"ALEX!" Harry and Ron shout as the ceiling stops falling apart. Running over, Harry and Ron pull out the unconscious Lockhart out before lifting the rocks off of Alex. Once Alex is uncovered, she groans as the two boys pull her out.

"Are you okay?" Ron asks worried as Harry holds Alex in a sit-up position.

Looking at Ron to give him a snarky reply, but seeing his worry, Alex smiles softly.

"I'll be fine. How's the idiot?" Alex wonders leaning against Harry for support.

"Knocked out." Harry answers making Alex look at him.

"He'll be fine, hopefully. Is he breathing?"

"Yeah." Ron replies checking on Lockhart from the corner, "Alex, if you are up to it, go with Harry, I'll stay with Lockhart."

"Okay." Alex nods. Helping Alex to her feet, the two of them head down the pipes to the chamber Alex knows all too well.

Arriving to the chamber, Alex goes to speak Parseltongue but Harry beats her to it. As the door opens, Alex climbs up first before helping Harry up.

"Okay, so do not look at the snake in the eye, that's how he kills." Alex whispers. Watching Harry nod, he climbs down the other ladder before helping Alex down. Walking together down the path to the statue of Salazar Slytherin, Alex reaches out to take the diary from Harry.

"Huh, Russo, you're back." Looking to the left when they reach the end of the path, Alex and Harry spot Voldemort.

"Hello." Alex nods smirking, "Came back to destroy you from hurting my best friend."

"Really? How are you going to do that?"

"Many ways, Voldemort." Harry steps in, "Ways you don't deserve to know."

"Potter, has come to rescue the school, with a brat."

"Alex isn't a brat!" Harry snaps.

"So you like her. Did you know she was only using you on my orders?"

Faking shock, just like Alex told him to in a letter from over Christmas break, Alex told him to keep up an act like he doesn't know anything.

"I'm sorry, Harry." Alex looks down sadly.

"She only became your friend to walk you to your death."

"Actually I didn't." Alex whispers.

"What did you say, Russo?" Voldemort growls. Casting the stunning spell, the spell hits Voldemort and goes through him, "Remember Russo, I'm a memory." Suddenly it clicks in Alex's mind. We have to kill the snake first then destroy the memory. Alex thinks.

"Harry, help me blow up the statue." Alex orders before sending the same spell back to back. Copying Alex, the hole Alex made gets bigger and bigger.

"No!" Voldemort roars before charging at Alex and Harry. Somehow, Voldemort knocks Alex off of her feet and takes her wand.

"It won't work for you." Alex states getting up. Noticing Harry stopped, Alex gives Harry a look, before Harry nods and goes back to it.

"Really?" Sending a spell at Alex and Harry, the wand rejects him and blasts him backwards, dropping Alex's wand.

"Told you." Alex smirks, picking up her wand. Sending stunners in Voldemort's direction, one hits him blasting him into the air. One he lands, Alex hits the statue next to him. As the statue of the snake falls, it lands on top of Voldemort.

"ALEX!" Turning to Harry, the snake slithers out. Clenching her teeth, Alex leads the attack.

"I attack from down here, you attack from above." Alex states before running in the direction Voldemort is. Sending spells at the Basilisk, the snake follows Alex, giving Harry enough time to climb up onto the Salazar Slytherin statue.

Getting cornered by the snake, Alex closes her eyes waiting for her death, it never comes. Hearing flapping wings and the snake cry out, Alex opens her eyes slowly.

"ALEX! Get out of there!" Harry shouts. Doing just that, Alex quietly slips into the water before going under. Making her way through the water, Alex makes it by the snake before surfacing. Pulling herself out of the water, Alex coughs making the snake throw the bird, a phoenix, off him and turn to her, "Alex, DUCK!" Harry shouts. Ducking, the spell Harry sends flies passed her and hits the snake.

Hurrying over to the phoenix, Alex helps it up onto her arm before running out of the battle zone. Seeing a black hat, Alex sees something shimmer. Pulling it out, it's a sword. Not caring that it has writing on it, Alex takes off after the snake.

As the snake turns to her, Alex notices she's not getting paralyzed and his eyes are gone.

"Come and get me." Alex speaks before the snake slithers toward her. Using a levitation spell, Alex raises into the air. Landing on the snake's head, the sword goes into his skull.

Pulling out the sword, Alex jumps off to the side. As the snake goes to bite her, Alex stabs him through the roof of his mouth. Feeling the fang scratch her arm, Alex flinches but pulls out the sword with trouble, but succeeds.

After watching the snake die, Alex collapses going pale.

"ALEX!" Harry yells running over.

"Kill the memory." Alex gasps having trouble breathing.

"How?" Harry asks worried.

"The diary." Alex trembles, "Hurry." Pulling the diary out of Alex's pocket of her robe, which she slipped it in, Harry uses the sword to stab the book, but it doesn't do anything.

Getting scared, Harry puts the diary into the snake's mouth.

