Series: Kim Possible

Pairing: Kim P. x Shego

Disclaimer: This story contains lesbian parings and relationships. Don't like, don't read. All characters and concepts are the property of the original creators, not me. This story is a work of fiction for entertainment only and no profit is made from it. This story is owned by me, Mereel Skirata, and cannot be used or reproduced without my permission.

Shego hadn't moved from the window for a good five minutes, her palm resting on the glass. But for her it might as well have been five hours. And certainly could have been for all she knew. She had just gotten up for a quick drink of water but had been stopped by the view out of the window, by the yellow rays burning across the sky with red tinges cutting through the sparse clouds as the golden sphere rose slowly from over the hills that would have otherwise dominated the skyline.

It had been years since Shego had looked at a sunrise, more years than she could remember really. But looking at this one she had to wonder why she had stopped. An easy question to ask perhaps, but less easy to answer. Truthfully, she couldn't remember why. Maybe she had just been too caught up in other things to think about it. And yet that answer didn't ring true either.

'You're up early.'

It took a few seconds for those words to disturb the peace that filled Shego's brain. And even then disturbed wasn't the right word. She had just been lost in the view out of the window that she hadn't noticed Kim stirring behind her.

'I guess I am.' Shego said with a smile.

'Something on your mind?' Kim asked as she sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

'Not really.' Shego turned away from the view. 'Not at all. I just woke up early.'

'Guess there is something to be said for us taking on the little cases.' Kim stretched and yawned, patting the bed. 'It's nice to have someone else running around saving the world once in a while.'

'Well, you'd better get used to it.' Shego slipped back under the covers and snuggled up to Kim's side. 'What's the good of being part of a worldwide crime fighting organisation if they can't pick up the slack now and then. And I'm going to have to insist it's more than then.'

'It was nice to actually pick up some of the cases from my website too.' Kim smiled.

'I'm not sure some people would agree.' Shego allowed herself a small laugh. 'Not with me tagging along anyway.'

Kim replied with a amused grin that didn't quite hide the grimace underneath. It had been unfortunate that the first case Kim picked up was for possibly the one person from her contacts that had run into both her and Shego. And not in the best of ways either. Still, she could hardly blame Nakasami or whatever his name is for being shocked when Kim turned up to provide security for his daughter's prom with someone who had tried to kidnap him in the past.

'That was a one off Shego.' Kim blushed.

'Would have helped if you had told me where we were going.' Shego chuckled. 'Still, it was worth it just to see the look on his face.'

'Not as much as yours when that jock tried to hit on you.' Kim said with another soft laugh.

'Good thing he was drunk.' Shego said wryly. 'Otherwise I wouldn't have let him off so easily. Anyway, given the look he was getting from his girlfriend, he might have gotten off more easily if I had killed him.'

'He might have done at that.' Kim smiled. 'I'm just glad that was the worst thing that happened.'

'Me too.' Shego agreed. 'Now if we can just get this case we are working on wrapped up. It's starting to bug me.'

'It's just thefts of metal from recycling plants.' Kim rested her head on her shoulder. 'What's so odd about that?'

'I think you just answered your own question Kimmie.' Shego grinned. 'Why steal scrap metal? All the thefts happened in Smith City yes? One of the largest industrial towns this side of Steel City. And with more than its far share of factories and steelyards and the like. Why not steal from there instead?'

'Thrifty?' Kim suggested. 'Who knows. Maybe they don't want to attract attention to themselves.'

'Well, bad luck for them that didn't work out.' Shego grinned. 'Anyway, are you hungry? I was thinking about taking a nice long breakfast before we get started. The longer the better.'

'You just don't want to face the paperwork.' Kim teased.

Shego didn't reply but her scowl told its own story.

Kim hadn't exactly been wrong though. Shego couldn't deny that as she stretched her shoulders, feeling the muscles there pop and groan in both relief and complaint. If Shego had known that light duties would have meant this, she might not have been so eager to take it on. It wasn't the small cases that bugged her. Far from it. It was the amount of paperwork that came with them. And right now she was drowning in it. Witness statements. Crime scene reports. More witness statements. Case histories of similar crimes. All of them stacked in various piles across her desk.

'Seems you are settling into it.'

'You think?' Shego found herself smiling, which must be a sign of how frustrated she was if Dr Director arriving was something she saw as a welcome distraction. 'I'm just a glorified clerk right now. Digging through old cases for anything to match minor crimes.'

