The Wyatt Family!

Matthew Halliwell Wyatt- 8 years old Melinda Halliwell Wyatt- 6 years old Prue and Deshawn Halliwell Wyatt- 4 years old Ryanne Haliwell Wyatt- 3 years old Shardelle Halliwell Wyatt- 1 years old

"Hey give that back!"

"Mommy! She did it first"

"Don't touch me!"

"Daddy said that was mine!"


"You're going to get it now!"

Piper Halliwell Wyatt grimaced as she opened her eyes. Down stairs could be the sounds of the Wyatt zoo. Six kids all living under one house could be total disaster. Piper rolled over and looked over at her husband who was probably up a while ago with all this noise.

"You get Shar and I'll get everyone else" Piper said as she got up.

Leo smiled thinking that he got the easy way out. "Sure"

Piper and Leo went their own ways as she went downstairs and he went into the nursery.

"Mommy! I told her that she would get in trouble but she wouldn't listen!" Prue said as she grabbed her moms hand and dragged her into the kitchen.

"Ryanne!" Piper screamed as she saw the mess and knew who was responsible. Flour was over and probably all over the house.

"Mom Shawn wont give me the remote!" whined Matt as he came into the kitchen.

"Just use the t.v." Piper said through clenched teeth.

"No! I want that remote!" Matt said as he ran out of the room. The next thing Piper knew was a shrill scream that sounded like someone was being murder. To a mother of six kids though knew it wasn't something major.

Piper calmly walked into the hall just as Leo came downstairs with Shardelle. "Piper she did it again!" "Sorry honey" Piper said giggling as she went into the living to find Matt with his hand high up in the air with the remote. Deshawn was red faced and crying and demanding to put it down.

"What happened here!" Leo bellowed and everyone was quiet for a good 5 minutes.

Piper didn't noticed Floury Ryanne coming into the room and standing beside her mom. When she heard Leo yell she jumped about a mile and right into Piper's arms.

"Its okay baby..Ryanne!" Piper said as she the troublemaker of the whole crew. "You are so in trouble!"

When they were gone Leo put Shardelle on the floor which didn't make her happy and pretty soon all the kids were crying again.

"Okay enough!" Leo said. "Matt give me that remote no one is going to use it now! Shardelle daddy will be right there! What is that stench?"

"Honey where's Prue and Melinda?" asked Piper from the kitchen.

Leo shook his head. He picked up Shardelle and quickly went upstairs.

"Dad aren't we pretty!" exclaimed Melinda as her and Prue came out of Piper and Leo's room with makeup all over their face and that stench was Leo's cologne.

"Piper!" Leo yelled down the stairs. "Piper you better get up here!"

"What? Whats oh my god!" Piper said as her and Ryanne came up the stairs. "All three of you in the bath right now!"

To make things worse all three started balling cause they knew they were in trouble. From downstairs they could hear the sounds of their lovely sons screaming at each other again. Leo and Piper looked at each other and shook their heads.


8:30 pm

"I always though getting kids to bed was the easy part!" Leo yelled through the screams of "no" as they announced that it was bedtime.

Piper looked at Leo with an amused look on her face. "You though totally wrong!"

Piper and Leo looked at each other and nodded. They did this every night and they were still not used to getting kids under the age of 8 and under to bed. Piper grabbed Ryanne By one hand and Deshawn by the other and with much protest got them up the stairs. Leo picked up Prue and yelled to the two older ones that if they didn't get up stairs in two minutes they were gonna be in deep trouble.

"Daddy I need a drink of water!" yelled Ryanne from her and Shardelle's bedroom.

"Mommy she wont stop talking!" yelled Melinda from her and Prue's room.

"Ryanne go get a drink of water from the bathroom honey!" Leo yelled from his and Piper's bedroom.

"Prue you both have school in the morning! Come on baby please just sleep" Piper said.

Pretty soon all of the kids were asleep and in bed. Piper and Leo took this time to lay in bed and talk to each other without having kids interrupting them all the time. They did this prayer that they did every night before they went to sleep themselves.

"Good night Matt, Good night Melinda, Good night Prue" Piper said giggling as Leo kissed her temple.

"Good night Deshawn, Good night Ryanne and Good night Shardelle" Leo said finishing off as they slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Night Mommy!"

"Love you Mommy!"

"Love you to Daddy!"

"Sleep dreams Mommy and Daddy"!

"I Love Mommy and Daddy"

"Me To!"

Soon there were helpless giggles and some whispering.

"Love you Matt" yelled Ryanne and you could all the girls laughing.

"Well I don't love you!"

"I don't love you either!"

"Stupid head!"