Summary: After roughly 100 years on earth, True faces what might be her ultimate loss. Will it be her complete undoing or will she find a way to weather this new storm and continue on?

Author's Note: This is set if my "True Verse," which has established OC characters feel free to read my other stories if you are interested in more of their history. This story is being written with Ashleyder1.

IMPORTANT! – Although this is also set (very loosely) in the X-men First Class universe this is very AU so if you are looking for cannon, this is NOT your story. Some of the characters (particularly those that are villains in a traditional x-men verse) are quite OOC. If you don't like this PLEASE DON'T READ. We are borrowing the general idea and characters of X-men First Class but supposing an alternate ending and developing the storyline differently. Also, for purposes of this story many of the characters in X-men first class are in their mid to late teens.

Warning: There is spanking of minors and young adults in this story PLEASE do not read if this offends. There is also harsh language in this story as well as a likelihood of violence. You have been duly warned so please do not continue if any of these things bother you.

Disclaimer: We do not own any characters in either the X-men Universe or Magnificent Seven and are writing this story strictly for fun and not for money.


"Charles, Erik, there is a lady here to see you."

Charles and Erik stood up as an elderly woman stepped into the study. "May we help you?"

"Hello. My name is Rhianna Larabee McGowan and I am in need of your assistance. Actually my younger cousin is."

"I do not know how we can help, but we will try," Charles replied politely, though in reality he was wary of the stately, gray-haired woman.

"My cousin carries the X-gene, like you and the others that reside here."


"Oh come now, Professor Xavier, you do not believe I travelled as far as I have without doing my homework. In fact, as you already suspect, I know everything about you and your school." At Erik's surprised look and Charles' apprehensive one, Rhianna smiled. "Yes, I also carry this gene, though we did not call it that where my cousin and I are from. Right now, you are blocking my attempts to read your thoughts just I am blocking yours."

"How would you like us to help you and your cousin?"

"In addition to being a telepath, I also have prophetic dreams. My most recent have been promising and disturbing at the same time. My cousin has an important role in your crusade for mutant rights and acceptance. She will need a safe place to live until her time to shine arrives."

"She will find that here." Erik stated. "Did you bring her with you?"

"That was not possible." Rhianna folded her hands on her lap and sighed. "She is currently in a detention center in Albany. She has...issues."

"Why is she incarcerated?"

"Assault, theft, and breaking and entering, though not all of them at the same time. She was able to avoid the authorities for quite some time."

"I see. How long has she been detained?"

"Only a month and it has taken all of my powers of persuasion to keep her there that long." At the men's questioning looks she smiled. "My cousin, True, has other abilities outside those she obtained by the X-gene. If she wanted to, she could break out of the detention center without much effort at all."

"What is her mutation exactly?

"She is telekinetic, can manipulate the elements, and can converse with animals."

"She can understand animals?"

"Not just understand them, but have conversations with them. It's quite amazing to see." Rhianna took a deep breath, not able to believe she was going to do what she planned next. "There is much more to us that you can even imagine. A verbal explanation would be not only time consuming, but insufficient. Therefore, I would like for you to access my thoughts and memories, Professor, so that you might truly understand the totality of our history and the hope that I have for the future."

Charles nodded and placed a finger to his temple. He saw Rhianna and another girl he assumed was True as children living in the war torn world from which they came, being sent out time again by their elders to help the cause of their clan. He saw that they were injected with a growth inhibitor and sent back in time where they lived with a group of men in what looked like the old west. Memories of their time there showed him they were well cared for and that at some point Rhianna started aging while True did not. He also now knew the woman before him was dying.

Charles pulled back from her mind. "We will do whatever you need us too."

"Thank you." Rhianna sat back in her chair in relief and exhaustion. "True has become as she was when we were first sent back in time. When we lived in Four Corners with Vin and Chris, she quickly learned what was acceptable behavior. As she is basically an eternal child, she needed constant supervision and guidance. As time went on and our caregivers began to die, her care fell to her soul mate, Creed, and I. Creed took over where the other men left off and together we kept her under control. Then some years ago, Creed passed away. True did not handle it well and started reverting back to her old ways. By then, my own advanced age made it extremely difficult to keep her contained. I find I tire more easily with each passing day."

