Wally sped around the Watch Tower looking for any of the leaguers that were qualified to help Robin. He found Roy and Martian Manhunter and asked them to help. They ran immediately to the infirmary to tend to the wounded bird.

Once Robin was safely under the care of Red Arrow and Martian Manhunter in the infirmary, the rest of the Team set off to revive the members of Justice League. Wally set off to find all of Red Tornado's limbs and, under the android's guidance, begin to repair him.

Batman and Superman were the last members of Just League to be revived, and they were just as confused as their colleagues.

Batman woke up to find himself laying prone on the floor of the Watch Tower's main atrium, with a pink butterly-shaped pillow from the Mount Justice dormitories under his head and a dazed looking Superman laying next to him. In fact, he began to realize that almost all of the members of the Justice League were in a similar situation. All in various stages of being roused out of a trance and all extremely confused. He scowled at the pillow and tossed into a colorfully arrayed pile of other discarded pillows and throw pillows that looked suspiciously similar to the one's in Zatanna and Megan's bedrooms.

"Clark," mumbled Bruce under his breath to the Man of Steel next to him as they both stood up off of the ground and tried to clear their thoughts. "What in the hell happened here?"

"I was just wondering that myself," said Clark softy to his friend as he rubbed the back of his head. The Man of Steel was pale and sweaty and looked as though he had come down with a slight fever.

Then the clamor of the atrium was disturbed by an announcement on the Watch Tower's PA system. It was Aqualad's calm voice.

"Justice League, may I have your attention please," he began. "I know that you are confused but I wish to inform you that the danger has passed and I seek to explain what happened here tonight. Please convene in the main conference room at once."

Clark, Bruce and the other members of the League filed out of the atrium and took their seats at their U-Shaped table in the conference room.

Aqualad was patiently waiting for them and deeply dreading what he was about to inform the Justice League. He knew that knowledge of their actions would generate great guilt and sadness.

Nevertheless, he knew that the League needed to know exactly what had occurred. He began the long task of explaining in depth what had transpired and who was behind it. He showed footage from all of the security cameras and entertained all questions from the shocked members of the Justice League. At long last, he was finished.

Superman sat staring wide-eyed at the last frame of the footage. Wonder Woman placed her head in her hands and sat quietly. Flash was vibrating in his seat with distress while Green Arrow was trying to console him. But the most dismayed and upset member of the League sat quietly at first, then suddenly gritted his teeth and pounded a black gauntlet into the table with such force that it cracked the granite surface with ease.

Shortly after that, the Dark Knight took his leave and headed to the one place he was sure to find his protégé. A place where he himself had sent him. He was beyond disgusted with his action.

Flash made to get up and follow him, but Clark reached out and hand and gently stopped him.

"Let him go, Barry," he said to the Speedster solemnly. "Let Bruce handle it the Bat way."

Barry nodded and took his place at the table once more.

"So then where's the rest of the Team? Where'd you guys take Red Tornado?" asked the Flash as Kaldur powered down the holographic presentation system. The rest of the Justice League was wondering the same.

"Kid Flash has taken Red Tornado to his quarters and is making repairs to him as we speak," began Kaldur. "Superboy is with Robin in the infirmary."

Clark nodded in acknowledgment. He had expected as much after seeing the footage of the Kryptonite. The boy would need sun light he didn't doubt. Hell, he needed a healthy dose of it himself.

Kaldur continued. "Miss Martian, Zatanna, Artemis and Rocket are assessing the damage made to the watch tower."

"Probably trying to occupy their thoughts after what happened here tonight," said Black Canary to the group. "Come on, Ollie let's go see how they are and try to get them to rest."

Green Arrow nodded in agreement and set off with Black Canary.

"And I should go up to Red's room to help Kid," said Flash before a gust blew through the room and he was gone.

Clark remained at the table, unsure of what he should do.

"I know what you're thinking, Clark," said Wonder Woman from across the table.

Clark was startled that she was still here. She looked into his eyes knowingly and reached across the table and placed a slender, callused hand on top of his.

