Hi everybody, hope you're doing well, as for me well I've been having another bout of writers block lately so I thought I'd write a different story to help clear my mind and I ended up pooping this out, after viewing it over I thought "hey maybe some of the readers might enjoy this" and well here you go.

Disclaimer: I don't own oreimo.

Ky: "Okay let's see Crack or Zestsi?"


Ky: "Hmm maybe an orange Nafta?"


Hi everyone my name is Kyousuke Kousaka I'm currently out doing some Sunday afternoon shopping for my mom and right now I'm picking out a soda that I was getting as payment for doing this. Though I was a little stumped on what to pick out from the various brands of soda.

?: "Crap this thing's a heat generator?!"

Ki: "Hey get back here! Gah! You're friggin useless!"

Oh yeah the commotion outside, well the main reason I was doing the shopping for my mom was because there was monster attacking the area, though because it was only a category L only the immediate area was evacuated so I could just go back to the house after I was done. Because cat. L monsters were low priority threats they mainly sent the student hero team assigned to the area to take care of it. The team consisted of my sister Kirino Kousaka, Power: Super Strength, Side Effect: Advanced durability, ranked second at the local hero school. Then there's Daiki Isamu, Snow white, wavy hair, average build, always wears a suit, Power: Thermal Displacement (He can freeze things) Side Effect: Cryo safe body (has an organ that produces chemicals that allow him to survive being frozen solid), he shared top ranking with his brother Aoi since during duels they always tied.

Ky: "Alright a large tub of Ted and Larry's, a pound of beef, a bag of rice, a bottle of Cracka-Cola, and a bottle of Materade, 1000 yen I guess."

After getting everything I left the cash at one of the registers and left for home, but then I remembered that mom told me to give the Materade to Kirino so I stopped near the parking lot where the battle against a twenty-foot humanoid creature made of fire and rock was taking place and I attempted to get her attention.


Apperently she couldn't hear me so I picked up a rock and threw it right at her head (wouldn't have done that if she didn't have that extra durable body and if I didn't have my own special abilities to protect me from her wrath).

Ki: "Aah! HEY?!"

Ky: "Heh direct hit."

When she turned to me I took the sport drink out of the bag and waved it in the air for her to see causing her to perk up some and look to Daiki.

Ki: "Hey Daiki?! You mind distracting this guy for a bit?!"

Da: "What?! Hell no?!"

Ki: "Kay thaaaaanks!"

Ignoring her partner's words, she grabbed the creature's arm, spun it around and threw it at him.



With Frosty distracting the monster Kirino then made her way to me jumping over crevices and boulders that littered the parking lot.

Ki: "Thank god that thing was melting me {gulp}{gulp}{gulp}. Haaaah that feels better, alright your job's done now get your useless ass back to the house before that ice cream melts idiot!"

Ky: "Yeah yeah."

After finishing her drink Kirino jumped back into the fray and I continued on to the house though I couldn't help but take my time spectating the action. Now I bet you're wondering why I'm not contributing in the fight, right? Well it wasn't just because the hero schools prohibited anybody from interfering with student battles unless the situation became dire but it was also because my powers were pretty much useless. As I made it to the edge of the plaza and made a turn on the sidewalk Kirino suddenly landed near me.

Ki: "Hey what are you still doing here you idiot?! There's monster spitting out fire over there, if you don't get out of here now that ice cream is going to melt and I won't get a chance to have any!"

As she was berating me I noticed that Mr. Sub-Zero ran off to hide around the corner of a nearby building and without any other targets the monster opened its mouth wide and aimed at Kirino, a bright light appearing in its throat. Acting quick I pulled Kirino to me and with my back towards the monster I put myself between her and the beast only moments before it fired off an intensely powerful energy beam obliterating everything around us in a surprisingly incredible display of my ability, well my side effect anyway.

From the outside of this beam I must look pretty darn cool.