"NO!" Looking behind him where Alex is, Voldemort is there strangling Alex, "I'll kill her!"

Watching the phoenix fly at Voldemort, he attacks the dark wizard. Stabbing the book, Harry sees a light. Turning back, Voldemort is brighter. Opening it, Harry stabs the two parts before closing it and stabbing the back.

Hearing an explosion, Harry grabs the book before turning to find no Voldemort. Seeing the bird next to Alex, the bird leans over Alex's wound. Watching it heal, the bird hops on top of Alex and does something Harry can't see.

Hurrying over, Harry kneels next to Alex as Alex gasps for air and the colour returns.

"Harry! Alex!" They hear Ron's voice. Turning to the entrance, Alex and Harry sees Ron and Lockhart. Running over, Ron kneels down next to Alex and sighs in relief, "How are you doing?"

"Alright. Alex did all the work." Harry admits.

"You killed the Dark Lord." Alex states looking at him slowly shifting to sit up.

"You killed the snake."

"Where is You-Know-Who?" Ron wonders.

"He's just a memory." Alex grins weakly.

"If anyone asks, I killed the snake." Lockhart states, "And You-Know-Who."

"We won't lie for you." Alex glares.

"No kid would be able to defeat both no adult will believe them."

"Dumbledore would believe us." Harry argues.

"Let's get out of here." Alex rolls her eyes. Helping Alex to her feet, Harry wraps his left arm around Alex's waist. Wrapping her arm around Harry's shoulders, Alex struggles to walk but manages.

At the end of the pipes, the phoenix follows. Grabbing the back of Lockhart's robes, the bird lifts him and Lockhart up before Ron and Harry grab each leg. Hugging Harry, Alex holds the sword and the diary is in her pocket along with her wand.

Back in the washroom, the phoenix gently sets them down before Alex closes the chamber completely, saying close in Parseltongue.

Looking at the sword, Ron looks from the wording to Harry and Alex.

"Alex pulled that out of the hat." Harry informs Ron.

"How? Only a Gryffindor can." Ron states showing Harry the sword as Alex stumbles over.

"What are you talking about?" Alex asks. Showing the sword to Alex, Alex reads the wording on it, "We need to talk to Dumbledore about this."

As the four of them head to Dumbledore's office, where he is pacing with Snape and McGonagall, Lockhart walks in with the three twelve-year-olds.

"How," Dumbledore starts before Alex cuts him off. Tossing the diary on his desk Alex paces the sword down carefully.

"How the heck was I able to pull that sword out of the hat?" Alex asks.

"What?" Dumbledore whispers, "It was meant for Harry."

"It revealed itself to me and I was able to pull it out." Looking into Alex's mind, the memory replays itself.

"Wow. I guess at heart you're a Gryffindor. Not Slytherin." Dumbledore explains.

"We were going to die. Lockhart did nothing."

"I see."

As the door slams open, everyone turns to the door. Seeing her uncle and Dobby, Alex narrows her eyes.

"Lucius." Alex nods in greeting.

"Shut it, Alex." Lucius snaps, "You allowed my niece to risk her life for you and your school!" Lucius roars, "She's bloody hell twelve! Why didn't you go down yourself, Albus?"

Going to reply, Alex collapses.

"Mistress Alex!" Dobby gasps rushing over.

"Alex," Lucius forces Harry and Ron away holding Alex to him, "Let's get you to the hospital wing."

Arriving to the hospital wing, Alex lays on the bed with Lucius sitting on her bed stroking her hair. Pomfrey already gave her a potion and called for Theresa.

"Harry killed the Dark Lord." Alex whispers to Lucius, "I killed the snake."

"Good." Lucius nods, "I'm glad you're safe, Alex. And I'm sorry for what happened."

"Hey, I opened the chamber," Alex starts.

"Not that. Draco, Narcissa and I dislike the Dark Lord, but,"

"You're afraid." Watching her uncle nod, Alex smiles sadly, "Why can't you be good and be a follower? I did."

"It's too late for Narcissa and I. Not too late for Draco."

"It's never too late." Alex argues.

"Alex?" Looking at the door, there stands Theresa.

"Mommy?" Alex whispers.

"Oh thank gosh you are okay." Rushing forward, Theresa hugs Alex tightly as Lucius gets up so Theresa can take over his spot. Sitting down on Alex's bed, Theresa allows her tears to fall.

"I'm okay, mommy." Alex hugs Theresa back tightly.

Getting out of the hospital wing, Alex sits on Hermione bed holding her hand. She is waiting for Hermione's turn for the potion.

"Mommy, is it Hermione's turn yet?" Alex asks annoyed.

"Honey, we have to do the people who were attacked before her." Theresa explains as she and Pomfrey work together to awake the victims from the Basilisk. Alex is skipping her classes to stay with Hermione, wanting to be there when she awakes. Theresa knows Alex is doing okay in her classes and doesn't blame her for skipping them to deal with the Dark Lord.

"Hey, Alex." Alex turns to Harry who is standing at the end of the bed.

