Please review! Since I'm thankful for all of you and it's Thanksgiving, I wanted to write this and give you the last installment of The Contract as soon as possible. I know this has been one of your favorites from me, but this is where I saw the story ending from the very beginning. The good news - I can focus on the other stories I haven't updated in a really long time. Enjoy!

Elliot shoved his hands into his pockets, glancing back at the front door. "I assume you found a place to stay." He walked into the living room, heading for the bar that he kept stocked in there. "I won't keep you."

Olivia slowly followed to the doorway, watching as he filled a glass with brandy. He downed the entire glass before refilling it, setting the bottle down and moving to sit on the couch. He looked defeated, depressed. She had never experienced him this way, and she hated it. "You seem upset."

"We were having a good time. It's going to be hard saying goodbye." Elliot shrugged, trying not to show as much emotion as he was feeling at the moment. He wanted to crawl to her on his hands and knees and beg her to stay, but he didn't want to keep her trapped with him forever. That was never his intention with this contract marriage he had concocted when he first saw her.

"Was that all it was?" Olivia asked, digging her heel into the floor. "A good time?"

Elliot grimaced as he took another swig of his brandy. "Wasn't it? You're leaving now."

"I won't go if you don't want me to." Olivia stated, crossing her arms over her chest. She felt her heart ache when he hung his head, shaking it almost guiltily.

Elliot stood suddenly, moving to the windows to look out at the backyard. "I want you to be happy. If that means you'll be happier somewhere else, I'll be happy for you." He polished off his second glass and dropped his arm. The glass dangled from his fingertips.

Olivia watched his reflection in the windows. He was purposely trying not to look at her. He wanted to be the bigger person for her, even if it meant he'd be without her. "Okay," she stepped inside the living room, walking over to him casually, "but what do you want."

"It doesn't matter what I want. It's not my choice." Elliot stated with a shrug. When she was within arm's reach, he retreated, surrendering to his bar yet again for another glass. "We both helped each other. Like I said before, you can stand on your own two feet. You don't need me."

Olivia nodded. "That's true." His eyes finally met hers, slightly hurt, but also curious. "What you want, it won't change my mind." He turned away again, nearly swallowing his glass this time. "But, I still want to know what you want."

Elliot let out a snort. "It doesn't matter."

"I'd say it does." Olivia said. "You can't tell me it doesn't matter. Just tell me. Admit it. It's not a nothing thing to tell someone you have feelings for them." He froze, staring down at his empty glass. "To tell someone you love them."

"It won't change anything. You don't love me." Elliot breathed.

Olivia walked over to him, this time reaching him and taking his glass from him. "I never said that."

Elliot met her eyes, his eyebrows furrowing. "You love me?"

Olivia nodded, tears building slightly as she gave a sad smile. "I do. I love you."

"You're still leaving me." Elliot stated after a moment, pulling away from her. "Your bags are packed. If you loved me the way I love you, you wouldn't be leaving." He avoided her eyes at all costs, staring down the floor as if trying to read it. He looked like he was in extreme physical pain. "If you really want to know, yes. I love you. I love you more than I've loved anyone else. I don't want you to go. I don't want a divorce. I want to remain your husband and give you everything you've ever wanted. Everything you'll ever need. If I'm being completely honest, I want to be the father to your children. . .our children. You've actually got me wanting to come home, to not work. I was a workaholic when you met me. Our marriage was a business deal with a signed contract." He shook his head. "That's what I want."

He didn't look up at her, too embarrassed to look up and see the pity in her eyes. "I'll go load your bags into your car."

He strode into the foyer and blinked away the tears welling before picking up her bags. He was halfway to the door when she entered the foyer, when he realized what he was carrying. He froze in his place and swung both suitcases up easily. Dropping one of them, he yanked at the zipper to the other. The cover opened and revealed just the interior - an empty bag. He turned, finding Olivia staring at him with tears running down her own face. "They're empty."

"Yes." Olivia whispered.

Elliot felt his own tears fall, his eyebrows furrowing again. "Why are they empty?"

Olivia shrugged, a small smile forming on her lips. "Would you believe me if I told you I wanted all those things too?" She glanced down at the floor. "I want to stay."

"Why didn't you just say that? Why did you bring all your bags down here?" Elliot asked, looking around at the large luggage set she had trekked down the stairs.

"I needed to know you really wanted me here. That you really loved me." Olivia breathed.

Elliot chuckled softly. "You could've just told me that. You would've saved us both a lot of tears." He walked over to her slowly, cupping her face in his hands. "Olivia, I really want you here, and I really do love you." He leaned down, kissing her lips. "I love you."

Olivia grinned. "I love you too, more than anything." She caressed his cheeks, wiping away the tears. "You're happy."

"Very happy." Elliot whispered before kissing her again. "I never thought I could be this happy."

Olivia chuckled. "I guess you're a better businessman than you thought." She pecked his lips, humming contently. "Next thing you know, you'll be coming to me with a contract about what I can and can't do while carrying your child."

Elliot shrugged. "That's not a bad idea."

"You're incorrigible." Olivia laughed, pushing on his chest and walking towards the stairs. "I should be making you sign a contract for a child since I'll be the one carrying it."

Elliot pulled out his phone. "Well, let's set up a meeting. We can start debating conditions on Monday. You don't have any conditions about how we conceive, right?"

"Conceive a child? As long as it's the old fashioned way." Olivia chuckled, turning towards him with her arms crossed. "Why?"

Elliot smirked, stretching his arms around himself and up over his head as if preparing for a marathon. He cocked his eyebrows at her. "It'd be a nice way to celebrate the occasion if we conceived tonight." He grinned when her eyes widened. "What do you say?"

Olivia laughed, turning back towards the stairs. "You're insane."

"Yes or no, honey?" Elliot sang as he raced after her, grinning when she squealed with laughter up the stairs.

Please review! And, that's it! Thank you so much for reading, guys. This is personally one of my favorites stories that I've written. I know that it's taken a while to get some of the updates, but, for those of that have stuck around, you're awesome!