Kyousuke Kousaka, Power: Thermal manipulation (I can make things hot or cold but not enough to be useful in battle, I'm more or less a walking air conditioner/microwave) Side Effect: Indestructability (I can still feel pain though if the hits are small enough), my side effect was odd since everyone else's side effects always coincided with their initial Power, plus it basically made me immortal until my powers waned with time.

Da: "Whoa."

Ki: "…"

Ky: "This actually kind of burns."

Finally the beam dissipated and the monster double over in exhaustion.

Ki: "{sniff} Uhuh-uhuh {sniff}."

Ky: "K-Kirino are you hurt?!"

Ki: "He…he…melted the ice cream!"

Ky: "Uh."

Ki: "That bastard is going to pay."

She pushed me aside and began to walk towards the beast which was for some reason frozen in place, perhaps realizing how much it just screwed up, half way between me and the monster she stopped and with a deadly serious look on her face she looked at me over her shoulder.

Ki: "You?"

Ky: "Uh, yeah?"

Ki: "While I grind this asshole down into a fine powder you go and get another tub of ice cream."

Ky: "But they don't have any more of your favorite flavor."

Ki: "Then…get my second favorite flavor."

Ky: "Okay."

Ki: "One more thing."

Ky: "Yeah?"

Ki: "Put some clothes on…you pervert."

Ky: "Huh?"

I looked down at myself to see that all of my clothes had burned off in the blast.

Ky: "Gah! I'm naked!"

Covering myself I ran back into the store while Kirino continued on, quickly looking through the aisles I found a small rack full of cheap, crappy clothes.

Ky: "Oh thank god."


Ky: "I thought I was going to have to walk home naked."

After putting on some new clothes I went back to the freezers and grabbed another thing of ice cream and again exited the store, once outside I saw that the monster had disappeared and in its place was a huge pile of sand which Kirino was walking down from. Once she was back on the pavement she walked over to me, grabbed the ice cream out of the bag and pulled a spoon out of nowhere to immediately dig into the cold treat.

Ki: "Mmmmm oh my gosh this is heaven."

Da: "Another job well done by Team Isamu."

Ki: "What are you talking about you coward? You were spending the entire battle hiding from that thing, I took it down single handedly."

Da: "It's not like anyone is going to know that, they'll just think we took it down as a team and with a kill this big my score is definitely going to go up."

Ki: "Grrr whatever, hey you let's go we're done."

Ky: "…Yeah."

She and I left the area heading home together.

Ki: "Jeez that guy seriously pisses me off, why can't we get someone with heat powers or something to knock him off that pedestal of his."

Ky: "You know maybe I can act as a witness and say that it was you that did all that."

Ki: "Oh yeah a family member of student hero acting as a witness to their actions, like anyone's going to believe that."

Ky: "…"

Ki: "Hey make yourself useful and change the temperature it's getting too hot."

Ky: "You don't think I'm hot? You know if I do that I'll just be making myself hotter than I already am."

Ki: "Che, why does everybody have to be so useless."

Ky: "{sigh}."

Feeling bad for my sister since she's been having a hard day I conceded and absorbed the surrounding heat in to my body causing the temperature to drop to a comfortable level but also causing me even more discomfort.

Ki: "…Thanks."

Ky: "Ugh no prob."

After several minutes of silently walking through the streets while I was on the verge of a heat stroke we finally made it back to the house, before entering I released all the heat I built up and walked inside to bathe in the frosty, cool, air conditioned atmosphere.

Ky&Ki: "We're home."

Ky: "Sweet merciful lord that feels good."

Without acknowledging me Kirino walked into the living room to greet our parents.

Ki: "Hi mom."

Yo: "Hey Kirino how was the fight?"

Ki: "I did everything, like usual."

Dai: "That Isamu boy has no shame."

Ki: "Yeah if his parents weren't so rich that jerk would be exposed for the fake he is, well whatever, here's the ice cream mom."

Yo: "Thank you dear, oh what happened to you Kyousuke? You're covered in soot."

Ky: "Uh, just got caught in the crossfire is all."

