I don't own anything except for my OC's and the Plot.

Astrid woke up to the sound of her radio alarm clock coming to life, it was playing the song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds by the Beatles. It took about minute for her cloudy brain to register why her alarm clock was on.

"Oh Snap!" She exclaimed while shooting up and out of her bed in three seconds flat.

She was going to be late for her first day of school in Jasper High, luckily she had the principal of the school Mr. Johnson, take her on a tour of the place a week ago, so that she wouldn't get lost on her way to her classes on her first day.

Getting dressed as quickly as possible, Astrid grabbed her backpack while closing her bedroom door and raced down the stairs, once at the bottom of the staircase she glanced at the small hallway mirror and did a quick once over with her appearance. The front of her long ginger hair was held up by a red headband, her almond shaped hazel eyes shine back at her in the reflection, and just enough makeup on her face to hide light purple bags under her tired eyes. She wore a simple white sleeveless sundress with a blue jean vest, and… Wait a minute.

Astrid gave an exasperated sigh at herself, she had two different stockings on, the one on her left leg was rainbow striped, and on her right leg was a black and white prison striped with her thankfully same red pair of converse shoes. Oh well, she had done a lot worse when it came to her wardrobe.

Moving quickly, but quietly through the living room and to the front door, so as not to disturb Eric, who as always in the mornings, was sleeping on the couch with a beer bottle or two near him. Eric Barton was supposedly her Parental Guardian, although in retrospect it was she who was more of the guardian than he was in a lot of ways, but no matter how much of a pain he was she couldn't help but think of him as an older brother.

And as for her parents, her mother had died while giving birth to her, and her father… Well that was a whole big can of worms that Astrid didn't even want to open ever again if she could help it.

After softly closing the front door, Astrid dashed over to her blue bike and raced as fast as her bike could go down the street, and to hopefully make it before the school bell ringed.

Astrid rushed down the school halls to her History class 'I am so late! Hopefully the teacher won't give me detention this time around.' She thought almost desperately.

After finding the classroom, Astrid tried to slow her breathing down to normal and straighten herself out before opening the door and calmly walked in.

She was greeted by bunch of confused stares by the students and one glaring one by the teacher. The teacher was a 40 something year old man with balding brown hair and dark eyes, he wore a plain wrinkled button up shirt with a worn out brown business suit. He looked tired and annoyed, most likely from having to deal with disrespectful and ungrateful kids at this school five days out of the week.

"You must be the new student." He growled out annoyedly.

"Yes sir, my name is Astrid Wells." She answered calmly, having experience with angry people almost throughout her life.

"You're late Miss Wells, and the only reason that I'm letting you off the hook this time is because it's your first day, so don't expect to have any more special treatment, got it?" Astrid simply nodded her head yes. "Good. Now go find a seat and be quiet." He snapped.

Astrid's hazel eyes narrowed slightly and pressed her lips in disapproval, but that was all that she did to show of her displeasure at being treated the way that he had her. "Yes sir." She said simply, not wanting to get on his other bad foot, and walked over to the back of the class and sat down.

"Now, back to the lesson at hand, back in the Roman times…" And the lesson went on from there, she did have to say that he knew his figures and facts, but he couldn't really make the story of it all come to life. Luckily history was her best and favorite subject, so even if she fell asleep during this class she would still have an idea as to what was going on.

Halfway through the lesson, Astrid watched as a red haired teenage boy aiming a rubber band at a smaller boy's head, the rubber band shot forward and smacked the back of the smaller boy's head. "Ouch!" The boy cried out.

"You have something to say Mr. Esquivel?" The teacher suddenly said while glaring darkly at the boy.

"N-no Mr. But-Buttkiss." He stuttered out nervously, almost shrinking into his seat.

'Buttkiss!? No wonder he's so grumpy.' She couldn't help but snort inwardly as Mr. Buttkiss turned back to the board on the wall and continuing the lesson.

She saw the same redhead grab for another rubber band and started aiming at the little guy again.

Astrid rolled her eyes and lazily waved her hand, and everything in the room stopped moving. The ticking of the clock on the wall stopped, Mr. Buttkiss's hand froze midway of writing on the board, and all the students in the class froze as well, including the red haired bully who was frozen in mid release of the rubber band.