'At least you have one case on the go right now.' Dr Director observed.

'Oh. Yes.' Shego tapped the folder on the edge of the desk. 'Theft of junk from metal recycling centres. Four in the last two weeks. Same MO each time. And the only clue we have is the same black van fleeing the scene. Crime of the century that. At least we are getting somewhere with it. Kim is out checking out the last place they hit. I'll be joining her there in a bit.'

'It's okay Shego.' Dr Director said. 'You don't have to keep me in the loop. I trust you two know what you are doing. I'm not here to talk about your cases anyway.'

'Then why?' Shego sat back slowly. 'Cause I'm guessing this isn't a social call.'

'In a way I suppose it could be. Since this isn't official yet. But I wanted to come to you with it first.' Dr Director said slowly.

'With..what exactly?' Shego asked carefully.

'A job. More like a promotion. I'm sure you two are aware your probationary period is coming to an end. Which means you get signed on as proper agents. That's a certainly. What isn't is where you will be based of course. Which is why I haven't made this post available yet. I wanted to give you first choice.'

'First choice of what?' Shego pressed.

'To head up the field office in Westlake City. Once it opens. I know it's not Middleton but it's close enough to be able to live there and commute easily enough.'

'And why is this coming up now? It just can't be because our probation is nearly up.' Shego said thoughtfully, the full impact of what she said still sinking in.

It's not.' Dr Director hesitated, that pause making Shego think she must be getting close to her real point. 'You've been noticed. It can't be a surprise to you that your actions recently have drawn a little attention.'

'Well, if anyone doesn't like what I'm doing. They can come and talk to me. Not try to sweep me under the carpet somewhere.' Shego said bluntly.

'That's not what is happening here Shego.' Dr Director said evenly. 'I'm not going to sugar coat it about how a lot of Global Justice sees you. But that isn't all of them. People have started to notice you and the good you have been doing. Not all of the Directors are like your father. You have more supporters here than you might think.'

'So, this is a real job offer. Not just somewhere to keep me out of the way?' Shego couldn't keep the surprise from her voice.

'Global Justice isn't a charity Shego.' It was hard to tell if Dr Director was offended or not. Even after having known her for better part of a year, she still found that reading her was a hard thing to do. 'We work for a living here as I'm sure you've noticed. There is a bit of waiting period while we get things set up. So you have some time to talk to Kim and see how you two feel about this.'

'I will.' Shego said distractedly. 'Thank you.' She didn't even hear what or if Dr Director said towards that, her thoughts no longer turned to her paperwork, more thinking about how she could go and meet Kim a little early.

'We could really go back to Middleton?' Kim said the first word she had spoken since Shego had picked her up in the unmarked car she had collected from the field office, having sat quietly in the passenger seat while Shego repeated what Dr Director had told her.

'If we take the job.' Shego replied. 'Dr Director didn't exactly say where in Westlake City it would be. But maybe she doesn't know herself yet.'

'But she definitely said it would be close enough to commute?' Kim asked. 'And you would be okay with that?'

'You know I'm not really the commuting type. I'm more the drive myself to work kinda girl.' Shego teased. 'But if it makes you happy then it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Seriously Kimmie, you remember what I said when we left Middleton? About how it was the closest I felt to somewhere I could call home? That's still true. I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be. And I think you feel the same.'

'It's tempting.' Kim admitted. 'It's more than I hoped for really. I was imagining being posted on the other side of the world or something. But to be close to home. We could even find a place of our own there. It would be really great to get a place of our own.'

Shego bit back her instinct to tell Kim they shouldn't rush into this, knowing that feeling came more from her uncertainty than anything else. And that wasn't a reason to deny what Kim clearly wanted very much. 'Might mean doing more slow work like this you know.'

'You think so?' Kim grinned. 'If it's near Middleton, it will be near to Go City as well. Two cities that have a reputation for some pretty bizarre stuff going on. Heck, your home was so weird it needed actual Superheroes to look after it.'

'Very funny.' Shego flicked on the indicator lightly with one hand, smoothly turning the car to the left. 'But you do make a good point. From what I understand it's going to be just us and a small support staff. Not sure where that puts Molly and Drake really. Dr Director really didn't mention them.'

'I'd hate to break up the team though.' Kim mused.

