Age 10

"Theodosia, why don't you play something for us? It might put your papa at ease." My mama said as I got up from my spot on the sofa and brushed off my skirt. I sat at the piano and started play as I heard my father.

"Hamilton is upset with me for no reason!" Papa said as I continued to play.

"Dear, calm down. Hamilton and his son are on their way aren't they?" Mama asked as I heard Papa groan.

"I was instructed by Washington to make nice with him." Papa said as heard the door being knocked on.

"I'll get it." I said as I got up and hurried to the door. I opened it and saw Alexander Hamilton and his son young Philip at the door.

"Mr. Hamilton." I said as I curtsied as they bowed to me.

"Theodosia, how are you today young lady." Mr. Hamilton said as I let them in.

"Papa, Mr. Hamilton is here." I said as they walked in.

"Aaron Burr sir." The older Hamilton said as Papa gave him a bitter nod of acknowledge.

"Well, why don't you two gentlemen go to Aaron's study, the children can sit in the parlor and play." My mama said as Papa nodded and kissed my Mama 's cheek, and my forehead.

"Let's go discuss." Papa said as Mr. Hamilton followed Papa to his study.

"You two go play in the parlor." Mama said as one of the servants come up behind her and asked for her help with party planning things.

"Or we could go play in the back?" I said as we sat bored in the parlor as my Mama walked out.

"Let's go!" Philip said as we hurried from the parlor to the back door. I giggled as Philip helped me down the steps and took my hand. We took off running into the field that was behind the estate as we laughed. We ran our small hide away, Philip helped me over the creek as I held my skirt up so it wouldn't get wet.

"Thank you." I said as I tripped over a root. Philip caught me as we fell to the ground. "Sorry Philip." I said as he sat up and we laughed.

"It's okay Theo." He said as I giggled and he helped me stand up, I brushed on of my short ringlets of hair out of my face as Philip laughed.

"I'll race you to the river bank!" I yelled as I took off running into the woods. I laughed as Phillip ran after me. I hide behind a tree as Philip looked around for me.

"Theodosia? Come out." Philip said as I giggled. I ran and got stuck on a tree branch. I ripped my dress and took off running. I laughed as I made it to the bank.

"I win!" I yelled as Philip caught up to me, I took a step back as I jumped around.

"THEO WATCH OUT!" Philip yelled as I fell backwards into the river.

"PHILIP!" I screamed as I went under water. I felt the current pull me away from the shore.

"THEO!" Philip yelled as he jumped in after me. I went under water again as I felt someone pull me from the water. I spit out the water as Philip held onto me. Philip started to kick and tried to swim towards the edge. He got us to a small pocket of sand and pulled us onto safe shore. I spit up water and looked at Philip.

"Philip? Are you okay?" I asked as he nodded.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he helped me stand up slowly. "I'm scared Philip. Papa said to be careful around the bank and it's getting dark. That's when the wolves come out." I said getting worried as Philip shook his head.

"It's okay. We are going to be fine. Pops taught me how to build a fire. We are going to get you home." Philip said as I looked at him. I was starting to shake, Philip started to climb up from the bank and help me up. I started to slip as Philip lost his grip on my hand. I regained my balance and climb up next to Philip. "Let's go." Philip said as I started to walk with him. We managed to get back to the woods, it started to get darker and the moon came out. I rubbed my eyes as we walked back towards the field that was lit by the moonlight and I saw lanterns hanging. I heard my Mama and Papa yelling my name.

"Mama!" I yelled as I heard running towards me.

"Theodosia my dear, what happened to you? Mama asked as she fell to her knees and pulled me into her embrace.

"Me and Philip were playing by the river bank." I said as I coughed as I looked over to Philip's Papa hugging Philip as Papa glared at Mr. Hamilton.

"Your son nearly cost Theodosia her life." Papa said enraged as I shook my head no.

"Philip saved me! He jumped in after me. If Philip wasn't there, I would have drowned." I said defending my friend as Papa looked at me then to my Mama.

