I do not own any rights to Gilmore Girls. The characters are creations of Amy Sherman-Palladino.

Paris pounced first. "What was Tristan doing here so early in the morning?"

"He stayed over."

"Obviously. Did you sleep with him?" Lane inquired happily.

"If by sleep, you mean actual sleep, then yes." Rory stated matter of factly.

"Oh, loin fruit, she's asking if you two had sex." Lorelai quipped.

Rory rolled her eyes, "I know and that's not really any of your business, but no, we didn't."

"I thought that you two were just talking. How did it lead to him staying over?" Paris asked as if she were writing a news article.

"Yes, yes do tell and don't leave anything out." Lorelai said as she took a bite of a red vine that she'd found in the kitchen. She offered the others some as well.

Rory told them everything starting from them hanging out the day after Paris's engagement party to the moment she opened the door. Then, she looked at them, expecting more questions or a lecture. She was wringing her hands and paced back and forth in front of them.

"I think that you should take this chance. Having known Tristan for as long as I have, I still see the old Tristan, but we all grow up. We change. I mean, look at us. We hated each other." Everyone nodded at Paris's statement.

"Loin fruit, if you like Bible boy, we will give him a chance. If he hurts you, we know people that know people that do bad things."

"Mom…" Rory gave her mother an exasperated look.

"What? I'm just putting it out there."

"Okay, anything else you want to know?"

"Is there anything else you want to tell?" Lane answered with a question and a mischievous smile.

Rory shook her head no. She had already told them everything, even about the date tomorrow. They all stared at each other for a moment before practically dog piling her. They took her upstairs to her room to help her find the perfect outfit for her date.

After trying on her 10th outfit, she fell onto her bed, face first and was completely irritated that she couldn't find an outfit.

"I can't go on a date. I don't even know what to wear. I don't have anything to wear." she said as she rolled over onto her side. All the clothing laying underneath her.

Paris and Lane were still looking through her closet when Lorelai grabbed a dark green chiffon A-line top and a pair of black skinny jeans.

"This. This is it. Put this on." Lorelai shoved the clothing in front of Rory's face until she sat up to take them from her.

Rory put them on and then looked in her full length mirror. Paris, Lane, and Lorelai were standing behind her watching as she turned from side to side and inspected the outfit. She then turned around to face them. She was smiling approvingly.

"Finally," Paris remarked as she sat down on the bed.

"You can either wear these black flats with the gold tip or these dark grey suede pumps. Depends on where he's taking you." Lane showed her and laid them out, so she could choose tomorrow.

"Now that we found you an outfit. Let's go have lunch. I'm starving." Lorelai said as she began helping the girls put the clothing on the bed back where they belonged.

"I'll change and we can go eat." Rory responded as her phone's text message alert went off. She picked up her phone and looked at it.

Tristan Dugrey: Hey, I hope everything is alright.

Rory Gilmore: Yeah, everything is good. We're about to head to lunch. :)

Tristan Dugrey: Ok, I'm glad. How about tomorrow we have dinner at my place? I'll cook.

Rory Gilmore: You can cook?

Tristan Dugrey: Yes, I can cook. Learned it in military school and realized I actually liked cooking.

Rory Gilmore: Okay, that sounds nice. Wait...you aren't trying to seduce me, are you?

Tristan Dugrey: I'm always trying to seduce you. ;) Haha. I really do want to cook for you.

Rory Gilmore: Alright, send me the address and time.

Tristan Dugrey: No, it's a date. What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't pick you up? I'm coming to pick you up at 6pm.

Rory Gilmore: Okay, okay. I have to go. They are all trying to read my text messages over my shoulder. See you tomorrow.

Tristan Dugrey: Hello ladies. See you tomorrow, Mary.

Lorelai pouted, "Aw, why did you have to tell him we were reading? You two could have started sexting."

"Mom! Eww…Don't say sexting ever again."

The rest of the afternoon and evening went as planned. They had lunch, went shopping, went to a movie, and then came back and watched old episodes of The Donna Reed Show until they all fell asleep.

Sorry, I've been busy as usual. Also, fun fact: Tanc Sade aka Finn followed me on Twitter a few days ago for no apparent reason. :D