'Yeah, I know what you mean. I...Bloody Hell.' The rest of Shego's words were cut short by the screeching of tires as for a second everything slowed around her. From the corner of her eye, and in bizarre slow motion, she saw the black truck speeding around the corner at them. Only a split second twist of the wheel pulled them clear, the offending truck clipping a fire hydrant before speeding off down the street. 'Road hog.' Shego swore.

'Shego, that's them.' Kim sat forward, her eyes fixed on the truck.

'What?' Shego flicked a quick glance at the fleeing vehicle. 'Seriously?'

'Black van. One door painted grey. Chicago plates.' Kim was already replaying the security camera footage on her Kimmunicator, obviously checking her facts.

'Right. Buckle up.' Shego said mostly on instinct, putting her foot to the floor, the sudden increase in speed seemingly no obstacle as she weaved through the light morning traffic. She just hoped they didn't get stopped by the police. They really need one of those cars with lights like detectives use on tv.

'I'm glad it's not rush hour.' Kim said, mirroring Shego's thoughts. Not that it would have slowed her down but with the way they were driving they would have crashed into someone by now. Even with the roads as empty as they were, it was still a miracle no one had been hurt yet.

'We've got to put a stop to this.' Shego said grimly. 'Now they they've seen us, they aren't going to...'

'I don't think they have seen us.' Kim said quickly. 'See. They are slowing down.'

'That's some good news.' Shego did the same, pulling back to keep a few cars distance between them. 'What do you think? They just pulled another heist?'

'Reasonable bet.' Kim agreed. 'Question is, what did they boost this time?'

'I don't think it really matters. We can ask them when we catch up with them.' Shego said. Something that seemed very likely right now, given that the van had turned off the main streets into the suburbs, the tall skyscrapers giving way to much smaller blocks of houses that became more spread out the further they went along.

'Where exactly are they going?' Kim asked bemused. 'It's an odd place to hide out. Then again, these guys aren't exactly Drakken are they?'

'That's an understatement.' Shego scoffed, lightly turning the wheel to easily follow the target round a corner, kicking up a flurry of leaves in their wake. 'These guys make Drakken look good. As for where they are hiding out, I'd say over there is a good bet.'

'Well..that's kinda...'

'Normal?' Shego finished, carefully pulling the car to a halt a good few metres down the street before taking a glance at the house behind them that looked pretty much like all the others on the street. 'Who knows what we are going to find inside though.'

'Good point. We should call this in before we go any further.' Kim suggested.

'You don't think we can handle it?' Shego asked.

'It's not that. We were just supposed to be investigating remember. Not arresting anyone. Better see if we can make this stick.' Kim already had pulled out her Kimmunicator.

'Agreed.' Shego said shortly, letting a smile cross her lips to show Kim she was not angry with her, just showing her usual frustration with regulations.

'So..' Kim said carefully while she waited for her call to be connected to Dr Director. 'Could you see us living here?'

'What?' That question totally caught Shego off guard.

'Sorry, that was kind of out of the blue.' Kim rubbed her hair.

'A little.' Shego nodded lightly. 'Honestly, Kim? I have no idea. Settling down somewhere really wasn't something I ever thought about before.'

'Oh.' Kim said quickly, her tone almost sounding hurt. 'Yes, Dr Director. We're here. Yes. Yes. That's correct. Yes, ma'am. I see no reason to let them slip away. Understood.

'So, are we are going in?' Shego was all business now, fully and completely focused on the job at hand.

'We are.' Kim replied. 'I guess that we should knock.'

'Guess we should.' Shego smirked. 'Allow me.'

'Shego, you can't go blowing up every door you see.' Kim chided.

'Wasn't planning on it.' Shego grinned wickedly. 'I can't wait to see their faces when they see us standing outside.'

Before Kim could reply to that, Shego strode up the path and rapped smartly on the wooden door; the sudden sound sending a couple of birds into flight from the tree behind them. Silence followed for a second then a voice could be heard on the other side. 'I'll get it. This had better not be someone..'

Whatever he was going to say they never found out. The door opened to reveal a slightly lanky young man just out of his teens, his freckled face falling as soon as he saw Kim and Shego. 'Holy fu..'

'Language.' Kim said lightly. This time it was her turn to be cut off as the door slammed.

'Now can we knock?' Shego asked dryly.

