The air is cold and it bites at the flesh. It's that kind of night wind that leaves you shivering and hugging yourself to keep warm. A eight year old Sora wonders through this chilly night, rubbing his arms that don't have any jacket to cover them with. Normally Sora would find a place he could shelter himself from the icy wind but with his growling stomach he was pushed to find something to eat.

Sora's lips are dry and they stick together, his cheeks flushed and nose red from the cold. The boy is dirty from head to toe, he hasn't had a proper shower in weeks. It's been hard recently. No one seems generous.

The people on the island were much nicer during the first week Sora lost his parents. Different people offered him places to stay and they fed him time went by, no one seemed to want him. They stopped giving him food and letting him stay in their homes. They started to see Sora as a burden.

Sora would never steal, so he has to make use of what wasteful people throw away. Sora has gotten over how gross it is. When you're hungry and on the verge of starving to death, anything looks good. You'll eat anything. Sora doesn't want to say some of the things he's eaten just to stay alive.

"Hey kid what are you doing?" Sora flinches, moving out of the trashcan to look at who just spoke to him. The voice startled him. It's a man, with a beard and a dark jacket on. His breath is coming out in puffs.

"I'm looking for food." Sora says as confidently as he can. He notices that this man looks quite old. Sora's eyebrows furrow. "It's cold out tonight. You should go into some place warm."

"I should be saying that to you." The older man stares at him awhile before a slow smirk starts to come to his lips. "'re that homeless kid. You don't have any family or anything."

"So?" Sora feels himself get defensive. "I've got my dreams!" Sora remembers what his mother always use to say.

"I have dreams of my own." The older man walks closer. Sora regards him with his head tilted. He gets so close to Sora that he has to take steps back. "I'll feed you if you do a little favor for me."

"What's the favor?' Sora's eyes get bright, licking his lips at the idea of food. His eyes widen when this man starts to unzip his pants...he remembers his parents telling him about this. Sora turns to run away only for the man to grab his arm. "Let go!"

"Don't struggle so much. You want to eat or not?" The man growls in his ear. Sora tries his hardest to pull away from this man but he's much stronger. The young boy yells his loudest but no one answers his call. Just when Sora thinks it's all over, tears at the corner of his eyes as the man starts to take off his pants-

He's saved.

Sora hears the old man scream, a sound like something is ripping behind him. Sora is able to get out of the man's grip and turn around. His eyes widen when he sees the old man running with a knife sticking out of his chest. Sora's wide eyes fall on the boy that's standing before him, laughing with dark glee as this man cries out in agony.

The boy is wearing a mask that covers his lips and nose...all Sora can see are those piercing golden eyes that hold so much darkness. Sora feels something tighten inside him when the boy looks at him. It might be fear.

"You...You stabbed him." Sora says dumbly.

"Did you want to get raped?" He raises an eyebrow at him. Sora shakes his head quickly. "That's what I thought, stupid." His voice is mean and Sora doesn't like it much. "You look like shit and you smell too."

"H-Hey! I haven't been able to find a place to shower!" Sora defends, glaring at this boy. The boy laughs at him.

"Well you're in luck. We have a place you can shower and get rid of that awful smell." The boy turns and starts to walk away. When Sora doesn't follow him, looking at him with confusion, he glares at him. "What the hell are you waiting for?"

"Um...Who's we?-ow!" Sora winces when the boy marches up to him and grabs him by the wrist, starting to pull him.

"You're wasting my time." The boy snarls as he keeps pulling him.

"I don't need to be pulled! I can walk-" Sora tries to get his arm out of the boy's grip but he only tightens it, getting him to wince.

"Not fast enough." The boy glares back at him with those strange yellow eyes. "I'm being generous right now. You should be thanking me."

"How are you being generous?" Sora grinds his teeth but he follows after this boy, letting him pull him.

"I just saved your ass and I'm helping you. You owe me your life." The boy laughs darkly.

"I don't need your help." Sora rips his arm from the boy finally. The boy turns around and stares at him. He raises an eyebrow. He doesn't look impressed.

"Oh really? You smell like shit, and you were looking in the trash for food. You almost got raped and you have no family and no one to turn to. You need me." The boy grabs Sora's wrist again and starts to pull. "Just shut up and let it happen."

Sora frowns but he lets himself be pulled by this boy. This guy is giving him a bad feeling in his stomach but he did save him...and Sora is in a bit of a rut. If this boy has a place to shower and food...maybe Sora should go with him.

That doesn't mean he trusts him.

"Vanitas you're back?" Sora picks up on that voice as soon as they walk into this home. They traveled pretty far to get here. They walked, used a row boat across a body of water and walked through some woods. This place was very well hidden.