"Hey." Alex smiles weakly.

"How is she?" Harry asks moving toward her.

"Her turn is coming up. Why aren't you in class studying for exams?"

"I've been worried about you and Hermione."

"Is Ron in class?"

"He is. I just asked to go to the washroom."

"You should head back."

"I know." Harry nods, "See you later, Alex."

"See yeah." As Harry walks away, Alex gets to her feet, "Hey, Harry?" Rushing over to him, Harry turns in time to catch Alex in a hug, "Thank you for everything."

"What did I do?"

"So much. I'm sorry about the Dark Lord."

"Hey, he killed my parents. You didn't. He's the one who is trying to kill me. You're not."

Pulling away, Harry feels a pull toward Alex. Leaning down, since Alex is shorter, Harry kisses Alex's lips. Feeling Alex kiss him back nervously, Harry slowly wraps his arms around her waist as Alex's arms wrap around his neck.

Looking at her daughter, Theresa chuckles softly moving toward another Muggleborn. The last one before Hermione's turn.

Breaking the kiss slowly, Harry leans back in pecking Alex's lips. Hugging Alex to him, Alex tucks her head under his chin, blushing.

"You should head to class." Alex whispers.

"I know. I'm content here though." Harry grins still blushing from the kiss.

"So am I." Alex admits looking at him.

"At dinner I'll join you here with Ron."

"Okay. Eat first though."

"We will." Harry nods, "See you soon." Pecking Alex's lips Harry pulls away before kissing Alex's cheek leaving.

"So you and Potter?" Looking to her right, Alex laughs seeing Draco walk in.

"What?" Alex turns beet red, squeaking.

Smirking, Draco gives his cousin a hug, "I was walking by and saw the kisses."

"Shut up."

"Alex and Potter sitting in a tree," Draco teases, "K-i-s-s-i-n-g."

"Shut up!" Shoving her cousin turning a darker shade of red, Draco laughs, "Get to class."

"Fine. I'll tease you this summer." Groaning as Draco leaves, Alex makes her way back to Hermione and sits back down. Holding Hermione's hand, Alex whispers to her about the kisses she and Harry shared.

Three hours later, Hermione is now awake but too weak to move.

"It's great to have you back." Alex whispers with tears falling.

"I'm okay." Hermione promises, "Though, I'm going to kill Ron from what he did to you."

"I forgave him." Alex reveals to her best friend. Alex knows Hermione heard everything.

"He hurt you, and you didn't slap him?" Hermione jokes. Giggling, Alex nods.

"Oh, Hermione, I missed you."

"I missed you too." Giving Alex a hug, the younger girl hugs her back, "Tell me what happened down in the Chamber of Secrets." Telling Hermione exactly what happened, Hermione sits there with a grin, "Wait, you pulled the sword out of the hat?"

"Yeah. I'm shocked too."

"You're meant for Gryffindor, Alex. You're really brave."

"Thank you. To be honest, being in Slytherin isn't too bad. Annoying and everything, but not bad." Laughing together, Hermione knows Alex is being honest.

"Okay, Hermione," Pomfrey walks over, "Let's see if you can stand and walk." With the help of Alex, Hermione gets to her feet. Needing a moment to hang onto Alex, Hermione slowly starts to walk by herself, but Alex is next to her if needed, "Good." Pomfrey smiles, "Go to dinner, you two."

"Thank you." Hermione smiles back.

"Come back here before bed."

"I will."

Heading down to dinner together, Alex and Hermione walk in to see Hagrid hugging Harry and a crowd surrounding them.

"Let's sit at my table." Alex gently takes Hermione's hand and leads them over. Sitting down next to Draco, the two girls dig into their meal.

"Exams are cancelled." Draco smiles at his cousin and her best friend.

"Good. I think I was going to fail them anyways." Alex chuckles as Hermione groans, "What?"

"My marks aren't that well."

"I think they would go easy on you and help you out."

"Maybe, but," Hermione sighs.

"I bet your marks are better than mine." Alex laughs making Hermione smile.

"And mine." Draco agrees.

"Wow, Draco actually said two words to the mudblood." Crabbe laughs. Glaring at him, Alex reaches across Draco and slaps him in the face. After the slap, Crabbe looks at Alex, meeting her glare, "What was that for?"

"Insulting my best friend, idiot." Alex snaps.

"Leave Alex alone, Crabbe." Draco steps in defending his little cousin.

"But, she is. She's a filthy mudblood." Crabbe argues. Glaring harsher, Alex gets up and punches Crabbe in the face, hard. Going to fire another punch, Hermione pulls Alex away.

"You can't punch, hit or curse everyone who calls me that." Hermione speaks calmly.

"But," Alex starts, until Hermione cuts her off.

"No, Alex. I know you hate it too, but I'm starting to get used to it."

"You shouldn't be."

"I'm okay. I promise." Frowning, Alex nods.

"Okay. I will try to behave myself. No promises."

"Sounds good to me."