01: Prologue

Almost a month had passed that their valley of anthropomorphic animals had now grown accustomed to those four human beings namely Fulvio, Artur, Daniel, and Kayson, all with the age 18 and 19. It was all a result of the an experiment caused in the human world at the laboratory of Kayson's father that not only trapped Kay and his best and only friend Daniel but dragged down the other two chums Fulvio and Artur as well who were just passing by after the school, just like normal days.

Somehow, though so much away from the area of experimentation, instead of the scientist to be sent to the other universe for them to collect some info on the alternate universe theories, those four guys with no intention of leaving their comfort zone were sent!

A tragedy or something else…?! It sure was going to change the fates in a way never expected.

"C'mon guys!" Po whispered as the first glimpse of sun touched his eyes and woke him up. "Wake up! It's gonna be training time soon!" The two humans, Fulvio and Artur, were sleeping peacefully, covering the chubby panda from both sides, enjoying the warmth of his fur.

"I don't wanna train today!" Fulvio muttered in his sleepy tone almost dead. For he was a little fat and healthier, unlike his school friend who was the opposite, Fulvio let loose his half body, covering almost half of the panda's furry body. Them both sleeping beside the panda had now become their daily routine for the two loved the warm and plushy fur acting more like a good-night blanket. And Po himself loved that as well!

"Come on, guys! It's getting late!" Po rubbed the two heads with affection and then got up. And with him getting up, it was as if both the bodies had their souls returned back for in an instant, the two got up as well!

"Whhhhyyyyyy do we have to get up so early?" Artur asked with a prolonged yawn.

"So that we can go back to sleep earlier, idiot." Fulvio remarked. "Now, get up already!"

Meanwhile, in the attached room of the barracks, the other two humans, Kayson and Daniel, just got up from the alarm (that was the noises made in Po's room). Daniel stretched out to have some fresh air. "Man! This world sure is amazing! No school, no study, no worries, no nothing! Just having a good time as a free loader and amazing people!"

Daniel seemed pretty much excited about everything but his friend stayed down on the ground, unenergetic and uninterested, having his solemn gazes stuck on the roof above. "I dunno what got you so much interested in this screwed-up world."

"Screwed-up?!" Daniel said. "This world, it's just… amazing! I hope I can live here forever! Whatever, just get your butt up and get ready..." and then mumbled with himself, "though you're still only gonna watch us all climb the stairs up and down."

"Mm-hmm." His friend answered quietly still looking up at nothing. "Sure." Those two best buds were the complete opposites; one being cold and dark while the other so full of life.

Soon, everyone at the Jade Palace got prepared and started the day with going down those hundreds and thousands of Jade stairs which they all were also meant to climb up back again. This was not only their morning exercise but their warm-up for the rest of the training as well. While everyone left, Kay stayed alone, sitting there and gazing at the whole valley with those cold eyes of his.

Everyone climbed up with Po and Fulvio panting and wheezing as if all of the air had been blocked. With all the six warriors and the four humans now in the great training hall, the training was about to begin!

As Master Po was their teacher now, he had to take the lead. "Today, unlike the rest of the normal training, we're gonna do a little different!" The panda master walked with sternum outstretched, feet pressing hard, and voice so heavy for he knew his responsibility and was solemnly stuck to it. "Everyone here will choose the opponent and will fight him or her in a battle! It will not only show the strength of the winner but the weakness of the… uh… not-so-winner and then we will concentrate more on that weakness to turn it into strength! So, who's up for this?"

Everyone appeared so charged up and ready except for Kay who turned back, mumbling out of boredom, "Keep me outta this." but his only friend grasped his hand. "C'mon, Kay! Don't do this! For my sake! Pleeeease!"

How could Kay just roll his eyes over that begging expression of his only friend? Against his own will, Kay sighed, "Okay!" and then stood again with them.

"So," Po continued, "let's start this with our human friends!" His eyes fell on Artur who was looking around, unaware of the situation but as Po called him out, Artur startled at once.

"Who do you wanna fight with?" Po asked, so full of excitement.

"Uh… Y-You!" Artur answered nervously a little.