This home is very nice. It's huge and the floors are shinning. There's a fire place in the living room that Sora is tempted to just run to for warmth. He stops staring longingly at the fire when he hears foot steps marching towards them.

"I told you not to go out tonight-" A young woman comes down the stairs, her blue eyes a flame. She stops when she catches sight of a doe eyed Sora staring back at her. Her voice softens completely. "Who is this?"

"I don't know his name." Vanitas grunts, the boy shoving his hands into his pockets. He looks bored as the woman comes over to them quickly. "I found him trying to find food out of trashcans. His dumb ass almost got raped too. He's not fit to be on his own." Vanitas gives him this glance before he starts walking off. "Do what you want with him. I'm going to bed."

And then he's gone. Sora can't believe he's saying this but he misses the boy next to him. He has no idea who this is.

"I'm sorry about him." The woman's voice is kind. She kneels so she's eye level with him. "My name is Aqua. I run this home where children come if they have no where else to go. What's your name?"

"Sora." Sora looks into her eyes. He doesn't feel any fear and he feels himself relax. "This is a home for kids that have no where else to go?" Sora thinks about it. "Then...can I stay here?"

"Of course. Let's get you cleaned up and something to eat. If you were looking for food in the garbage, i'm sure you're pretty hunger." Aqua puts her hands on his shoulders, looking at him seriously. "Was that man able to do anything to you?"

"No...Vanitas saved me." Sora shifts when he sees how Aqua looks a bit surprised.

"I will have to thank him for this. I must say going out and bringing back someone is a bit unusual for him." Aqua thinks to herself before stands up. She grabs Sora's hand. "This way." She smiles sweetly and Sora can only follow her.

Sora feels his eyes water in relief when he sees the shower. "I'll get you some new clothes to wear while you're bathing." Aqua says as she moves to turn on the shower, settling it at a good temperature before walking out and closing the door. Sora wastes no time taking off his dirty clothes and jumping in.

Sora sighs at the feeling of being cleaned and the heat. He lets the water mat down his crazy hair, lets it get all soaked, water dripping down his face.

Is it true that he can really stay here? That he can call this place his home?Aqua seems really nice...If this is a home for children who have no where else to go...does that mean Vanitas is like him? That he doesn't have a family?...he has no where else to turn to?

Sora washes his hair and scrubs his body down really good. When he gets out of the shower, new clothes are already sitting on the sink for him. He doesn't remember hearing anyone come in but he figures Aqua must have while he was too busy cleaning himself. He dries off before putting on the clothes.

Sora smiles at the soft long shirt and shorts. Bed time clothes. Sora rejoices in brushing his teeth, with a new tooth brush that was left in the packet for him. Sora can't help to count that they're...five tooth brushes like his own. They're all different colors.

Once Sora is done, he feels like he's been restored to health. He walks out of the bathroom with a skip to his step and he smiles brightly at Aqua when he sees her.

"Ah I bet you feel much better." Aqua giggles when Sora nods his head energetic. "Now lets get you something to eat." Aqua grabs his hand and leads him to the kitchen. She gets him to sit down as she goes into the back to cook. Sora kicks his legs, his stomach growling from the promise of food. When she comes back with what looks to be chicken, Sora eats it pretty quickly till he's full.

"Wow...thank you." Sora looks her in the eyes, rubbing his stomach. He gives her a tired smile.

"You're welcome Sora...I know this might be hard but do you have any parents?"

"No. I lost them awhile ago." Sora averts his gaze. "I've been living on my own ever since."

"You don't have to worry about that anymore." Aqua reaches out and touches Sora's cheek. "I promise that you'll never be lonely here." She smiles. "This is your home now."

Sora's eyes widen and before he knows it, he's hugging Aqua. He feels the tears come up but he just keeps hugging her. He feels warm when Aqua hugs him back, nuzzling the top of his head. It's been so long since he's been held like this. She's soft and welcoming.

"I'm happy." Sora closes his eyes in his smile. Sora will have to thank Vanitas for this. If not for him, he would have never knew of such a place.

"I'm glad." Aqua pulls away first, smiling down at him. "You look like you're about to fall asleep on me. Let's get you to your new bed." She stands up and grabs his hand. She leads him upstairs, down the hallway and opens a door to her left. She puts a hand over her lips to tell Sora to be quiet. She points to the first bed that is empty...there's a bunch of beds in here.

"Sweet dreams Sora. I'll introduce you to everyone tomorrow." Aqua whispers against his ear. She watchers him get in the bed, getting comfortable in the sheets. She smiles and closes the door. It's pretty dark in here but Sora doesn't mind it. He throws the blanket over his head, curling up into a ball.

