I know, it's shorter than what I usually do, I'm sorry.

Please, don't hesitate to tell me what you think.

I don't know when I'll be posting chapter 16

Enjoy :D

Lily was sitting on a couch in the Mikaelsons' living room. She had brought her knees to her chest and even though she was hearing the Original vampires talk near her, it was only a noise in the background and she wasn't paying attention to what they were actually saying. She was trying to stay calm as she felt like she was going to explode. She was furious at Alaric and furious at her father. She wanted to kill them both but at the same time she wanted to cry. But she couldn't cry because she knew that if she started to let go she would never stop. She tried to push it back, keep it all in. To not feel anything.

So, when Kol put a hand on her shoulder, it brought her back to reality. She gasped and jumped and pushed him away.

"Calm down, it's just me," he said. He saw the tears in her eyes but she quickly looked down and nodded. "How are you feeling?" he asked with a sad tone which was unlike him.

"It hurts," she merely answered.

"That's because you're in transition," Klaus said. "You need to feed before it's too late."

"Niklaus, do not rush her," Elijah told his brother. Of course, he wanted her to feed too, but he knew it had to be her choice.

"Lily," Rebekah said before she sat down next to her friend. "What do you want to do?" she asked with a sad voice.

Lily looked at the blonde like she was going to find the answer in her eyes. Her whole life felt like a complete waste. She wasn't even 18 and her life was already over. Or… Maybe it was just the beginning. Maybe she'll do better as a vampire than she ever did as a human.

"I don't wanna die,'" she said so low no human could have heard her.

Rebekah gave her a small smile and nodded. "I'll go get the blood, then," she said before she got up and left the room.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Elijah asked her. She frowned and looked up at him. He looked broken-hearted. She knew he wanted her to live but was he going to love her as a vampire? She nodded and he nodded back. For a second, he seemed relieved. Lily's heart felt like it was being squeezed and it was hard for her to breathe. She was feeling something she had never felt before, something indescribable. She knew what it was. It was the hunger. The craving for blood.

Adam hadn't said a word since they had left the house. He saw her mother walk out of his twin's room crying and Lily couldn't get out of the house faster. Like his sister, he felt like the future wasn't certain anymore. But it's something he should have realized sooner. He was dating a thousand years old vampire. What kind of future did he expect? Now, his sister was a vampire too. What was going to happen to him? His girlfriend didn't age, but he will. Was he going to have a choice or was it going to be forced on him, like it was force on his sister?

The second Rebekah came back in the room Lily could smell it. The glass of blood she was holding. The room was big but it seemed like blood was the only thing on her mind. That's why she hadn't look up at her human brother. That's why she tried not to think. Rebekah sat back down and held the glass to her.

"You'll feel better after you feed," she said. But Lily knew it wasn't true. She nodded anyway and slowly took the glass. She stared at it in silence for a moment.

"Don't worry, love, you'll get used to the taste," Kol grinned. "It's actually pretty good."

"It smells good," she said with a quiet voice, disgusted with herself. Elijah placed a hand on her back and sat next to her.

"You're going to be okay," he said. He locked his eyes in hers and said: "I promise." At that moment, she felt better. She felt safe. She felt like nothing had never been clearer. She was going to drink that blood and she'll be like them. She'll be like him. She had a new family that was going to protect her and take care of her.

She gave Elijah a small but sincere smile, which surprised him, and she brought the glass to her lips and drank the cold red liquid.