'I think we can.' Kim replied. ' you hear that?'

Shego sure did. But then again it wasn't hard to ignore the raised voices floating to them from around the back of the house. With only the briefest of glances, the pair quickly followed the voices to the source. Which turned out to be the garage set just to the side of the house. Or at least the three figures standing next to it. One of who was the young boy who had slammed the door in Kim's face, the other two not much older. If Shego was any judge they were within a few years of 16 years old, with the typical teenage lankiness that came with that age. Two of them, including the one they had surprised a few minutes ago, could have been brothers; both with the same build and untidy crop of black hair. But the third with his fiery red hair and tanned skin looked very different.

It was that one that turned to fix them with a stare. 'So, you have found us. Congratulations. But your success comes too late.'

Kim and Shego shared a glance, a glance that was long enough for her to see that Kim was more amused than intimated. That was okay. She was in the verge of laughter herself. But she managed to keep her composure.

'You guys have to be the most inept bunch of wannabe mad scientists I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot of them. I mean, seriously. What did you guys think you were going to do with the junk you stole.' Shego asked coolly.

'You really think it was junk? Of course, to someone like you it would have seemed that way. But you do not divine the higher purpose we have turned your mediocre technology too. A purpose that only ones of our genius could have comprehended. Or even thought of.'

'Boy, are you guys full of yourselves.' Shego shook her head. 'Are you going to come quietly.'

'Not until you have seen the fruits of our labours. Behold and tremble beforeā€¦ M.A.L.W.A.R.E.

'M. .A.R.E?' Shego repeated.

'Mobile Attack Locator Weaponised Assault Remote Exactor. And you will soon see it's genius.'

As he spoke, his raised hand tapped the button on the remote control with gleeful triumph. A button that immediately started the shutter on the garage raising with a judder; the light slowly parting the shadows to reveal a hulking metal shape still shrouded in the gloom. A shape that rose up as a deep red glow flared in its eyes, prompting Kim and Shego to leap back quickly.

At least until the shape shambled out of the shadows with a lumbering gate, it's left leg dragging a little behind it; the rusty and twisted metal scraping and grinding with each ponderous step that threatened to send it tumbling to its feet. Some have eschewed the humanoid form to be the pinnacle of robotic design. But one look at this hodgepodge creation would have smashed that opinion. It couldn't even be called humanoid really, the arms and legs not just misshapen but completely the opposite of anything symmetrical.

'Oh yeah, we are trembling.' Shego managed to say without laughing. Just. 'Seriously. Is that supposed to scare us? I mean really?'

'You dare mock us? You will...ouch.'

'I think you guys are doing that yourselves.' Shego lowered her hand slowly, her blast that knocked the remote from his hand having done its job. 'Just give it up will you?'

'Our creation will destroy you.' He screamed. And that might have been intimidating if their creation hadn't chosen that moment to collapse into a pile of the junk it had come from, smoke and steam rising from it even as the clattering of the metal faded.

'You were saying?' Shego said evenly.

Whether it was her stare or the collapse of the robot that did it, Shego never found out. But something made them turn and run. Even if they didn't get very far. Kim made sure of that. A leap, a kick and a throw was all it took to leave them groaning in a heap.

'There. That took care of that.' Kim said brushing her hands off.

That wasn't quiet the truth of it. But with the three of them handed over to the police, there was little more to do until the reports had to be filed. Which lead to Kim and Shego leaning on the fence outside the house.

'Kim.' Shego said. 'I didn't mean to upset you earlier. With what I said.'

'You don't have to apologise Shego.' Kim replied.

'I think I do. I've never really thought about settling down anywhere. Which doesn't mean I don't want to. It's just...I have no idea where to start. I have no idea what I'm looking for. My whole life has largely been about me. But something like this..I don't have any idea where to start.'

'We start where we always start Shego. As a team.'

'Sounds good to me.' Shego managed a smile.

And here we go with the start of the next arc in my ongoing and developing world of KiGo. Now its time to actually narrow things down and get into the more down to earth and almost family oriented idea that this whole set of series has been building up to. While that does mean less of a focus on action, there still will be some world spanning adventurers and amazing fights. Don't worry about that. I'm actually excited about this cause now I feel I'm getting to where I wanted with this and can start to write the ideas that have been sitting around in my head. Hopefully you guys feel the same and that you enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading. Enjoy. Mereel.