Sleep comes so much easier when you're clean and have a full stomach and a nice bed to sleep in.

"Look! Look it's a new boy!"

"When did he get in here? I didn't think they went out yesterday."

"Hey, that's my shirt!"

"Doesn't he kind of look like Vanitas?"

"Hmm a little bit. He's cuter though. Look how precious he is!"

"Roxas is cuter."

"Stop Axel."

"Ugh he smells weird."

"Guys be quiet I want to stare at him a bit longer-"

"Ven you need to calm down."

"There's no way he's going to make it. He won't be here for long-"

"Wait I think he's waking up!"

Sora's eyebrows furrow from hearing all the voices. His eyes flutter open. He tenses up when he sees bright blue eyes inches from his own. He yells and sits up quickly, colliding foreheads with the boy above him.

"Ouch!" Sora groans, rubbing his head and rolling around in bed.

"Sorry!" The boy rubs his own head, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. Sora settles down, the pain fading away so he can focus on what's around him. The boy that was in his face looks to be about his age. He has bright blue eyes and blonde spiky hair. He's the closest one to him but he's not the only one.

There's a bunch of kids around his bed. There's another boy that looks just like the one that he collided heads with that is staring him down like he doesn't know what to think of him. There's a boy next to him with red hair and green eyes, looking at him with amusement. He looks a bit older. There's also a boy that's sitting on the bed next to his, he's staring at him with indifferent aqua eyes.

"Who...?" Sora ends up getting out. He's never been looked at so intently by so many his age.

"Ah! My name is Ventus! You can call me Ven!" The blonde boy that was in his face speaks up first. He looks excited. He points over to the boy that looks like him. "That's my twin brother Roxas! And the boy next to him is Axel. Axel might look scary but he's actually pretty nice."

"What's that suppose to mean-"

"That's Riku." Ven continues, ignoring Axel. Riku locks eyes with Sora before he averts his gaze. "And the boy over there is Vanitas." Sora's eyes snap towards the back. He sees Vanitas sitting on his bed, staring out of the window. He doesn't respond to Ven saying his name.

"So what's your name? And how old are you? How did you get here?" Ven starts to ask Sora questions.

Sora finds himself getting up and walking over to Vanitas. All the boys exchange a glance, frowning when Sora walks up to Vanitas.

"Uh kid you don't want to do that-" Axel starts.

"Come back over here! He's not nice-" Ven tries to warn.

"Vanitas." Sora states confidently. Vanitas slowly looks away from the window to look at him. Sora feels his breath get caught in his throat. The boy isn't wearing a mask anymore. Sora can't help to think it's like looking in a mirror. This boy does look a lot like him, except for the dark hair and golden eyes and pale skin.

"Everyone...My name is Sora." Sora looks around at all the boys that are staring at him with wide eyes before looking back at Vanitas. He yelps when he sees Vanitas is openly glaring at him.

"What makes you think I care what your name is?" Vanitas snarls as he gets up and shoves Sora. He falls back on his butt.

"Vanitas." Ven glares at the boy as he runs over to Sora. He helps him up. Vanitas just rolls his eyes as he walks past everyone, the boys making space so he can walk out.

"Don't talk to me again." Vanitas growls before he's gone.

"Don't let him bother you. Vanitas is a jerk to everyone. It's best if you just avoid him" Ven gives Sora a bright smile. He hugs Sora tightly, getting his eyes to widen. "Welcome to the family!"

None of the other boys say this. They just get up and leave.

Sora can't help to frown at this. It doesn't seem like the other boys like him much. At least Ventus does...and he seems very kind. Sora hugs him back as he thinks of Vanitas. Why is he like that? Vanitas is the reason he's here...he saved him. Why does he glare at him like he hates him? The way he was looking at him...If that's true...

Then why did he help him?

"Thank you Ven. You're really nice." Sora pulls away. Ventus beams at him, his cheeks getting a bit red.

"You're nice yourself Sora...I think you're the first one I've greeted that actually hugged me back!" Ven hums as he grabs Sora's hand. He doesn't mind it. "Come on. We got to go get breakfast."

"Breakfast..." Sora feels his stomach growl as he lets Ven lead him. He pushes food out of his mind for the moment. "...Why didn't anyone hug you back? That seems kind of mean."

"Well...Most kids when they come here, came from really bad places. I don't think they were use to hugs...I still don't think they are." Ven's eyes get distant. "It's hard going from a bad place to a loving home you know?"