"You have said several times that she needs to be controlled and needs supervision and guidance. What exactly do you mean?" Erik asked.

"The same as any child. Discipline tempered with love."

Charles looked at his friend and then earnestly at Rhianna, "That is something we can definitely provide."


Rhianna walked briskly away from the detainment center, tension evident in her stride. Pausing as the door to the black Lincoln was opened for her, the elderly woman's wrinkled brow furrowed even deeper in frustration. "True is gone," she stated in a clipped tone.

"Oh, dear," Charles sighed while Erik's lips pursed in annoyance.


The secluded garden with its trailing vines and bubbling fountain was peaceful and Rhianna wondered at True'schoice of a meeting place. Sitting on the bench beside her cousin, she wished the girl would open up to her as she used to, but True had her shields firmly in place, a frigid wall between the two who had once shared everything. Of course the tension was pouring off her in waves, so Rhianna knew that all was not right.

"Okay, True, why don't you tell me what this is all about?"

"Rhianna, I know you and me ain't been gettin' on real well lately, and yer about fed up with all I've been gettin' up to, and yer worried, too."

"Very worried. True. Some of the people with whom you have been associating are not good individuals."

"You don't know the half of it," True mumbled under her breath, bringing a concerned look to the old woman's face.

"True whatever trouble you are in, we will deal with it together, just as we always have."

"But we both know always is comin' to an end, don't we?" True demanded hotly.

"True," Rhianna whispered, gently putting a hand on the girl's clenched fist.

"I'm sorry Rhianna, but I'm doin' this fer you," True stated resolutely as a look of shock crossed the old woman's face at the needle now protruding from her arm.

"True?" the betrayal in the green eyes was like a knife to True's heart, but lasted only a moment as the drug quickly took effect and the lids drooped. Catching Rhianna'sslumped form True affectionately traced the woman's wrinkled brow.

"Ya got no idea just how evil this bastard is, Rhi. I've made my bed, though. No way am I watchin' you suffer a slow, painful death. It's better this way. I'll make it right, you'll see."


"True Daire McCallan Tanner! What have you done?" Rhianna exclaimed looking at her own body in utter shock as she climbed from the hospital style bed, noting how her pajama-like attire hung loosely on her tiny form.

"I couldn't let you die, Rhianna. Yer all I have left," True answered.

"But, I'm a child again!"

True grinned, "Yeah, ain't it great? Just think of all the fun we'll have!"

"How is this even possible?" the blond girl demanded.

"That's kinda a long story and frankly we ain't got the time to go into it just now. We need to get the hell outta here pronto 'cause I kinda had ta make a deal with the devil ta pull this off and I don't exactly plan ta pay up."

"True," Rhianna growled her mind quickly getting the answers she sought from her cousin's mind. An explosion behind a metal door drew both girls' attention highlighting the validity of True's statement.

"Come on," True urged her cousin, opening a small round hatch leading to a dark tunnel.

Recognizing the direness of their situation, Rhianna headed into the damp earthen passage, hearing True fasten the metal grate behind them. She threw open her senses, becoming aware that their adversaries were nearly through. She used her mental prowess to "hide" the hatch from their pursuers while she tried to sense anyone ahead.

"Here, let me lead," True insisted bringing a flame to her hand to light the way.

Rhianna made no objection as she scrambled to keep up while continuing her psychic monitoring. True crawled through the tunnel with confidence, making the twists and turns as if she had done it a hundred times. After more than thirty minutes they emerged onto a rocky slope. The sights and sounds made it obvious that there was a battle going on.

"Well, now that's a bit of luck," True commented with a grin.

"Not luck precisely," Rhianna replied dryly. "We need to keep moving, and shield your thoughts as best you can."

"Why? Who are they?" True wanted to know.

"The cavalry."


"They are here to rescue you."

"If they're the good guys, why are we avoidin' 'em?"

"I thought I was dying, True! I did not know what you were up to - only that you seemed to be on a dark path. I had to make sure that you'd be cared for, that you wouldn't end up lost and alone in agony and darkness."

"Rhianna, what did you do?"

"I asked them to take charge of you, provide a home, structure, love..." True's eyes narrowed. "I'm sorry, True, but I was dying and I didn't want to leave you alone."

"And now that you're sorry ass is trapped in the same little kid's body as me ya ain't thinkin' the fucking rules and restrictions of this LOVING foster home ya set up sound so good, huh?"

