"Sakamaki! Oy! Karlheinz!"

"Huh?" The young man shook his head, bringing himself back to the present.

Sampson laughed in his drunken way, the other men in the room joining him.

"Don't tell me it's finally happened—" One of them began.

"He looks like a love-struck maiden!" Added another.

Sampson slapped Karlheinz hard on the back. "Tell me, boy. How was it?"

The young prince reddened, blush rising all the way to his ears, as he strongly shook his head. "I would never! I have some pride to my name after all!"

One of the men cackled, "Always with that chivalrous pride! You'll die a virgin that way, Karl—"

Richter chuckled, coyly taking a sip of his drink. "Don't tell me you're actually in love, brother."

"Not if Scarlett has anything to say about it." Sampson chuckled, swirling his glass, "Damn crazy bitch."

"This has nothing to do with Scarlett," Karlheinz insisted, "Though you shouldn't speak of her in such a way. She's the Humbert heir—"

"Fuck the Humberts," Samspon began, but was interrupted by an eager Richter, who put his hand over Sampson's shoulder, "I wouldn't mind the second daughter," he said, "What was her name?"

"Henrietta." One of the men provided, "She's penniless. Everything will go to Scarlett—"

"Such a shame, that," Samspon began, "She's the prettier of the two—"

"But they're both batshit crazy." Richter gloated, the other men breaking into rolls of laughter.

Karlheinz shifted in his seat, clearly uncomfortable. He tugged at his ponytail, brushing his fingers through blonde-white hair. Sampson seemed to notice this, because Sampson noticed everything. "Lighten up, Sakamaki! That's no way for a future king to act. If you're in love then snap out of it, because you'll only end up dead."

"Women are only good for two things," another added, "Cooking and coitus."

"And they sure are nice to look at when doing both." Sampson nodded, chuckling with the others.

Richter looked over at Karlheinz, grinning at how out of place the future king looked. "You seem to disagree, brother." Richter said with a sly smile. "Whoever she is, she's using you."

"It's not like that." Karlheinz said firmly, gripping his glass. "She's not like that."

Sampson's eyes widened, his cheeks pink from liquor. "Oh ho! What's this? So it is a woman!"

Richter's smile widened all the more, as he crossed his legs. "Now things are getting interesting!"

Karlheinz stood up brashly, wobbling slightly from the alcohol. "As if I'd tell any of you!" He spat, trudging out of the room, leaving the gentry and his brother behind.

None of them understood. Lisa was different. She didn't know anything about him. She was clean, and pure, and honest. And she knew nothing of his status. Didn't care for it.

Sir, would you care for a flower?

Love stirred in his heart at the thought of her voice. What a simple meeting. One day, he was sure, he would tell his children the story of the day their mother had sold him a flower. How a delicate poppy had been the source of their passion.

With a sudden fire in his cold blood he rushed to his chambers, reaching under his pillows and drawing out the book in which he'd chosen to preserve his precious flower.

How long before he'd see her again? A journey to the human world was not so difficult a trip, but finding an excuse provided a challenge. Especially when his father was involved.

But oh, he'd come up with a million excuses if only to see her again, to speak to her, to gaze upon those kind eyes that held more emotion than any word could ever hope to express.

Would you care for a flower?

He could not bring himself to speak, so in awe was he of her beauty. And so he'd simply nodded his head, placing the coin into her palm, into her palm, the soft, delicate flesh of this tender human. And oh my, how she had blushed, just as he had, no doubt, when they're fingers lingered, as though their souls refused to part.

She'd smiled, such a demure smile, his sweet princess, this flower of his heart, bowing her head respectfully, curtseying, even, before she continued on her way, bushel of flowers in her hands, carrying so many at once that one might wonder if she were carrying flowers or if indeed it were the flowers carrying her, cradling this angel between their radiant petals.

His legs would not move, though he so desperately wanted to chase after her, to take her in his arms, flowers and all, ask for her hand at that very second. But in this muddle of thoughts, this blindness of his love, there was a spark of clarity, a realization, pressed by his urgency.

Miss, your name! Please!

Oh, her rosy cheeks. Kissed both by the sun and now by his sudden words. He'd apologized, gentleman that he was, said he didn't mean to startle her so.

She'd bowed her head to him once again, this little dove, obliging his request.

What a delicate sound, such was the voice of his beloved. So quiet and hushed that the wind had to carry her words to him in careful whispers.

How could it be, Karlheinz wondered, falling onto his bed, clutching his book to his chest, that such a simple meeting could cause him to become so enraptured?

It was not her beauty alone. No, never could it be something so vain. It was her soul, her very essence, her…

He sat up, panic gripping at his throat, the book tumbling to the ground. Could it be, that this love was not fueled by passion, but by thirst?

No. No, that couldn't be it. He hadn't even noticed the scent of her blood. Not when he was so entranced with the green in her eyes. Those shining emeralds that proved as priceless as the jewels on his crown. With trembling hands he rushed to pick up the book, the flower having lost one of it's petals in the commotion. He carefully tucked it back into it's place, deciding he would see her again soon.

But how was he to court her properly, with so much keeping him in the Demon World?