"Yeah...I still can't believe I'm here." Sora mumbles. Ven smiles at him.

"Well you are! So how old are you?"


"Me too! So is Roxas and Vanitas...Riku and Axel are older by a couple of years." Ven explains.

"How long have you been here?" Sora catches how Ven gets this pained expression before he looks at Sora with a soft smile.

"Since I can remember." Ven seems to think. "Vanitas came after me and Roxas...then Axel...and then Riku."

" you guys grew up here." Sora is starting to feel more comfortable with this. If Ven was here for his whole life...then Aqua doesn't seem to type to just throw kids out. "So...they don't throw kids out?"

"No." Ven softens when he sees that expression. "We're a family here. They wouldn't throw you out. I was raised here but the other kids weren't so lucky. They've come from bad backgrounds just as i'm sure you have...but Aqua and Terra have helped them and they'll help you too!"
It's almost too good to be true.

All thoughts leave Sora when he smells bacon. His mouth waters as he walks into the kitchen with Ven. All the boys are sitting at the table. Roxas gives him a glance but that's the only one who looks at them when they sit down.

"Good morning Sora, Ven." Aqua smiles sweetly as she comes out of the kitchen, putting plates in front of everyone. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes. Thank you." Sora smiles at her, feeling his chest tighten.

"Who's this?" Sora tenses when a man comes out of the kitchen. His gaze is powerful, but not necessarily bad.

"This is Sora. One of our new boys." Aqua gives him this sheepish smile. "Sora, this is Terra. My husband."

"H-Hi!" Sora waves, shouting in his nervousness. Terra blinks at the outburst before he smiles.

"Well hello." He chuckles as he takes his seat. "Welcome home." He says. Sora feels something tighten in him again. He feels Ven give his hand a squeeze and the tightness is hurting his chest.

"Now everyone lets say our prayers." Aqua sits next to Terra. Everyone holds hands. Axel grabs Sora's hand a bit tightly. Vanitas looks likes he's about to protest but a fierce look from Aqua gets him to roll his eyes and cross his arms. Riku who was next to him doesn't seem to mind that he won't take his hand. Aqua doesn't seem like she's going to be bothered by it either.

Everyone bows their heads and Aqua says a prayer. "Now everyone eat!" She beams. Sora gets started on pancakes and bacon set before him. As he tastes the delicious food and looks up to see everyone eating with him...that tightness becomes too much.

Sora swallows his pancakes down with difficulty and drops his fork. Everyone looks at him from the sound. That's when the tears fall down his cheeks.

"I-Is this a dream?" Sora can't help to ask, his voice cracking. "I'm not going to wake up behind the garbage cans am I?" It almost seems too good to be true. He would believe that this was a dream completely.

Roxas looks down at his food, Axel's expression seems to have Soften...Riku is staring at him intently, his eyebrows furrowed.

"This isn't a dream. It's real." Aqua reassures. Sora sobs. Ventus hugs him tightly, Sora hugging him back to sob in his shirt. This is embarrassing, crying in front of everyone first thing but this is...this is...

"What a cry baby." Vanitas sneers. He gets a few glares from the boys. Ventus being one and Axel.

"That's not cool. You know how it was the first day." Axel snarls. Vanitas just gives him a bored look.
"I can tell you I didn't burst out into tears like a baby."

"Vanitas. Stop it." Aqua glares at him. Terra gives Vanitas a warning glance. Vanitas snorts but he doesn't say anymore.

"It's okay." Ventus soothes. Sora pulls away when he gets himself together. Vanitas words had hurt but he's right. He's being a cry baby. Sora wipes his eyes and smiles at Ventus.

"I see you've made a friend Ventus." Terra smiles at the exchange.

"Yeah! I really like Sora!" Ventus says excitedly.

"I like Ventus too." Sora feels like he should say. Ventus looks really happy.

Sora gets back to eating. He feels eyes on him so he looks up. Riku is staring at him. He's looking at him before looking at Terra with a disapproving look. Terra just gives him this glance that Sora doesn't understand and then Riku stops staring at Sora. Roxas is also glancing at him cautiously.

It seems the only person that likes him is Ventus. Sora doesn't' mind that. It's been a long time since he could say he has a friend. He lost all his friends around the time he lost his home. Everyone looks at you differently when you have no place to call your own.

Once everyone is done they have to wash their dishes and put them away. Everyone does it without complaint and Sora finds he likes this system.

"Now everyone, to class." Aqua claps her hands. Sora raises his eyebrow when all the boys get up and leave into another room.

"Class?" Sora looks at Ven who is waiting for him.