"Please True, can we fight about this later? We have two separate parties to avoid here and it is not as if your own decisions or choice of companions have been stellar of late!"

"FINE! " True motioned to a narrow path and Rhianna fell in behind her cousin, while True mumbled in a mocking falsetto, "Not as if your own decisions or choice of companions have been stellar of late," They hadn't made it very far before Rhianna put a gentle hand on True'sshoulder, bringing her finger to her lips and pointing ahead meaningfully.

True brought a flame to her hand readying herself as a small group of five armed men appeared. One fell to his knees in pain, clutching his head, courtesy of the telepath. True sent a fireball rushing toward the group causing the remaining four to take cover. An explosion sounded behind them and then a rumbling. True turned to see an avalanche of rocks coming their way, and summoned all of her telekinetic energy to hold the crumbling mountainside at bay. There was movement and she saw the remaining soldiers engaged in some kind of battle, but could spare no attention as she used all of her reserves to keep Rhiannaand herself from being crushed. There was a high-pitched screech, her focus slipped, but then she was being lifted into the air. The last thing she saw before passing out in exhaustion was an unconscious Rhianna flying through the air as if on a magic, metallic carpet.


When True came to she noticed she was strapped to a table in some kind of lab. Using her powers, she quickly undid the straps and sat up, sighing in relief when she saw Rhianna on the table beside her. She tried to hop down but found she couldn't. "What the fuck?"

"Young children should not use that kind of language."

"Yeah? Well fuck you!"

"Such disrespect with this generation." The man shook his head and took a few steps toward True. "I am Erik Lensherrand this is Professor Charles Xavier."

"I don't give a fuck if you're Captain Kangaroo." She conjured up a flame in her palm. "You don't let me go and I'll burn this fuckin' place to the ground!"

"Relax. We are not going to harm you." Charles frowned when he felt resistance to his mind suggestion. Given the girl's state, he was reticent to push, though he knew that he could.

"Dude, don't look so surprised. I live with a telepath."

"True, stop. These...good guys...cavalry," a weak voice sounded from the table beside her. "Want to help...need to listen."

True went to answer Rhianna but her cousin was out cold. She flicked the flame out and glared at the men. "What did you do to her?!"

"She hit her head when we rescued you. It was a hard blow but she should be fine in a few days." Charles replied. "Now if we allow you up, do you promise to stay calm?"

"Fine, but only 'cause these tables are uncomfortable as shit. One of the worst tables I've ever been strapped to. Couldn't you afford anything nicer?" She grumbled.

Charles gave a small nod to Erik and he released the girl.

"Just how many tables have you been strapped to?"

"Enough to know this one sucks the big one!" True could see that struck a chord with Erik and smirked. "How about you?"

Charles could see Erik getting angry at the girl's continued attitude and quickly changed the subject. "Perhaps you might tell us who your young friend is?" He asked,curiosity peaked by the cryptic comments of the injured child who somehow seemed to know they were friends and not foes.

"And what became of Mrs. McGowan?" Erik added sternly.

True debated on what to tell them. If they knew the child beside her was Rhianna, they definitely would not let her leave, as there would not be an adult to watch over her. As she deliberated a tall kid wearing glasses and a lab coat entered.

"Ah Hank. Excellent timing. Young True has just awakened. Can you please look her over to be sure there are no residual issues?"

"Sure Charles." Hank approached True and quickly found himself shoved across the room.

"Stay the fuck away from me you big nerdy ape!"

Erik had reached the end of his patience. Using his powers on the mostly metallic harness that she wore, he immobilized True and strode to her side. After landing several hard swats to her backside he took her chin in his hand. "There are more where those came from if you do not settle down and allow Hank to check you over. Do you understand?"

True glared at him. Those had been the first swats she'd felt in years and she had forgotten just how much they hurt.

Another smack landed. "I asked you a question, young lady. You will answer me."

"Erik," Charles cautioned telepathically, "There needs to be trust."

"There also needs to be respect. Mrs. McGowan was quite forthcoming concerning this child's need for discipline. It is best she understand right from the start what things will and will not be tolerated."

"FINE!" True replied, wishing she knew how this man was able to immobilize her. It felt as if the climbing harness she wore was tightening all around her like a straight jacket. "But you fuckin' hit me again and I'm gonna lay you out."

