Hey everyone, so this is my first Supernatural Story! It pretty much follows the story line of Season 4, however at times it jumps off! Hopefully you like it, I look forward to reading your reviews! Also, I do not own supernatural, or it's lovely characters, all belongs to Eric Kripke and Robert Singer!
Chapter 1: The beginning
Joshua Winchester had not been Joshua Winchester for the past couple of months. The real him was hidden in a corner of his mind, ripping at the walls, desperately trying to get out. At times, he could see what the demon possessing him saw, and it was never a good sight. Joshua's wife, Amelia Winchester, was unknowing to the change in her husband, and continued on with her life as if nothing was wrong. The real Josh knew that his only hope at freedom would be for his older brother, John to drop in and realize that his little brother had been possessed.
And he did just that.
This October night was abnormally cool for Kansas, a slight breeze blew through the trees, making their leaves rustle ever so softly. Amelia was in the kitchen, cooking her famous fried chicken. She quietly hummed "My Girl" by The Temptations to herself as she moved around the room like the expert she was. Briefly she looked up, wondering where her husband, who had just been sitting at the kitchen table, had ran off to.
"Josh!" She called. The demon possessing Josh stood upstairs in the couple's bedroom, he acknowledged that his wife had called him and slowly let a sinister smile spread over his face. He had finally completed his mission, and his superiors in Hell would be extremely proud. Silently, Josh shoved something into his pocket and quickly made his way down the wooden stairs.
Once he was back in the kitchen, Josh realized that Amelia was no longer alone. His wife was leaning against the marble counter chatting with a man that struck instant, blood freezing, fear into the demon.
John Winchester.
Slowly he swallowed down the urge to eject himself from his hosts' body.
"Hey Josh, just thought I would stop by and see what is going on with you two. Dean and Sammy are with Bobby so I figured we could catch up" John said, flashing a smile at both Amelia and Josh. John's eyes lingered on Amelia's stomach for a split second, as she let her hand fall over it, wincing as if something had internally kicked her. John knew that expression far too well, for he had seen Mary make that face with both his boys. Briefly he wondered if he was to expect a niece or nephew soon.
"Yeah, yeah... How the hell have you been John? It's been months." The fake Josh said. John let his green eyes flick back up to his brothers identical green ones. His smile faltered a bit and he let out a small sigh.
"Honestly not good Josh." John said. Josh let his eyebrows furrow as he watched John reach inside his jacket pocket.
"Your neighbor, who was strategically put there by myself has come to me with some…concerns about you." John said in a cold tone. Amelia looked up from the stove and knitted her eyebrows just like her husband. Confusion washed over her like a blanket.
"John what are you talking about?" Amelia asked. John didn't look at her, nor did he acknowledge that she had even asked him a question.
"What concerns brother?" Demon Josh asked as he took a small step backwards.
"Supernatural concerns." John said without faltering. Quickly he pulled out a flask that the demon knew contained holy water, he knew he had to run however before he could eject himself from his host, John threw the water on him. His skin burned as if he had been dropped in the fryer that Amelia was cooking chicken in.
"Josh-"Amelia said in a shrill voice.
"That's not Josh- Amelia, trust me." John said roughly. Before she could run into her husband's arms, John threw more water on the demon, burning him once more. The eldest Winchester stalked over to Josh's vessel and landed a hard punch on his face, letting the anger flow through him as he connected over and over with the face of his brother. He had warned his little brother to take precautions, especially demon possessing precautions, and it looked as if he had not done so. He made a mental note to give Joshua a talking to after he was done exorcising this demon from him.
John gripped the demon by the throat and pinned him against the wall. He wasted no time and quickly let the familiar words flow out of his mouth "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus…" he began. The demon inside Josh struggled against the words and let his black eyes flick over Josh's green ones.
"I'll take him with me." The demon said in a harsh voice. John raised an eyebrow, wondering if this demon was bluffing.
"Are you sure you are willing to lose your little brother John Winchester?" The demon continued. John was not willing to lose his brother, but he continued on with the exorcism, ignoring the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach and hoping to God that this demon was lying.
"Omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica!" John roared.
The black smoke ejected out of Josh's body with a fierceness that threw John backwards. He landed hard on his back and looked up just in time to see his younger brother fall to the ground. Fear instantly flooded through his body as he scrambled over to the crumpled body of Josh.
"Josh!" John said as he shook Josh's unconscious body. "No, Joshua come on!" John cried, his voice breaking ever so slightly as he said Josh's name.
Realization slowly washed over John as he understood that his baby brother was not going to wake up, and that the demon had not been lying. Amelia realized it too, because she fell to the ground, letting her muffled screams echo off the walls. John looked over his shoulder at her, and let out a long sigh. On the ground next to his dead brother, John saw the familiar shape of a store bought pregnancy test. He slowly picked it up and read the screen with a sickening feeling