"That's great!" Po replied. "So who's nex—"

"No! I wanna fight with Po!" A sudden voice rose! It was Fulvio standing beside Artur.

"Po asked me first!" Artur ranted.

"No! I said I will fight with him!"

"No! I will!"

"I will!" and like that, both of them were tangled in a quarrel with Po trying to stop them with incomplete words but no effect! Everyone there looked at them with those weird eyes.

"Well," Dan mumbled to Kay, "they both sure love Po so much."

"And you, Dan?" Kay asked out of nowhere that shook Dan. "Do you love that panda?"

"When I have an idiot like you, why do I have to love someone else?" Dan replied, those eyes growing wider and funnier at Kay.

"Daniel!" Po shouted immediately that caught Dan in everyone's sight. "I'll fight with Dan!" It was all just to stop the argument between the other two, but it left them in the fire of anger against Po.

"I'm not gonna talk to you!" Simultaneously, both roared at Po, and the panda felt himself guilty for everything and sorry for the two guys.

"Yes! A match with Po! Amazing!" Dan was excited for the match against Po.

"So this is your love for me, huh?" Kay asked, his manner mildly funny.

"N-No, no! I'm just… I'm just pretty warmed up, y'know!" and that made Kay giggle gently.

"Okay!" the panda cleared his throat. "I will decide all the fighters myself: Dan will be fighting me. Artur will be fighting Viper. Fulvio will be fighting Mantis. Kay will go on with Tigress. And Mantis and Crane will battle each other! Any questions?"

"Hey, Master Panda!" Dan spoke, his hand raised high."

"What?" Po asked tenderly.

"What will the winner get?"

"Well, the victory itself is a great prize, I think!" and then asked again, "Any more questions anyone?"

The same hand rose again, "Shall we be training as normal after the battles?"

"Uh… yep! Anyone el—"

"What will we have in dinner?" the same voice that annoyed the humble panda a little.

"Ugh! I don't know! No more questions!"

"Oops! Sorry!" That cute, angry face made Dan slightly giggle.

"Okay! Now, let the tournament begin!" and with the panda teacher's roar, the battle began with Po and Daniel standing against each other in their battle stance in front of the giant entrance door of the hall while the rest watched them, standing aside, wondering who would win.

Standing fixed in his own improvised stance, Po mumbled to his opponent, "Fear me!"

"You'll go easy on me, right?" but instead of a 'Yeah', Dan just received a devilish giggle that scared the poor guy even more.

Staring into each other's eyes, one with hesitation and the other with confidence both thrust at the opponent. An unconfident punch came straight from Dan that Master Po could not only dodge but grasped the hand and bashed gently the body on the floor!

Groans came out that frightened Po a little. Forgetting the battle, the nervous panda went straight to check whether he was okay or not. "Hey, you alright?" but an unexpected kick on the forehead and the panda stumbled with a low groan. "That was dirty… but AWESOME!"

"I love playing dirty!" that human got up, a low smirk on the face.

The panda got up, speeding so fast that Dan didn't even realize when that foot came rushing from aside! At the last moment, he luckily saw that kick and leaned back, dodging the blow only by little. Another blow came with a rushing fist but Daniel dodged that as well in his own foolish way. Though scared a little and unconfident, he still was doing great, especially with the dodging part. Only a few moved he learnt from the same panda were not enough against the same opponent.

Watching the fight (that appeared to be more of an entertainment) everyone was pretty much interested thinking how that all would end. From everyone's perspective, it was clear that Po had the upper hand and would easily win, but the panda was taking it easy on his friend.

Just like before, Po was trying to hit but missed by few inches. Daniel was constantly being pushed back by those punches and kicks that assured that victory for Po that suddenly, with those irregular movements, Dan slipped and his foot went straight, hitting Po's tenders so hard that the poor guy was knocked out at once, with a last groan, "My tenders!"

Those faces so interested, except for the solemn one having a little smirk, turned so surprised, eyes out and mouth hanging!

Watching all the gazes stuck on him, Dan giggled, "I guess I… won, right?"

"Someone call an ambulance!" Fulvio murmured, but his friend, Artur, suddenly rushed to his loving friend, anxious about him. "Po, are you alright?!"

