IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR MY PAST READERS: I decided to change how I release my stories. Instead of just releasing a new story per issue, I'm going to be releasing them as chapters starting from here. I'm doing this so it's easier to follow. So if you're still interested in this series, just follow this story. The previous stories I released will be added to this one with some revisions.

For those who are new... Welcome! This is my timeline of the Sonic the Hedgehog Comic before the reboot. Starting from issue 134. The point of this series is to flesh out the characters interactions more and explain some things better (mostly by adding original scenes). I'm going to be adding some original story-lines too.

(Read this if you are new!) List of changes compared to the original continuity.
•When it comes to age of the main cast; Sonic and Sally are 18, Tails is 12, Knuckles is 19, Amy is 13 biologically (16 physically due to the Ring of Acorns), Antoine and Bunnie are 20, and Rotor is 18.

•King Acorn isn't an asshole in this continuity. He is more benevolent and open-minded like his post-super genesis wave counterpart. Also, the positive energy of the chaos emerald used in issue 170 is helping his health rather than hurting it. He's healing from his previous traumas slowly because of this.

•Tails and Amy are close friends (not a couple, don't worry). I've always felt that Tails needed a friend around his age that he can relate to. Of course Sonic will always be his best buddy/brother, but in my continuity Amy isn't that far behind...

•When it comes to appearance, the only ones that have changed are Sally and Rotor. Rotor has his post-super genesis wave design but still has claw fingers. Sally has her clothes from her post-super genesis wave design minus the gloves and ring blades (for now). Her facial features and hair are the same as the old continuity.

So let's get started!

Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 134 Redone

In the middle of Sonic's homecoming celebration, Princess Sally Acorn approaches the blue hedgehog in hopes of discussing an important topic...

"Sonic…? Do you have a moment to talk?" Sally asked.

"Sure Sal." Sonic replied.

As they're about to walk off hand in hand, a reporter starts to approach them. Sonic noticed that Sally has tried multiple times to speak with him in the past couple of

hours. It seemed important by her tone of voice but something always interrupts her before she can speak. First it was Knuckles, then it was Mina, and now the

reporter was going to be the third.

'Not this time.' he thought.

The reporter asks,

"At last! Princess, can I photograph you and the royal consort for the front page of tomorrow's Knothole news?"

Sonic takes a deep breath and intervenes calmly with a smile,

"At a different time, pal. My lady here has been trying to talk to me and we need some privacy."

The princess looked up at the hedgehog, shocked that he took the initiative and was so calm about it.

She smiles softly at the reporter,

"Sorry, Sonic is right. We really need some privacy at the moment."

The reporter didn't seem offended as he answers back with,

"Not a problem at all, princess. I'll just take it later."

Once the reporter leaves, Sally looks up Sonic again,

"Thanks, Blue. I don't think I would've turned him down if you didn't say anything."

Sonic looks back at her with his signature smirk and puts his arm around her waist,

"Don't sweat it, Sal. I swear, ever since we've been reunited, everyone has been all over us. I think their parents forgot to teach them personal space."

Sally giggles in response.

"And honestly, I could tell you've been trying to get my attention multiple times. I figured what you had to talk about was important, but anytime you tried to say

anything, another person interrupted you. So I stopped it from happening again." Sonic explained, shrugging afterwards.

Hearing this made the chipmunk smile cheekily,

"I appreciate it, Sonic. What I have to say is important. Let's go to a more private place where no one will disturb us. We can head back to your celebration


Sonic smiles back at her and says,

"Let's head to my place. I'll race you there!"

He takes off quickly towards his hut.

Sally rolls her eyes and sighs,


The hedgehog then zooms back towards her just as fast and gives her a goofy smile,

"Just pulling your chain, Sal. Take my hand!"

The princess shook her head in amusement and pinched his cheek,

"You're so silly."

Sonic takes her hand and carries Sally to his place with incredible speed. Even though his arm still has a brace on it from fighting Mecha, Robotnik's robot "daughter",

he still has no problem carrying her places.

In less than 10 seconds they both ended up at his hut.

Before he enters, Sonic holds his door open for the princess with that cheesy grin of his,

"After you, my lady."

Sally raises an eyebrow and smirks,

"Oh my, what a gentleman you are. Am I sensing a change in you, hedgehog?"

"Ha! Perish the thought! Not every girl is a princess warrior with a talking super computer." Sonic answered.