"Take Theodosia inside and get her changed and warm." Papa said as Mama led me inside. I turned and looked at Philip, who was clutching to his father.

"Mindy go draw a bath for Theodosia." Mama said giving orders to the servants. I walked to my bedroom and started to unbutton my frock and got into the steamy bathtub. I warmed up and washed my hair. I grabbed a towel and put on my nightgown. I started to braid my hair into two braids.

"Maybe we should the physician. Make sure she is alright." Mama said to Papa as I crawled into bed as they stood by my door.

"Theodosia she is fine. She just needs to rest." Papa said as he walked over to my bed and covered me up.

"Get some rest my dear." Papa said as he kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes.

1 Years Later

I sat at my window and worked on my needle point. I hummed as I started to work on it, I heard a pebble being thrown at my window. I looked out the window and saw Philip at my window with books in hand. I rolled my eyes and opened my window. "You know my Papa will kill you if he sees you." I said as He nodded.

"I know that, but I always need to see you Theo." Philip said as I put my needle point down.

"Meet me by the bank." I said as he nodded. I closed my window and went to my trunk. I pulled out my bonnet and put it on. I slipped on a pair of flats. I grabbed a basket and hurried outside.

"Ms. Theodosia where are you off to?" my Mama 's maid Mindy asked as I headed to back door. "I am going to go for a walk. I am going to go pick some flowers." I said as I put my hand on the door knob.

"Should I tell your mother?" Mindy asked as I shook my head.

"No it's fine. I won't be long." I said as I opened the door and hurried. I ran through the field and to me and Philip's hide away.

"Philip?" I said as I saw him emerge from the brush.

"Help please?" I said as he extended his hand to me and helped me over.

"Thank you." I said as we sat on the grass together.

"Did you just get back from class?" I asked as he nodded.

"So… How is life like in lock up?" Philip as he tossed a piece of grass at me.

"It's boring. You know my Mama and Papa would be so upset that I meet up with you." I said as I ran my fingers over a rock.

"Why do they hate me?" Philip asked as started to take off my bonnet.

"They are upset because normally when we around each other. I get into trouble." I said as he rolled his eyes.

"Really I nearly killed myself getting you out of trouble." He said as I smiled at him.

"I know and I am thankful that I have a friend like you in my life." I said patting his hand as I got up.

"Theo…" Philip said quietly as I faced him.

"Nothing. Want to race to the bank?" Philip said getting up as I froze.

"No…" I said as I shook my head as he looked down and nodded.

"Do you want to go into town and explore?" Philip asked as I nodded. "Let's go." Philip said as I grabbed my basket.

"I need to pick some flowers so Mindy doesn't tell my Papa and Mama that I was lying." I said as he helped me over the creek. "I will grab my coin bag and we can buy some hard candies." I said as we walked back to the back of the field. "I'll be right back." I said as I tied my bonnet back on. I hurried back to the house as I had a basket of small flowers in hand as I walked back in.

"Ah Theodosia there you are my dear. Where were you?" My Mama asked as I put the basket on the table.

"I went out pick some flowers it was a nice day out today." I said as I smiled at her.

"Well, your Papa and I are going out this afternoon. You will be in Mindy's care." Mama said as I nodded.

"Could I go pick more flowers? I won't go too far." I said as she nodded.

"Behave yourself while your Mama and I are out." Papa said as he kissed the top of my head and fixed his vest.

"I will I promise." I said as they headed to the front door. I hurried to my room and grabbed my small coin purse and hurried back to my basket, I put my purse in and hurried to the back door.

"Where you off to Miss Theodosia?" Mindy asked as I turned to her.

"Mama said I could go pick so more flowers. I won't be long." I said as I hurried outside to the back of the field and saw that Philip was not there.

"Philp where are you?" I asked as I heard rustling in wheat behind me. I looked turned to the wheat as I heard someone jump out behind me.

"BOO!" Philip yelled as I let out a small scream.

"Philip Hamilton you startled me!" I yelled as I hit his shoulder.