Holding the weak spot with hand to minimize the pain, the panda slowly raised his head, giving a painful smile. "Y-Yeah, buddy!"

Soon, after his recovery, the second match of Fulvio against Mantis was about to start. The victory for the first match was surely given to Daniel.

Now, the second fight.

Mantis was all prepared, standing in his little Praying Mantis style, but Fulvio on the other hand was still angry for why Po didn't let him fight with him, standing normal.

"You ready or not?" Mantis asked his opponent.

"Why am I the only one to fight this lil' green guy?!" his angry face towards Po. Just a nervous giggle in return.

Mantis appeared a little irritated with that 'Little Green Guy 'thing so when Po shouted, "Let the battle begin!" swiftly, the little master came with Fulvio not noticing at all, and then how the little master shot the big guy here and there, on the pillars and the door, and then on the floor, sweeping the poor guy on the ground so fast that Fulvio did not even realize how many hits he got! Only groans and whimpers could be heard from that spinning mass.

What seemed to his own eyes was the world moving around incredibly fast! The popped-out eyes of the spectators were slipping here and there, rolling around, not focused.

At last, after enough of spinning and hitting, Mantis threw him up high, shouting, "This is what you get for calling me Little Green Guy!" and then was about to announce his victory himself that from up above, the mass fell, crushing and knocking out the little master!

"Wh… What just happened? Who won?" Unaware of the reality, Fulvio asked, shaking his head.

"You… idiot!" His chum replied, everyone amazed!


"Yeah!" a suppressed sound from somewhere that made Fulvio wonder who it was. "Now get up from me! I'm dying!" the realization of some movement from beneath. When Fulvio got up, he found Mantis badly pinched up.

"Oh! My bad!"

"Okay!" Po shouted. "Time for the third battle! Artur versus Master Viper!" and so, the fight started.

Both the fighters ready, but Artur not confident in his stance.

"Oh! Don't worry, brother. I won't be like others." Viper said, her voice assuring. Her kind smirk was a proof but still, Artur had some signs of fear crawling on his face.

"Let the battle begin!" Po shouted at once, excited than usual!

"Wow! He's just so much into it, isn't he?" Dan mumbled to his friend. Kay giving positive answer under his tone.

So, the match started. Artur slowly moved by inches, his trembling eyes stuck on the calm master standing still in her place. Gently, she moved a little that alarmed her opponent at once. He was afraid to pick the first attack, thinking he might die if he did so.

No one knew what sort of fear was present in that tender heart that wasn't allowing him to fight. Everyone just wondered what would happen next. He stood just like that; in his trembling stance half correct, not even sure himself what sort of attack he was going to pick. Those toes just kept dragging him little by little. With that sort of fight having no twist and turn, and not even any action at all, everyone now seemed getting bored.

"Come on, man! Make a move! Do some kicking and punching!" Daniel cried out of boredom.

"You can do it, pal!" Fulvio tried to him his friend with his words but that doesn't seem to work either.

"He's just pathetic." A low mumble made Fulvio's temper high. It was no one else but Kay.

"What did you say?!" Pretty annoyed, Fulvio asked.

Kay leaned and spoke it again in his face. "That Artur guy, your friend, he's just pathetic."

Those words really made Fulvio furious. "Not a single word against him!"

They both got everyone's eyes on them as they all wondered what was going on. Po was about to come and stop as the two caught his eyes but Daniel appeared out of the blue, distancing Kay. "C'mon! Don't be such an idiot! Just enjoy the fight, man!" and those words did some work, making things normal again but Fulvio was the last to mumble something under his breath.

"Well, as compared to the match, that was a little interesting!" to his fellow Master Crane, Monkey mumbled.

"That was not so funny, Monkey!"

As the two fighters finally focused back again on the fight, Artur finally jerked forward, shooting down his leg on the opponent but Viper climbed over it, throwing the poor guy upside down, smacking him on the floor, hence gaining victory! It all happened in a few moments!

Artur didn't get up as was beaten a little.

"Hey, are you alright? Did I go a little harsh?" In her kind voice, Master Viper asked as she was a little worried.

"Yeah!" the human nodded, trying to get up. "I'm good. You weren't harsh at all! I was a little weak, I guess. By the way, you fight great!"