"Yup! We have school here. Aqua home schools us." Ven smiles as he leads him into the room all the others went into.

The room looks like a classroom. There's a desk and a chalk board. Sora notices that Riku and Axel are on the other side of the room while Roxas and Vanitas are on another side. Ventus takes his seat next to Roxas so Sora takes his seat next to him...right next to Vanitas. The dark haired male doesn't say anything but he gives him a nasty look.

"Alright everyone. We're going to start with math. Just so Sora knows, I will be your teacher. It's going to be like normal school. I don't know how much school you have missed so let's see what you know." Aqua says with all the patience in the world.

It's been a long time since Sora has been in school and it shows. His face gets hot when Aqua has to talk to hm the most and help him through problems. IT looks like Riku and Axel are doing different things and she talks to them separately...Aqua moves from each subject, giving homework out as well. When it gets to English and Aqua asks him to read the book aloud in front of everyone...Sora has trouble with a big word.

Vanitas laughs at him. His laughter mean and cruel. "You're so stupid! It's 'suspicious', you can't even read?" He taunts.

Sora gives him a glare but he has to admit it's a blow to his ego.

"Don't be mean to Sora." Ventus defends him, glaring at Vanitas.

"No wonder you get along together so well. You're both idiots." Vanitas smirks.

"We're not idiots!" Both Sora and Ven say at the same time.

"Vanitas why don't you read for us then? If you just want to be mean to your brothers." Aqua watches with growing irritation as Vanitas gives her a pointed look.

"They're not my brothers." He snarls but he starts to read the book.

"Calm down. You let him work you up to easily." Roxas says to his brother, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Ugh he just makes me so angry." Ven mumbles. Sora glances at Vanitas but he's still reading the book. He can read it so well. Vanitas is smart. Sora grips his fist as he pays more attention to the book. He'll show Vanitas he can be smart too. Then maybe Vanitas will want to talk to him. Sora wants to be able to thank him properly.

Sora finds that Aqua is not only talking to Riku and Axel differently but everyone else. She's giving them other work assignments then Sora. It's like they're all in different classes but in the same room. It's just like how he remembers school, but just a bit stranger. Aqua is very kind and patient. She gives out stickers to those who do well and candy.

Needless to say Sora hasn't gotten many stickers or candy today. It's been sort of embarrassing how far behind he is. He didn't think he would forget so much...but when you're out in the street you don't need to know how to divide or how to read a book filled with big words. You just have to know how to keep warm and to find food.

"Class is over." Aqua rings this little bell. "come and get a lunch. Eat and relax and Then we will start training."

"School is hard but you'll get the hang of it!" Ven encourages, handing Sora a lunch bag that he had gotten when he got his. He grabs Sora's hand, leading him over to a table that already has Roxas and Axel sitting at it.

"I don't guys were so far a head of me. It looked like you were writing a whole book next to me." Sora licks his lips when he pulls out a sandwich and some chips. Oh how he's missed food on a regular bases.

"Just a little report." Ven rubs the back of his head. "You'll get to that!" He adds with a smile.

"How long have you been out of school?" Sora is surprised when it's Axel who asks that.

"Um...about a year now." Sora admits.

"Yeah it'll take you awhile." Axel grunts before he gets back to his food. Sora blinks when Riku sits at their table. He doesn't speak to anyone and just eats his food quietly. Sora looks around for Vanitas only to find him sitting by himself off in the corner somewhere.

"Why is he sitting alone?" Sora asks. This gets all the boys to look at him.

"Because he hates everyone." Axel shakes his head.

"He rather to be alone Sora...I would keep your distance." Ven warns again. "Here, you can have my pudding!"

Sora wants to go over there and talk to Vanitas but with the way Ven is staring at him...he feels like he shouldn't. Ven is looking worried. He takes the pudding with a smile, getting Ven to smile back at him.

Riku just watches Sora carefully the whole time, eating his food slowly.

"Sora I'll be training you." Said boy was staring dumbly after all the boys that just got up and left in a hurry when Aqua said something about 'training starting'. Sora looks over to see Terra giving him a friendly smile. He's holding a wooden sword. "Let's go out in the back."

"What are we training for?" Sora asks as he follows Terra outside. There's three dummies that look to be made of hay against a wooden pole.

"To fight. And to be strong." Terra responds as he hands Sora the wooden Sword. He takes it carefully, swinging it around. "Do you want to be strong Sora?"

'Yeah!"Sora's eyes sparkle as he looks up at Terra. "Are you going to teach me how to use a sword?!"

"That I am." Terra grins when Sora starts to hop up and down.

"Is that what all the other boys are doing right now with Aqua?" Sora tilts his head when Terra averts his gaze.