Well, none of that mattered. What mattered was Lisa. He'd introduce himself properly, he'd court her the only way he knew how, and then…and then…

Would she cower in fear, his precious maiden, when he told her of his fangs? Or would she, delicate flower of his soul, offer up her neck, so that he could taste the inevitably sweet blood that gave her life?

Shudders raked his body, his own heart palpitating in jagged patterns.

The door opened, Sampson letting out a low sigh upon noticing the way Karlheinz looked, heavily setting down a glass of brandy on the night stand. "You're too naive, Karlheinz," he said, his heavy frame making the mattress sink under his weight, "How long have we known each other?"

Karlheinz smirked, "Some might say too long."

"Who is she?"

"She's no one," the prince waved his hand, "Not that you'd know."

The older man chuckled, "Don't underestimate me, Sakamaki. It won't end well for you." He took some of the drink that had been meant for Karlheinz, "In all honesty I'm happy for you. But if she were one of us you wouldn't have hesitated. So tell me, is she poor?"

Karlheinz stole a glance at his book, "It's hard to say."

"Her family name then."

"I…don't know."

Sampson's eyes widened before he broke into laughter again. "Karlheinz you— don't tell me you of all people bedded a woman without knowing her name?"

"I haven't!" He stood up most viciously, "I wouldn't disrespect her in such a way! And you shouldn't disrespect me by assuming so!"

"Calm down," Sampson spat, "You've always had that temper on you. I won't ask again. Who is she?"

Karlheinz hesitated, clenching his fists. "She's not…of the vampire clan…"

Sampson nodded, "I assumed as much. Demon doesn't seem like your type. Vibora, then?"

"Human." He replied stiffly.

Sampson blinked, looking at the prince with dull eyes, before finishing off the brandy. "You'll be a laughingstock." He said seriously.

"I don't care—"

"You caring or not has nothing to do with it. You'll never become a respected king that way. You'd be murdered before the crown is ever placed on that optimistic little head of yours. That, or Richter will sweep your title out from under you."

"Richter can have my title if he so desperately wishes it—"

The back of Sampson's hand met with Karlheinz's cheek in a sharp smack. "Stop acting like a child. Are you a boy or a man? You clearly know nothing of this woman. Humans function on their own selfish instinct and nothing more. And then they have the gall to claim themselves rational. Furthermore I refuse to serve the likes of Richter."

"How dare you—"

Sampson held his hand up, dropping to his knee and bowing his head in respect, "Forgive me for striking you, my lord. But it was of utmost necessity—"

"Like hell it was," Karlheinz growled, rubbing his face, "Are you going to help me or not?"

"My lord—"

"Very well," Karlheinz said, "I'm sure Conner would be more than happy to—"

Sampson chuckled, taking his seat on the bed once more. He slapped the prince on the back, "Sometimes I forget how young you still are. Fine. Every young man should have his fun. When it ends badly, I won't be the one to blame. Got that, Young Prince?"

Karlheinz couldn't control the giddiness that had bubbled up at the base of his throat. Part of him wanted to embrace his friend right then and there, but he settled for a simple handshake, giving him a solid "Thank you."

"I'll tell you, Sakamaki. If we weren't friends, I'd hate you."

Now it was Karlheinz's turn to laugh, shaking his head, "I'm afraid I must agree with you Charles."

"Karl," Sampson said, "At the very least, do you have her first name?"

"Lisa." He said most earnestly.

"Lisa," Charles repeated, "Pleasant on the tongue. How did you meet her?"

"She was selling flowers."


"That is all."

Again Sampson did nothing but blink, and before he had a chance to insult him further, Karlheinz spoke up, "She has the greenest eyes you've ever seen. And her beauty outranks even the finest of vampire mistresses. I know how foolish something like this is— I'm not as naive as you say— but Sampson, I swear by it—"

"I don't need to be convinced," Charles said with a wave of his hand, "All I ask is to not have to pick up the pieces, when it's all over."

"There won't be any pieces to recover."

The older man grinned. "We'll see about that, won't we?"

Karlheinz clenched his jaw.

"In any case, how do you plan to see her again?"

"I'm not sure. But I'll do anything to make it possible."

"See to it that Scarlett doesn't find out."

Karlheinz chuckled nervously, "That woman sets me on edge."

"Can't blame you," Samspon chuckled, "All of your potential brides scare the shit out of me."

"How do you mean?"

Sampson stood up, sighing as he picked up his glass, realizing there was no liquor left. "Women are a class all their own. Terrifying creatures truly, especially when angered. Or when given purpose."

"Shouldn't everyone have a purpose?" Karlheinz said, though Sampson was already walking away.

Charles paused, taking a moment to glance back, smirking softly at his friend. "You've still a long way to go, Young Prince." He said, then excused himself; closing the door behind him with uncharacteristic softness.

A long way to go, Karlheinz thought bitterly. He'd prove him wrong. He'd prove them all wrong.

A/N: Well, this happened. I've had the idea in my head for a while but I guess I'm finally gonna type it all out. Dear lord what am I doing starting another saga X3 Thank you to whorcrux-x on tumblr for filling my head with horrible ideas. Don't forget to comment ;)