"Oh! Thank you!" and both smiled at the end, returning to their place.

"Don't worry, my little buddy!" The panda said as he pinched Artur's cheek out of affection that hurt his friend slightly but he chuckled. "You did your best! It was awesome!"

"As I said: Pathetic." The bad one mumbled again, but inaudible enough to let only Daniel hear it.

"Come on, Kay!" but a giggle was sent in return to that irritated friend.

As Po announced, the next match was that of Kay against Tigress. Both got onto the field. Tigress was all solemn but the disturbing, low grin on Kay's face as he watched her stance confused her.

"Fighting you will be a pleasure." Kay delivered the words before the match started.

"I hope so." Her reply, and she got stiff in her stance while Kay standing straight and loose as if in no mood to fight, right hand half pocketed.

"Po, whatcha think who's gonna win?" Dan's face was showing that he knew the after-results of the match!

"Well, Tigress is the only one I've never defeated in a spar. My vote surely goes for her!"

"You'll be surprised then!" and a naughty giggle!

"I… sure am expecting something surprising from her." The panda looked confusingly at Dan after that giggle.

"Both sides ready!" the heavy voice of the panda echoed throughout. Tigress tightened her base and her fists, stretching her waist back, Kay still calm, having that faint smirk stuck on lips. "FIGHT!"

With the word echoing everywhere, Tigress was about to shoot at the opponent that all of a sudden, a boom and dead silence!

Something stopped Tigress! She didn't understand what happened! Everyone's eyes were popped out totally and mouths hanging loose except that of Dan who had still that naughty giggle, showing his teeth.

Among the dead silence, when Master Tigress saw clearly, her ears twitched! Her opponent was right in front of her eyes, his hand on her shoulder and knee gently touching the tough stomach as if he was about to bump. All of it happened within a blink!

This was enough for everyone to be surprised and to know the real power of the solemn-faced guy. The match, before it even started, had already been decided.

"Told ya, didn't I?" Daniel nudged Po who was still open-mouthed—greatly astounded! "You'll be surprised."

Kay walked away with the same faint smirk and stood alongside his only friend, leaving orange-furred Tigress behind in wonders.

After the results were announced by the panda and weakness and strength were now known, the rest of the day till the noon was spent with some light training that included running, stretches, push-ups, chin-ups, stances, weight-lifting, wall-punching both in the interior and the exterior of the training hall. The rest would train while the solemn one would just watch them with no interest, sitting aside.

After enough training and exhaustion, Fulvio and Artur left with their best pal, the panda, along with Monkey telling jokes, and Mantis sitting on Po's shoulder, down to the valley, chit chatting all the way about the human world, while the rest of the two humans stayed, along with Master Crane in the Hall of Heroes, observing one thing and another.

The two remaining masters, Tigress and Viper, were having girl-to-girl talk in the barracks, but it was about some serious issue.

"What do you think what kind of person is he?" Tigress asked in her serene tone.

"You mean Kay?" Viper asked gently as ever, but low enough so that only the two could hear. "He seems… uh… serious and less talkative. Sometimes, I think whatever he does, like trying to clash with Fulvio back then, he does it on purpose."

"On purpose?" her furry ears twitched at once.

"Yes. Maybe, he's up to something."

"Something, huh?" Her blaze-glowing eyes fell on the shoulder where Kay had put the hand, and a glimpse of their past fight flashed in her mind, that smirk pretty focused. "From that smile," she mumbled, "it did not seem so." her mind dissolving into those thoughts.

"THIS IS SO AMAZING!" Daniel cried out and his voice bounced in the Hall of Heroes as all those ancient artifacts glowed in his big eyes of wonder.

"It sure is!" Crane assisted, walking beside him, telling him about the history of each artifact.

"Can I… Can I touch anything?! Can I have one?! C'mon, c'mon! Tell me!" Excited, just like the panda of the palace, Daniel asked.

