A/N: Hey guys! This little one-shot is a birthday gift to my friend, iheartgod175 so wish her a good rest of the year! Happy birthday, buddy!

Disclaimer: I don't own these guys, so yeah...

It was a quiet morning in the small town of Hoop 'n Holler, and for once the morning was unusually cool as Droop-a-Long slowly made his way into the kitchen. 'Hmm...I believe it's Mr. Ricochet's off day. But what should I make for him?' The pinked furred coyote thought to himself, his face twisted into thought as he looked around. His tail swished around, and a large smile spread across his muzzle as an idea smacked him like a certain rabbit deprived of his precious sweets.

Making his way towards the sink, he washed his hands and then decided to open a window. It was very early, the sun hasn't risen yet and his best friend was still asleep at this hour. Luckily his room wasn't near the kitchen so he would be able to fix his breakfast without him sniffing it out. After washing his hands again, he looked out the window to see if the milkman has brought milk and eggs yet.

"Thank goodness he's prompt." The coyote mumbled out loud to himself, making his way towards the front door. Slowly opening it, he breathed in the crisp cool air and savored it, knowing it was going to get hotter than a roasted turkey by mid-day. Once he had everything, he checked to make sure the eggs weren't cracked. Satisfied that they were in good condition, his eyes trailed around to see if there was any trouble. So far, so good. With that he backed up and softly shut the door with his foot, making his way towards the kitchen once more.

Washing his hands once more, he then proceeded to make breakfast for his rabbit friend. After a few mishaps, he finally had a rather large breakfast sitting on a tray. It took him an hour and thirty minutes, but he couldn't help but feel proud of himself as he looked down at the tray. It had a plate stacked with pancakes with a large cup of butter and carrot syrup, toast with peach jam and butter, slightly overcooked scrambled eggs, carrots and celery, a glass bottle of milk, some orange juice and finally coffee with creamer and sugar.

"Golly, I hope he'll be able to eat all of this..." He frowned, then shrugged. Grabbing the tray, he slowly made his way towards Ricochet's room while being very careful with the food and most certainly the drinks. He didn't want a mess, and that hot coffee didn't need to spill anywhere on him. It took a long while, but he finally made it.

'Phew! That was close!' He sighed mentally, then bit back a groan as he remembered about the closed door. Oh come on! Why couldn't it have been cracked open? It would've made things a lot easier. Shaking his head, he then made the difficult process of opening the door with one hand, without spilling anything.

Once he finally got it open, he made his way into the room. Thank goodness he didn't wear his hat, otherwise making breakfast and bringing it to his friend would've been a royal pain in the behind. He bit his tongue to avoid yelping as he stubbed his toe, cursing the fact he was being clumsy today of all mornings. The smell of food reached the one in bed, and the rabbit began to stir before he yawned and stretched. Droop-a-Long winced as his friend's bones popped, but a pair of sleepy eyes opened.

"Hmm? D-Droopy? Why are you up so early?" His speech was very slurred due to being half-asleep, and the fact it was the best night of sleep he had in a long time. Pain flashed through the rabbit's face as his back protested the movement of him sitting up, the bruised up area of his body now starting to hurt. It had been two days since he chased down an outlaw, he had been caught off guard when the punk kicked him into a wall and he slid to the ground.

His back had just started hurting last night, but he wasn't going to tell his friend that. Goodness knows he didn't need him to worry, since it was just a bruised up back after all. Luckily, the coyote was busy trying to not drop the tray in his lap and as such he wasn't looking at his face. He masked the pain with a smile as he looked upon the food, his stomach roaring with hunger.

He was so tired last night he went straight to bed without eating anything, and this large breakfast would fill him up nicely. "It's not very early, it's about...hmm...8:54 right now. Very early would be six, when I woke up." His friend's voice brought his thoughts back, and he nodded.

"Why thank you for making me breakfast in bed, Droop-a-Long. That was very kind of you to do so." He softly replied to him, and the coyote beamed at him.

"You're welcome, I had to do something for my best friend. I hope you enjoy it." He walked towards the table in his room, sitting down in a chair while reading yesterday's newspaper as Ricochet ate his meal.

It didn't take long for him to eat everything, and to drink everything as well. The pink furred coyote looked up as his friend placed the tray over on the table right next to his bed, and he quickly stood up and walked on over to him. "Today's your off day Mr. Ricochet, you shouldn't be up and-" He was cut off, due to his nightshirt rising up a little. The nasty looking bruises peeked at him, and he grabbed the bottom of it despite the rabbit telling him he was fine.

A gasp escaped him as he saw how badly he was bruised and he finally managed to choke out, "What in Sam Hill's name happened to you?! When did this happen? Why didn't you tell me?" He didn't sound angry, he mainly sounded shocked but a little hurt that his friend hid this from him. He could've helped, but instead he hides it!

"It's no big deal Droop-a-Long, just a scuffle with an outlaw two days ago. I don't have any broken bones, and I figured there was no point in telling you since you'd worry." He replied, but Droop looked down at him and frowned.

"Since I'd worry? Ricochet, you're my friend! It's my job to worry about you, since you're a workaholic daredevil! For Pete's sake, someone needs to remind you every now and then that you're cared about, and it might as well be me! You're almost like a brother to me, and as such brothers need to take care of each other!" He huffed and quickly pulled his nightshirt back down, then sighed.

"But I'm not truly angry with you, since I know how you are...but please, let me take care of you today! You always took care of me, so please let me return the favor!" His eyes bore into his with a slight film of tears, begging him to allow him to take care of him. The rabbit couldn't help but be touched after he had gotten over the shock of the normally quiet coyote's words.

"How about this Droopy: I do some of my things I save for my off days today...with you by my side. If you think it's too much for me then...I'll take it easy." Droop-a-Long knew how difficult it was for him to say that, since his pride was legendary around these parts. He couldn't help but smile at this, knowing how he values their friendship.

"Alright, we can do that Mr. Ricochet. But I'm choosing your outfit for the day." He replied, and Ricochet couldn't help but laugh at this.

A/N: So, it is finished! Tell me what ya'll think, and I hope I kept them in character.