If you use that vulgar word one more time, not only will I strike you again but I shall do so repeatedly until you find sitting a very uncomfortable affair!" Gray eyes locked with blue ones in a silent battle of wills, and although True did not look away she felt a shiver run through her and a sense of foreboding that she had not encountered for a very long time.

Charles cleared his throat. "Right then, Hank," he inclined his head toward the young scientist who seemed reticent to approach.

To her frustration, True was picked up and placed back on the table by the tall and oh, so irritating Erik Lensherr, who pointed a finger directly at her face. "Behave."

True was too distracted by the distinct numbers tattooed on the man's arm to respond. She'd seen those before and knew exactly what they meant. No wonder the guy was such a hard-ass.

Hank stepped forward, obviously trepidatious, though once he got into "clinical mode," he became noticeably more self-assured. He took True's vitals and examined her eyes, muscle tone, and reflexes.

"You seem fine, however with no baseline for comparison, I cannot be certain if you are completely recovered. There is a slight subconjunctival hemorrhage in your right eye, undoubtedly due the strain from exerting yourself in such a manner, but that should heal readily. It is very dangerous for a mutant to overextend her powers as you did. The damage to your body systems could have been considerable."

"Yeah, so could the damage from a ton of rocks landing on top of me," True stated sarcastically.

"Understood, but I would recommend rest for at least twenty-four to forty-eight hours, and a minimal or nonexistent use of your powers, just to be certain." His task completed, Hank backed away.

"That will give us plenty of time to discuss things, starting with what became of Mrs. McGowan," Erik stated forcibly.

True could tell these were not bad people, nothing like the warped bastard that had made Rhianna's transformation possible or his goons that she'd been hanging out with. Still, she had no intention of submitting to a new set of caregivers even if it they did have the best of intentions. No way! She was a free agent! And now that Rhianna was young again, True was fairly certain her cousin would agree with her.

"She's on her way to Switzerland," the girl lied smoothly. "There was this incredible medical breakthrough. Yeah, they figure they can extend her life for another ten or more years! She had to get there right away, though, no time ta tell anyone. I'm sure she woulda let you know if there'd been time. I - a - we, she motioned to the unconscious blond girl are supposed to meet her there, but ah, those guys, well they took Dawn, that's my friend's name, kidnapped her right off the street. So I had to get her outta there."

"How very dreadful! That must have been a most terrifying experience. You are certain that your cousin is safe?" Charles queried, going along with the far-fetched story for now.

"Oh, yeah, Rhianna's gonna be just fine. Heaps better than she's been in years!"

At Erik's perturbed glare, Charles added a silent suggestion to his friend, "Let's just see where this bit of obfuscation leads us shall we? I sense no anxiety from the girl. She is not worried for her cousin so most likely the woman is safe."

"I certainly hope you are being completely truthful with us," Erik offered with an edge to his voice. "I assure you, the consequences shall be most unpleasant if you are not."

"Of course I'm bein' honest! Rhianna's the only family I got left. If she was in any danger, sure as shit I wouldn't be sittin' here chattin' with you two."

Charles cleared his throat, "Well, I am certain she will be terribly worried when you don't arrive as planned. We must contact her and let her know that you are safe here with us. You and your friend shall stay here until you are fully recuperated. Then we can make arrangements for your safe travel."

"Uh, yeah, about that. You can't reach her right now. Top secret place, no phones or nuthin'. So me and Dawn will just get going back to my place. Probably better that way seeing as how she has my number an all." True knew thissounded weak but Rhianna was the better liar of the two and she was still a bit worn out from keeping an entire mountain from falling on them.

"You are in no shape to be traveling. Rhianna came to us for our help and has our contact information. This will most likely be the first place she calls, once she has access to a phone that is."

True didn't know how to argue that and decided to just play it by ear. Eventually they would be able to escape and if she were honest with herself, she could use a few days rest. "Sure. Just show us where to bunk 'cause I sure as shit ain'tsleeping on these fuc..." She glanced at Erik's stern countenance and decided now wasn't the time to test him,"...stupid tables."