Observing the Great Master Oogway's painting, Kay replied in his cold voice, "Go on and touch anything. And I'll crush you down to crumbles. You know how much I have respect for stuff like this, right?" but even the cold words couldn't stop that ultimately excited guy and now he was about to touch that mended Urn of Whispering Warriors with those shivering that Crane suddenly stopped him. "No touching! You'll break that Urn of Whispering Warriors!" The master kept dragging the guy against the will, mumbling under his breath, "Po broke it twice."

"Then I must break it once more and make it thrice! How about that?" Crane sighed, "Let me show you the next one." and kept forcing the boy.

Down there, the three masters with the two humans by their side were enjoying Mr. Ping's noodles in the busy restaurant, slurping the soup and gulping the dumplings.

"Seiously," Fulvio said while chewing on a dumpling, "No matta… how many times I come here…" gulping "the taste to all the stuff here remains just delicious as ever!"

"Yeah!" Artur said, slurping the last strip. "Every time I come here, it's all always as if it's the first time eating here! I wish I had a stomach like you, Po."

The gentle giggle escaped as the panda tapped his furry tummy. "Yeah! You surely need this guy for my dad's cooking."

While Po kept talking, Monkey nudged Artur gently, showing him something with that naughty giggle. As the talking panda so unaware put down his bowl of hot soup, it was stealthily stolen by Monkey and exchanged with his own empty bowl in a flick.

The panda soon picked up the bowl again without giving it a watch, and lipped it but nothing flowed into his mouth except a brownish drop that barely kissed his lips. "What?! Where did my—" and the naughty giggles foretold him everything. "MONKEY!" and now, outburst laughing.

Raising slowly the bowl to the lips, Monkey said, "Just as always, it was quiet easy to make a fool out of you, Po!" The panda gave him an annoyed face that made him look even cuter.

"But be careful." Little Master Mantis said among the chuckles. "People around can make fool outta YOU, Monkey!"

"Huh! There's no one here more quick-witted than m—Wait a sec!" but his bowl was empty as well! "Who did that with me?!"

"One person around even more quick-witted than you!" Startled! Everyone looked at that guy. It was Artur now slurping the bowl of the panda friend."Mmm! It's brilliant!" and now, everyone laughed again, Monkey irritated.

The irritated master was about to snatch the bowl but missed and Artur gulped down all of the soup quickly and fled out of the restaurant with Monkey chasing him, leaving the rest laughing.

"I've never wondered we'd get so much along together! It's really great!" Fulvio spoke with the last of his giggles.

"Hey, tell me how the two of you became friends." Po asked.

"Wow! A sudden question outta nowhere!" Fulvio replied.

"Y'know, watching you guys so close makes me wonder. Always!"

"Now that you've asked it, I'll tell you," said Fulvio. Po was excited to know, leaning more close, his eyes big and cute with the lamp light reflecting. Mantis on the other hand had the rest of his senses to his tofus but had his ears to Fulvio. Fulvio began:

"So, Artur and I had been friends since four years in the same school. Artur was a lil' afraid but I went and talked with him. He used to eat alone in breaks. I really did felt bad for him being alone. Seniors would try to eat his lunch sometimes. They even tried to bully him many times as well!"

"Really?!" The Panda asked with a jolt, so full of worries and sympathies. "What did you do then?!"

"Well! Artur never fought. Uh… So being his friend, I did protect him!"

"Oh! That's good!" Mantis spoke.

Fulvio continued, "Yeah! And how those two years slipped away with our growing friendship, we didn't realize! Finally, got stuck in here… but I'm glad! I'm really, really glad to have you guys as friends here!" All those memories left a faint grin on his face.

"Awww, what a cute story!" blinking his big, cute eyes twice, Po said, but another question disturbed him suddenly. "Oh! I also wanted to know… what is wrong with Kay. Y'know, he's always like… cold and dark! Both he and Dan were in the same class as you, right? Tell me something about them!"

"Oh! Kay and Dan!" Fulvio said. "The two were best buds since I came. I always watched both of them having fun and stuff. Almost every time!"

"Really?!" Po was surprised.

"Yeah!" They were known for the liveliest guys in the class! They laughed and chuckled, making everyone chuckle! The two were friends with almost everyone at the campus."

"Was Kay really like that?" Asked Mantis after a sip.