"I've known you long enough that I don't need J'onn's abilities to know what you're thinking, my friend," Diana said. "Go to him. And if you need to talk afterward, you know where to find me."

Clark looked up at the Amazon princess. Dammit she's right. He nodded to her and stood up to make his way to follow Bruce to the infirmary, to check on Superboy, his clone... Conner.

Clark entered the infirmary and quietly assessed what was afoot in the large room. But before he got a good look at everything, he was confronted by a large, snarling and furious white wolf.

"Easy, Wolf," soothed Conner to the angry canine. "He's not here to hurt us."

Wolf ceased snarling but, with narrowed eyes, remained squared up in between Clark and the other occupants in the room. After sniffing and eying Superman suspiciously, he decided that the threat was indeed gone and he turned and padded away to take his place sleeping next to Conner's chair.

"He did the same thing to me," came a gruff brooding voice from the bedside next to where Conner was sitting. The Dark Knight hadn't bothered to turn around and sat hunched over the sleeping and bandaged form of his young ward.

Clark took in the sight of his own protégé and the sight of Robin. Knowing that Robin had fared much worse during the events of the evening, he inquired about the young acrobat first.

"Is he doing alright over there, Bats?" asked Superman solemnly and doing his own x-ray of the young sleeping hero. Indeed he was banged up, but everything had been set properly and would heal well in time.

"No worse than he's seen before," came the gruff, terse response that brooked no further questioning. Clark knew that tone well enough not to inquire further. He left the Bat to his sulking vigil and turned to his clone.

"And how are you? I saw the footage, you did extremely good work here tonight," said the Man of Steel to the abashed clone.

Conner sat in a exam chair nursing a deep head ache and pain in his back and chest.

"I'm fine, just a little sore. Manhunter says you know what to do," replied the clone.

"Indeed I do. Can you stand? We need to take a little trip," said Clark reaching his hand out to the clone.

Conner grabbed onto the Man of Steel's hand struggling slightly as he tried to stand up.

Superman noticed his pain and reached down for a firmer grip and took more of his weigh.
"Easy there, Conner, I've got you."

Alarmed, Conner looked up to his mentor. "You… you used my name."

"I did," said Clark to Conner, walking him to the door. "Is that alright? I hear you took the name Conner Kent. My secret identity is Clark Kent."

Stunned and embarrassed, Conner blurted out "Oh! I didn't know… I wasn't trying to…"

Clark stopped him before he could continue. "No, you see the thing is, I'm glad. It seems right."

Conner smiled at this response and felt an immense amount of relief and … happiness.

"Wolf," Conner called over his shoulder before the door closed behind the Kryptonians. "I'll be back soon. Go find Sphere and give the Bats some space."

As soon as the Kryptonians departed for their trip to bathe in unfiltered sunlight and heal, Wolf padded over to where Robin lay and licked the young hero's hand. He then looked knowingly up into the face of Batman, and laid his head heavily on the Dark Knight's lap for a few long moments before obediently padding out of the room to find Sphere.

When the door closed behind Wolf, Batman let out a long sigh and removed his cowl.

"Oh, son," he said lamenting and gazing down on the Dick's sleeping form. "What have I done to you?"

Dick lay in a deep sedated slumber. His uniform and had all been removed and replaced with nothing but a comfortable pair of sweat pants from the infirmary wardrobe. The only article that remained of his uniform was his mask.

Bruce reached down and gently peeled the black mask away revealing the young face beneath. Sometimes it was so easy to forget how young Dick really was. Especially considering his talent, his intelligence, his maturity, his ability to lead others older than he, and his accomplishments. But during moments like this, Dick really did look his age.

In addition to severe bruising from a dislocated and reset jaw and lacerations on his face, Dick had three broken ribs, a concussion and a hairline fracture in his right tibia. He in short, had taken a massive beating over an extended period of time and was able to fight through it all until the very end. Bruce smiled with pride and stroked an errant lock of black hair of the young hero's face.

As gentle as his touch was, the gesture set Dick's eyelids to twitching.