Yo: "I guess that explains your change of clothes, you did remember to pay for those right?"

Ky: "Yes ma'am."

Yo: "Good now you two get cleaned up before you dirty up the house."

Ky&Ki: "Yes ma'am."

We both went upstairs to our respective rooms but since I usually let Kirino go first I just sat down at my desk chair and began to read some manga, after finishing our baths mom called us down to dinner.

Yo: "So Kirino what's on the schedule for the week."

Ki: "Same old, same old, just training, studying, and sparring, and dealing with my crappy excuse of a partner, seriously when we were fighting that monster earlier today he tried to run off because his powers wouldn't work on it, I had to take it down all by myself."

Dai: "Kyousuke wasn't too much of a nuisance out there was he?"

Ki: "Nah he was just being an idiot as usual."

Ky: "Che."

Ki: "That is, uh…until he saved me."

Dai: "Hm."

Ky: "Pff!"

Ki: "Y-yeah during the battle I got a little distracted and the monster was about fire an energy beam at me, if it hit me I probably would have been seriously hurt, maybe even hospitalized for a couple of days but Kyousuke got in the way and blocked it for me."

Dai: "…"

Yo: "…"

The entire table was silent, after a minute mom and dad continued eating their food playing it off as if they didn't just hear all that and at the same time avoiding eye contact with the two of us.

Ky: "{sigh} Thank you for the meal."

I finally do something useful and they won't even acknowledge it.

I got up from my seat, deposited my dishes and left for my room, the rest of the night I just listened to music and did some reading until I was called downstairs.

Yo: "Kyousuke come downstairs it's time to see Kirino off."

Ky: "Coming."

Kirino didn't live here with us, because she was such a high ranking student at the hero school not only did she get her own dorm near the campus but a super swanky one at that, it was practically a four-star apartment, so she didn't really bother staying here with us but she did come to visit every weekend.

Yo: "Okay sweetie have good week at school and make sure you eat well."

Ki: "Okay mom."

Dai: "And I better not hear about you messing around with any boys."

Ki: "Hehe yes dad."

I walked up to them and just stood there quietly while they bid their farewells for the week, I didn't really have anything to say.

Ki: "Alright there's the taxi, I'm off."

Yo: "Bye dear."

Dai: "Stay safe."

Ki: "Bye."

We all stood there at the entryway and watched Kirino get into the taxi but just as it pulled away she suddenly looked directly at me, our eyes connecting, while she had this thoughtful look on her face.

I wonder what that was all about.

The week went by as it usually did, I hung with Kouhei and Manami, kept up with my studies, yadda yadda yadda, and before I knew it Friday came around.

Ki: "I'm home!"

Ky: "Oh hey, welcome back."

Ki: "Where's mom and dad?"

Ky: "They went out to run some errands they'll be back in about an hour."

Ki: "I see, well that gives us plenty of time."

Ky: "Plenty of time for what?"

Without answering me she walked over to the bathroom, a minute later she came back out dressed in a white form-fitting t-shirt, a pair of red short shorts and her hair was tied in a ponytail.

Ki: "Alright come on."

Ky: "Wait where are we going?"

Ki: "Just come on."

I followed Kirino out of the house and once she reached the street she began to jog to the park as I reluctantly but obediently trailed behind her, after a couple of minutes of jogging we made it to the park entrance but unfortunately I was steps away from collapsing.

Ky: "Why {gasp} did you bring us here? {gasp}."

Ki: "Because I need to talk to you about something."

Ky: "Why couldn't you have just {gasp} told me back at the house?! {wheeze}."

Ki: "Because our talk involves something we're going to have to do at the park."

Ky: "Okay what is it then?"

Ki: "K-Kyousuke?"

She used my name.

With a look of nervous determination, she turned to me staring directly into my eyes.

Ki: "I want you to be my partner."

Ky: "…Huh?"

AN: Alright that ends that, please leave some feedback as I don't know whether I want to continue with this or not and I will see you in my next update.