriously think about what you feel you're responsible for, otherwise I can't see them coming back anytime soon." Sheila switched herself off.

Guy was left staring at her blank screen. "But I… you know I wasn't going to hurt him, right, Kelly?"

Kelly sighed. "I know, Guy."