"Yeah! He actually DID use to laugh, and make others laugh! Just about three months from now, I dunno what happened with him but then, he turned… bad." and the negative word grew sadness on everyone's face.

"That's… sad!" said the downhearted panda. "But why is he only around Daniel?"

"It's 'cause Dan was his very first friend. He's a really nice guy though. Y'know! Still, it's hard to believe he's Kay's friend."

"Yep!" finishing the last sip, Mantis said. "They both are like the two sides of the same coin. One's dark and dreary while the other is bright and cheerful."

"Po!" Fulvio said, a solemn expression on his face.


"I haven't seen it myself but I've heard rumors that Kay knocked down 12 guys at once on his own. Many people at the campus said that we they've watched him go in dangerous places, fighting gangs of the city."


"Yes. Po, I want you and the rest of the Five to be careful!"

In the panda's mind, a memory reflected all of a sudden; him being called by the wise Master Shifu.

"Po," old voice of the wise master echoed, "Sooner or later, the valley will be covered by the shadows of evil. The problem would be related to him. I want you to be careful."

"I will be." Po replied gently to his human friend, with a faint smile. "You don't have to worry! I'm the Dragon Warrior, remember?"

Fulvio giggled. "That's fine then!"

No worries on the chubby face could be seen that a cry startled the moment suddenly. It was Artur, rushing to them, repeating, "She's coming! She's coming! SHE'S COMING!" throwing his entire body on the furry panda, panting.

"WHO?" simultaneously, the three asked.

"M-Mei Mei! It's Mei Mei coming for you again, Fulvio!"

"WHAT?!" Fulvio suddenly cried, getting up. "Just when on earth will that girl leave me?!" The other two friends giggled.

"I'm dying here and you guys are laughing?!"

"Not laughing!" Mantis said. "Actually, you two really suit each other, right Po?" and now laughs.

"Po and Artur, come with me and save my butt!" Fulvio said, almost outside now.

"And what about me?" asked the little Master.

"Today's money is on you." Artur said. "And when Mei Mei arrives, tell her that Fulvio had died."

"What?" Mantis asked, his little jaw hanging. "Clearly tell me what should I—"but it was too late for the three had already disappeared. "Oh boy! That's great!"

The green master had moved hardly a few paces that the lady panda Mei Mei arrived at the spot, panting. "Where… Where is that handsome human? Monkey told me he was here with you and Po."

With the confused face and nothing in mind, Mantis replied, "Uh… Umm… He died… literally." but got a cute, solemn face of the annoyed lady panda. "That's what Artur told me to tell you." but same cute, solemn face remained still that left a nervous giggle on the little, green face.

The night had arrived and everyone had now, just like most of the nights, gathered in one of the rooms in the barracks, sitting around one flickering lamp, exchanging their life stories. As usual, the only one missing was Kay who seemed to prefer loneliness more than gossiping and chit-chats.

As the young man sat outside the Jade's doors, watching the glimmers of the valley, inside, all the masters had already started telling their tales, criticism, jokes, and laughs.

"…and then I said 'Boo!'" and everyone laughed on the witty Master Monkey's joke, except Tigress who giggled a little. Sitting beside Dan, Viper asked, "Where is Kay? Doesn't he want to come and join us?"

"I asked that idiot like a thousand times!" replied Daniel. "He said it would be boring so he's just sitting out, feeling the air. Just forget about that idiot." Dan said it without caring a little. It was because he was the only one who knew his friend's nature.

"Hey Dan!" Artur called. "Remember the day when you locked someone else in the toilet, thinking it was Fulvio?" Everyone listened intently.

"Oh yeah!" Dan replied, his cheeks red. "That… That really was a great mistake in my whole life!"

"What happened after that?" fully excited, Mantis asked.

"I came out from the toilet next to the one he locked." Fulvio replied eagerly. "And his face was worth watching! His eyes were almost popping out!"

"That was totally crazy" Artur said, and everyone laughed again.

"Po," Tigress spoke, "Why don't you tell them how you planned on cooking rice by eating them raw and drinking boiling water after that?"

"What?! For real?!" Artur asked, easing on his shoulder. Everyone giggling.

"Well," the panda replied, eyes trying to hide from everyone, "That was not so good idea."