He groaned gently and looked up into the face of his mentor. "Bruce?" he asked sleepily.

"I'm here, partner," replied Bruce grabbing Dick's hand. "Do you remember what happened at the Watch Tower tonight?"

"I do," said Dick trying to sit up. "Are you okay?"

Bruce had to chuckle. "Just fine, son. Much better than you it would seem."

Dick was momentarily relieved at this information but then started again in agitation. "How's Superman and Superboy?! Oh God, Bruce, I used Kryptonite on them! Is everyone ok?"

"Easy, partner. Calm down," soothed Bruce. "You did what you had to do and everyone is fine. Clark and Conner are in outer space bathing in sunlight as we speak and everyone else is around the Watch Tower relaxing and heading home soon.

Dick visibly relaxed and took a deep sigh of relief. An action that sent his broken rib bones ablaze with pain. "Nnn," he groaned quietly.

Bruce squeezed his hand more tightly. "I'm so sorry, Dick. I'm so sorry that this happened and so sorry that you had to fight me."

"Bruce, are you serious?" asked Dick incredulously. "You had no control! You didn't attack us on purpose! That was all Klarion and Savage's fault."

"I know, Dick," began Bruce. "But I saw the footage, and I saw what you and Conner were up against and what I did to you. I want you do know that I truly am sorry and will do everything in power to never let anything like that happen again."

"Bruce," replied Dick astonished. "That is absolutely 100% whelmingly implied. Please don't feel guilty about this. Those jerks will get what they have coming, and you are going to be the one who leads us to finding them and bringing them to Justice. It's what you do." Dick squeezed his mentor's hand in affectionate return.

Bruce could do nothing but smile and nod. The two heroes shared a long moment of comfortable silence together. Each so glad that the other was alright and here with them.

"Thank you for understanding," said Bruce.

"Thank you for not killing us," said Dick lightly.

"Aw dude, way too soon!" exclaimed a newcomer's voice.

Apparently Wally had made his way to the infirmary and seen fit to bust in on the Bat family without permission or warning.

"Dude!" said Dick startled. "Major breach of privacy here, KF!"

"Oh. Right," said the speedster sheepishly. "Sorry! But everyone's been worried!"

"It's alright, Wally," said Batman standing up to his full height and pulling his cowl up and over his head. "You and Dick can have some time together. One hour, Dick, then I'm taking you home. Agent A has your bed made up and your favorite breakfast waiting. Wally, we have plenty and you're more than welcome to join."

"Sweet!" said Wally excited to go home to visit with his best friend... oh and have some of Alfred's amazing cooking.

Bruce gave a half smile and without another word, the Dark Knight took his leave.

Wally was positively vibrating with joy. "Dude! You're awake!" he belted out reaching down to give his best friend a hug and passing him his dark glasses.

"Oh, am I?" asked Robin grinning at his best friend. Wally returned the grin.

"Might wanna put these on, bro. You're about to have company," Wally handed him the glasses and gave him a bawdy wink.

"Oh yeah?" asked Robin hopefully, unfolding and donning his signature eyewear.

"Yup," said the speedster smugly.

Moments later Zatanna entered the room followed by the rest of the Team except Conner and Megan.

After some harsh whispers from both Artemis and Raquel, Zatanna blushed but then strode boldly over to Robin's bedside.

"Happy New Year," she whispered to him before leaning down and planting a kiss on Robin's lips.

The stunned bird took a few seconds to regain his composure before reaching up and wrapping his hands gently under the witch's hair and returning the kiss.

"Where's mine?" said Artemis standing with her hands on her hips and glaring at Wally.

Then she too was surprised when Wally lifted her up off the ground and held her affectionately to his chest. "I shoulda done this a long time ago," said the speedster leaning in for his New Year's kiss too.

"No kidding," agreed Artemis before kissing Wally in return.

"I'm liking this Team more every day," said Raquel saucily as she strutted up to Kaldur to claim her festive kiss.

It was a successful New Year's Even for the team. A very good omen for the year to come.