"Why don't we just kill him?'', Frieda asked nonchalantly.

Red smirked. "Frieda, you're such a naughty girl, aren't you?"

"Think about it, Red. It'd be fun and quick and we could get rid of him easily. So, why not?"

Red rolled her eyes in frustration.

"Listen to me", she muttered through her teeth, "we are not going to kill him. End of story."

"Why not?" she exclaimed, "I'm serious, Red. Let's forget about the schemes and the plans and do something special. This bastard needs something more than a dismissal."

Red looked around the kitchen and then moved closer to her. It was breakfast time and the other women were busy, serving or cooking, so no one seemed to pay attention to them. Besides, the two women talked in a low voice, but still Red was in concern.

"Frieda, I don't want him dead. Death can be a relief in many cases. I want to humiliate him, to torture him…", she hissed through her teeth.

"Okay, okay. Got it. You're the boss Red, I just had an idea. Let's forget it."

Red sighed. "Did you talk to Morello?"

Frieda nodded. "She'll be on the lookout for us."

"Perfect. Everything is going perfectly."

Red smiled and took a sip of her coffee. She sighed with satisfaction. Then, Frieda cleared her throat as she was looking towards the dining room and Red turned to look in the direction she indicated.

Sam Healy was walking towards them with steady steps and Red couldn't help but feel a knot tighten her stomach at the sight of him. To her dismay, Healy was ignoring her and Red wondered whether or not he was doing it on purpose.

''Berlin, you're out of bounds", he said, warningly.

"Oh", she said a bit surprised, "I'll leave. We just talked."

"So, leave or you'll get a shot."

"Practically, she's not out of bounds."

Healy looked at her. "What?"

"She is out of the kitchen, so I think we're okay."

"Reznikov!", he barked, "Do you want a shot too?"

"Fine", Frieda said dryly, "see you later, Red."

When Frieda left, Red turned to him and then, looked at him examiningly.

"What was this about?" she asked as she narrowed her eyes.

"I'm only doing my job."

She raised an eyebrow. "And why did you call me Reznikov?" she asked in a low voice.

"We have to talk", he muttered.

"Will you give me a shot?"

"Did you listen what I said?"

"Yes, you want to talk. Now?"

"Yes. My office, in five minutes."

"Why did you ask to see me, officer?" Red asked sarcastically when she closed the door of his office behind her.

"Oh, Red", he sighed sitting at his desk with his head resting on his hands, "sorry about earlier, but I'm very worried."

She sat down in the chair opposite him and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well, I didn't like your attitude and your behavior. Yesterday, we were fine, we made love and… anyway", she closed her eyes and shook her head, "but that you did earlier… you took advantage of the power you have over us – over me."

He looked up at her and he looked sorrowful.

"I'm sorry. I feel quite nervous today."

"This is not a reason to treat me like this. You're not a child, Healy. Moreover, I'm… I'm a bit afraid when you treat me like a police officer treats an inmate. You said you love me after all!"

"I do! I'm really sorry, Red. I just… please, don't do it."

"What?" she exclaimed.

"I thought about it yesterday when I got home. Your plan is dangerous and you could get into big trouble. Please, let it go."

Her eyes opened wide and she smiled – disappointment evident on her face.

"You don't understand, right? You don't understand the way he treats us, he humiliates us – me. Maybe he seems reasonable for you. He's a CO and we're criminals. He's a man and we're women. Yeah, I see it clearly now…"

"No, Red. What are you talking about?" he asked irritated.

"Healy, we've known each other for many years. I know the kind of person you are, so I wouldn't be so surprised, I think."

She didn't look angry but her voice was cold and her glance was stern. Healy tightened his fists, feeling nervous.

"Red, please don't continue. I think we'll regret it."

She stood up and hovered over his desk, looking at him.

"You're wrong. I don't have regrets, Healy and I know for sure that I don't need another timid, controlling and prejudiced man in my life. I've already had one for 23 years", she snorted.

He looked at her and she could see he was angry.

"Red, you can't compare me to him."

She scoffed. "Why not?"

He stood up and grabbed her wrists making her look at him.

"Because, I love you, damn it and it's not because you're the mother of my kids or my wife for 23 years but because I'm in love with you and I feel like I can't live without you. I risk my life for every day but I don't even care and I really try to become a better person and not to be the man you don't want to have by your side and… and I just can't help myself when it comes to you, Red."

She was shocked and blinked back a few tears. She wanted to believe him but she was afraid that all these were only words.

"So, why aren't you by my side?" she whispered.

"I am, Red. I really am but I'm also afraid. I don't support Piscatella but I don't want to lose you and you don't even want to let me help you. You could end up in max or Piscatella could hurt you... "

"Yeah, okay", she interrupted him, "there are risks in life and we take them."

"Do you believe what I'm telling you?"

"I don't know, Sam. I don't feel like you are by my side but I can't even blame you. I'm not unreasonable; I know that you don't really have to do this, to support me or whatever. Maybe… I asked for too much. But now… I understand. You should be entirely out of this."

"What do you mean, Red?"

"If I fall, I fall alone. This is what I mean, Sam."

He tried to approach her more, but she drew away from him.

"You can't be alone, Red. We're together now."

"Not anymore. I want to end things with you", she said coldly and looked away.

"What? You can't be serious!"

"Of course, I am. Sam, I won't be able to stand myself if something bad happens to you because of me, because of that shit, Piscatella… you have to take care of yourself and if I'll end up in max, then you have to help my girls. Do you understand?"

He tried to say something but Red put her finger to his lips in order to silence him.

"You don't deserve to go down with me, end of story. You're a good man and you respect this fucking system. You love your job and you try to be a better person for it, not for me. Stay on your side of the bars, Healy."

Healy wanted to protest but he felt he didn't have the courage to do it. He didn't care about his job more than he cared about her. After his breakdown, he thought of quitting his job, but he stayed because of her. He never told her.

"But you love me. How can you leave me?" was the only thing he asked in a broken voice.

She let out a bitter laugh and turned to leave.

"If we're meant to be together, eventually we'll find our way. I believe in soulmates, remember?"

She opened the door and looked at him in the eye. She sighed. "God, I'll miss you."

Then, she left and he slammed his fists on the top of his desk.

"I'll miss you too, Red", he muttered.

The things were going according to her plan. Frieda and Nicky pretended to have an argument and Red could hear Piscatella's loud voice, trying to calm them down. Meantime, she was in his office opening his drawers and searching among his papers and personal objects. To her dismay, she couldn't find anything useful, although some photos and love letters were quite funny.

It was until she found a big file box beneath other boxes. The others were empty, but when she opened the last box, she found some papers. She didn't have the time to read them analytically, but she could see Piscatella's name on them. So, she hid them under her uniform.

She was about to leave when she heard a strangled cry from the corridor out of Piscatella's office. Red recognized Lorna's voice. "Shit", she mused, "something went wrong".

Before she could react, she felt a sharp object hitting her head and she fell on the ground, crying out. Then someone kicked her back and after a while, she lost consciousness.