Elsa stirred as her nose was tickled by the warm heavy scent of a what smelt like a pastry confection. Following her nose her eyes awoke next to the sunlit room that was Jean's. Rolling in the sheets enjoying the light soft material scratching against her naked skin before she settled on a pillow close to the edge. Sitting up stretching the tussled blonde sighed happily her shoulders rising with the cleansing breath.

Her eyes scanned the floor for her clothes to notice they were nowhere around. She stood and began searching for something to wear until she settled on just wrapping a thin sheet around herself exiting the bedroom to a short hallway, down the steps, into the living room.

The sound of metal clanging attracted Elsa to the kitchen entrance, the air swept from her body at the sight of her love's apparition clad in a green t-shirt scratching her scuffed blonde tresses face contorted in adorable perplexity meddling over a waffle iron and cinnamon buns. Elsa walked over quietly wondering how the girl was still able to make her nervous as if this was the first time they met.

Jean hadn't heard the older woman enter, plugging in the iron the back out. "Now why the hell-"her mumble was cut short when two arms wrapped around her torso as she iron the first bun smiling lazily. Elsa stood on her tip toes peeking over her shoulder resting her chin upon it. "Hmmm waffled cinnabons…" Elsa trailed off letting Jean turned around still in her arms leaning against the counter. "Mhm and you shall learn it is a perfect after sex meal" She grinned as Elsa sat down at the bar, bringing over a plate with two buns on them. They ate in a comfortable silence. Once finished Elsa asked Jean where she hid her clothes and led her to the laundry. They raced each other to the bathroom in a fit of giggles. "Tie!" They both sang as their palms beat against the doorway. Jean smirked leaning against the doorway. "Well the rule is ladies first soooo.."

"Sooo." Elsa harmonized trying to squeeze through door but was lodge between the frame and Jean's body. They both sighed glancing at each other. "Well what do you suggest we do?" Elsa bemoaned exasperated. Jean looked down at her then opened and closed her mouth thinking.

"Okay kid this is gonna be fun I promise." Anna said pulling up to the driveway. Olaf laid his head back against the seat turning it to her lazily. "You mean I get to tag along on you and Kristoff's date whoopie." He groaned. Anna blow out air leaning forward obviously nervous. "We're friends okay, friends and this is a fun friendly outing." She took off her seatbelt and got out her car with Olaf in tow. At the front door she fixed herself asking Olaf. "Do I look okay?" He put his hands on his hips snapping his finger. "Honey you're darling." She laughed ringing the doorbell to hear a thunderous bark. When the door opened out zoomed an excited Sven zoomed out licking Anna jumping up.

"Sven no jumpies." Kristoff scolded but Sven ignored him happy to see his favorite redhead again, when he was done he turned his attention to Olaf. Kristoff starred at Anna softly and she returned it glancing down with a shyness pulling a stray lock behind her ear. "It's really good to see you." He mumbled enveloping her into a hug. She returned it tightly. "I've missed you too." She whispered.

"Let's go!" Olaf called from the car opening the door for Sven. Anna and Kristoff chuckled following after them.

"Jean! Jean! Jean!" Elsa chanted while Jean rutted into her from behind as she used the shower wall for support. Her turning around, wet bangs clinging to her forehead from either sweat or steam combined with the lewd wet smacking their bodies created when each thrust reunited their hips once more became Jean's undoing as she came with a long moan closing her eyes. Elsa groaned at the feeling of rope after rope shooting into her warming her from within. "Oh, mm Elsa..oh." she sighed out rocking her hips to ride out her climax shutting her eyes.

Elsa kissed Jean's head when it rested upon her shoulder. She was content even without a climax from the pleasure the younger woman brought her. "We got dirty again." She said with a chuckle. Jean grinned lifting her head reaching for the soap beginning to wash them both.

When their steamy shower had ended the couple dressed then found themselves in Jean's car. They held hands in a comfortable silence as they drove to Jean's capital industry building.

Elsa felt a bit intimated by the building's mass and height, it seemed to be as tall as the tower of babel. It was when Jean replied with. "It's exactly that." That startled Elsa to realize she had said her thoughts out loud. When they entered the lobby, which had the classic "Very rich professional business entrance look." The receptionist's eyes seemed to pop out of her head as Jean saluted her walking by with a "S'up." Elsa smiled waving shyly as she was led to an elevator. As she suspected Jean took out keys unlocking a box that protected the button to the top floor. While they waited Jean took out her phone scrolling through her phone she picked a song to chime in the elevator tapping her foot to the beat. After about twelve minutes they reached the top floor.

Elsa's face contorted to confusion when she saw that the floor was…groovy? Retro style video game furniture and decor dominated the level as a girl with short black and purple hair zoomed by on wicked looking rollerblades. "Hey GoGo." Jean greeted, she waved back dismissively as she rolled over to the laptop on the desk.

"And then I told her I go front and back." A lazy sounding voice chimed. Jean and Elsa approached a table where a lanky blonde and very large man sat with a woman listening to their friend talk. Judging by their expressions they hadn't believed a word he was said. "Sup losers." Jean greeted hugging and high fiving the group. "Guys this is my girlfriend, told you she was hot." Jean introduced. "Oh so she's not imaginary." A voice spoke up from behind them. A hand gripped and shook Jean's shoulder. Elsa turned to spot who the voice belonged to and….she froze.


"Ms. Vineter?" They stared at each other. Jean subtly slid in the middle looking back and forth between them with suspicious eyes.

Elsa took notice of her stare and recognized it all too well.

This would be fun.