"Yes, Something like that. Each one has a unique weapon...but let's get to you so you can join your brothers. I'm going to start you off with the basics. Get into a stance like this, hold the sword like this- no with your right hand- that's good. Now walk forward, be careful not to trip. You have to be diligent-"

Sora doesn't know how long this goes on. Terra is a very thorough teacher and though he is patient, he won't let anything slide that's wrong.

By the end of it Sora, is hitting the dummies pretty well and backing away when Terra says the enemy just swung. It's a lot of fun, Sora is covered in sweat.

"You're doing well. I think you're ready to have a real opponent." Terra glances around. He spots Riku walking towards the house, his back straight and those aqua eyes sharp. "Riku! Spar with Sora."

Riku stops and turns to face them slowly. Sora straightens himself out, getting into a fighting stance, a playful grin on his lips. Riku snorts, catching the wooden Sword Terra throws at him with ease.

"This isn't a game." Riku narrows his eyes as he gets in a stance. It's much different than Sora's own and he can't help to wonder if Riku forgot what Terra told him. "If we were holding real blades, you would not be grinning as you are. Think of it like that."

"I am taking this seriously! It's just...I'm having fun." Sora chuckles. He's always wanted to have someone to sword fight with.

"We'll see how long that lasts." Riku's eyes gleam as Sora charges towards him. Sora swings but it's easily dodged by Riku. He does a side step before kicking Sora on the side, sending him flying away from him. Sora does a roll before getting back up. His eyes are still wide, staring at Riku in awe. He did it so gracefully. "Something wrong?" Riku smirks.

"That was awesome! Grrr I won't lose to you Riku! I'm going to do a super cool move too!" Sora declares as he charges towards Riku. This time he goes low and Riku has to block the attack. Sora grins as he moves to the side to attack Riku from the back like Terra taught him-

Sora yelps when Riku suddenly gets low and kicks his feet out from under him with his leg. Sora falls on his butt, with Riku's wooden sword pushed against his neck.

"You are not worth my time." Riku remarks coldly.

"Oh yeah?" Sora feels himself get worked up. This boy is looking down on him. Looking at him like he's some kind of weakling...Sora will get stronger. "I'll show you. I'll keep training and I'll beat you!"

"I doubt that." Riku pulls his sword away, those aqua eyes staring him down.

"Sora why don't you go in and take a shower? Dinner should be ready soon. We'll train more tomorrow." Terra reassures before Sora could ask. Sora beams at Terra before he runs towards the house excited for dinner.

Riku gives Terra a meaningful look. "He's not going to make it. He's too weak. You should put him back where you found him."

Terra's expression is stone but those eyes have shifted, just a bit. "Sora has a month to prove he can be one of us. All humans are weak and he is nothing more than a child. You have to remember Riku that recently you were just like him-"

"I was much stronger than that boy!" Riku rasies his voice. He frowns afterward when he realizes who he's talking to . He lowers his head. "...I will not compare myself to him."

"Either way Riku, Sora is staying. Aqua has taken a liking to him...and so has Ventus. I will train him and make him ready. As far as you are concerned, he is your family now."

"I won't accept him. He's going to die. It's a waste of your time when you could be training us more. You're letting your judgment be swayed too much by Ventus's affections for Sora-"

"I am much older and wiser than you Riku. I know when my emotions are controlling my decision but I believe he can make it." Terra snaps. When Riku just glares out towards the woods, Terra turns and starts to walk away. "You should take your shower too Riku. Dinner is going to be severed soon."

Riku throws the wooden sword on the ground, gripping his fists to his sides for a moment...before he starts walking towards the home with that indifferent expression back on his face.

"So how was your first day?" Ven jumps on Sora's bed. He's still filled with energy after everything today. Sora feels like he's about to pass out. He's never had so much stuff to do in one day.

"It was fun! It was tiring through too." Sora chuckles rubbing the back of his head. He glances around to see that all the other boys look much like Ven. Like they're not tired at all. " don't look tired at all Ven."

"It's something you get use to." Ven smiles nervously. "Um..." he looks down at his hands before looking back up at Sora. "Tomorrow would you like to watch a movie with me? We'll have some free time."

"Sure." Sora smiles at Ven. The young boy slowly starts to smile back before it becomes a grin.

"I can't wait for tomorrow then!-"

"Ven you're being too loud." Roxas calls.

"I am not." Ven gives him a look.

"Hey Ven I think i'm going to go to sleep. I'm tired." Sora yawns. He starts to lay down in the bed, looking up at Ven with half lidded eyes. Ven stares at him a moment, before he smiles and nuzzles his head against his.

