"One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six… Seven..." I said to myself as I watched Eacker raise his gun to shot. "No!" I screamed as I raised my pistol and fired once at Eacker's chest and watched him fall to the ground as Philip looked at me shocked. I took a startled gasp as Philip slowly approached me. "He was going to shoot you before you got to ten." I stuttered out, shaking as Philip looked back Eacker's body and then back to me.

"You just saved my life." Philip said stunned as I dropped my gun with my hand shaking. He dropped his gun to ground and pulled me close to him. "I love you so much." Philip said as he kissed me over and over again.

"Let's go home, please." I said weakly as I saw Eacker laying still in a pool of blood.

"Let's go get Aaron." Philip said as he grabbed my hand and the pistols and we hurried to the boots. We around across the river as the people who watched our duel carry Eacker back to the boat. We got out of the boat and walked back into town and Philip stopped.

"What is it Philip?" I asked worried as Philip smiled at me.

"I love you Theo." Philip said as I smiled at him and we walked to my father's house. I knocked on the door and Mandy opened it smiling at me.

"Miss. Theodosia. Wasn't expecting you till supper time." Mandy said letting me and Philip inside as I saw my papa walk out with Aaron in his arms.

"We wanted to come by and get Aaron. I was starting to feel a bit sick." I said lying as she nodded and Papa handed my son back to me.

"Well, I will see you later then my dear." Papa said kissing my temple as I smiled and Philip and I started to walk out of the house and started home.

"Theo, you okay?" Philip asked as I kept to myself.

"Should I feel guilty?" I asked quietly as we arrived home and we walked upstairs to the nursery to lay down Aaron for a nap.

"No, it was a duel that Eacker lost at." Philip said as I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"I just… I don't know if this duel was the right thing. Now a man is dead and is blood is on my hands." I said as I walked out of the nursery with Philip as he closed the door softly behind him and we walked into our bedroom.

"Theodosia, you know that is not true. Eacker wanted this duel and he lost. He is the one that wanted to cheat." Philip said as I sat on my bedside and I shook my head. "Theo look at me?" Philip said as I looked up at him kneeling in front of me, he grabbed my hands and I felt a tear go down my face.

"Philip I killed a man. It feels so wrong." I said guilty as he shook his head.

"It is not your fault. If you hadn't of shoot Eacker then it would have been me or even worse you in his position. You did what was right for all of us." Philip said as I took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay?" Philip asked as I just looked at him.

"Give me a little time and I will be okay." I said as he kissed my knuckles and got up to sit next to me.

"It's only a matter of time." He said as I nodded and squeezed his hand tightly.

"Mama! Mama! Aaron won't let me play with him tin soldiers!" Ella said running into the kitchen where I was starting to bake as Aaron wrinkled his nose at his younger sister.

"She'll break them like last time Ma." Aaron complained as I put the spoon down and looked up from my batter to face my nine-year-old son and my seven-year-old daughter as I sighed, I brushed my hands against my apron and crossed my arms.

"Ella go play with your dolls upstairs in your room and leave your brother be till your father comes home." I said as Ella sighed bitterly and Aaron cheered to himself. "Off with you two. Out of my kitchen." I said as I shooed them out and watched them scurry up the stairs to their rooms. I went back into the kitchen and poured my cake batter into a metal dish. I slid it into the oven and started to make dinner as I heard the front door open and closes. I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist as they kissed my neck.

"Hello beautiful." Philip said softly as I giggled.

"Philip, the children!" I said blushing as he kissed the nape of my neck.

"They are fine, their upstairs playing." He said as he pulled me close to him.

"What on earth is that sweet smell in the air." Philip asked as I giggled.

"Your favorite chocolate spice cake." I said happily as I pulled away from him to pull the hot pan out of the stove.

"You are an angel sent from heaven." Phillip said happily as he kissed my temple as I giggled. "How were the kids today?" Philip asked as I set the pan on the counter in front of me.

"Ella certainly has your stubbornness today. Aaron is progressing in his lessons and so is Ella but I want her to go farther like I did." I said as I started to chop up some spinach to toss into the soup. I finished supper as Philip told me about his work.

"Why don't we go upstate this summer." Philip asked as I looked at him.

"What?" I asked laughing as I started to pull some bowls down for dinner as I chopped up cubes of bread and put them in the bowl as I ladled some warm soup into the bowls.

"Would you watch the children?" I asked as he got up.

"Eleanor, Aaron. Supper time." Philip called up the stairs as I heard the children running down the halls.

"You two better not be running in my house." I called out curtly as they made it downstairs slowly.

"We weren't running Mama." Ella said sweetly as she sat next to Philip as I started to serve everyone. I put a basket of bread in the middle of the table as Aaron tried to grab a piece. I smacked his hand sharply as he drew back and looked down.

"We need to first say grace Aaron Philip." I said sternly as he nodded.

"Yes ma'am." He said looking down guilty as I smiled softly and kissed the side of his head.

"Ella, would you saw grace?" I asked as I brushed off my green skirt while I took off my apron and put it on the little peg next to me and sat down in front of Philp. We took each other's hands.