"You're not wrong." she agreed, laughing lightly with him afterwards.

"Alright, Sal. We're alone now. What was so important that you needed to talk about?" Sonic asked.

The princess quickly snapped back to a more serious expression. She remembers what she originally wanted to talk about, causing her to feel uneasy. She wasn't sure

how her love would respond to the request she was about to make.

Her immediate change in expression earned a worried look from the one in front of her.

Eventually she gains the confidence to speak up,

"Sonic…" she looks at him,

"Even though my parents are still the official monarchs of the kingdom, I'll be overseeing the daily operations of the city. They've given me a tremendous

responsibility and it's going to be a big mantle to bear...that's why I want you to rule by my side while they're away."

The request definitely made the hedgehog feel conflicted. He didn't want to turn her down but at the same time, he already had an important job. And that was

stopping Eggman. He couldn't stand the thought of being on the sidelines while the doctor continued terrorizing the planet.

Sonic answers honestly,

"Sal, we're in the middle of a war and the Freedom Fighters need me to lead them. I gotta make sure that Eggman doesn't harm anyone else. You know as well as I do

that I'm the only one who can defeat him. So if I don't stop him, who will?"

The princess gazed into her partner's eyes with a small frown. She knew he would answer with something like that, based on his expression and tone. She

understands how important his role is at keeping the doctor in check, but at the same time, she was very emotional. She really didn't want him risking his life again.

Sonic looks into Sally's eyes as well, sensing that something was wrong. Ever since he returned to her, he could tell that she was in a real fragile state after dealing

with his death for a year.

Suddenly the princess's feelings of loss get the best of her and she yells,

"There are many who are willing to stand against him—it doesn't have to be YOU, Sonic!"

Sonic flinches at first but then grabs her hand, bringing her into his arms before she can say anything else. In an attempt to calm her, he starts to run his fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp.

His sympathetic expression appeared,

"Sal, calm down. This isn't like you. You're more level headed than this."

The blue eyed chipmunk was shaking at first but starts cooling off as he holds and comforts her.

He continues to speak,

"What's on your mind, Sal? Is there something you're not telling me? I've been sensing some pent up angst from you and I'm starting to wonder if I did something


The princess lifts her head and sees how genuinely worried the Blue Blur was. She tries to keep her composure before she answered him, wanting to be strong...

But the feelings of loss have bottled up too much and she couldn't hold it in any longer.

She soon convulsed into tears and whimpered,

"I'm sorry, Sonic. I lied to you when I said I knew you were alive. I really thought you were gone and it completely broke my heart... Watching Mecha hurt you made

me feel that pain again and I don't want to lose you after I just got you back."

Sonic holds her even closer while still stroking her hair. Seeing the princess in such emotional devastation made the hedgehog feel awful and caused him to tear up a

little too.

He smiled softly and said,

"I get it, Sal. Being so far away from home was hard for me too. I was lost and alone but I was determined to travel through space so I can come back to you. YOU

were my motivation... and I wouldn't stop until I saw you and those beautiful eyes of yours."

His expression changes to a more melancholy one,

"I remember when I was framed for assassinating you, during that whole Endgame incident... Hearing that you were gone was one of the most painful things I've ever

felt in my life, and being blamed for it only made things worse. When I found out you were alive, I hoped you'd never have to feel that pain... But I put you

through it, anyways... and I'm really sorry that you had experience that."

Sally's eyes widen as she flashes back to the time when she fell from a tall building.

'I can't believe I've forgotten that Sonic almost lost me too!' she thought and then felt guilty.

She speaks out in anguish,

"How could I be so short sited? I completely forgot that you almost lost me as well. I'm so sorry for forgetting that, Sonic."

Sonic's smile comes back and he tells her,

"It's okay. I was so happy you were alive that I completely forgot what I went through to prove my innocence. When I finally saw that smile of yours again, all the pain

I felt disappeared quicker than any speed I can run."

The Blue Blur pauses for a bit and then continues speaking,

"Let me tell you something, Sal… something I thought about while I was lost in space."

She looks up and sees his soft smile,

"Before I got to know you better, I was always super reckless. I didn't care for anything other than finding my folks and the thrills that it brought me. I hated working

with others because I always felt that they would slow me and that I'd be better off taking risks on my own. Heck, I even told myself that I'd never slow down for

anyone, and that I'd always be able to do what I want by myself... If someone told me back then that I would be a royal consort to a

princess, I would've laughed at them. HARD."

