Title: Never Happier
Author: badly-knitted
Characters: Spock, Leila, Captain Kirk.
Rating: G
Challenge: #2: Under The Influence at drabble_weekly.
Spoilers/Setting: This Side Of Paradise
Summary: Spock experiences happiness under the influence of alien spores.
Disclaimer: I don't own Star Trek, or the characters. They belong to the late great Gene Roddenberry.
Spock has never been happier. That simple fact should be alarming, yet it causes him no disquiet. He is happy, here in this paradise, with Leila, the woman he loves, by his side. There's no cause for concern, nothing he needs to do except live in the moment, enjoying everything in ways he's never been able to before.
This is right, even perfect.
The Captain's voice coming through his communicator is an unwelcome interruption, and their conversation soon becomes tedious. The small device falls from his hand as he kisses Leila. Spock has better things to do with his time.
The End