"Come on let's go." Philip said as I retied my bonnet and hurried with him to the marketplace. We snickered and went to some of the candy stalls and bought some candies to eat.

"Let's go eat in the park." I said as Philip grabbed my hand and we ran off to the park. We sat on the grass and started to eat our hard candies as Philip and I started to laugh as we laid down and watch the clouds as I closed my eyes.

"Theo can I ask you something?" Philip asked as I sat up and looked at him.

"Anything." I said as I heard Easton Hemming voice coming towards.

"Ah lookie here. Theodosia Burr out with Daddy's enemy." Hemmings said as Philip stood up.

"Go away Hemming." Philip said as I started to stand and brush of the grass from my yellow frock.

"Why should I? I am helping a young lady get away from a scoundrel such as yourself." Hemming said as he grabbed my wrist and I pulled away from him.

"How dare you!" I yelled as Hemming pushed me, I fell to the ground as Philip helped me up.

"Girls are supposed to be submissive." Hemming said as Philip tried to punch Hemmings.

"Philip no!" I said as I grabbed his arm to hold him back.

"Your Papa will hear that you are here with Hamilton Theodosia." Hemmings said as I glared at him.

"Leave us alone Hemmings." I said as Hemmings grabbed my arm and grabbed my roughly. "Leave me alone!" I yelled as I slapped him. I pulled away from him as Hemmings slapped me hard, causing me to fall to the ground with a yelp of pain and Philip lunged at him. I pushed myself up as Hemmings was laying on the ground and Philip punching him.

"Philip that's enough!" I said as I tried to pull Philip off of him. I pulled him off of Hemmings as Hemmings stood up and wiped the blood of his lip.

"Mr. Burr! I found her!" Hemmings yelled as my Papa came running into the park, followed by Philip's Papa along with Hemming's Papa.

"Theodosia what on earth are you doing here?" Papa said as I looked down.

"I was playing in the park with Philip. Then Hemmings showed up." I said as my Papa looked at my cheek.

"Who struck her?!" Papa exclaimed as he turned to face Hamilton and Jefferson as they held their sons back from attacking each other.

"Hamilton did Sir. He stuck Theodosia, that is when I pulled him away from her but she fell by accident." Hemmings said as Philip and I exclaimed saying that it was false.

"Enough not another word from you Theodosia!" Papa said harshly as I looked at him shocked and closed my mouth.

"No of what he is saying is true Pops!" Philip said as his Papa told him to him to be quiet.

"We will discuss this later. We must be getting home now." Papa said as I grabbed my basket and bonnet as Papa grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the carriage that was waiting for us. I got in and sat down on one side while Papa sat on the other.

"How could you do something so stupid!" Papa exclaimed as I shook my head.

"I was hanging out with Philip." I said as Papa shook his head.

"I thought we told you that you were forbidden from seeing that boy. How dare you disrespect your Mama and I's wishes?" Papa said as we arrived home.

"I wanted to see my friend Father. I'm sorry but he is my friend." I said as Papa got out and we walked in the house.

"Every time you are around the boy, you get hurt or nearly killed!" Papa yelled as Mindy walked into the foyer.

"Why was she not supervised when we walked out?" Papa demanded as Mindy stood up straight.

"Miss Theodosia said she was picking flowers sir…" Mindy said as I looked down.

"She is no longer to be left alone when she walks out that door. She is to stay in her room and will remain unless she is in lessons." Papa said as I looked at him shocked.

"That is not fair." I said as Papa glared at me.

"I am your father and you will do as I say!" Papa yelled as I felt my eyes water up as he dismissed me to my room. I took off my bonnet and put them in my trunk as I slipped off my shoes. I wiped my tears away as I sat at my window and watched the clouds as I hear someone knock my door.

"I'm not taking visitors." I said as I walked over to my bed and laid down. I cried quietly as I walked over to my closet and pulled out my night dress and changed into it. I closed my curtains and climbed into bed as I heard rain starting to fall against my window.