Ok guys I'm back. I want you guys to enjoy these stories. So in the reviews feel free to give your opinion on what should happen next!

Chapter 3: Luna

Sweat ran down Lincolns face as he drove through the desert. He finally got to Luna.


"Oh bro you're here!

"Thank god!"

"I've just scratched my knee. But my car on the lowdown. I've called the repair services to pick it up, so we should probably hang here."

"Right." He said sitting next to her, checking her knee. "So how Is the whole rock star thing coming on?"

"Oh man it's rockin dude! I've already started working on a new track! Looks like my business is gonna be cut short."

"Great! I can't wait to hear it. And um. You may not wanna hear this but how's the whole, George situation?"

Luna looked down to the ground. She had a bad past with George.

"Look dude.. Maybe we could talk about that another time, Ok?"



Clyde tapped the table as he looked at his watch.


He just stared forward.

"I've been stood up haven't I..."

He got up and put his coat on. As soon as he reached for his Backpack the door ripped open. Lynn was just standing there, hair soaking, wet coat on. She couldn't stop breathing. She had to run being 15 minutes late. She ran over to the table Clyde was at.

"Oh thank god...your here!"

Clyde looked at her with an angry look.

"Look I'm sorry I'm late I..."

She stopped talking after seeing all the people, Looking at her.


"Where were you then?" Clyde said, attempting to continue.

"I was...uh...At a match!"

"When did it start?" he said, Trying to catch her out.

"Half seven!"

"Oh really?"

"Yeh! Half seven!"

"Haha...that's weird because... It's 8 o'clock!"

"Yehh...saw that coming."

"Where were you Lynn?'

"I was...I was...Was in..."


Lynn turned to see her boyfriend, Ben Lewis.


"you forgot your cap. I follow your car to bring it to you and I find This?"


"Bye Lynn."

Ben stormed out of the door.


She turned and Clyde was just leaving.

"Dang it..."

Whoo Lynn why You gotta do that? Ok guys that chapter was mainly the start of relationship failures. See you guys in the next chapter!