"Good night Sora. I'll see you in the morning!"

"Good night Ven." Sora feels his chest tighten at the affection. Ven leaves to get in his bed. "Good night Roxas, Good night Axel." They don't respond but Sora will keep going. "Good night Riku." Riku just glances at him. "Good night Vanitas." Everyone tenses up.

Vanitas slowly turns his head from looking out of the window, those golden eyes darken. Sora doesn't get to see his glare. By the time he's said his last good night he's already passed out. Fast asleep. Vanitas gets out of the bed and starts to march over towards him.

Riku tenses for a moment, looks like he might get out of bed before he relaxes. He just turns his back on the scene. Roxas and Axel avert their gaze as well.

"Vanitas stop." Ven gets in front of Sora, his eyes narrowed. "He was only being kind to you-"

"I believe I told that dumb ass to stop talking to me." Vanitas growls.

"I don't care what you told him. He's a part of our family now. You can't hurt him." Ven's eyes start to get lighter in warning. Vanitas takes this in before he smirks.

"Look at you, getting worked up over a human you just met. Are you so desperate for friends? Are you that lonely?"

"No. Sora is a good person. He's kind and I watched him work his hardest with Terra. He wants to be a part of this family." Ven glares at everyone. "I wish all of you guys would start acting like we are one."

Roxas looks off to the side, Axel grabs his hand and Riku just gives Ven an even look. Vanitas laughs.

"You and Sora were really made for each other. So foolish. I'll love to see the look on your face when we have to kill him. It's obvious he's not going to be able to be one of us-"

"You don't know that. No one is going to kill him." Ven snaps.

"I'll make sure to make it as painful as possible." Vanitas sneers as he slowly walks backwards, those golden eyes gleaming before he turns and walks back to his bed. Instead of getting in his own bed, Ventus gets inside of Sora's. This way he can protect him if Vanitas tries anything while he's asleep.

Ventus smiles when Sora hugs him in his sleep, rubbing his head against his back. Ventus finds he doesn't even mind that the younger boy is drooling on him.

It's kind of nice, being so warm when you're sleeping. He'll be out of the bed before Sora wakes up.

It's been a week since Sora has come here. Not much has changed. All the boys except Ven seem to want nothing to do with him. He's been working on homework and trying to catch up to everyone in his classes but Sora feels like he's just falling farther behind. Aqua only has to talk to him after class and explain things to him.

Terra has been training him everyday and he has gotten better...but no where near as good as Riku. When Sora told Ventus about his concerns, Ven gave him this smile and shook his head 'Even I can't beat Riku yet. It takes time.'

How much time? And Ventus can't beat Riku either? Sora can't help to wonder how strong Riku really is.

Sora winces as he tries to get off the ground. He's covered in sweat and his muscles are aching. Training with Terra was really hard today and now Sora has no energy. Even after all the hard work this week, Sora feels like he's barely gained any ground on Riku. Sora grips his fist, whenever Riku would see him training, he just give him this glance like he's bored before moving on.

It bothers Sora.

"Good work today Sora. You've getting better." Terra encourages. "Go in to clean up. Do you need help?"

"No I got it. Thanks Terra." Sora smiles at the older man. Terra could never replace Sora's real father but...he's a runner up. Aqua and Terra are so nice and kind to all of them. As Sora watches Terra walk away, he can't help to once again feel his chest tighten. He's so blessed to be here.

Sora frowns as he forces himself up. It's all because of Vanitas and he still hasn't been able to thank him. Either Vanitas isn't around or Ven is stopping him from getting close. Sora knows that the boy is dangerous but...Sora can't keep going on like this without thanking him.

Sora's whole body lights up when he sees Vanitas walking towards the house, alone. This is his chance. Sora doesn't think. "Vanitas!" Sora calls.

Vanitas stops walking to turn those golden eyes towards him. Sora runs towards him, wincing from his muscles aching. He stops in front of him, panting. Vanitas looks like he wants to kill him. Sora averts his gaze before he locks eyes with him. "Thank you. Thank you for what you did for me a week ago. I'm so happy here." Sora looks at him with complete gratitude.

Vanitas blinks at such sparkling blue eyes before he laughs. Sora tilts his head head when Vanitas keeps laughing before he settles down. "I wouldn't thank me so honestly. Everything comes with a price. I'm sure soon you'll be cursing my name."