Sally raises one of her eyebrows in response to the last sentence.

"Buuuut… when we formed the Freedom Fighters, I've learned from you over the years that teamwork is valuable. That as long as we stick together, nothing

can keep us down. But most of all, you've taught me that it's alright to slow down sometimes."

The hedgehog's sad expression returned,

"Sal, I agreed to be your consort because I truly wanna marry ya in the future. I wanna travel the world and go on adventures with you by my side, but Eggman

is getting in the way of that... I'm so tired of him hurting my friends and family."

He starts to sound angry but then changes his voice to a more determined tone,

"I wanna stop him for good, and work with everyone I can to bring him down... I know you want me to rule with you, and if Robuttnik wasn't there, I'd totally do

it to lend ya a hand... But if I did then the Freedom Fighters would lose their most important member, and more people would be in danger when I could've saved them

with my speed. I get that you worry about me and that you can't stand to see me get hurt. But I gotta remind you what's at stake here, Sal."

Sally starts to tear up again. She didn't like it, but he was absolutely correct. There's not a single person that can replace Sonic's role on the battlefield as well as his

results. With this in mind, she breaths in deeply and slowly regains her composure as she sees the bigger picture.

She nods at him with gentlest of smiles,

"I understand... And as much as I don't like it, I know the world needs you."

Her expression changes back to a concerned one,

"But please be more careful for my sake. I want you to remain in one piece. I'm not sure if I could handle losing you again."

Sonic chuckles,

"I will, Sal. I promise I'll think a bit more before charging into a fight. Anything to keep you from becoming a worrywart. We've been through a lot together, but with

your love and my friends' support, I'll be able to handle anything Eggman dishes out."

He kisses her forehead after his final sentence, making the princess blush a little.

She speaks up with a confident tone,

"It'll be hard running things by myself. But I'll do my best to manage things in the city while you deal with Dr. Robotnik."

Sonic's signature grin grows back,

"You don't have to do it all by yourself, Sal... I'll tell you what, anytime I'm not on a mission, I'll help you run things around the city. I'll even let you boss me around

without any complaining. Deal?"

A giggle slipped from the chipmunk's mouth,

"Okay, deal."

They both share a kiss while still holding each other. There was a tender passion from this kiss compared to their regular ones. It was more like a kiss of emotional

understanding. Eventually the two separate, smiling gently at one another.

"Let's get back to the others, Sonic. We're still celebrating your return to Mobius after all." Sally reminded him.

Our blue hero was relieved to see that the princess was feeling a little better. He thought she was so strong, and that he was lucky to have such an amazing woman

in his life.

They walk back to the celebration together, holding each other close.

Sonic, feeling the need to lighten the mood, says,

"I can't wait to dance with you, Sal. I've got some new moves I'd love to show you."

Sally found his remark funny and cracked a smirk,

"You, practicing dance moves? Who are you, and what have you done with Sonic?"

He laughs as they start to approach the celebration. All the Mobians there were still having a good time chatting with one another. The private conversation they had

only lasted fifteen minutes, so they had plenty of time to have fun. After Sally and Sonic both spend some time catching up with their friends, they ran into

the reporter again.

"Hey you love birds. Are you able to take a picture now?" he requested nervously.

"Sure. You in, Sonic?" Sally asked.

Sonic replied to her with a thumbs up and a wink. As the reporter takes the picture, Sonic and Sally make silly faces at the last second. The reporter wasn't

bothered by it, though. He was just glad he got a picture of the royal couple. Sonic and Sally both laugh like goofball's after glancing at the picture.

Soon, a ballad song starts playing and the Blue Blur offers his hand to the chipmunk with a coquettish smile,

"Shall we dance, my lady? I'll lead."

Sally's smile grew large,

'Sonic the Hedgehog, offering to slow dance with me?' she thought.

They start dancing, with the hedgehog's suave smile making the princess giggle lightly,

"This is new, hedgehog. Since when were you so romantic?"

Sonic responds softly while grinning,

"Well, I thought I'd mix things up, so I told them to put a slow song on. Besides, we wouldn't want things to get stale now, right?"

Sally closes her eyes as she dances with her blue hero and partner,

"I love you, Sonic." she whispered, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Same here, Sal." Sonic agreed, looking up at the stars.

"Same here."
