̴̴̴ Almost two years later ̴
"I want to show you something, Jack."
"Oh, you bought a new painting?"
"Yes, it is called 'True passion'."
"Where did you find it?"
"It is more like the painting found us."
Phryne took the wrapping paper off to reveal a middle-sized painting in an impressionism style done in dozens of red hues. But it was not the style that made Jack to drop his paper and stare at 'True passion' doubting he was actually seeing what was in front of him.
The painting depicted a woman, her head thrown back in a fit of passion, neck exposed to the man who was kissing it. The woman's right hand was deep in the man's hair adding to the passionate dynamic of the painting. The left hands of the lovers were intertwined against the woman's heart.
The woman's features were fogged according to style, but Jack did not need to see the face or the rings on the drawn hands to know that the painting was of Phryne, of them.
"How? Who?.."
"Remember my last birthday that we celebrated in Melbourne? I invited some of my friends from the art world and one of them saw us in the garden, right before you asked me to send everybody away so we can have a… private party. Kathy told me she witnessed our… moment by accident looking out of the window. She was inspired and painted the whole night. I bought the painting, but she asks our permission to exhibit it. But I will deny her, if you object. You are a private person and will hardly find proper to display your feelings in such a way-"
"I give my permission. Just without our names mentioned. I am still an officer of the law."
"Thank you, Jack. Kathy will be thrilled; she is of an opinion that this painting can restart her art career."
"Anything for the benefit of art."
Phryne threw herself on the coach with her usual grace that she possessed despite gaining a bit of weight after giving birth and turning thirty five just the month before.
"That was a very special night, cheri."
"Indeed it was, Phryne." Particularly their private party afterwards. True passion indeed.
"I got in serious trouble the next day."
"Oh? It has been three weeks and nothing in local newspapers? What could you have possibly done?"
"Try to guess."
"Is it connected to your drive to Melbourne two days ago?"
"Did you bother the Chief Commissioner again about the Hallise's case? Being an Honorary Sergeant does not give you the right to go to brass whenever 'your' case is not resolved to your liking."
Phryne stood up and went to the bookshelf to take a special volume – a family photo album, Jack's gift on their first anniversary. She looked through the first photos. Their portrait as the newlyweds, both look anything but – tense and uncomfortable around each other, more like strangers than a couple. Some photos of Adele in her first year cuteness. Their 'second wedding'... Phryne loved those photos. Yes, there were a lot of men in uniform as well as quite a number of ladies in silk and velvet. Phryne ordered a custom made suit that looked like a constable police uniform. Now that was quite a shock for the guests, not to mention her parents. The bigger shock was however when Jack remarked on the wrong number of stripes and fastened on her arm a band with three stripes. Since that day Phryne Robinson became an Honorary Sergant. First and, the brass hoped, the last.
The photos that followed were of Jane in nursery school, her date with her first beau, (regretably for Jack) a Senior Constable from Central. Phryne looked at the large number of empty photo slots and hoped to feel them up as soon as possible.
"What are your other guesses, Jack?"
"Strangely, I have no idea. We celebrated Christmas at your aunt's which was, I admit, chaotic and you had words with her on how you bring Adele up, but it was later. Nothing in particular happened in between. We did not even have any cases."
"It only happened to me once before."
"You hardly do something only once, particularly if it gets you, and by extension me, in trouble. Unless… No!.. This is not-"
"I am pregnant, cheri."
If Kathy needed inspiration for another painting then she has just missed her chance. Phryne still was not used to Jack's sudden, but very welcome, shows of affection.
"I gather, you are happy, Jack?" Phryne asked, getting her breathing under control. Jack kisses told her all he was feeling at the moment, not that they only worked as a way of communication… They were quite enjoyable too no matter the time or place.
"Of course, I am. But how? You said-"
"I stopped using family planning five months ago. It was completely deliberate on my part. I know how much you want a son, cheri. I want to give you one."
"I will not mind another girl as perfect as you, Missis Robinson."
"And I will not mind a boy as perfect as you, Mister Robinson."
Eight months later Adele Katherine became an older sister to William Jonathan Robinson.
A/N: And this is the end of the fic. I am thankful to all people who found time to read it. I am getting ready for another Phryne/Jack fic which is much darker and angsty. Hopefully, I will do it as fast as this one. I actually never thought of or wrote a fic so fast. It was ready in two months. I always welcome reviews and will try to answer all of them.