"Never." Sora says firmly. The dark amusement leaves Vanitas and he's just staring at him again. " You're my family now. I don't care what the price is. I've never been this happy since my parents died so..." Sora straightens up. "I want to be your friend Vanitas-"

Sora yelps when Vanitas punches him in the face. He didn't hold back on it either. Sora falls to his side, feeling the whole side of his face sting. The dark haired boy is staring down at him with utter dark intent. "You are an idiot. You're not a part of this family yet. I don't consider you family and I will never consider you a friend. Don't misunderstand me. I saved you for my entertainment. If you speak to me again Sora, i'll make it so you won't be able to speak again. Those eyes of yours make me sick."

Sora just continues to stare up at Vanitas in shock. The boy chuckles humorlessly before he walks past him and into the house. Sora forces himself up, rubbing his cheek. His eyes stinging with tears. It isn't really the pain. Vanitas words hurt a bit. He's been thinking about talking to him for a week and of course when he does, Vanitas looks like he wants to kill him.

Vanitas doesn't' seem him as family yet...Sora's sure all the other boys feel the same way. Except for Ventus. Sora closes his eyes. As long as he has Ven, Aqua and Terra, Sora is okay with that. Hopefully the other boys will come around...

Sora walks into the home and takes a shower. When he comes out for dinner, Aqua looks at him and frowns deeply.

"Sora what happened to your face?" Everyone looks at him. Ven's eyes light up with concern and he gets up to walk toward Sora, looking at him more closely. Sora glances toward Vanitas to see him staring at him bored.

"I fell." Sora lies. Telling on Vanitas will only make the boy hate him more.

"Fell on what dear? It looks like you've been punched." Aqua frowns.

"No I just fell. Boy, i'm hungry!"Sora chuckles nervously as he makes his way to the table. Ven sits next to him and leans into him.

"Did someone hurt you? You can tell me who it was Sora." Ven whispers. Sora just shakes his head. He gives Ven's hand a squeeze and smiles at him.

"It's okay Ven." Ventus stares at him for a moment before he gives one long glare at every other boy at the table. When Vanitas returns it with a smirk, Ven's eyes narrow.

"If you say so Sora...Would you like the play after dinner?" Ven looks at Sora who smiles at him.

"I would love to!" Sora beams when Ventus nuzzles his head against his.

"You're just too cute Sora." Ven hums.

"I'm not cute." Sora feels his face get red and he glares at Ven.

"That's even cuter!" Ven teases.

"You're both two cute." Aqua grabs both of their cheeks before sitting down.

"Not cute." They both mumble, getting Aqua to chuckle.

Roxas rolls his eyes, Axel is too busy staring at Roxas, Riku just eats his food and Vanitas looks like he wants to be anywhere but here.

After awhile of eating, Sora can't stay quiet. " I want to say thank you again." Everyone looks at him. He's not looking at Vanitas. "I've been here a week and I have to say...I'm really happy that I'm here." Those blue eyes are too bright. Sora doesn't know what they do to people.

Ventus hugs him. The other boys look a bit dazzled before they start having mixed fillings. Guilt. Anger. Frustration. Guilt is probably the biggest one. Vanitas on the other hand Is just glaring at the boy that is a ball of light.

"I'm happy you're here too." Ventus pulls away with this big smile. "This week has been so much fun! I want to spend a lot more time with you!"

"So do I." Sora agrees.

"So you see us as your family?" Aqua asks, getting Sora to look at her. "Can you see yourself living here for a long time?" Some boys give her a glance.

"Yes." Sora doesn't hesitate. They seem surprised. "I know that you guys don't think of me as family." Sora looks at the other four boys who are staring at him. "And that's okay. I'll work my way up to it. Because I really want to be a part of your family." Sora says with determination.

Riku snorts but he averts his gaze from such light. Axel seems interested and Roxas is staring at him with a face he can't read.

"I'd like to eat in peace." Riku grumbles.

"Okay, okay." Aqua gives him a smile before they start to eat again. Sora feels like he's made a statement.

"I think of you as family." Ventus says against his ear. Sora smiles over at him, laying his head against Ventus. He doesn't find this weird, the closeness they have. A lot of times Ven will even sleep in the same bed as him. Sora has missed physical affection.

"Same to you Ven." Sora watches those eyes brighten.

Sora truly is happy to be here.

Later that night, Ventus crawls into bed with Sora, hiding bruises. He gives Vanitas a glare as the golden eyed boy walks past everyone, they all stare at him, their eyes alert. They see the cuts he has, the proof of a struggle before he's in the corner and in his bed. He gives them a fierce look and they look away. Ven keeps himself close to Sora, the sleeping boy unaware of what happened or what Ven just did for him.

He'll protect his new friend from Vanitas' cruelty. He won't give that up.

Just another Story I've already been writing.