Immortal's Child


When our world began, there was only Notch- Notch and the great expanse before him. He filled the world with treasure and wonder, life and death...

But there was no one to explore it. So Notch created the first human.

Strong, fast, smart, and with a great passion to explore, to build and learn. Notch released him to this untouched land. He blessed him with immortality and the wish that he would explore the beautiful world around him.

The immortal did so; he was a warrior, a builder, and an explorer. In all things he found wonder, delight, and something to learn. From shiny diamonds, to blackest obsidian, from a humble chicken to the feared creeper; the Immortal learned all, he paved the way for others to follow...

The First.

While one world was amazing, Notch found a chance to do more. There could be some many ways to live, so many sights to create. How could endless varieties fit into only one small world?

So, with his power, he created more. Worlds after worlds they began to multiply, each one so different, or so similar but never exactly the same.

"This is my gift to you," Notch said to The First. "So that with it, may you never be without wonder."

For much time it went on this way, but Notch took notice that the First, was lonely. For in his haste to share his wonder, Notch realized that the First was now all alone.

So he created friends. Our ancestors, who helped start the path on our current way of life.

Notch made a great multitude, and spread them out across the worlds. He did not however, create them with the strength, skill, will or the immortality of the First. Instead the free desire to choose as they pleased with their life and the carry constant reminder that life was precious.

The First, no longer alone, taught our ancestors the requirements to survive. To hunt, to plant ones seeds, to build their homes.

And so the worlds and its new residents, prospered...

Something however was still not right. The First was still a god among men in his own way. Immortality among mortals was a cruel gift. To see others grow, bloom and wither around you. For the First, the life of a friend was over in a rise and setting of the sun.

So Notch created another immortal.

Notch created a brother.

The brother, Notch created different. For he decided it would be unfair to make him identical to the First. So the brother was a blank slate, to learn from the older, and choose his own choice and path. For when Notch created humans, he allowed them to each his own opinion.

However two individuals raised the same means...Both respond in different ways.

The younger brother grew strong, and found his thrill not in exploring the world before him, but within combat. For while the First dug for diamonds, and help the people grow. The other fought the spawns with unyielding force.

This was fine...for the time being

It came to pass that the younger, soon found no relief in slaying the spawns of this world. They had become weak in his eyes. For a god who had the capabilities to move the very mountains, they were gnats under his boots.

It was the First who suggest his brother protect the people. For much time had passed; and humans were no longer pure as before. Individuals, who found no satisfaction in peace, soon turned on their own kind. This satisfied the younger, and he soon turned his blade to the corrupt of this world.

It was the First who had failed to notice, the signs. His brother had become more and more aggressive, but still First ignored the warnings. Perhaps it was the fear of being alone that made him blind to the facts.

In this blindness, the First choose the people over his brother.

It was that choice, which drove his brother to turn on the world.

The result ended in death.

Two immortal's each fighting for their own belief. The First, fought for the people, and to amend the mistakes he had foolishly made. The brother, the lost soul, fought for his belief that the people were beneath him. He had become twisted, and full of hate.

The Dark One.

The battle went for days it seemed. Mountains toppled, valleys cleaved in two. Still the brothers fought one another. The First, still strongly believed he could save both humanity and the life of his brother. But in the end, he struck his brother down; through fire the Dark One was slain, forever removed from this world.

Notch's original creation was forever scarred, forever changed. Both the first world and the first man he had set out to explore it's wonders were no longer the same.

So He sent one last gift. He created a new immortal, gifted with healing to fix the world unjustly wounded.

A woman.

Notch set he down among the mortals and did not immediately send for the First. Instead he let the woman plow her own path, different from the First and the Dark One. When the time was right the two immortal's paths would cross. They would not be considered siblings, or treat each other as one superior to their opposite. They would meet as friend, equals.

History writes this immortal as the Healer, or the Second for some.

Together the pair did lead the world into a peaceful time.

History eventually forgot the Dark One. His name never mentioned again, and only the briefest of references can be found in the darkest of places. Those who witnessed the battle of the Immortals eventually passed on in life. The third immortal became the second, and the brother was removed, because history is warped, history forgets.

Time however, will never forget.

-Excerpts taken from a nameless journal; located deep within abandoned ruins.

Author's Note

Welcome to Immortal's Child.

This is a MCSM AU, the ties is loosely with Minecraft itself. This story is canon up to episode six. Kindly do not spoil future episodes for readers and players who haven't played them yet.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy this adventure with me and will hopefully stick to it through all the grit and grim. I'm pretty excited and proud, but mainly nervous. This is my first official story outside of the Jurassic Park and Sonic the Hedgehog franchise so this should be interesting.

To all my readers who came for the dinosaurs and blue hedgehogs I hope you'll stick around and enjoy something a little different!

Hang on tight and here we go!