"Okay then," Monkey jumped in the middle, "Do you remember how I tasted your cooked pants, thinking of them as hot soup?"

"What are you talking about, Monkey?" Daniel asked full of surprise.

"C'mon, guys! I had no basket or something to wash my pants!" Giggles and chuckles again in the room.

"Well, it did smell good unless you told me, Po!"

"Guys," said the irritated panda, "It's not only me in this room here! Get someone else to laugh on!" but there chuckles still stung in those black, furry ears.

It got a little late than schedule for everyone to sleep so one by one, everyone now left the room, going back to their own. The rest had entered their rooms and closed the paper-doors by now. It was Po walking back to his room with Fulvio and Artur by his sides, talking how much fun it was the whole day.

Entering calmly the barracks was the solemn human, Kay, walking straight, maintained. Fulvio saw him coming but seemed to ignore him as he talked his way through to the room. A few paces far, Po did ask out of friendliness how Kay was doing but the solemn face did not reply, just passing by. Whether mistakenly or on purpose, but the shoulders of opponents slightly bumped.

"Watch it, fatty!" roaring at Fulvio, Kay stopped at once.

"You better watch where you're going!" Fulvio reflect the same anger.

"What?!"Kay sniggered. "Even the fat-face can talk now!"

"Don't call me that!"

"Guys, GUYS! You don't need to fight." The panda tried his best to calm down the situation. "Besides, everyone's sleeping inside!"

"Huh! As if I really give a darn about that!" Kay roared, his voice guttural. "And I'm not concerned with you so shut up, panda!"

"You are no one to call him that!" Fulvio again, moving onwards but stopped by Po.

"Don't tell me you can fight." the solemn-faced guy again. By now, their voices had everyone wake up from their rugs and peek out for their curiosity.

"Kay," Artur spoke in his trembling voice, "You don't need to fight. It was j-just an accident. I'm sorry from Fulvio's side."

"You don't need to be!" Fulvio thundered at once. "I AM going to fight him!"

"Don't be an idiot!" Po stopped him suddenly.

"That's great!" Kay murmured, and then without a second thought, thrust at Fulvio, leaving his friend Dan behind, shouting to stop. Kay was almost there to punch Fulvio in the face but a hand interrupted, and a sound bounced in the barracks, the one like the releasing of cannonball from a cannon.

"No one touches my friends!" It was Po, now turned pretty solemn, totally opposite to the sweet and humble panda, grasping the strong fist. Watching Kay's fist almost near to touch his face, Fulvio realized that if his chum Po was not there, he would have had pretty serious damage. He startled and was surprised.

"What're you gonna do, panda?"

"I'll fight if needed."

A faint giggle inside, and now the fist of the bad one cracked, tightening into itself, but soon, it loosed as a gentle palm of his friend landed on Kay's shoulder. "Kay, we're going from here."

The Five came out, Tigress speaking,"You cannot leave like this, Daniel."

"No, I guess we can no longer stay here." Dan said, his anger-filled eyes glaring at Kay. That expression shook Kay a little for never in his life, Kay had seen his friend that angry.

"Get lost!" At once, Kay jerked off the hand on his shoulder that surprised Dan. "I don't need you to be with me. You better off your way. I better off mine. Don't need any sidekick anymore." And then those solemn paces took him outside the barracks, and then the Jade Palace.

All of them were totally astounded—wonder stricken and sad as well, especially Daniel who had his heart shattered. The night grew darker, and the rooms, quiet. That night, everyone slept with muddled thoughts of the incident. Po tried to talk to his friend Daniel to lessen the pain. Though a little, but the panda's chat did help in a peaceful sleep. Watching the face of the sad friend asleep, Po's heart melt and he gently ruffled Dan's hair. "Don't worry. Everything is gonna be okay!"

Somewhere in the valley on a high mountain stood Kay against the rushing, cold breeze; those solemn eyes perceiving the whole town, mainly the Jade Palace to the left. Out of a pocket, he drew a count-down watch counting down from 30:20, and then put it back inside, eying at the valley again with those cold eyes. "I wonder if I'd make that far."

What intentions does the eyes hold, no one knows. . .