Here is a little fanfic I will be working on for a few weeks. It will be based on The future of The loud kids. (10 years forward to be exact) and how there life will go. Hope you guys enjoy.

P.S. Don't panic the Direct me competition is still on!

Chapter 1: The Future.

"That'll be $3.99" said a 21 year old Lincoln.

"Thanks dude!" A young teen said, rolling out on an Overboard.

"Aaah... Life is great" Lincoln said lying back onto his chair. Ever since he became 19 Lincoln hadn't seen much of his sisters. Maybe every week or two he would come to see the occasional soccer match and be at a concert. But apart from that, he wished he could see his sisters a lot more.

He thought of all the amazing jobs his sisters got.

Lori as a waitress.

Leni as a fashion designer.

Luna as a rock star

Luan as a stand up comedian

Lynn as a soccer player

Lucy as a successful fortune teller.

Lana as a plumber

Lola as a beauty queen

Lisa as a young scientist.

And lily as a regular loud kid who watches T.V. with Lisa.

Cuz she's 11

While Lincoln was stuck here with this comic book store.

"Oh well. I'm gonna close up then." Linc said as he flipped the open sign to closed.

He walked upstairs to his room. He enjoyed having a small house, where he could keep a shop downstairs and have a 1 room house upstairs. It wasn't perfect, but it was home. He got into his orange pyjamas after showering and shaving. He got into bed and slept.

Pretty normal huh?

9:00 am

The alarm clock beeped. Lincoln attempted to shut it off, before falling asleep and falling off his bed, knocking the bedside table over. The alarm clock was smashed, as well as the lamp, glass of water and watch.

But apart from that it was off...so...

His phone buzzed. "oh what now mom..." he checked the text. It was off his mom.

"Hey hon. Just wondering if you want to come Over for lunch to see Lily and Lisa? Love you! XXX"

He wasn't open today so. Yeh. This was his plan for the day.

He got dressed and watched TV for a bit. He cleaned his teeth and got in his car.

His phone buzzed again.

"Hi again. Just wanted to say Lori and Bobby are coming as well. Oh well Love you!"

"Oh boy."

Lincoln knew when Lori was there with her husband for lunch or dinner it hasd to be romantic. Even if he insisted not to.

Its was gonna be a long day.