Astrid got up and out of her seat and calmly walked towards the redhead, not looking the least bit bothered by her surroundings.

"Tisk tisk, now that's not vary nice, it looks like you're going to need to be taught a lesson about bullying kids who are half your height." She said, sounding like a mother giving a naughty child a time out.

Astrid looked around the room with a thoughtful expression on her face, before looking back on the big bully with the rubber band in his hands, then to the grumpy teacher's back. Suddenly she snapped her fingers while exclaiming. "Bingo!" It was so simple, like taking out two birds with one stone, or should she say one rubber band.

She moved over to the little boy with gravity defying brown hair and thick rimmed glasses with chocolate brown eyes behind them. Astrid was a little surprised at how young the kid looked, he couldn't be older than 12 years old at most. 'He must be one of those prodigy kids.' She thought as an explanation for why a little kid like him would be in high school to herself.

As gently as possible, Astrid moved the kid's head just enough to the right, so that the band would just miss it's original target.

Making sure that it would hit it's new target, Astrid walked back to her seat in the back of the class, once seated, she gave another lazy flick of her wrist, and everything came back to life again.

Astrid watch gleefully as the rubber band whistled passed the little kid's ear and headed straight on towards Mr. Buttkiss's balding head with an almost audible smack!

The entire classroom fell deathly silent as the students watched with anticipation as Mr. Buttkiss entire body shook with suppressed rage and the redhead bully's form froze in silent shock.

"WHO DID THAT?!" The teacher roared as he turned to face the class, his dark eyes surveying any guilty faces in the group of students in the room until he saw the redhead's arms were still in an aiming position and his slightly horrified face. "Mr. Raider!" He snapped.

The redhead at immediately snapped out of his shock and did his best to look as innocent as possible, which didn't fool anyone in the room.

"Sir?" He tried to ask calmly, though his voice sounded a little on the high side.

"You will be serving detention with me after school Mr. Raider." Mr. Buttkiss snarled.

"Yes Sir." He said with a slight grimace.

The teacher gave an angry humph and continued the lesson without any more interruptions that day.

It was lunch time as Astrid walked around the school cafeteria, looking for a place to sit and eat her homemade lunch. Astrid almost always made her own food when she goes to school. And she was glad that she did to, because from the looks of the food on student's trays did not look appetizing whatsoever.

Grimacing slightly, Astrid kept walking until she saw the kid with gravity defying hair sitting all alone in one of the corner tables of the cafeteria. Deciding quickly, Astrid started walking towards the little guy.

She stood next to him, waiting for him to notice her as he sadly played with his cafeteria food, which resembled nothing that she could think of except for a grey-ish goop. Making the sound of clearing her throat to get his attention she asked. "Hey, mind if I sit here?"

His head whipped up at her as she asked the question, he had a surprise look on his face, like he couldn't believe that she had asked to sit at the same table as him.

"Oh, uum, sure I don't mind." He says nervously.

"Thanks, my name is Astrid." She said with a friendly smile as she sat on the opposite side of the table.


She looked at his tray of food again and then to her own food. "You know… If you want we can split my lunch in half and share." She offered to him, not wanting him to starve or get sick because of the mysterious cafeteria food, she wouldn't even give it to her worst enemy just by the smell alone.

His face morphed into a look of shock then to embarrassment as he blushed a light red. "Oh no no, I'm fine." He said, but she could see the longing in his eyes.

Astrid rolled her eyes good naturedly with a small smile, while breaking up her lunch and giving him the other half of it, once she was finished with that, Astrid started eating her homemade food without saying another word.

Raf's chocolate brown eyes looked between the grey-ish goop of what was supposedly called food, to Astrid's homemade half of a ham sandwich and sweet potato fries with a hole cinnamon sugar cookie. After a moment or two, Raf pushed his tray of goop away to the side and started digging in the other half of her offered lunch.

Astrid felt the corners of her lips twitching in amusement at the site of it.

Well I hope you liked my new story, I'm going to try updating as much as I can, but no promises. And also to those who follow my other story, all can say is that I'm working on it, but my muse absolutely refuses to help me with writing it, so eventually I'll just get fed up with it and just post it with what I got and hope for the best.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and please tell me what you think of it by review or PM, again thank you and have a great day or night. :)