"O Lord, we have so much to bless thee for, we must refer it to eternity, for time is too short: Bless our food and fellowship for Christ's sake. Amen." She said as I said amen quietly to myself and we started to eat.

"Now Aaron, Ella. How were your lessons today?" Philip asked as Ella took a bite out of her bread.

"Mama taught us how to play piano." Ella said excitedly as Aaron nodded.

"Yeah Pops. Ma taught us how to play. It was fun!" He said excited as I took a spoonful of soup as I smiled at them.

"What else did we learn today?" I asked as Philip smiled at the two kids.

"Mama taught us how to do math." Ella said as she finished her dinner.

"After we finish supper and clean up. You can show Papa what you learned on the piano." I said as they clapped excitedly and they finished their dinner. Ella hopped out of her chair and she ran to put her bowl gently in the metal wash bin that was our sink. She helped gather our bowls as she brushed off her pale blue dress.

"Can we play now?" Ella asked as I nodded.

"Go get your music book." I said as she nodded and hurried out of the kitchen and upstairs.

"Aaron go get your music book." I said as he got up and walked out. I started to clean up dinner as Philip got up and took the basket of bread on the counter and pulled me close to him. "Philip." I squealed as I giggled.

"You and I need to spend some time together alone." Philip said as he kissed the center of my throat.

"What about the kids?" I asked weakly as Philip held me up.

"We will leave with my parents for a few days. We can go upstate, there's a lake I know that we can go when the night gets dark." Philip growling in my ear as I flushed bright red.

"Philip! The children!" I squealed as I looked passed him and saw Aaron and Ella giggling as Philip took a step back.

"Now, let me here your piano playing now." Philip said facing the kids as they took off running into the parlor. I followed them to parlor and I sat on the sofa as Ella sat on the piano bench.

"Go on Ella." I said encouraging her as she opened her music and I smiled at her. She started to play the simple song she learned earlier as she finished. I smiled at her proudly as she finished.

"That was very god Ella. I'm so proud you my dear." I said as I beamed at her proudly as Aaron got onto the bench and started to play a familiar song.

"Green finch and linnet bird, Nightingale, blackbird, how is it you sing? How can you jubilate, sitting in cages, never taking wing? Outside the sky waits, Beckoning, beckoning, Just beyond the bars. How can you remain, staring at the rain, Maddened by the stars? How is it you sing. Anything." I sang softly to myself as Aaron finished and Philip looked at me.

"I love it when you sing." Philip said as he squeezed my hand.

"Now you two, go upstairs and ready yourselves for bed." Philip said as they nodded.

"Yes Papa." They said in unison and they hurried upstairs.

"Do you still want to run away." Philip said as I started to blow out candles that were lighting the house and I walked upstairs with Philip as I walked into my room.

"I don't know yet." I said as we walked into our bedroom. I sat at my vanity and I pulled my hair out of its stiff bun and brushed it out with my fingers as my wild chocolate curls fell and framed my caramel skin as I got up and I opened my bureau chest and pulled out my favorite pale pink lace nightgown. I started to unbutton my dress as I slide it off.

"Theo, can we please run away together. We would have done it when we started to see each other." Philip said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and I laughed.

"I haven't told you my answer yet darling." I said as he put his chin on my shoulder. "Let me go tuck in the children then we will talk okay?" I said as he took his arms off my waist and I wrapped my robe around me and I walked out. I walked into Aaron's room and saw him climbing into bed. "Did you say your prayers sweetheart?" I asked as I sat on his bedside.

"Yes Mama." Aaron said as I kissed his forehead.

"I will see you when you wake." I said as I got up and blew out his candle.

"Goodnight Mama." Aaron said as I walked out and saw Philip waiting in the hall.

"Go tell him goodnight." I said as I walked pass him and into Ella's room.

"Amen" Ella said as she got up and started to climb into bed.

"Did you brush your hair out Ella?" I asked as she nodded and I noticed the knots in her hair.

"Get your hairbrush Ella." I said as she got out of bed and grabbed her brown hairbrush and handed it to me. I started to brush her hair out as I worked out one of the knots.

"You need to make sure the knots are out Ella Angel." I said as I finished her hair and started to braid it.

"Now get into bed Angel." I said as she crawled into bed and tucked her under her quilt. "I will see you in the morning." I said pecking her forehead.

"Goodnight Mama." She said sleepily and I blew out the candle. I walked out of her room and into my room where Philip was undressing. He was pulling off his shirt as I smirked and wrapped my arms around his waist and I kissed his shoulder blade.

"Ready to go to bed, my love?" I asked softly as he turned around and pulled me close to him as I smiled and he ran my figures through my hair.

"Let us please." He said as he pulled away from my embrace and blew out the candles and I took of my robe. I smiled at him and he looked back at me and picked me up gently as I giggled. "I love you Theodosia." Philip said.

"I love you too Philip Hamilton." I said as he laid me down and he kissed me. Everything seemed right in our little world and I felt content with how my life turned out.

This is the end. I thought I would give you guys a alternate ending to read because I know how heartbreaking the original chapter was. I love you guys and thanks for the love my readers! I love you all for the reviews and hoped you love this my friends.