"Very well," Charles said curbing a grin at the look of smug satisfaction on Erik's face. "Hank," he turned to the young doctor who had stepped back to observe the little drama playing out in his lab. "Please let us know when Dawn awakens so that we might move her upstairs to a more comfortable room, and by all means, see about ordering some new exam tables. We hardly want to carry the reputation of having the least comfortable ever experienced," he joked, offering the tall young man a wink.

True followed Charles through the lab and up the stairs, amazed by the mammoth size of the place. "So what exactly is this? Some sort of castle?"

"Well it was my childhood home. Mine and my sister Raven's. Now it's home to a few more and is to be a school as well."

"A school?"

"Yes, for gifted individuals like yourself. A place where those of us with mutations can be with others of our own kind and learn to better use and control our gifts."

"So everyone here is a mutant?"

"Indeed." That actually captured True's interest, she wondered what kind of abilities the inhabitants of this little palace might have. "I've only met a few others here and there. Rhiannawas going on about there being more and more of us, something to do with the nuclear age, especially after she went to this presentation at Oxford. Of course where we are from it was called something completely different."

"Yes, your cousin shared with me about your past."

"She did? What exactly did she tell you?"

"Actually, she showed me," he tapped his head meaningfully, "Everything from your time with the Clan, to your time in Four Corners, to the present."

"Yer shittin' me." Rhianna was a very private person and for her to let this telepath into her head was unprecedented. What had the old bird been thinking! She'd apparently got to Rhianna just in time - it seemed obvious her cousin had been losing her marbles.

"Let us add that word to the list you will be eliminating from your vocabulary," Erik stated tersely.

True swung on her heel and glared at the tall European, her hands on her hips. "If Rhianna told you about us, then you know I'm not actually a kid. So get bent, jerk wad!"

"Quite the contrary, she expressed that you are an eternalchild. My own observation is that despite so many years of life, you have failed to gain maturity, impulse control, good judgment, or manners. Ergo, you are a child in need of supervision and boundaries, and quite frankly, in my opinion, a sound spanking."

"Well, I think you need to get that huge stick outta yer ass and join us in the 20th century, WARDEN!" True shot back.

"True," Charles said disapprovingly, but broke off and turned to his friend who was approaching the girl with purpose. "Erik, the girl has been through an ordeal."

"And she's about to experience another," Erik replied curtly.

"Like hell! True exclaimed, using her powers to fling a decorative shield from off the wall at Erik's head.

With a flip of Erik's hand the shield went flying into the corner and he reached for the child only to find himself flung back into a table, which tipped over causing a vase to go crashing to the floor.

"Now really, I must insist -" Charles started.

"If I can't come to you, then you can come to me," Erik said icily pulling at the metal harnesses and wires in the climbing gear that True wore to pull the girl towards him.

True's blue eyes flashed rebelliously, and she brought a flame to her hand.


Both individuals froze looking in surprise at the slight British man whose own eyes were now alight with anger. "You will not destroy our home. Now True," he turned to the girl his expression softening only slightly, "I understand circumstances have been rather stressful of late, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could attempt a modicum of self-control while you are staying here." The telepath turned to his friend. "Erik, though I understand your sentiment and to not completely disagree, I think we should allow True a small degree of leniency as this is her very first day here. Perhaps you might check how Raven's coming along with our noonday meal while I show True to her room?"

True managed to calm herself and couldn't help but smirk at Erik, loving the fact that Charles was getting after him too. "Yeah Erik, run along an check on lunch. I'm starving!"

Erik started for the girl but halted when he saw Charles's lips tighten in anger.

"OW! Hey! Damn it Prof!" True yelped as her backside was dealt a smack. It wasn't as hard as Erik's but it still hurt.

"That will be enough out of you or I leave you here with Erik and let him have at you."

True crossed her arms, a massive pout on her face. She sure as hell didn't want to be alone with Erik. After the day she had and the little scuffle a few seconds ago, she was much too tired to take him on. "Fine."

When True did not come down to eat Lunch, Erik headed to her room to get her, prepared to drag her down to the dining room if needed. The sight that greeted him when he entered made his icy heart melt a little. True was curled up on the bed with her hands tucked under her cheek. He carefully smoothed some loose strands of hair away from her face, surprised at just how young and innocent she looked now that the anger was gone from her tiny face. He slowly pulled the cover from the end of the bed up over her shoulder and quietly left the room.